Bleach System Within Bleach

341 Chapter 341 : Traces!!

On the 6th Division Byakuya walked into his chambers after a few minuted he stopped, prompting his attendant to ask if something is bothering him.

Saying it is nothing, Byakuya goes through several rooms in his quarters. Seeing a desk with papers on it, he got closer to it and then he saw one of Rukia's drawings on the wood.

Standing in front of a shrine, he looked at a portrait of Hisana Kuchiki. After some time he felt someone behind him and turned to look who it was only to see Sora.

Sora: "It's rare to see you so absent-minded."

Byakuya: "The fact that i can't remember someone who might be my relative is quite disturbing."

Sora: "Therefore you are looking for clues??"

Sora: "Sure seeing a picture of Hisana, that looks a lot like Rukia might help in jolting a few vague memories."

Sora: "So have you noticed anything??"

Byakuya: "Kuchiki Rukia..."

Byakuya: "You stated she is my younger sister-in-law, but how did you know that??"

Before Sora could answer the doors opened revealing many shinigami and Byakuya told the Shinigami to stand down.

At the same time, Renji came in and asked why Sora was here.

Sora: "I'm here cause i'm bored what about you??"

Renji: "I'm here cause i keep feeling i'm missing something."

Sora: "Eeehh... That's quite something."

Renji: "What do you mean by that??"

Sora: "You looking for traces, we all know you suck at that department."

Renji: "Shut up.!!!"

Byakuya: "Keep it down you two."

Sora: "So from where are you going to start for clues.??"

Byakuya: "Hisana was born in the 78th district of Rukongai, Inuzuri. Therefore i'll start from there."

Sora: "Well good luck with that, i'll try and find the two before you."

As he said that Sora vanished from there leaving the 2 looking at the empty air...Meanwhile, Rukia sits on a roof.

Rukia: "Sighs...."

Girl: "Rukia can i sit here??"

Rukia: "Sure..."

Girl: "Is something wrong??"

Rukia: "Even though i have come home to this town for the first time in many years, i feel like a stranger because i know almost nothing about myself."

As the girl puts her head on Rukia's shoulder, Rukia said to her that they waited for her and the names she promised to give them for many years. As the girl looks up with tears in her eyes, Rukia promised she will give them those names.

Girl: "Thank You!!!"

Looking at the sun, Rukia gets up, prompting the girl to ask what is wrong. Seeing a hill, Rukia remembers standing with Renji beside the graves of her deceased friends on this hill.

Rukia: "I remembered a few things..."

Meanwhile, Renji as he was training with Zabimaru he put a hand to his head, he wonders what is wrong with him. A few minutes later the spirit of Zabimaru materializes making Renji be confused as to why it would come outside.

Zabimaru: "Why are you that hesitant Renji??"

Renji: "What do you mean??"

Zabimaru: "Have you forgotten the reason you became shinigami?? Wasn't it for her??"

Zabimaru: "Didn't you rush and learn Bankai so that a trial like last time with your loved one never happens??"

Renji: "When did i train in Bankai??"

Zabimaru: "Have you forgotten everything which you have been taught and become a pathetic warrior."

Renji: "What are you talking about?? Taught by whom??"

As Renji had been frozen in shock. Elsewhere, at a park, Byakuya was sitting and recalled his past with Hisana.

In the past, Byakuya and Hisana walk over a bridge. When Byakuya asks if Hisana went to Rukongai again today, Hisana confirms this and apologizes.

Stating it is alright, Byakuya says he knows why she keeps going, but he is concerned about her health. Apologizing, Hisana states it is something she feels she has to do. When she breaks into a coughing fit and falls to her knees, Byakuya expresses concern, stating to her she is not alright.

Hisana smiled at him before stating she must continue her search, no matter how far she pushes herself.

In the present, Byakuya notes she was searching everywhere, but he does not remember what she was searching for. Getting up, he pulls back a panel to reveal a bookshelf. Pulling one of the books out, he reads through it and expresses surprise at something.

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