Bleach System Within Bleach

352 Chapter 352 : The Past!!

As the dust settles, the boy and the girl lying on the ground while Sora was holding Rukia before letting her go.

After a few seconds, Rukia recognized him, prompting him to smile and greet her. At the same time, Rukia noticed something and saw the boy and girl lying on the ground.

Sora: "Go, try and help them..."

Listening to his words Rukia run over to them, she grabs her hand and stated to them that she is right here.

Girl: "Are you really here??"

Rukia: "Ummnn... i'm here..."

Girl: "We were punished because we did not listen to you..."

The boy crawled up to them and as he reached out he grabbed Rukia's hand, making her finally see what happened in the past...

But before she could see their memories she heard his voice saying not to hate him and his sister, which cause Rukia to look at them in shock.

In the past, as the girl screamed for Rukia to help them, Rukia kept asking where they are as was running aimlessly before she runs up the hill.

Arriving at the top of the hill, she sees the boy and girl being confronted by a Shinigami.

Rukia: "Stop that!!!"

As the Shinigami didn't listen to her, she runs at him, and as she did the shinigami prompted to slash at her.

Kicking him in the leg, Rukia hits him in the face thinking that she beat him she turned over towards the boy and girl and asked what is going on.

As Rukia saw them being afraid she bent down and hugged them.

Rukia: "Are you two alright.??"

Boy: "Behind you be careful!!!"

When the boy tells Rukia to looks behind her, Rukia turned to see the Shinigami preparing to strike, Rukia counterattacked by forming a ball of Kidō and blasted him away with it.

Boy: " Rukia!!

Girl: "Rukia!!"

Rukia: "Stay behind me!!"

As Rukia tells them that, a dark Reiatsu started surrounding the Shinigami. Rukia who was seeing this up close she wonders what he is.

The Shinigami got up and started speaking in a hoarse voice as he stated he wants their Reiryoku. Coiling around him, an image of a parasitic Hollow appeared and said that this body this body is useless to it.

Rukia: "You two RUN!!!!

As Rukia tells the boy and girl to run, the Shinigami attacked her. As she was dodging, she attempted to hit him with Kidō again, only for him to find his chance and catch her arm.

When he did he punched her in her stomach and then lifted her up by the throat.

Rukia: "You are a monster, not a Shinigami."

As the parasitic Hollow was hearing praises from Rukia he brought out its tail making the boy to call out to Rukia with a worried face.

As the Hollow placed its sickle in Rukia's mouth, the girl stabbed him in the leg with Rukia's Zanpakutō.

Girl: "Leave Rukia Alone!!!"

Hollow/Shinigami: "Get lost!!!"

The Shinigami punched at her face making her fly meters away before landing.

Rukia: "You!!!!"

Hollow/Shinigami: "Shut up!! You are next... But first, this thing is in my way!!!"

As the Hollow/Shinigami pulled out her Zanpakuto she clenched her neck, even more, making her slowly lose her consciousness and darkness fell over her...

Rukia: "Damn it!!!"

Hollow/Shinigami: "You are in my way!!!"

The Shinigami squeezed her neck even tighter before thewing her away and walked towards the two. At that moment, Rukia's vision blurred and faded to black.

After minutes Rukia waked up and couldn't understand why she was on the hill above, he sword lay there for no apparent reason...

Her only thought was did she passed out while training???

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