Bleach System Within Bleach

368 Chaptre 368 : A Weird Feeling!!!

A few hours later both had got up and dressed before looking at each other with red eyes, Hinamori was looking like that because she was embarrassed while Sora was looking at her with loving care...

Sora: "Now, now i wonder how far in your job you have fallen staying for hours... Do you want a little bit of help??"

Hinamori: "And who's fault is that??"

Sora: "Aahahaha, but seriously do you need help?? Company maybe??"

Hinamori: "No, i've kept you to myself for 7 hours, the others will get jealous..."

Sora: "Be more greedy..."

Hinamori: "Fine give me a last long lasted kiss..."

Sora: "Pffffttttt... Ok it counts as greedy..."

Sora went and hugged her as he brushed her hair and gave her a kiss... It was really a long one almost 5 minutes which caused both of them to be out of breath.

Sora: "There, are you fine with that??"

Hinamori: "No, i also want to you buy me some food later one..."

Sora: "That might be a bit difficult to accomplish as when i visit everyone i'll return temporarily to the real world."

Hinamori: "Ughh!!!!!"

Sora: "But after i finish everything here i'll pass again and treat you..."

Sora was looking at her pouting and sulking red cheeks that seemed to calm down after the latter words he said.

He then opened a door and slowly entered inside, Hinamori was looking at him before he vanished completely making her sigh from missing him already.

Hinamori: "At least i took a huge step forward, but seriously when did i change??"

As she was lost in her own thoughts she walked out of the Library and headed towards her room that had a ton of her worst nemesis, it was paperwork...

Up in the sky, Sora was moving towards Unohana and then he planned to go towards Rangiku and then Soi Fon. He didn't know how to go and court Isane and Kiyone as he didn't even have the slightest contact with them...

Sora: "Well, i did talk to Isane a few times, but still that doesn't make it as a reason to court her..."

As he was complementing this fact he suddenly saw in the sky a few black butterflies and as he was looking at them more and more appeared out of nowhere.

Sora: "This?? Aren't those the Jigokuchō?? How come there are so many of them flying around??"

Sora: "I don't remember this event at all..."

As he was trying to remember anything related, the only thing that came to his mind was a summoning game of bleach that used them, but that was out of the question as this was the reality not a game...

At that moment, a butterfly sat on his nose which pissed him off as he didn't realise it was coming at him, when it did a message popped up in his mind...

'Come To The Sōkyoku Hill'

Sora: "The hill?? Why go there??"

Gyaku: "Barbeque maybe??"

Sora: "It's almost night...."

Gyaku: "So?? It's the best time with a bonfire and everything..."

Sora: "You read too much of my memories..."

Gyaku: "But i'm bored here and that pale version of yours have vanished, for now, your so-called Guide has quieted down which is kinda disturbing..."

Sora: "Now that you mention it i'm not getting any quests as of lately, especially sub ones..."

Sora: "Oh well, it's my Guide, something like a teacher, we may not be in the best conditions with each other but i doubt it would do something to actually harm me without a way to reverse it..."

Gyaku: "So where are you going now??"

Sora: "I was planning to get some alone time with Unohana, but now my plans changed i'll go for sightseeing..."

Gyaku: "Just a thought can it be that all Vice Captains and Captains were gathered there?? Doesn't that mean all your wives will meet??"

Sora: "Oh!!! Fuck!!!!!"

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