Bleach System Within Bleach

401 Chapter 401 : Hollow Zanpakuto!!!

With Isshin half ass winning of Engetsu he landed on the ground and stared at his sword with a pondering expression...

At that moment a circular door opened and Sora came out as he looked left and right trying to find who was fighting only to be greeted by Unohana, Masaki, Yuzu and Karin...

Sora: "Wasn't there a fight here a minute ago???"

Isshin: "There was but, i kinda won..."

Sora: "What do you mean kinda??"

Isshin: "Well..."

Isshin started explaining how the whole fight went and how it progressed, along with the half ass ending that proclaimed his as the winner...

As Isshin finished speaking, Sora started explaining to them with a bit of trickery that in their trip they went to that place it refined their reiatsu and a few energies remained hidden on their bodies that would nourish their souls...

But since they split from their Zanpakuto it also slowly refined their bodies....

Masaki: "Then what about me??"

Sora: "Well for starters, you can already walk in soul society unhindered that means your sour has completely healed..."

Sora: "Now you can practice your own Quincy powers or become something like a substitute shinigami..."

Masaki: "I'll think i'm gonna stick to my Quincy powers which i'm more familiar with..."

Sora: "Unohana, there is a piece of new information i want to relay to everyone with the help of Isane..."

Unohana: "What news??"

Sora: "First any Zanpakuto that had killed their owner is showing signs of hollowfication... Second Yoruichi located Yamamoto's whereabouts..."

Unohona: "Is that real?"

Sora: "Yes, i've already sent Ichigo to search for them and kill them before anything weird happens..."

Sora: "At the worst case scenario kill all Zanpakuto and each shinigami including Captains will have to retrain them..."

Sora: "As long as their host is alive in the end it doesn't matter who kills them..."

Unohana: "Then i'll tell Isane to spread this knowledge..... I'll also try to spread this in their Zanpakuto hoping for them to stop this assault..."

Sora: "I'm gonna go and search for the old man..."

Unohana: "Be careful..."

As he was about to leave Yoruichi and Soi Fon arrived... They all saw them in what kind of state they were in and Soi Fon was panting way too hard...

Sora: "Soi Fon stay with Unohana so that she can heal you..."

Sora: "Yoruichi let's go...."

Yoruichi: "Wait...."

Before she could speak he vanished with shunpo giving her a few tick marks on her forehead, and thunder flickers in her eyes before she followed as well with a dangerous glint in her eyes...

Isshin: "Ahh too bad Urahara has the shovels..."

Masaki: "Did you say anything honey??"

Isshin: "Nope, nope nope, nothing at all...."

Isshin started sweating and his back got the chills when he heard Masaki speaking about his comment on Sora being dead...

Everything went as per what Sora had said to Unohana and eventually after more than an hour everyone learned the hidden danger of the shinigami's death by their swords hands...

Somewhere far away from there on the forest, Rangiku and Hinamori were battling their own Zanpakuto and were almost at their breaking point before their minds flashed with this new information...

Rangiku: "Ehh?? Is that real??"

Haineko: "Ughn... I don't want to test that theory..."

Hinamori: "I don't think there will be a need to..."

Tobiume: "Umm... Look..."

Countless red eyes appeared in the dark forest that was looking at them, they were walking towards them and slowly but steadily they could feel a bit of their reiatsu changing significantly...

When they got close enough for the rays of the moon to shed light in their faces all four were shocked to see partially formed masks on their faces...

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