Bleach System Within Bleach

755 Chapter 755 : A Long Aftermath!!!

The flames burned for more than ten minutes before they died down...

When they did they all saw Sora in the wonderland as he was too exhausted and fell asleep but not before he could hear his system barraging him with various notifications...


System: Ding!!! Hidden Quest Completed!!!

Devour The Soul King!!! 5/5!!!!

Rewards : 25 Levels - 250 Fruits!!!


System: Ding!!! Host Has Gained 25 Levels Reaching 1000 Level Cap!!

System: Ding!!! Congrats Host For Completing 5/5 Of The Power Levels!!!

Reward : 500.000 Soul Points

System: Ding!!! Host Has Gained 250 Points On All Attributes And 2.500 Points On Reiatsu!!

System: Ding!!! Host Has Gained 2.250 Points On All Attributes Except On Reiatsu!!

System: Ding!!! Host Has Gained 250 Fruits!!

System: Ding!!! Opening Status!!!

Name: Xiaolan Sora / Age: 17 (38) / Level 1000 - EXP: 000

Health : 297.000 (+29.700) / Power : 296.900 (+29.690) / Defence : 296.950 (+29.695) / Inteligent : 299.050 (+29.905) / Reiatsu : 1.197.050 (+119.705)

Affiliation - Trait : Gluttony - Human - Shinigami - Vizard - Quincy - Hell

Ancient Enhancing Tattoo : 950 Fruits (Max 1000) = 95.000 Attributes Points

Zanpakuto Command Name : (Gaze At The Eyes Of All Things Where The Moon Feasts)

Shikai : Heavenly Devour Moon (Tengoku Akuma Tsuki)

Skill : Tengoku No Ame - Tenku No Gekko - Tenno Kiba Tsuki - Tenno Tenmetsu Suru Hadan (Requires Mask)

Bankai 1st Form : Heavenly Devour Black Moon (Tengoku Akuma Kuro Tsuki)

Skill : Tenno Kosa Kiba Tsuki

Bankai 2nd Form : Heavenly God Black Moon (Tengoku Kami Kuro Tsuki)

Zanpakuto Command Name : (Eat And Drink, Devour And Swallow)

Shikai : Tengoku Gyakusatsu-Sha (Heavenly Devourer)

Skill : Devouring Black Flaming Heart - Black Wolf Of Gluttony - Devouring Hollow Flaming Heart (Requires Mask) - Incinerating Cero (Requires Mask) - Heavenly Punishment Of The Kings (Requires Mask + All 5 Energy Types)

Combo Skill : Devouring Rift (Requires All Powers - Hollow Mask + Ichigo's Bankai + Gyaku's Shikai)

Bankai : ?????????????

Soul Points : 1.012.000 / Var : 985.799



Main - Sub

1) Spend Points In The Store!!!!

Rewards : 1 EXP - 50 POINTS



System: Ding!!! Opening Store!!!

Accesories / Medic Pills / Weapons / Battle Forms / Kido Arts

Soul Points : 1.012.000



\u003c 1 x Double Level Up Pill \u003e \u003c 11 x Complete Hogyoku \u003e \u003c 1 x Unrefined Portable Gigai Clone \u003e \u003c 2 x Fortification Pill \u003e \u003c 6 x Quin Pill \u003e \u003c 1 x Creation Of Books \u003e \u003c 3 x Spiritual Blood Candy \u003e \u003c 1000 x Soul Fragments \u003e



System: Ding!!! Opening Skills!!!

1)\u003cUknown Arts 1 : Soul Burial\u003e (Konso)

Description: Presses the base of a Zanpakuto hilt against the forehead of a soul to send it in Soul Society.

Self Made Arts!!!

1)\u003cSelf Made Arts 1 : Formless Doors\u003e

Incantation: \u003c\u003cCreation Of Nothingness - Everlasting Void - Energy Yin And Yang - Seen And Unseen Make Everything Appear And Dissappear\u003e\u003e

Description: Countless Thin Doors out of air and Reiatsu that can't be seen unless the caster wants it. Able to draw an attack from one door and redirect it into another door like whack mole!!!!

2)\u003cSelf Made Arts 2 : Mirrors Of Eternal Hellish Lotus\u003e

Incantation: Souls Of The Eternals Flames - Who Reside In The Burning Sun And Cold Moon - Burning Illusion Freezing Reality - Hot Wind And Cold Void - Blend In The Everlasting Life Of Man.

Description: The user fires from his fingers countless small lights which in turn they become Lotus Flowers With some of them could be seen others are hidden and many are transparent... Each one of them has a certain ability. \u003cBurn To Ashes\u003e\u003cFreeze To Nothingness\u003e\u003cSpace Binding\u003e\u003cConfusing Illusions\u003e\u003cTime Deceleration\u003e.

3)\u003cSelf Made Arts 3 : Lighting Ray Judgement\u003e

Incantation: Begone from my sight. Pierce through the enemy. Broiling black ashes. The bitter chilling heat of your demise! The wallowing ashes follow your course and charge through the fool to the gates of nothingness. Wailing Princess, guide forth the death's final breath. The moon shines down on you, giving them mercy. Cast your wrath upon our foe!

Description: Lighting starts emitting from the caster body towards the target causing the Heavens above to throw countless rays into the opponent, that carries their pity and anger for pissing their Emissary sending them into the gates of nothingness.

4)\u003cSelf Made Arts 4 : Mirrors Of Purgatory\u003e

Incantation: The three-headed wails! Show your teeth and might. Disintegrate, and Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat! Disintegrate, and Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own heart. Guardian of the purgatory, Three chimes, rattling bones, the savage Dog lets loose his fearsome roar. Growl on the name of the fool who rouses you from your slumber! Your rage incites the very earth to tremble in fear!

Description: The body of caster starts shinning and created a Dome like an area full of mirrors inside it whoever got trapped will have to face their own self and try to kill each other. If The real one wins and escape he will have an increase of 10% in their Reiatsu Permanently.. If The Fake one wins the will lose 10% in their Reiatsu Permanently..

5)\u003cSelf Made Arts 5 : Endless Coffin Of Ice\u003e

Incantation: The sole winter in the blizzard who marches along the path of solitude find shelter in this frozen oasis! the mighty god of weather I call upon thee! Lend me thy hate, fury, and anger! Fall, bringers of death, for you shall empower my conviction! The tempered Lance, forged inside the deepest part of loneliness. The harbinger of the heavens fury and strike down your foe! All creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man. The sea barrier surges, March on to the south! Limit of the thousands of hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Unable to reflect the blue sky. The time that gathers obey my orders.

Description: Countless Arrows and spears along with flowers are forming in the air coming down from the heaven's vault raining towards the enemy engulfing them creating an eternal slumber away from light away from darkness away from time...

6)\u003cSelf Made Arts 6 : Hellish Dragon Fang\u003e

Incantation: Unkown

Description: Unkown

7)\u003cSelf Made Arts 7 : Judgement Of The Seven Sins\u003e!!!!

Incantation: Unkown

Description: Unkown

8)\u003cSelf Made Arts 8 : Eluding Limits Erratic Immure Nullification\u003e!!!

Incantation: Years, Months, Days And Seconds!! Talents and Possibilities!! Endless Choices On The Infinite Void!! Bloom!! Bloom!! Bloom!! Define The Laws Around Us!! Shape!! Shape!! Shape!! Create The Paths Around Us!! Guide!! Guide!! Guide!! A Single Line Through All Adversaries Towards Victory!!!"

Description: Aka. E.L.E.I.N Escaping the Limits of Uneven and Irregulars by Confining Yourself and the Target into a giant loop of past, present and future by Nullifying the laws around the targeted area... In the created area free from limits and the laws only Pure Talent will take you out of the Loop...

Acquired Arts : 8

1)\u003cDivine Soul Might\u003e

Description: A soul that awakened from fusing both heart and mind, It is a soul that only kings and emperors have through struggles in their lives... It gives the Host of such a soul... 1) 500% Increase Reaction Speed Within 100 Meters. 2) The host can create an image of himself with 90% of his stats for a duration of 10 Days... 3) 10% In All Stats

2)\u003cHeavenly Divine Destructive Blades\u003e

Description: Blades that created from the power of the heavens by simply adding your reiatsu in them.. They can revolve around the Host's body and themselves, they can be visible and invisible, and be used for both defence and offence... Current Blades : x 15 / If Someone possess \u003cDivine Soul Might\u003e : 20% increased speed - 20% sharpness

3)\u003cReflection Eyes\u003e

Description: Gives the ability to host to see the power levels of enemies the host deem fit... along with their perspective positions...

4) Unique Cutting Edge Intent (Mastered)

Description: This Intent was created by Xiaolan Sora... It was formed from practising, pondering and enlightenment of the user on the Kendo Forms, Sword Forms and Kenpachi Sword Forms along with his memories from different weapon styles of fanfictions... This gives 90 points on all stats except Reiatsu on each level up!!!

5) \u003cHeavenly Counter\u003e

Description: This Skill is only made for those that reached Demi-God rank, it takes any damage done to the user with this skill it is reflected on any target the user wishes...

6) \u003cHeavenly Wrath\u003e

Description: This Skill is only made for those that reached Demi-God rank, this Taboo skill can triple his stats for the next 5 minutes but then they reduce 3 times permanently

7) \u003cHeavenly Shell\u003e

Description: This Skill is only made for those that reached Demi-God rank, it can make any part of the user for 10 seconds immune to any type of Damage...

8) \u003cHeavenly Thoughts\u003e

Description: This Skill is only made for those that reached Demi-God rank, it allows the users to transmit their thoughts or voices directly to the mind of its target.....


As Sora was about to sleep and with the notifications barraging on his mind, he ignored everything except the fact that in the end, a different sound rang in his mind...

With the last bit of clarity before drifting in his dreams, he saw the last notification...


System: Ding!!! Evaluation Of Host!!!

Quests Completed : 110

Points Gathered : 1.705.600 - Points Spent 693.600 - Points Saved 1.012.000

Remaining Items : 1025

Results : SSS

Note!!! Host Can Bring Three People With Him Based On Results!!!

Note!!! For Every Person Or Item Host Needs To Embrace On The Third Plane During His Ascend, Host Need To Pay A Certain Fee!!!


With everything passing, every superpower in the world quickly found themselves being busy as two years passed from the war...

The Shinigami's were busy restructuring Soul Society, while in Hueco Mundo Harribel, was busy taking care of various things for her own gain...

At the same time, Sora was enjoying his time with his wife and children who were now the bigger one almost three and the smaller one a few months old...

His son with Yoruichi, Raihi Shihoin Xiaolan and his little girl with Nelliel, Venia Tu Odelsch Xiaolan were giggling around as they played with the others kids...

Lisa was taking care of her girl named Maruen Xiaolan as they had named her...

During the Two Years, Hinamori, Unohana also gave birth...

Unohana and Momo had both boys and they were granted the names of Yachi Xiaolan and Mori Xiaolan...

Surprising Sora, a few months after his fight with Yhwach his wives Yin, Yang, Senna all become pregnant...

This caused Kukaku, Matsumoto, Soi Fon, Nia, Ria, Yoshino, Nozomi and Riruka to burst with anger and lust causing countless sections between them...

Which eventually led to them bear his children...

And even though they weren't showing it, Bambietta and Harribel had some kind of killing intent in their eyes...

Yin had a girl named Yiner Xiaolan, Yang also had a girl named Yanger Xiaolan while Senna had a boy named Nara Xiaolan...

Kukaku had a son and got the name of Kaku Shiba Xiaolan, Matsumoto had a girl and got the name Mara Xiaolan...

Soi Fon ended up choosing Yoruichi's name for their baby along with Sora's last name giving the girl the name Yoruichi Fon Xiaolan earning numerous weird gazes along with a few laughs...

Nia and Ria both had girls as well and earned them the names Shia and Tia Xiaolan...

Yoshino gave birth as well and as usual, it was a girl named Shino Xiaolan...

Nozomi also gave birth to a healthy boy naming it Nora Xiolan...

As for Riruka it was a boy and got the name Kuga Xiaolan...

During this timeframe, Sora kept searching for clues of a future Yhwach muttered upon his death in case he missed something...

But when he thought about it better, when he leaves this world everything will freeze until everyone he took with him dies on the Third Plane...

For that reason, he stopped bothering with something that might not happen...

As he was staring at the night sky, he heard a few steps and recognized those as the biggest miracle could happen in front of his eyes...

They were three people, one orange hair idiot and two girls holding two babies...

??? : "Yo!!!"

Sora: "Yo my ass... What do you want Ichigo??"

Ichigo: "Sshhhh!!! You'll wake them up!!!"

Tatsuki: "Yeah don't speak to loudly... Orihime and i just managed to make them fall asleep..."

Orihime: "What are you doing here Sora-kun??"

Sora: "Thinking about the future and when to move out..."

At that moment their faces become solemn and Ichigo discarded his idiotic expression as he looked at Sora...

Sora: "It will be two more years before we depart so we have time to lose wrap some issues we might have..."

Ichigo: "Eventually we will face what comes upwards and we will cut through our way..."

Agreeing to his words Sora then guided the rest inside so they can see the babies as well...

While having their little fun and all, Sora started talking with Gyaku about what will entail in the process of Ascending...

According to him, all the energies inside him will transform into Qi like he had guessed in the past but there is a catch...

Every ability he has and powers will transform into Qi...

From that moment on he will be a God with the name and title Low God Rank...

When he heard this he was confused why both Low and Rank?? Isn't it obvious that as a newcomer he will stand at the lowest??

His answer however shocked him...

Gods are separated to Low, Middle, Advance, Peak, Master and Ancient...

Rank, however, was the source of their elements...

Sora: "You mean that if Shoto from Boku No Hero Academia goes there he will be Rank Two??"

Gyaku: "Yes... In your case however by converting everything you have... You will gain Flames Qi - Spirit Qi - Light Qi - Demon Qi - Strengthening Qi - Hellish Qi - Space Qi... Oh and Sword Qi"

Sora almost chokes with his saliva when he heard all this and at the same time, he was excited and couldn't wait for the future to come...

Time passed quickly and soon another two years passed...

Sora had passed his time privately with each of his wives more than once and finally, he managed to eat Bambietta and Harribel...

However, their frustration was with no end as they weren't fortuned enough to bear his child yet...

Despite their glares, they were showing to him, today they had gathered here as he had called everyone he could think off, that might want to reach new heights...

Masaki, Isshin, Karin, Yuzu, Ichigo, Inoue and Tatsuki along with their children, Kazui Kurosaki and Tsuki Kurosaki, a boy and a girl with them were standing on the right...

On the left side...

Yoruichi, Nelliel, Unohana, Momo, Matsumoto, Soi Fon, Yoshino, Senna, Yin, Yang, Senna, Nozomi, Kukaku, Nia, Ria, Riruka, Bambietta and Harribel along with their kids were sitting and waiting for him...

Finally, in the middle, Urahara, Jackie, Sung-Sun, Mila Rose, Apacci, Liltotto and Meninas who had miraculously survived were standing there...

The latter two after they waked up, they found Bambietta and learned that everything was over and she was planning to move with Sora and followed her...

Sora saw them and smiled but before he could speak he felt someone landing on the middle making him frown a bit but since he knew the guy and his purpose he didn't debate...

For a split second as he counted he frown as it was far above the twenty people limit more or less he had placed on himself in the past...

All in all, it was Fifty-three people waiting in line for a new world...

He was allowed to bring Three with him and since Ichigo counted as his powers and abilities he was left with forty-nine people...

During these two years, he had also asked Senjumaru if she wanted to come but unfortunately, it was futile including his attempts to make her fall...

Since the restrictions were no longer in place, he had said to everyone where he will go and how they will be treated including their powers and such, at the same time, he had also secretly informed Ichigo about the conversion of powers...

This caused him to be shocked as he knew that perhaps with the ascension he might never appear vanishing forever...

But still hopes for something to happen and make him experience the third plane plus protecting what he had gained...

Looking towards the sky, Sora took a deep breath before yelling...

Sora: "Ascension!!!"

System: Ding!!! Ascension Of Host Initiated...

System: Ding!!! Host Has Chosen Fifty-three People To Ascend!!!

System: Ding!!! Three People Are Permitted To Ascend And One Variant Will Be Converted To Host New Power!!!

System: Ding!!! Results!!! Forty-Nine People Need To Be Bought With Fees!!!

Fees N.1 : 100.000 Soul Points Each!!

Fees N.2 : 100 Soul Fragments Each!!

Fees N.3 : Convert 5% Of Your Stats!!!

Fees N.4 : Convert Items For The Fee!!

System: Ding!!! Missing Requirements For Twenty-Nine People!!!

System: Ding!!! Start Converting Items?? Y/N??

Sora: "Convert every item i have with the exception of one Hogyoku..."

System: Ding!! Converting \u003c 1 x Double Level Up Pill \u003e \u003c 10 x Complete Hogyoku \u003e \u003c 1 x Unrefined Portable Gigai Clone \u003e \u003c 2 x Fortification Pill \u003e \u003c 6 x Quin Pill \u003e \u003c 1 x Creation Of Books \u003e \u003c 3 x Spiritual Blood Candy \u003e

System: Ding!!! Conversion Ended 890.000 Soul Points Gained..

System: Ding!!! Missing Requirements For Twenty People!!!

System: Ding!!! Start Converting Stats?? Y/N??

Sora paled when he saw this and greeted his teeth if the 5% a standard one perhaps he will have a few stats left but he will be incredible weak later on...

However if its a stack up percentage and reach all the way to 100% he was doomed...

Sora: "Start!!!"

System: Ding!!! Converting 5% Of Stats!!! Done!!! - Health : 14.850 - Power : 14.845 - Defence : 14.847 / Inteligent : 14.952 / Reiatsu : 59.852

System: Ding!!! Error!!! Due To Divine Soul Might 5% Fee Turns To 0,5% Fee!!

System: Ding!!! Converting 0.5% Of Stats!!! Done!!! - Health : 1.485 - Power : 1484 - Defence : 1484 / Inteligent : 1495 / Reiatsu : 5985

Sora: "Holy!!! Shit!!! Is This For real??"

Gyaku: "Hahahahahaha, you are really lucky..."

Sora: "What the fuck happened...??"

Gyaku: "Original that 5% was meant to stack up making lose 100%, everything you had...

Gyaku: "This means that those above us are really preparing something unique as a welcoming gift..."

System: Ding!!! Converting 20x0.5% Of Stats!!! Done!!! - Health : 29.700 - Power : 29.690 - Defence : 29.695 / Inteligent : 29.605 / Reiatsu : 119.705

System: Ding!! Adjusting Stats!!!

Health : 267.300 (+26.730) / Power : 267.210 (+26.721) / Defence : 267.255 (+26.725) / Inteligent : 269.145 (+26.914) / Reiatsu : 1.077.345 (+107.734)

Sora: "Holy shit I'm safe!!"

Gyaku: "Don't worry about losing some points... When you start ascending you will gain more as the power of origin within the void will make you take a bath..."

Sora: "What bath??"

Gyaku: "A nice and painless bath no worries..."

Sora wanted to retort that Fyaku was blatant lying here but the System started notifying him once again...

System: Ding!! Fees Have Been Paid!!!

System: Ding!! Preparing For Ascension!!!

From Sora's body threads burst out connecting to everyone around him including the children... As they did, they started wrapping around them before they vanished inside him and appearing on his Soul Realm where the temple of the system was stationed...

Then as if the realm wanted to eject him, suddenly the void twisted and created a mouth swallowing him whole as he was unable to move...

Finding himself in the void where he could see countless nebulas and such making him believe that those are perhaps the realms of different worlds, he noticed a light not far yet quite far from him...

He thought that maybe someone ascends as well...

As his body was motionless he couldn't feel a thing but the notifications of the System continued ringing...

System: Ding!!! Host Is Being Baptised By The Energy In The Void!!!

System: Ding!!! Host Has Gained 5 Fruits!!

System: Ding!!! Host Has Gained 5 Fruits!!

System: Ding!!! Host Has Gained 5 Fruits!!

System: Ding!!! Host Has Gained 5 Fruits!!



System: Ding!!! Host Has Completed The Ancient Enhancing Tattoo!!!

System: Ding!!! Host Can Now Gain 1.000 Ponts Per Fruit!!! 1.000 \u003e 1.000.000 Points!!!

System: Ding!! Adjusting Stats!!!

Health : 1.167.300 (+116.730) / Power : 1.167.210 (+116.721) / Defence : 1.167.255 (+116.725) / Inteligent : 1.169.145 (+116.914) / Reiatsu : 1.977.345 (+197.734)

Sora dropped his jaw in his mind as he couldn't speak at all, it was like he got four to five times stronger than before...

But what surprised him was the fact that these stats are keep growing at an alarming pace all on their own...

After who knows how much time it passed, his stats stopped at five million cap with the reiatsu being double and with the 10% of his soul, he also was having 500.000-1.000.000 extra...

Then he noticed his interface started changing causing his eyes to pop out in his mind with what he was seeing...

System: Ding!! Conversion Of Abilities!!! Done!!!

System: Ding!! Adjusting Stats!!!

Name: Xiaolan Sora / Age: 21 (42)

Race: God

Title: Gluttony - Human - Shinigami - Vizard - Quincy - Hell

Power: Low God Rank 10

Health : 5.000.000 (+500.000)

Strenght : 5.000.000 (+500.000)

Defence : 5.000.000 (+500.000)

Inteligent : 5.000.000 (+500.000)

Reiatsu : 10.000.000 (+1.000.000)

Qi Traits : Strengthening Qi - Spirit Qi - Sword Qi - Flame Qi - Light Qi - Wood Qi - Hellish Qi - Demon Qi - Space Qi - Dark Qi

Qi Traits Variants Manifestations (Kurosaki Ichigo) : Spirit Qi - Sword Qi - Light Qi - Demon Qi - Dark Qi

Qi Traits Variants Manifestations (Tengoku Gyakusatsu-Sha) : Spirit Qi - Sword Qi - Flame Qi - Demon Qi - Dark Qi

Qi Traits Variants Manifestations (???????) : Strengthening Qi - Spirit Qi - Wood Qi - Hellish Qi - Space Qi - Dark Qi

Qi Traits Abilities : Sword Creation - Qi Projectiles - Qi Pressure - Qi Devour - Qi Control - Manifestations Forms - Space Ruler - Bodypart Modification - Area Search - Aura Search

System: Ding!!! Enjoy Your Stay With Hopes Of Survival In The Third Plane!!!

Sora was stunned when he saw the new interface and he was more shocked when his system gave a pleasant warning??

Before he could comprehend what the fuck happened, blackness covered his eyes and then got assaulted by blindly light...

He tried to open his eyes and saw a stunning view, trees and flowers here and there with grass covering a large amount of his view...

On the horizon, a beautiful blue sky with clouds making it like the earth and the sky was separated...

Last but not least beyond the clouds he could see floating islands with flying dragons circulating around them...

Sora: "Wow!!!"

??? : "Wow!!!"

Sora + ???: "Xmmm??"

Sora + ???: "Who the hell are you??"

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