Bleach System Within Bleach

65 Chapter 65 : 6 Months Of Epicness

Since day one. Sora had started his training on the ways of Kido's learning everything from scratch as he knew nothing on them only what he had watched from before.... he managed to find all 3 types of Kido's and started to study and trying them...

Within 2 months he had caused an uproar when the casual test Advisor came to see their true ability which surprising enough it was Aizen, he was shocked to see Sora mastering all 3 Kido's from n.1 to n.30 and execute them flawlessly to the point of instant-cast....

They were existed a few Hado's, Bakudo's and Kaido's he currently knew, but didn't know the incantation to them and when he asked the system the answer he got left him speechless...

System: I Only Know What You Know And What All Worlds Know From Being Released In The Surface But For Those Under It Host's Need To Find Them Himself Updating The Database Of <The Bleach System>

He also learned that the 3 Types had subcategories as well making the system update the current <Skills> Interface To Match it... and at the same time, he learned that many of them were LOST in the ages of time never to be recover hidden from the face of the earth.....

Sora: "System show me all Hado Arts i have learned so far...."


System: Ding!!! Opening Skills!!!

Category Hado :

1)<Hado Arts 1 : Shō (Thrust)

Incantation: Begone from me!

Description: Pushes the target away from the caster by a few feet at Bala speed with a small blast of energy directed from an index finger.

2)<Hado Arts 2 : Ken> (Tug)

Incantation: Draw them to me.

Description: The opposite of Shō, this causes a sharp tugging force on the target towards the caster at Bala speed. If unrestrained and off-balance, this can carry them a significant distance at equal advantages.

3)<Hado Arts 3 : Shottogan> (Shotgun)

Incantation: Pierce through the enemy!

Description: From one's fingers, this shoots forth a hailstorm of tiny balls of energy like a shotgun blast at Bala speed, with a conical range limit, 15m in length and 3m width.

4)<Hado Arts 4 : Byakurai> (Pale Lightning)

Incantation: Broiling black, fervent heat, be rejected!

Description: The user gathers high-density reiryoku, which they discharge from both hand. Alternatively, they point at their target with their index finger and generate a concentrated bolt of lighting towards them. Its speed is x.1.5 faster than a Bala, unique to it.

5) <Hado Arts 6 : Hyōsekkai> (Hail Stone)

Incantation: The bitter chill of winter marks your demise!

Description: The user raises one hand to the sky and numerous, icy hailstones the size of one's head rain down on the opponent from a small cloud at Bala speed.

6) <Hado Arts 9 : Hishūran> (Grasping Flame)

Incantation: The wallowing lotus pitifully clings to its ashes!

Description: The user lashes out with their hands at the enemy, creating orange flames that crawl onto the opponent's skin at Bala speed if contact is made. The flames slowly eat away at the flesh of the opponent but are easily put out.

7)<Hado Arts 11 : Tsuzuri Raiden> (Bound Lightning)

Incantation: Voltaic river, follow your course and charge!

Description: The practitioner generates an electric current through any object they touch, which damages anything or anyone which is in contact with the object the current runs through. It runs through at Bala speed.

8)<Hado Arts 15 : Ichiren Byakurai> (Pale Lightning Chain)

Incantation: Carry the arched fool to the gates of torn hearts!

Description: Fires a stream of electricity at the opponent at Bala speed which skips between targets that are within close range of one another. This can have a maximum of 5 affected targets.

9)<Hado Arts 17 : Kaze no torento> (Wind Torrent)

Incantation: Wailing Princess, guide forth death's final breath.

Description: A whirling blast of wind sets forth from the user's hand. The burst is a short compressed block of wind at Bala speed, but it can travel a great distance without its power fading. At any range, should this strike, it slams into the opponent like a steel hammer.

10)<Hado Arts 22 : Suimyaku> (Water Pulse)

Incantation: Suijin, Ruler of Water! The moon shines down on you, giving her blessings! Cast your wrath upon our foe!

Description: Shoots small surfs (waves) 1m in width towards a target along the ground, at half-Bala speed. Eight surfs can be shot in total at an interval set by the caster. The longer the interval, the higher the concentration to eventually fire it is needed.

11)<Hado Arts 26 : Hidenkō> (Red Lightning)

Incantation: Raijin, mighty god of thunder! I call upon thee! Lend me thy hate, fury, and anger!

Description: A variation of Hadō #4, Byakurai that exchanges range for power, turning the lightning produced red in colour. As the range the caster attempts to use Hidenkō increases, the spell loses potency, becoming totally ineffective past 15 meters. It fires at half-Bala speed.

12)<Hado Arts 28 : Kōtetsu no ame> (Steel Rain)

Incantation: Fall, bringers of death, for you shall empower my conviction!

Description: This is a spell that involves enveloping the air with energy into a circular cloud, which makes it slightly easier to detect. Once the energy bursts, steel needles fall down upon the enemy at half-Bala speed, piercing the opponent like a katana.

13)<Hado Arts 29 Hokoshō> (Lance Thrust)

Incantation: The tempered Lance, forged in the fires of Purgatory, the harbinger of Asura's fury! Rend through the heavens and strike down your foe!

Description: A more offensively oriented version of Hadō #1, Shō. A silver lance of reiatsu is formed and then vaulted at the opponent, surrounding itself in whorls of wind. The wind hits first at Bala speed, knocking the opponent back at equal advantages but doing no Tier damage. The lance flies at half-Bala speed and does the Tier III damage.

14) <Hado Arts 31 : Shakkahō>(Shot of Red Fire)

Incantation: Ye Lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, The sea barrier surges, March on to the south!

Description: Fires a ball of red energy the size of a head at x5 Cero Speed at a target.

15) <Hado Arts 91 : Senjū Kōten Taihō>

Incantation : Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired.

Description: Summons five spears of light that are all fired at the same focal point at Cero speed. The culminating explosion is 25 metres in radius. With incantation you can summon ten spears of light and the radius is doubled to 50 metres.


Too bad For him that in order to update his <Skills> Interface he needed to use his last <Complete Hogyoku> making Aizen feel something in the atmosphere, a familiar feeling for him and as he tried searching he got nothing, only surprise to see Sora's progress in these 2 months...

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