Bleach System Within Bleach

641 Chapter 641 : Clash Of Arts!!!

Everyone below who could fell the oppressive power of the Kido circle that was formed when the doubles appeared and started panicking...

Yamamoto and the others also felt that and tried to offset some of the pressure to let a few people escape as they were all common shinigami and they couldn't do anything drastic...

On the side of Sora, Gyaku kept nagging him that he should leave and that power they had released is something akin to his tear in space...

Sora: "Its its something akin to that, then there is no way i can leave them unchecked..."

Sora: "Much less activated it completely..."

Sora knew there were two times he faced with such a situation, one when he sent Ulquiorra somewhere unknown with his clone and the other when he ended Aizen...

Is this supposed to be some kind of retaliation of the realm??

As he was in his thoughts, he started hearing countless voices chanting all together and the whole atmosphere changing...

"Darkness That Shines Upon Us!!! - Blood That Exists Within The River Of Times!!! Growing Stronger And Stronger With Each Passing Moment!!!"

Within those who felt the problematic situation escalating were Kyouka, Senna, Yuzu, Karin, Nozomi, Tatsuki and Ichigo who was frowning...

He wasn't expecting this to get out of hand like that...

He wanted to go and help Sora deal with this as he could feel the power behind this Kido but someone had to protect those behind him...

Yuzu: "Ichigo-niiii!!"

Karin: "Baka-Ichigo!!!"

Tastsuki: "Ichigo will sora make it??"

Kyouka: "Don't worry he will be fine... He is stronger than ever before right??"

Ichigo: "Kyouka is right... Even though Senna and Nozomi are worrying as well they haven't said anything..."

Nozomi: "Even if i said something at this scale i wouldn't dream of stoping it..."

Senna: "I believe in him..."

Senna: "A few fakes will never be able to defeat him..."

True to their expectations Sora had already found the solution and used his forgotten or rarely used ability on all Captains below as he could tell they were not fake...

By using his a skill only made for those that reached Demi-God rank, it allows the users to transmit their thoughts or voices directly to the mind of its target...

Surprise could be seen on everyone faces about Sora's bold plan to stop them but then he would be out for good so it would be their job to finish this...

Seeing that they started putting more tone in the chanting Sora figured that they must be putting quite a lot of reiatsu in it...

He charged upwards and when he was unable to bear the pressure any longer he waved his hand and called his mask as a counter to the pressure allowing him to rise even more...

Gyaku: "Are you sure you will be able to handle that???"

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Sora: "50/50%... As i am right now... However, if i use my clone as well i might be able to pull it off..."

Sora called out his clone, and almost instantly it donned its mask as well before separating left and right at the same time...

Their Reiatsu spiked and synchronized at the same time while the ones above had finished their final chant...

"Blood From Enemies!!! - Blood From Allies!!! - RAIN DOWN AND BRING AN ENDLESS DARK WOLRD!!!"

All Mod Souls!!: "Ultimate Self Made Art!!! Domain Of Dark Cold Blood!!!"

Sora + C. Sora: ""

Just as they heard them finalizing the Kido Art from the circle dark bloody drops started appearing and trying to spread out as if they wanted to engulf everything within...

However, at the same time as the blood appeared, a voice came from hell, as from the feet of Sora black flames burst out and spread for countless meters in every direction...

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