Bleach System Within Bleach

48 Chapter 48 : A One Sided!!

Sora was starting to float from the ground to the air looking down on them... and emanating a killing intent far worse than anything before... he looked at them and asked them with a cold voice....

Sora: "IS everyone from the Quincies dead????"

Although after much thinking he figured out a few points calming him down a bit, as he wasn't 100% sure and that compel him to ask.....

Bazz-B: "Who are you brat how did you kill Quilge Opie.....???"

Sora: "Xmmm ME?? Hey, chicken head you're talking to me??"

Bazz-B: "Y_o_u mothr#@#@%@# bast$#@%$#rd You'll die!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Cang Du: "Calm down.....and the truth is you do look like a chicken head....."

Candice Catnipp: "Axahxahxahxhaxhahxhahxha so true..."

Bazz-B: "You slut say that again i'll burn you...."

Candice Catnipp: "Huh what did you say BAzzy...."

They started ignoring Sora who was starting to get pissed off at them so he raised his own finger, in fact, it was a fist with the middle one and fired from there a Kido at them..

Sora: "<Hado N.4 : Byakurai>"

A lighting sparked and flew from the finger travelling at an incredible speed at all of them.... As they saw that they were pissed he fired an energy blast from THAT finger and they tried to avoid it by splitting up too bad for them the moment it reached them it didn't pass but disappeared from their view....

Seeing a lighting ray vanish from their sight they became alert as the remember how Quilge Opie died and split even further away from each other waiting and waiting none of them dared to let their guards down...

5 minutes have passed but still nothing Sora looked at them and was laughing because in reality, the ray was right in their asses meaning behind them.... the reason they couldn't see it it was because of the <Formless Doors> he had activated when he first arrived after seeing his mother and his little sisters lay down....

Candice Catnipp: " You tricked us, are you even a man playing tricks huh...!!"

Sora: "Sorry i have a girl furthermore i don't like your ass since it is getting pierced very soon.."

Black veins appeared on her head and lighting started flashing around her body but before she could move the ray caught her unguarded falling in her ass.... the only thing that remained after the flash was a scream of pain..... and a deadly silence from everyone else

Sora: "After all that will someone tell me what happened to them???"

Candice Catnipp: " YYYYYYYYYoooooooooooUUUUUUUUUUUU"

Sora: "Since none is speaking no worries i'll just kill you and see for my self..."

The moment he said that his killing intent erupted further making them flinch and entered battle positions he raised both his hands with his fingers upwards towards the sky and said to them...

Sora: " Oh Yeah I'm the guy who messed up your King's plans 10 years ago and Even now i will simply trash him again for messing with my FAMILY!!!!!"

Sora: "<Souls Of The Eternals Flames - Who Reside In The Burning Sun And Cold Moon - Burning Illusion Freezing Reality - Hot Wind And Cold Void - Blend In The Everlasting Life Of Man> <Bakudo Custom N.2 : Mirrors Of Eternal Hellish Lotus>...<Spiritual Domain>.....<Revolving Heavenly Reishi Blades>"

As he activated his skills an incredible pressure befell them countless lights that transformed them into Lotus Flowers some visible some invisible and others transparent..... along with 10 Revolving blades that spread around him spinning at alarming speeds.....

When they said all that they swallowed anything they wanted to say and only a single thing stuck in their minds....while Sora confirmed it for them....


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