Bleach System Within Bleach

676 Chapter 676 : Human World 2!!!

??? 6 : "I'm Yukio, a converted Quincy with the designated Letter "H - The Heat."

??? 7 : "I'm Jackie, a converted Quincy with the designated Letter "I - The Iron."

??? 8 : "I'm Giriko, a converted Quincy with the designated Letter "J - The Jail."

As their turn came up, they decided to keep it as much as simple as they could, this, however, caused Ryuken and Ishida to frown as another category came in their heads...

Based on what they knew from those Five a few years ago their letters correspond into an ability and even knowing what the letter is you will have to experience the exact definition of it to find a countermeasure...

BG9: "Now then since we finished our introductions how about the newly converted ones take care of these small fries..."

Hearing this, both sides frowned for different reasons but nevertheless Yukio, Jackie and Giriko nodded as they must prove their worth so far...

Immediately after the three of them vanished from their spots and appeared right in front of Ryuken and Ishida before they clashed at high speed...

It was a kind of greeting as they started a hand to hand combat even though the three were on the losing side...

They used their own integrated Hirenkyaku as they took some distance and then all summoned their weapon of choice...

A Console, a pair of boots and a clock before their reiatsu burst out as they performed their attacks...

All Three: "Heilig Pfeil - Sacred Destruction Arrows"

Yukio pressed the buttons in his console and black portals similar to Garganta opened as numerous Arrows flew towards the two of them...

Jackie had already dirtied her boots from all the moving around and fighting the two as she stepped on the ground and were filled with dust...

She swang her legs and those specks of dust suddenly got blown away from the force of her boots...

Those specks of dust suddenly got condence into numerous arrows that got blown away towards her targets...

On the other hand, Giriko simple pulled the chain on the clock and numbers started appearing from 1 to 60 and became Arrows that chased all the others that were there with Ishida and Ryuken...

Ishida and Ryuken formed their own Heilig Bogen and fired their own version of Heilig Pfeil - Sacred Destruction Arrows...

The two of them were enough to counter all the arrows fired by the three of them however they lacked out as when they come in contact with them it was hard to destroy them...

Yukio's Arrows they burst in flames damaging the surrounding, In Jackie's Arrows took an effort to knock them down as they had a metallic attribute to them and in Giriko's arrows they somehow got trapped in the air...

Askin: "Hmm, not bad for the three of them... To be able to utilise the effects of their Letters in their usual abilities.."

Nodt: "Even so this takes too long... There is no fear in their eyes..."

Bambietta: "Yeah, this is not a slaughter at all... Where is their blood!!!"

Liltotto: "Can't you see that they are quite skilled??"

Liltotto: "If they couldn't do that, they would have been evaluated as an overall 25% Threat."

BG9: "Even so we need to draw more of the forces in Human World..."

Just as BG9 spoke his words, they all suddenly heard a voice in their ears and shuddered as they couldn't feel anyone sneaking upon them...

??? : "Oh?? Then i wonder if you fail here, will that lower the chances of Yhwach??"

They all used Hirenkyaku and got away from their previous spot as they scattered around before they looked at the person who did sneak behind them...

And when they did, they didn't know how to react as a troublesome fellow came before them...

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