Bleach System Within Bleach

658 Chapter 658 : Date???

Riruka was stunned by his works and snorted at him...

Riruka: "Force me out??"

Riruka: "You are dreaming if you think you can do that..."

Riruka: "More importantly who the heck are you??"

??? : "Oh, quite the wild one huh... As expected someone who is destined to become my next wife..."

??? : "But you are right i should properly introduce myself..."

Riruka: "W-wha...what... Who's your wife!!!"

??? : "Greetings there Riruka Dokugamine... My name is Xiaolan Sora... Your future husband and father of our current and future kids together..."

Riruka: "W-wha...what... Who's my husband!!!! Whose Kids!!! Stop talking nonsense!!!"

Sora: "So could i come in??"

Riruka: "NO WAY IN HELL!!!"

Sora: "So that means you wish to go out??"

Riruka: "With you never!!!"

Sora: "I meant out of the dollhouse not with me in general..."

Riruka: "Oh... Still NO!!"

Sora: "Are you sure?? Tsukishima has been defeated and you are a sitting duck here..."

Sora: "Not to mention Urahara has caught wind of your mission and is currently outside with two soul reapers and your current target..."

Sora: "Getting out with me is your salvation and chance..."

Riruka: "He lost??"

Riruka opened her eyes wide as she knew Tsukishima's powers very well for him to be defeated was something that hit her hard but at the same time she noticed something and spoke up in protest...

Riruka: "Lies... You said defeated not captured or being dead... Which means he completed his own mission and fled after encountering you in a sneak attack..."

Sora: "While it's true that he wasn't captured or killed and did escape, that was because the one who attacked him while first giving him a heads up let him go..."

Sora: "It won't be fun if we take care of all of you right away now would it??"

Sora: "At the same time doing that would make me lose a chance to date a few of your members..."

Riruka: "What do you mean a few?? Are you a pervert that coverts more than one??"

Riruka: "Go and die!!!"

Sora: "I did say you are my next wife didn't i?? Plus i said our current children..."

Riruka: "Eh??"

Sora: "It means i'm already engaged to several figures and seeking a few mores to be part of their sisterhood..."

Sora: "At the same time my kids with all of you will have multiple stepmothers..."

Riruka: "Ehhh!!! Pervert!!! Hentai!!! Get Lost!!!"

Sora: "But if i'm lost who will save you?? Aren't you a damsel in distress right now???"

Riruka: "Ugh..."

Sora: "Since you wish for that kind of ending, then i better get going they should have noticed by now that i'm missing..."

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Sora: "After all i came with Urahara for the sole purpose of meeting a beautiful girl..."

Saying his last words, Sora started walking away from where Riruka was and apparently his words caused her to panic and at the same time thinking about going to him...

To be honest with herself, his looks were way above average and passed her criteria for someone needed to be dated...

But this whole mess was unfair and caused her to be unprepared for this...

Just his words next wife, kids and being called beautiful by him were enough to give rise to countless fantasies in her mind making her eyes tremble...

Just as he was about to open the door and leave Sora felt something behind him and when he turned around he saw Riruka appearing as a full-grown form, having exit the dollhouse on her own...

Sora: "What's this??? Having second thoughts??"

Riruka: "Hmph... Don't misunderstand, i'm not going with you because you think i'm beautiful, i will only go with you as a way to escape!!!"

Sora: "Pfff... Either way, it works for me... A date it is..."

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