Bleach System Within Bleach

96 Chapter 96 : White Lies All Over

Genryusai and Yachiru couldn't believe what the heard and if they heard it right. Guardian of Time??? what's that??? question marks appeared in their faces as they look at Sora waiting for answers...

Sora: "I mean i exist and yet i don't... I know the past the present and what will happen in the future.."

Yachiru: "You mean you know the history of all of us...??"

Sora: "Not only that but i'm also responsible for protecting it, at least it's inhabitants the people in it.."

Genryusai and Yachiru couldn't fathom what he's saying they thought hard about any possible scenario only to think none.... Sora, on the other hand, was trying to find a way to convince them and pass by all his hurdles easily... it was then a certain idea struck him (what if i use the original plot with my modify plot as a trap???)

Sora: "I know it's hard to believe it, therefore, i'll give you a few hints...."

Both of them perked up their ears and eyes trying to figure out lies or truth from what he was going to say... they waited and waited and after a few minutes he started speaking....

Sora: "I can't tell something about the present or the future therefore if you have any questions about what happened till now go ahead...."

Yachiru's eyes flash and bowed down once before she started talking on and on barraging him with questions about the Hueco Mundo, the Tears and making them report a false report.....

Sora: "First of all Yachiru something is off and none of you noticed it..... What's the timeframe between Hueco Mundo, Soul Society and the Real world???"

They looked at each other eyes and were puzzled, the old man thought isn't that a common knowledge??? all of us knows that we have the time gap....

Both of them froze especially Yachiru they spent 3 days in Hueco Mundo while in Soul Society close to a month have passed... and None of them noticed it they looked at him and frowned..

Genryusai: "Time!!! Time was altered isn't that correct??"

Sora: "As expected from Head Commander... correct i altered time to 1 month in the other realms is Equal to a year in here..."

Yachiru: "Why would you do that?? Is that your prevalence as the guardian of time?? or your Shikai or Bankai??"

Sora: "I did that because something happened in the history lines.... Original within 2 and a half month a major event will unfold here leaving behind a weakening Soul Society..."

Genryusai: "Let me see if i guess the whole mess... that something has to do with The Tears and in order to prevent the future from changing too much you slowed down the time in here so you can become a captain..."

Sora: "Terrifying i really don't wanna clash with monsters like yourselves....."

Yachiru: "You still haven't answered all of the questions!!!!"

Before Sora could answer the few remaining ones, Yamamoto spoke up yet again catching MC a bit off guard as he was going to say the same thing he did...

Genryusai: "There is no need Yachiru... he doesn't have a Zanpakuto yet.... Call me senile but you're in the process off creating one with the ancient method we did... As for why you saved that human Arrancar i suppose she will play a huge role in the future... isn't that correct???"

Sora: "Heh really something else....."

Genryusai: "I haven't come here with simply strength... I won't meddle in your ways and if you wish to become a Captain do it by your strength but i have One last question...."

Sora: "Go ahead.... old man...."

As Sora was smiling thinking that his plan worked it immediately went poof when he heard the question of the one who's over a 1000 years old, who holds the title of the strongest and the One who refused the invitation of Zero squad...

Genryusai: "How much of these were true and how much false???"

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