Bleach System Within Bleach

666 Chapter 666 : Clash 2!!!


Tsukishima's sword clashed and sparks flew as it hit Ichigo's sword when he blocked his slash while Ginjo cursed before grabbing his cross...

Ginjo: "Don't try to bullshit me!!! You know nothing!!"

Ginjo: "All throughout history, be it royals or samurai or whatever, this world has always been ruled by minorities!"

Ginjo: "We're not the ones in the wrong. It's this world that's become too lenient towards idiots. It's time we changed all that. This time, we're gonna be the ones at the top of the food chain."

Ginjo: "Limit me???"

Ginjo: "They couldn't see how great i was into guiding those needed and those that suffered from unusual phenomena that grant us those abilities..."

Ginjo: "Look at this!!!"

Ginjo: "This is how they repaid me from elevating the powers around me!!"

Ginjo: "This badge is a surveillance device for Soul Society to observe and restrict the owner as well as absorb, analyze and control the user's Reiatsu. It is also a device for communicating with Soul Society."

Ginjo: "Do you know what that means?? Its means that i was simply a lab rat to them!!!"


Ichigo: "You keep mumbling and mumbling... Is it so much fun??"

Ginjo: "Fun??"

Ichigo: "Fun to bite the hand that fed you... The hand that gave you those powers to protect the human world..."

Ichigo: "That's how you appear right now..."

Ichigo: "Bring it... I will beat you till you understand..."

Ginjo: "Cross of Scaffold!!"

Ginjo no longer talked and now only had one thing to do and that was cover everything up even by killing his opponent...

Ginjo pulled the Saltire pendant on his necklace and turned it into a large, two-handed broadsword.

The crossguard consists of a small red gem at the center and two straight ornate arms ending in a simplistic version of a fleur-de-lis.

The sword's handle runs through its guard, continuing on through a gold hollow space at the base of its blade. The handle is almost the same length as the blade itself.

Ginjo didn't lose any time at all he gripped the handle near the base of his broadsword's blade and by swinging the Cross of Scaffold around, he generated large amounts of light-green Reiryoku which sheathes itself over the blade.

All this took around 2 seconds to be performed and Ichigo watched with a serious expression before he swang the energy towards him...

The moment he saw that, Ichigo simply raised his hand and caught the sword as it was travelling towards his desired target, it was then that the slash he caught created a massive explosion upon contact.


The whole apartment they were currently in suddenly blew up causing debris to fly around and from the dust cloud that was raised 3 figures appeared with Ichigo being unharmed while Ginjo and Tsukishima had numerous bruises on them...

Ginjo: "Monster... Not even that was capable of hurting you..."

Ichigo: "It did pack some power, but lacked the conviction to kill me..."

Ichigo: "You simply wanted me to get blasted away nothing more nothing less..."

Ginjo: "Che..."

After Ichigo's words and with Ginjo's face started distorting in annoyance, both he and Tsukishima finally calmed down from their earlier small fight and tried to look at everything outside the box...

They knew they couldn't defeat him like this and both looked at the same time each other as if nodding that they needed more power...

Without even talking Ginjo turned towards Tsukishima and stabbed him through his chest leaving Ichigo speechless and frozen for a few seconds before he rushed to try and stop him...

However, those seconds were enough for Ginjo to burst out with a powerful gust of Reiatsu that held Ichigo back while cursing in his mind...


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