Bleach System Within Bleach

55 Chapter 55 : Buying Time Even With Help

As SORA and ICHIGO were preparing for the final round on the outside they had reached a critical point of charging their Arrows.....

Cang Du: "Ready to pay for your useless struggle Against our Majesty...."

Bazz-B: "I'll burn you to smithereens..."

Candice Catnipp: "I'll fry you all bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Urahara and Isshin were ready to play their final cards as they saw their doomsday coming for them....Ishida was clenching his fists making blood come out of them while Masaki, Yuzu and Karin were unconscious on the ground....

It was at that moment that all 3 fired their overcharged Arrows and both of them got up and almost yelled BAN..... but they heard something unbelievable behind them...

??? : "BLOCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

They didn't have time as they kinda felt familiar with the voice they frown and both of them raised their hands channelling as much Reiatsu they could.....

Urahara: "Tsssss <Bakudo N.81 : Dankū>"

Isshin: "<Bakudo N.81 : Dankū>"

2 Transparent walls were raised one behind the other just a tad earlier before the Arrows reached them. The arrows clashed on the walls preventing them to go further stalling them for a few seconds before cracks were heard from both of them it was then they heard the voice again....

??? : "<Dance Sode No Shirayuki>"

??? : "<First Dance Tsuki shiro>"

A huge moon appeared under the walls emitting cold light and raised a huge pillar of ice reinforcing the walls and weakening the arrows but it wasn't enough the pillar along with the walls crumble and only 1/10 of the arrows remained heading for their hearts.....

??? : "<Second Dance Hakuren>"

But before they hit them 4 lines of snow like appeared on the ground creating a blast that clashed with the arrows nullifying each other and saved them by a hair's breath...

They turned their heads towards the person who helped them and it was Kuchiki Rukia with a cat on her shoulder both of them panting by the pressure they got just now...

Yoruichi: "Kis_uke are you guys alright...??"

Urahara: "You're injured!!!??"

Yoruichi: "It was Sora he drugged me an hour or so earlier and sent me to Tessai where i woke up..."

Rukia: " It was then that i returned from Soul Society after making my report only to feel a lot of intense Reiatsu's.... "

Urahara: "I can guess the rest....."

Before they could continue they were interrupted by the Quincies in the air....

Cang Du: "I don't believe the kind of luck you guys have!!!!"

Bazz-B: "I'll burn them as well!1"

Candice Catnipp: "I'll rip the faces of that bitch and the cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yoruichi ignored them and started looking left and right for a certain someone they noticed that and grinned as they told her...

Bazz-B: "If you're looking for that orange kid I'M SORRY he got BURNED!!!!!!"

The other 2 had a happy expression while all others had a grieving one making her open her cat-like eyes wide open and little cat mouth open.....

A deadly silence fell in the area as if there was nothing there but those 3 spread their hands again trying to charge their Arrows again leaving those on the ground in despair...

Urahara and Isshin had spent their last reiatsu holding the Danku, Yoruichi was injured and paralysed from the drugs.. Ishida was down and Rukia had used almost all her Reiatsu on the last attack to cancel the previous attack....

They were helpless, little did they know that a pair of eyes were watching up both from the ground and the skies above them.....

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