Bleach System Within Bleach

319 Chapter 319 : Forever Friends!!!

As all this was happening Senna was waving her sceptres causing wind and lighting along with autumn leaves vanquish many Hollows only for another Hollow to appear.

At the same time, Hitsugaya encased several Hollows in a pillar of ice, which shatters. Everyone was doing their job as Yamamoto was holding back with the other Captains and Vice Captains the dome's expansion.

Yamamoto and the others are all being pressured on the outside. Outside, Yamamoto has discarded his haori and released his Zanpakutō, Ryūjin Jakka, while Komamura and Mayuri have activated their respective Bankai, Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō and Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō, all of which are holding back the expansion of the dome.

And they weren't the only ones Byakuya and Renji along with Rukia had brought out their most powerful skillset in order to hold it back.

Kusaka at this point as Sora was playing with Yin and Yang, fired a beam of yellow energy at him.

Sora: "You never learn do you i'll just send it back at you....."

Sora, before he managed to finish his speech, saw his doors shatter one by one from the sheer power of the beam and dodged himself.

Sora: "Whistle, what power, the last time i remember a door been destroyed that easily was with the Quincies."

As Hitsugaya was fighting a few hollows, Kusaka fired ice blasts shaped liked the ice dragon of Hyōrinmaru at him. Hitsugaya saw this and generated his own ice dragon, which collides with Kusaka's dragons in an explosion of ice.

Hitsugaya's ice dragon breaks through the ice explosion and went to constrict Kusaka, as the ice dragon bites his neck.

Kusaka's forehead glowed and then a rotating ring of symbols appears above him. Coming down in him, Hitsugaya stabs his forehead and fires an ice dragon, which goes through Kusaka's head and comes out the back as his wings shatter.

Meanwhile, the Hollows on the ground stopped moving and Sora with Senna looked at the top. Standing in front of the headless Kusaka, Hitsugaya lowers himself to the ground as the ring fades.

At that moment a pillar of blue light extends from Kusaka's neck into the sky, the rest of his body shatters. As the blue light begins to erode the dome, Hitsugaya deactivated his Bankai. As the dust clears, revealing a panting Kusaka, Hitsugaya stared at Kusaka before they prepared themselves.

Assuming a battle stance, both of them pulled their swords as they charged at each other and stab their bodies. As their blades grind against one another, Kusaka recalls pulling out his sword in the Central 46 chambers and telling Hitsugaya Hyōrinmaru should belong to him.

As Hitsugaya begged him to not do this, Kusaka charged at him, forcing him to pull out his own sword and block as an ice dragon emerged from the clash and froze Kusaka.

In the present, as light begins to shine through the clouds, Kusaka's Zanpakutō falls to the ground and breaks.

Kusaka: "So it was true you were the chosen one."

As he begins to disperse into blue energy, due to having been impaled, Hitsugaya tells him they will always be friends. At the same time, Hitsugaya heard thanks from Kusaka before vanishing completely.

As Hitsugaya bids him farewell, the blue energy rises into the sky. As the blue energy ascends into the clouds, several streams of yellow energy converge at one point, and the Ōin reforms. As it descends to the ground, Sora picks it up and used his flames to devour it.

After hearing the sound of completing the quest he saw Hitsugaya standing still, he walked over to him. When Hitsugaya saw him he offered his thanks again for his help and at that moment Senna with Yin and Yang appeared as she had tied them for their safety.

As Hitsugaya looks at them he sighed, he went to where Kusaka's broken Zanpakutō was and put it on his cloak.

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