Bleach System Within Bleach

35 Chapter 35 : The Menos Grande

Sora: "Damn it how the hell did i forget something like this!!!"

As Mc was complaining about this, so did Rukia as well because she was already at her limits she had to kill countless Hollows using <First Dance and Second Dance> repeatedly along with Hado and Bakudo making huge ice pillars in every corner of the town and also quite a bit of hole like cracks that spread like a spider web without managing to reduce any of them..

As things stand right now she wouldn't be able to do anything else except buying a bit of time...

Yoruichi saw how grave it was and decided to join the fray but because she was hidden from the Gotei 13 she decided to transform into a cat yet again and fight like that.....

While the battle was going on between the parties Sora activated his Custom Bakudo <Formless Doors> and went on a killing spree with his bare hands along with searching for the marble...

During the whole mess The Menos Grande took notice of him and fired countless <Bara's>at his face making it difficult to dodge and kill, he then used the doors in such a way that each <Bara> were fired at the ones Rukia was fighting.....

BOOM boom BooM waves and sounds of explosions were coming from behind Rukia while fighting a tad difficult opponent, she felt that she had now, more room to fight back and as she turned her head around she saw many ashes drifting in the air...

Rukia didn't know if she should laugh or cry that a Menos Grande was helping her more like it was treating everything as ants... When she finished her last Hollow in front of her and while being a bit pale and she checked the surroundings for any stray Hollow after seeing nothing she went after The Menos Grande....

Sora was starting to feel really pissed and it wasn't long that a stray <Bara> hit his legs right on his knees. Cold sweat was oozing out of his forehead a little bit above and his Crotch would have become history...

AT that time he stopped moving and turned towards the big ass Menos and looked at it with eyes full of darkness not a speck of emotion could be seen on them. The killing intent was spreading out of his body making everyone who could feel it quite shocked...

Ichigo on the inside while was watching the show and laughing with imaginary popcorn as he thought from the memory of MC that they were quite delicious he spit the food and stared with eyes wide open on the whole show of almost losing their body part....

Both of them got pissed off so much for the first time that they actually agreed on a single thing without speaking and that was (This Fucking Menos Needs To Die!!!!!)

Little did they know that a pitch black shadow that normally had yellow almond eyes while fighting with Hollows she happened to saw this and was enraged far more than them turning her eyes into Dark Red with purple lighting flicker in them... she had one thought and that was (This Fucking Menos Needs To Die!!!!!)

Rukia, on the other hand, was sensing 3 different killing intents towards a single target as she thought about that she spoke her mind out....

Rukia: "I don't know who these people are but that Poor Menos Will die!!"

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