Bleach System Within Bleach

693 Chapter 693 : Hueco Mundo 5!!!

Berenice: "A Ring??"

Masculine: "Yes, it means a situation where a Superstar like me can shine..."

James: "As expected of Sir, then its time to hit the gong!!!"

Riruka and Merinas frowned as they heard them talking in such a roundabout way and left them behind as they charged forward...

Riruka charged towards Harribel who was getting pressured by Pepe having taken almost complete control of her followers...

While Merinas kept going from Grimmjow who was fighting Robert while having scratched from his needles and at the same time pressuring him both him and Gerard...

On the other hand he had his attention on Berci who kept releasing his powers but other than standing on the ground where he had fallen earlier he was doing nothing...

This annoying him because based on his arrogant display earlier he should have taken action and the only thing he was doing was smiling at him with killing intent...

Grimmjow: "Che!!! Oi Harribel!!! How long are you going to play around!!!"

Grimmjow: "If you don't want to kill them at least cut their arms and legs... That way they won't die and we can focus on the others..."

The moment Grimmjow spoke almost everyone looked at him in surprise for various reasons and one of them was because they had already lost an arm...

His words stunned Harribel as she looked at his p[missed attitude and then back on the girls who had strained expressions, she finally made up her mind before sighing and all the while bursting with Reiatsu...

Harribel's Reiatsu who just spiked fell on everyone and kept rising making them feel as if a mountain was weighting at them...

She then placed her huge sword horizontally and caught the tip...

Harribel: "Hunt And Eat Your Prey - Tenpaku Shaku Kogo!!! (Heavenly White Shark Empress)"


Her yellow reiatsu burst forward in all directions covering every corner of the palace they were and everyone could feel as if a terrifying predator had awakened as her second form was unleashed...

Even C. Sora, Yukio and co could feel the power behind this Ressurection which thoroughly stunned them while he himself smiled...

C. Sora: "Lets move things have gotten, interesting over there..."

Without even waiting for them, C. Sora vanished as he was constantly using flash steps to increase his speed...

Back on the site, everyone had stopped fighting each other as they looked at Harribel with an emotion akin to fear...

They had thought that since the difference in them was only a digit as she was N.1 and Grimmjow was N.2 it wouldn't be that much of a challenge but now, they also needed to become serious...

Before anyone could comment on her new appearance, Harribel opened her eyes and thrust forward her weapon that had changed from a pata into a bone like a spear with a shark tooth-shaped end.

Her target was none other than Pepe and before he could even realise that he was attacked, he took the full brunt of a condense large amount of water from the tip that was fired as a blast that resembled a shark tooth.

And not just one but she fired multiple blasts in rapid succession without moving the slightest all heading towards him...

All those water sharks tooths fell on his body and at first, he was stunned as he felt that they did nothing...

Before he could celebrate and start yelling at her, he felt his whole vision become something akin to chainsaw puzzle...

In fact, he could feel his body slowly falling down unable to mutter anything, as the last thing he saw was the Quincies faces...

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