Bleach System Within Bleach

736 Chapter 736 : The Soul Palace 7!!!

Similar to the Cage of Life, a cage was created closing and engulfing Oetsu, Tenjiro and Cifer inside while Kirio started panting...

The first cage could feed on Reiatsu used to attack the tree itself either from within or outside. This makes it an effective defensive structure to hold off Reiatsu-based attacks, which allows it to continue to grow at an extremely fast rate.

However, this cage could expel all reiatsu coming in contact with the branches and enter in a state of hunger...

Since it was expelling Reiatsu then it meant that instead of growing it would start withering squeezing everything inside it until not even a single bone was left at the core...

They all watched as slowly blood flowed from within towards the outside along with crackles of thunder being discharged...

After a few moments, everything came into a deadly silence as no they could no longer see any blood or sparks...

Ichibe: "Once again you lost someone, now you are all alone..."

Continue this deadly silence, Ichibe broke away from it as he spoke towards Yhwach who was watching everything unfold with uncaring eyes...

Yhwach: "And yet once more the balance was broken but at what cost??"

Yhwach: "You lost two people and if you count her as exhausted it would be three..."

Ichibe: "Even so its still me against you..."

Yhwach: "Oh?? You are so confident in winning against me??"

Ichibe: "I believe the youngsters call this... Shikai... In recent days..."

Ichibe: "Paint it Black - Ichinmonji!!"


Yhwach: "Hoh, releasing your weapon might give you the confidence you have but still that is to what you have to offer..."

Upon release, the brush transformed into a form of a somewhat short glaive, with the top portion taking the form of a short, single-edged blade reminiscent of a tip of a chokuto, attached to the long brush handle.

Yhwach: "However once again you broke the balance of this war..."

Ichibe: "Balance or not doesn't matter right?? After all, the one standing, in the end, is the one who has tipped the scales to their favour..."

Yhwach: "For that, we are in agreement..."

Yhwach: "Sankt Bogen Heilig Pfeil - Saint Bow Holy Arrow!!!"

Yhwach immediately manifested an enormous bow anywhere within his general vicinity with proportionally large Heilig Pfeil, ready to assault Ichibe...

By collecting more Reishi, Yhwach formed the spiritual arrows which are typical of other Quincy bows.

These arrows appear as simple blasts of Reishi shaped like the Quincy Cross, before he fires them in rapid succession as a continuous barrage...

Watching this in response to his release, Ichibe simply swings Ichimonji, its blade then released black ink which covered the front engulfing the arrows and finally the Saint Bow.

Ichibe: "Hoh, you realised it?? What is it that you want to throw at me again??"

Yhwach: "This?? Why i can't say the name of my attack?"

Ichibe: "It's simple really... Anything that these ink covers lose its name, and thus its powers."

Ichibe: "Since all the shaped ones attacked me and got covered they got erased and lost their names and since half the condense weapon you created got covered..."

Yhwach: "It lost half its name..."

Ichibe: "Correct!!!"

Ichibe: "And now I'll slowly take away everything you have..."

Yhwach: "Even then it won't be easy for you to defeat me..."

Ichibe: "I won't have to defeat you, i already defeated you..."

As he proclaimed that Ichibe rushed forward swinging his Shikai causing Yhwach to enter into a defensive position...

This caused the remaining Royal Guards to somewhat breathe but still kept a lookout for any unexpected things to rise...

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