Bleach System Within Bleach

556 Chapter 556 : Senna's Shikai...

Aizen: "So you have decided to enter the war, Xiaolan Sora..."

Sora: "Are you kidding me i'm only pissed i didn't get an invitation..."

Aizen: "As i had thought then... The one in Hueco Mundo was a skilful made Gigai letting you control it to the perfection..."

Aizen: "It seems Urahara has done quite the job..."

Sora: "It's you who we are dealing with... You deserve that much attention..."

Aizen: "I'm quite pleased... But are you sure you wish to flank your flames left and right??"

The moment Aizen said that Sora had a confused expression on his face before he remembered that a freaking Arrancar was still alive and kicking...

Just as he turned his head towards Kensei he heard a loud crash and another pillar got lost with a little guy looked interesting in the flames that keep burning the yelling Yammy...

Yammy was insanely pissed being treated as cannon fodder and powered up even further making his healing match the devouring aspect of the Black Flames...

However, the more reiatsu the flames devoured, the stronger they become, so even though he had matched them he was still on the losing end...

Sora watched as Wonderweiss Margela suddenly lost it which was weird as he didn't have anything, to begin with, and smashed Kensei to the pillar sending him flying...

He then dashed towards where Yammy was and started sucking the flames while his reiatsu spiked and spiked and his appearance changed...

Wonderweiss becomes a somewhat mutated version of himself. His shoulders and thighs grew significantly larger, with the shoulders popping out upwards.

His arms and legs are also altered in size, being much skinnier than before. There are five holes in his abdomen, with two or three lines within each hole, except the middle.

His face is covered from the upper half by a tall mask with three small horns, which seems to make his eye sockets hollow.

With his new appearance, he started sucking more and more flames...

Sora: "Oh?? You modified him so that he can seal my flames??"

Aizen: "Quite observant aren't you??"

Aizen: "Originally he was meant to seal the Commanders sword, but i deemed you far more dangerous than him..."

Sora: "Congrats... Now i hope you have enhanced his ability and his form otherwise he will burst in flames..."

Just as Sora spoke, Wonderweiss started looking left and right as if he was in pain, but refused to stop sucking it was like his sole purpose was this task...

As he let out a war cry going WwwwaaaaaahhhhhHHH!!! All the flames vanished as his figure changed from white to completely dark grey and remained motionless like that...

However, if those who were close to him paid attention they would see that he was lightly trembling trying to hold down the flames...

Sora: "Impressive... He actually held on without a second form..."

Sora: "Now the question is how long he can keep this up..."

Sora: "Why don't you three go and play around with either Yammy, that retard, Grimmjaw or Starrk??"

Senna: "Then i'll pick the monkey..."

Yin: "Yin as well..."

Yang: "The first target the monkey..."

Sora: "Him?? I put him as the first target because he is already half dead..."

Just as Sora complained and was watching his girls rush for the fun of things towards Yammy, suddenly with the corner of their eyes they saw 1000 flashes coming for them...

Starrk had turned his back on Byakuya and Shunsui who were dead tired and focused his main firepower on them while he let his wolfs taking care of the two...

Surprisingly Senna used Sgunpo and appeared in front of the flashes that were, in reality, Cero's and drew her sword while commanding...

Senna: "Call Forth The Twilight Of Judgement - Mirokumaru"

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