Bleach System Within Bleach

745 Chapter 745 : The Soul Palace 16!!!

Sora: "Hoh... Then i would have to apologise for not having any gifts..."

Yhwach: "Your lives will be the perfect gift..."

Sora: "Unfortunately that is something you will never get..."

As Sora finished speaking, his clothes burst apart as black flames appeared over his entire body and as if he knew that Yhwach was waiting for him to enter in his best condition, he raised his Shikai upwards while yelling...

Sora: "BANKAI!!!!"

His whole body, as well as his Shikai coming from Ichigo, burst forward with an immense reiatsu oozing out from both of them causing the entire room to shake slightly...

At the same time, his Shikai vanished and in its place, two smaller blades appeared in his hand...

Yhwach: "Interesting... I believe its the first time watching your Bankai isn't it???"

Sora: "I'm more surprised you didn't set any traps as i activated it..."

While he said that Sora brought his hand with the small blade over his head as an eerie pressure appeared...

He then brought it downwards causing his face to instantly be covered with his mask bringing his powers to another level...

Yhwach: "Why do that as you don't have the intention of attacking me yet??"

Sora: "Oh?? You really think i didn't??"

Yhwach: "Hmm??"

As Sora said this Yhwach frowned as he really did;t see a future where Sora executed an attack towards him...

Before however he could retort and confirm a few things as he sternly looked at Sora with his Almighty, his body suddenly tensed up...

Before he could even realise what had happened, his chest was burst with a large bloody wound shocking him greatly as this future didn't exist before...

Sora: "Eehhh?? What's this??"

Sora: "This was supposed to be a small attack yet it was super effective???"

Yhwach: "Wh_at did you do...."

Sora frowned as he heard these words and couldn't help but show it on his face, however, due to his mask Yhwach was unable to see it...

He didn't bother answer at all, instead, his answer was something that made Yhwach open his split eyes wide as he released a burst of darkness matter from his body creating a shield...

Yhwach created an enormous black barrier over an area surrounded him and almost as instantly as he formed it fifteen bladed insert themselves all over it failing to injure him...

From within the barrier, Yhwach saw that he would befall with countless Blades, Arrows and Black Hearts trying to devour him...

He ignored the blades and the Arrows that came shortly after the Blades barraging the barrier and cracking it from the sheer numbers of them and focus on the Hearts that appeared from his chest...

Specifically, from inside the Door, he had absorbed earlier...

As he landed he looked at Sora who hadn't move at all from his position and frowned thinking that this would be the hardest turnaround fight he had ever had...

Yhwach: "Impressive to stage an attack that bypass the future..."

Sora: "Thanks i guess... Unfortunately, i failed in claiming your life and this will not work on you again..."

Yhwach: "Indeed, the doors let you direct attacks from one point to another, you staged everything outside and waited till i absorbed the door to catch me off guard..."

Yhwach: "At the same time you powered up to make my attention in using my future sight to you and watch out for future attacks..."

Sora: "You are thinking too much... I didn't count that you would absorb the door in your body..."

Sora: "But i did count on the fact that since your attacks can no longer pass through the door at my call, that didn't mean my attacks couldn't..."

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