Bleach System Within Bleach

541 Chapter 541 : Swapping!!!

Starrk: "What was that??"

Shunsui: "Hmm?? You think you have enough time to ask without playing??"

Starrk felt something was off and used Sonido as a wave of petals rushed to the spot he was...

At that moment he turned around and fired a wave blast at Byakuya who was caught by surprise as he didn't expect for him to keep up with his petals and speed...

However, he didn't stop and charged forward as a sword was formed by petals in his hands... The moment the blast engulfed him and passed by, Starrk was shocked to see a cocoon filled of petals covering Byakuya as he waved his sword and slashed at his chest...

Lilynette: "Starrk!!! Oi Starrk!!!"

Starrk had a blank look on his phase before he used Sonido and vanished appearing a few meters away from where he was initially as he looked at his chest seeing a small red horizontally line dripping with blood...

Starrk: "I'm fine!!"

Shunsui: "We did all that just to simply cut a bit of his fur and wound him lightly in his chest??"

Byakuya: "If you are not up to it you can cover the other area..."

Starrk: "Both of you are looking down on me... Huh...!!!"

Shunsui: "No, no on the contrary facing two Captains that should be an achievement..."

Starrk: "Then allow me to get serious..."

Starrk: "Wolves!!!"

Starrk blazed wholly with blue light from his whole body before it turned into flames splitting into hundreds of sparks...

From there he summoned a pack of grey wolves, seemingly numbering in the hundreds.

Both Captains were stunned seeing this and immediately entered in the battle stance yet again... They then heard Starrk give them a command as they started running through the air towards them...

Both Shunsui and Byakuya saw them rushing at them as they tried to bite them... One of them tried to bite the petals of Byakuya swords and another managed to get close to Shunsui before the wolves erupt in explosions of varying size and power.

The explosions were so powerful that they disrupted the fight of the other areas...

Luppi: "Look at them going all out... Instead, i'm disappointed at you... Matsumoto-chan.."

Matsumoto: "Haf... haf...."

Luppi: "How about i finish you right here and now!!!"

Luppi used his tentacles and send a wave of torrent at her who had surrounded herself with the ashes of her Shikai she had activated earlier...

His hands like tentacles passed through her ashed as they left scratches on them and pierced through her body as she was bleeding slowly...

Just as he was about to celebrate for his victory he felt a cold sensation and as the ashes cleared what was in his sight was an Ice statue in front of him with a shorty wearing a Captains Attire...

Luppi looked around and saw that Matsumoto had swapped placed and was now facing Nakeem who had half his body frozen...

Luppi: "Oh, impressive teamwork to do this under my nose... But compare to them it seems you are lacking..."

Hitsugaya: "Believe it or not even though i'm a Captain i'm weaker than them... That doesn't mean you should underestimate me..."

Hitsugaya: "I will have my hands tied defeating you in my Shikai, therefore, i will show you a Captain's true power..."

Hitsugaya: "Bankai!!! Daiguren Hyōrinmaru - Grand Crimson Lotus Ice Ring"

Hitsugaya's Bankai causes ice to flow from Hyorinmaru onto Hitsugaya, starting at his right arm, which ice forms onto in the shape of a dragon's head around his sword hand, encasing the sword up to the hilt, which also changes from the shape of a four-pointed star to that of an eight-pointed star.

The ice continues forming up over his shoulders, with two large wings sprouting from his back and a long tail. The ice forms down his left arm and encases his hand, which ends in a claw.

Hitsugaya's feet are encased in ice in a similar manner to his left hand, as they also end in claws.

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