Bleach System Within Bleach

733 Chapter 733 : The Soul Palace 4!!!


The arrows that Cifer had thrown at them excluding those that got destroyed in their clash between their chat slowly surround them before exploding causing crackles of thunder to resound in the area and zap them with immense force...

As Cifer waited for the dust to settle down, he picked up his severed hand and placed it in its place before activating his Blut...

By making Reishi flow directly into his blood vessels, normally Quincies of this technique can drastically increase their attack and defence power to inhuman levels.

Despite its flaw of the independent forms of the technique for attack and defence operate using two different Reishi systems, they cannot be employed simultaneously.

However, for Cifer this was something new that none could have predicted when his Blut passed from his shoulder to the severed limb of his it started healing rapidly...

As he looked at his hand been good as new he then noticed two figures from within the dust become cleared and then saw Tenjiro holding his zanpakuto with its blade downwards on the floor...

He could also see the floor had spiderwebs cracks as it seemed just before they got zapped or the moment they did they redirect it on the floor...

Oetsu: "Pheeww... Your Kinpika - Gilded Splendor saved us..."

Tenjiro: "I didn't think i would released it as well..."

Oetsu: "Its sealed form takes the form of a small blade with a curved tip attached to a long wooden pole. The blade is covered by a wooden sheath."

Tenjiro: "However when released it glows and become a metal pole with the wooden sheath revealing a rowboat paddle."

Tenjiro: "And it looks like he can heal..."

Oetsu: "So round two huh??"

As Cifer, Tenjiro and Oetsu were getting ready for round two on the other side of the battlefield Jugram was currently parrying the attacks of Kirio and Senjumaru with little effort...

He kept spinning his sword in such a way that all their attacks were deflected off balance and never land on his body leaving the two with a bit of awe...

Jugram: "If that's all you two have to offer, you will never break the current balance between us..."

Kirio: "Fufufu, boy, you need to respect the ladies..."

Jugram: "Ladies or not we are currently on war... My respect only belongs to his Majesty..."


Senjumaru: "Tsk... Your clothes are quite sturdy..."

Sensjumaru: "Did you used special means to craft them??"

Jugram: "Not really, but at least it closes the gap of balance in the meaning of two versus one doesn't it??"

Senjumaru: "True, as they provide defensive capabilities to sneak attacks..."

Senjumaru: "But in the end... They are simply clothes..."

Seeing this Jugram felt something was wrong and before he could react and dodge his feet stuck on the ground...

When he looked down he saw tree samples tangle up with his feet making him stuck and instantly looked towards Kirio who waved around a large wooden Wok Chuan or spatula...

At the same time as he was distracted, Senjumaru flashed forward as countless threads appeared from her hand surrounding Jugram and slowly integrated with his clothes...

Upon contacting his clothes started reshaping themselves becoming twisted as if a cage was created slowly creeping its way in his entire body binding him...

Senjumaru: "You are a thousand years too early to fight with me using defensive clothes..."

Jugram: "However right now you broke the balance of the fight... And that is something not easily forgiven..."

Senjumaru wanted to say something but as soon as her words got in her tongue she immediately felt her body getting pierced by countless tiny things causing her to crumble before she could voice anything...

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