Bleach System Within Bleach

562 Chapter 562 : Killing Aizen????

Sora: "Oh?? You found out the right amount to destroy them??"

Aizen: "It was hard i can admit that as the Reiatsu keeps changing in order to make the blades unbreakable..."

Aizen: "But i guess not any more..."

Sora: "Really?? How about we try this again..."

Sora: "Heavenly Divine Destructive Blades!!!"

Sora then mumbled under his breath a few more words that made Aizen perk his ears as he didn't hear them...

Sora: "Divine Soul Might!!!"

All the 15 blades that got summoned suddenly increased in speed catching Aizen off guard and as the wounds have been healed in his body from the Supreme Hogyoku he was now able to move freely...

This, however, went out of the window as he was trapped inside the area od his doors and like before the moment a blade entered a door it instantly left from another...

Aizen used his Reiatsu along with his sword and tried again to find the flow of Reiatsu within the blade to shatter them when they came close...


His sword clashed with the blade and it wasn't shattered instead the wind generated from the clash ripped his skin in his fingers which were healed instantly...

Aizen: "This... What happened??"

Sora: "Are?? Didn't you found out the flow earlier??"

Sora: "Fine, fine since you are about to cry i will tell..."

Sora: "As you know all things that are created from Reiatsu have a certain pattern in the flowing energy, find that and you can destroy it..."

Sora: "However as you realised my blades have increased their speeds and sharpness, therefore their total power..."

Aizen: "This means their flow of Reiatsu is changing faster than before..."

Sora: "Correct!!!"

Sora: "However they have many more perks that you are about to see in action..."

As he said that the visible blades that kept trying to hurt him seriously only to cause him minor wounds all stopped in every possible direction around him...

4 of them became invisible, 4 others started vibrating as they started spinning around themselves like shurikens, 4 have stayed like that for usage like arrows and 3 of them appeared one under Sora's feet for him to use as a foothold and two on his hands...

Sora: "Now you are about to see their full might..."

All blades spinning or not rushed to Aizen, and just as he was about to block one he felt a pain in his back, with no time to check he used shunpo on close quarters and avoided two slashed from Sora...

Doing so, Aizen faced now four blade Shurikens and raised his hands as he called a Bakudo...

Aizen: "Bakudo Arts N. 81 Danku!!!"


All four spinning one clashed with the transparent wall and sparks flew as they tried to pass through it...

Sora then appeared behind Aizen and stab through him, only to hit empty air as Aizen had vanished and appeared behind Sora with pure speed...

Before he managed to raise his hand, Sora kicked backwards his own foothold launching the blade on his feet at him...


Both weapons collided throwing Aizen a bit off, as he felt a searing pain appearing in his back with 4 bloody cuts appearing from those that he couldn't see at all...

This managed to tick him off as Sora kept slashing and slashing leaving him no room at all...

Suddenly Aizen felt something hot in his chest and saw the two blades that kept rushing at him like arrows making him groan in anger and pain...

Sora: "Is that all??"

Sora: "So much for your so-called upgraded Hogyoku..."

Sora: "No in fact since your Zanpakuto isn't working on me you lost more than 50% of your power..."

Sora: "Get lost!!!"

His blades in his chest vibrated and spun around cutting him in pieces before he blurted a mouthful and fell on the ground with eyes that wanted to destroy everything...

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