Bleach System Within Bleach

333 Chapter 333 : The Crazy Mayuri!!!

Laughing, he picked up the vials.

Mayuri: "Ku, Ku, Ku, Ku a new artificial soul has been borned..."

As Mayuri took the first vial with the former Kusaka inside it he tried to do the same with the second one but then the electricity went out.

Mayuri: "That's odd i don't remember using that much energy during the last 10 or so hours..."

As he looked around, a scythe-wielding figure appears behind him and slashed through him. As Mayuri stumbles, he fell on the pillar that contained the second vial making it drop down from there to the ground, losing its glow.

As Mayuri stood up he saw a massive machine and wonders what it is. Calling out to him, 12th Division Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi runs up to him and asks if everything is alright.

Nemu: "Mayuri-sama are you ok??"

Mayuri: "Who are you?? What are you doing here??"

Nemu: "Mayuri-sama i'm Nemu the 12th Division Lieutenant"

As she expresses confusion and begins to approach him.

Mayuri: "Stay back!!! You came here thinking that you would be able to apprehend me but you are mistaken if i would sit here and watch you do that!!!"

Mayuri then an from there with Nemu aftering him from behind as he was running through the hall, he trips and fell as Nemu asked what is wrong.

Mayuri: "Aaaaaahhhhhh stay back!!!!!!"

As he kept running towards his computer, the scythe-wielding boy smiled as the vial glowed in his hand.

Somewhere within the room where Mayuri got slashed in a side of a corner the other Vial that fell when Mayuri started running broke and revealed a lightbulb that was slowly pulsating...

When the power comes back on, Mayuri reached his room with the computers and backed away in confusion as someone stared at him from an alcove.

As the system crackled with electricity, Mayuri grabbed his Zanpakutō and released its Shikai, Ashisogi Jizō.

Nemu the appeared behind him and grabbed him.

Nemu: "Captain Mayuri, what are you doing."

Mayuri: "Let me go!!! I won't let you capture me!!"

He started slashing at the air in front of him, and after a few, swings he broke free and stabs his Zanpakutō into his computer.

Mayuri: "You will not get my research!!! Urahara!!!!"

As several loud pops are heard, a voice states abnormally high levels of Reiatsu have been confirmed and started rising inside of building seven of the SRDI.

A last popped up window appeared in the screen with a few numbers that stunned Nemu before it got destroyed by Mayuri... (38 Hours)

As the voice said the time for the destructive activity to start on the top floor and an extremely dense cloud of Reishi have started charging inside the containers of the Division.

A mechanical voice resounded on the Seireitei and requested emergency assistance from all of the available Shinigami of each division.

A few minutes had passed and the 6th Division Lieutenant Renji Abarai along with 9th Division Lieutenant Shūhei Hisagi arrived and asked Nemu what was this all about...

Nemu then appeared in front of them with an unconscious Mayuri and all 4 of them rushed to the 4th division...

Returning back to 2 days later, Unohana had finished telling Sora what he had missed which left him puzzled...

Sora: "So the alarm i heard then was because Mayuri went nuts???"

Unohana: "Truthfully, here is the thing we can't figure out what happened and sometimes we forget his name or looks, not just him even others have shown the same symptoms..."

Sora: "Have you investigated his barracks??"

Unohana: "Yes, and we found a lightbulb pulsating there and put it in quarantine..."

Sora: "What the hell he created again??"

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