Bleach System Within Bleach

83 Chapter 83 : Clashing Of Espada's

Harribel: "Since you were coming so fast you must have also ear-dropped my orders..."

??? : "Yeah WhAt about It..."

Harribel: "If we go by our numbers You have to obey me in my decisions Espada 5 Nnoitra Gilga!!!"

Nnoitra: "Numbers are just Numbers they can always change...."

Harribel: "Are you picking a fight..."

She didn't get any answer in her question all she got was a narrow smile and a lighting fast slash from his weapon a spear-like weapon that had a huge crescent moon at its ending point.....

Harribel was expecting such a sneak attack and avoid it easily with <Sonido>

Nnoitra: "Heh not bad... for a mere 3"

Harribel: "You really never learn do you can never beat me and i doubt you can beat NELLIEL since she restored her broken Mask to her peak before you schemed against her..."

Nnoitra: "You_oooououuuuuuu"

Harribel: "But since you fail to follow orders then i guess you're not needed..."

Saying that Harribel leaned her right hand behind catching her sword and drawing out she then vanished from there and appeared behind Nnoitra and slashed downwards in his back.....

Nnoitra saw this and raised the back of the spear and placed it on his back.... CLANG!!!!!!.... Her sword with the back of the spear clashed with each other causing metal sparks to fly out of them...

As they were in a sidestepping way they looked at each other eyes and released their Reiatsu to the max..... As Nnoitra turned his body he showed his tongue and a small reishi ball gathered there firing it at point black towards her...

Nnoitra: "<Cero>"

As he felt satisfied that he hit her with it he saw something which shocked him.. within his firing blast Harribel stood as if the one hitting her was water and when the <Cero> ended she was unharmed..

Harribel: "IS this your strength??? then i'm sorry to say... that kid will kill you therefore, for now, give up.. killing Nelliel..."

Nnoitra: "You_you how you took that at point black and not even a scratch???"

Harribel: "Sigh what a waste of time..."

Saying that she turned around to leave as she was walking slowly with her sword still in her hands.... Nnoitra was pissed and before she could walk a few meters away she felt his blade coming for her neck and turned her eyes deadly cold as if a shark is about to bite....

Harribel: "<Sonido Aggrevation>"

Harribel moved at such speed that images were left behind and before Nnoitra could hit her

he stopped moving and small lines of blood started dripping down his face and body.....

Nnoitra: "W_h...a...t"

Harribel: "It will be the last time i let this pass...."

She put her sword back vanished from that spot while Nnoitra fell on the ground with small wounds all over his body and stayed there...

A bit far away Harribel who had hidden herself, instead of really vanishing was thinking inside... (I hope our small clash didn't reach them and alert them even more!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Too bad that was wishful thinking for her.... Because the moment they raised their Reiatsu to the max and Nnoitra fired his <Cero> they had already sensed them as they were going somewhere away from there... and all turned towards Sora thinking the exact same thing...

ALL OF THEM (How the fuck he managed to sense them and make us leave from that spot!!!!!!)

While in reality, Sora was also complaining about their stares in his mind and at the same time, he was thankful that the heavens helped him without even him knowing it....

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