Bleach System Within Bleach

67 Chapter 67 : 6 Months Of Epicness 3

Sora: "System show me all other Arts i have learned so far...."


System: Ding!!! Opening Skills!!!

Category Kaido :

None :


System: Ding!!! Opening Skills!!!

Category Uknown Arts :

1)<Uknown Arts 1 : Soul Burial> (Konso)

Incantation: Unknown

Description: Presses the base of a Znpakuto hilt against the forehead of a soul to send it in Soul Society.

2)<Uknown Arts 2 : Reverse Demen/Nullify> (Hanki)

Incantation: Unknown

Description: User emits an amount of energy equal to the opponent's art to cancel it out.

3)<Uknown Arts 3 : Mirror Door/Gate> (Kyoumon)

Incantation: Unknown

Description: A high-class barrier that reflects attacks from the outside. But is easy to destroy from the inside.


System: Ding!!! Opening Skills!!!

Category Self Made Arts :

1)<Self Made Arts 1 : Formless Doors>

Incantation: <<Creation Of Nothingness - Everlasting Void - Energy Yin And Yang - Seen And Unseen Make Everything Appear And Dissappear>>

Description: Countless Thin Doors out of air and Reiatsu that can't be seen unless the caster wants it. Able to draw an attack from one door and redirect it into another door like whack mole!!!!

2)<Self Made Arts 2 : Mirrors Of Eternal Hellish Lotus>

Incantation: Souls Of The Eternals Flames - Who Reside In The Burning Sun And Cold Moon - Burning Illusion Freezing Reality - Hot Wind And Cold Void - Blend In The Everlasting Life Of Man.

Description: The user fires from his fingers countless small lights which in turn they become Lotus Flowers With some of them could be seen others are hidden and many are transparent... Each one of them have a certain ability. <Burn To Ashes><Freeze To Nothingness><Space Binding><Confusing Illusions><Time Deceleration>.


System: Ding!!! Opening Skills!!!

Category Acquired Arts :

1)<Spiritual Domain>

Description: A Domain made with pure reiatsu anyone or anything that steps on it will have its speed and reaction slow down by 200%.

2)<Spiritual Mind>

Description: A mind that has been trained to the extreme limits when someone has learned <Spiritual Domain> Host reaction speed increases 200% / 200 Points In Intelligent.

3)<Spiritual Soul Clone>

Description: A clone made by Reiatsu and the thoughts of Host's that can remain hidden inside the environment. A Soul Clone has the half stats of the host. If Clone is withing Domain he has 75% of Host stats...

4)<Revolving Heavenly Reishi Blades>

Description: Blades that created from Reiatsu that rotate around themselves revolving around Host's body they can be visible and invisible and be used for both defence and offence.. Current Blades : x 10 / Within Domain : 10% increased speed - 10% sharpness

5)< Sword Forms > (Mastered)

Description: Basic Forms Of Swords That Anyone Can Practice Even Humans... Practising These Forms Gives You + 5 On All Stats Permanently On Each Level Up Except On Your Reiatsu.....

6)< Kenpachi Sword Forms > (Mastered)

Description: Forms Of Supreme Swordsmanship Practiced And Created By The First KENPACHI Which Name Is Unkown In The Gotei 13 That Has Been Developed For Future Tittle Holders... Practising These Forms Gives You + 50 On All Stats Permanently On Each Level Up Except On Your Reiatsu.....


After he had finished checking everything he was quite pleased but somewhere deep inside him something was bugging him why he couldn't learn Kaido Arts even though he had the records of them.....

Well since he didn't know about it he left it for the future who knows.....

Day after day had passed and kept improving at an alarming rate and eventually, 4 more months had passed... During that time he had completed many Sub-Quests and gained many S.P and A.P from levelling up, as many Quests had Level's as rewards although it was 1 or 2 max each time it was enough to make him soar closer and closer to 200 level...

He had mastered the foundation of his Forms and the evolution of <Gluttony> was still underway getting closer to perfection with each day finally the day of selection had come where they will go on a mission along with a Captain and Vice-captain to choose for the most promising Aide to graduate from the Academy....

(will MC make it stay tuned to the next Dragon Ball Z.....)

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