He was afraid that if he continued like this, he would completely become a Hollow, and he was even more afraid that he would hurt the people around him.

Although Ichigo Kurosaki didn't want to admit it, he was indeed different from his other classmates.

Even compared to other Shinigami, he seemed very different.

In addition, in the battle of Soul Society, in order to help him, Inoue Orihime and Chatari Yasutora were seriously injured.

Ishida Uryu even lost his spiritual power and has not recovered until now.

The point is that although he successfully rescued Rukia.

But he felt very uneasy about the existence of Aizen.

The strength and wisdom of that Shinigami captain were really terrifying.

Looking at the confused Ichigo Kurosaki, Makoto Hirako showed an ambiguous smile.


Looking at this scene, Uehara Baiyu thought with disdain:

"You are so old, yet you still act like a high school student.

You are worthy of being you, Hirako Mako!"

The Masked Army has been dormant for so long, and finally took action.

On the one hand, now that Aizen is exposed, they can act without worrying about being attacked from all sides.

If they were attacked by the Soul Society while dealing with Aizen, it would be too uncomfortable; on the other hand, their situation is basically stable, and they can already control the power of the Hollow in their bodies.

Uehara Shiraha is still a little curious about the strength of these Masked Army.

He really wants to see how many punches he can really put!


Not long after school, Ichigo Kurosaki heard a quick warning sound from the Shinigami agent.

He knew that a hollow had appeared.

"Here we go again!" After complaining casually, he used the Death Proxy Certificate to enter the spirit state, and let the"soul" temporarily take care of his body.

After a quick walk, Kurosaki Ichigo found the Hollow that invaded the real world.

He chopped down with a knife, and killed the pig-faced Hollow that didn't know"whether it wanted beef or pork".

After that, Kurosaki Ichigo happened to meet the garrisoned Death God who came to purify the Hollow.

The other party claimed to be Zennosuke Kurumaya, an elite Death God who replaced Rukia to protect Karakura Town.

Although Kurosaki Ichigo took out the Death Proxy Certificate to prove his identity.

But the"Afro" Death God didn't admit it at all, laughed at him, and said I have never heard of such a thing as 08.

While arguing, Kurosaki Ichigo felt a chill coming from behind him.

He turned around without hesitation and swung Zangetsu to slash backwards.

At this moment, a figure was rushing towards him with a strange pace, head and feet up and down.

Coming behind Kurosaki Ichigo, the man slashed with a knife.

Fortunately, Kurosaki Ichigo reacted in time and blocked the knife with Zangetsu.

For a moment, a crisp and cold collision sound was heard.

Two powerful spiritual pressures collided in mid-air, triggering a series of terrifying slashing waves.

The shock wave caused by the fight between the two blew away the shocked and confused afro.

"Kurosaki-san, don't you know how to restrain your power?

If you use your spiritual pressure to explode at full force like this, it will attract some terrible things!"

When he saw the appearance of the person clearly, Kurosaki Ichigo was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise:"Are you Hirako?"

The expression of the transfer student who was originally sloppy now seemed a little weird.

Coupled with the other party's doll-like mouth and the strange tongue ring on his tongue, it gave people a very bad feeling.

This guy's spiritual pressure is not right, inexplicably a little familiar, and gives people an ominous and cold feeling.

Hirako Mako, who has yellow hair and a sister's hairstyle, showed a somewhat weird smile:

"Did you just realize it now?

I've been with you for a few days, and it seems that you are indeed a little slow."

Originally, he came to recruit him because he heard Urahara Kisuke say that this was a good seedling.

After all, the debt from a hundred years ago had been delayed for long enough, and it was time to get it back with interest.

After this test, he found that this kid's spiritual pressure was indeed very strong, but he was a little dull.

But he could just take him back and train him well, it wasn't a big problem

"Why are you following me?" Kurosaki Ichigo looked confused:"And what do you mean by the scary thing you mentioned?"

Hirako Mako shook her head:

"It seems that if I don't explain it to you directly, you won't understand.

To some extent, you and I are the same kind of people.

I am also an existence that has stepped into the realm of the Hollow from the God of Death!

I am the Masked Army!"

After saying this, in front of Ichigo Kurosaki's shocked eyes, Mako Hirako wiped her face with her hand.

Suddenly, a white hollow mask of the Hollow suddenly appeared, covering half of Mako Hirako's face.

"you……"Looking at the Hollow Mask that suddenly appeared, Ichigo Kurosaki thought of his own experience, his pupils shrank, and his body trembled slightly.

He didn't expect that there were people who were really like him.

No one understood his feelings during this period, even his best friends were no exception.

No one could tell the depression and pain in his heart.

Hirako Mako said in a very serious tone:

"Didn't I say that?

We have to get along well!

You don't belong to the Shinigami at all, and you can never fit into their world.

So, do you want to join us?"

Ichigo Kurosaki was very conflicted.

He didn't want to be a unique outlier, but he didn't want to get too involved with various forces.

He was very satisfied with his current life and identity.

"You have no choice, those guys are here, you have to fight."Hirako Mako emphasized.

After secretly following and spying on Ichigo Kurosaki during this period, he already knew something about him.

He knew that he didn't want to fight, but he also knew that he cared about the people around him.

Ichigo Kurosaki had a bad feeling in his heart:

"What have you been talking about?

Who the hell are those guys?"

"Need I say more? Of course it's the Arrancar, the monster from Hueco Mundo!"Hirako Masahiro looked solemn, and he used his spiritual sense to sense several strange spiritual pressures in the distance.

He knew that this was the work of Aizen.

And based on the strength of these Arrancars, they can also formulate a more complete revenge plan.

Kurosaki Ichigo also opened his spiritual sense belatedly, and then felt several unusually heavy and strange spiritual pressures.

At the same time, the"soul" that controlled Ichigo's body and Ishida Uryu who had lost his spiritual power were targeted by the enemy.

On the soul side, Kurosaki Ichigo's father, Kurosaki Isshin, arrived in time and attacked in the form of a god of death to save Ichigo's body.

Kurosaki Isshin, who regained his power as a god of death, killed the hollow who killed his beloved wife Kurosaki Masaki, and put his mind at ease.

This hollow who had been doing evil for many years The Hollow had been transformed into an Arrancar by Aizen using the power of the Hogyoku.

His transformation into an Arrancar was very thorough, and his strength had skyrocketed.

Fortunately, Kurosaki Isshin's strength remained the same as before, and had even increased, so he won easily.

At the same time, Ishida Uryu, who had lost his spiritual power, was also in danger.

He could only fight with the spiritual power items he brought back from Soul Society.

However, this opponent was not ordinary, and he had lost the power of a Quincy, so he quickly fell into crisis.

At this moment, a powerful spirit arrow shot over and directly killed the Hollow that was attacking him.

When Ishida Uryu looked back, he saw a familiar figure.

He couldn't help but exclaimed,"Why is it you, Ryuxian!"

It turned out that it was his father, Ishida Ryugen, who saved Ishida Uryu at the critical moment.

In the critical moment, both old fathers rescued their children.

It vividly illustrates what"older people are more experienced".

This is a big victory for the"senior group"!

In the dark night, Ishida Ryugen, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, holding a bow in his left hand and his right hand in his pocket, slowly walked out.

With a head of silver hair, he walked in a"cat step", calm and elegant, and pretentious as the wind.

He drew his bow and arrow at lightning speed and killed the last Hollow in seconds.

After doing all this, he said in a very calm voice:

"You actually called your father by his name. You are still the same as before, Uryu! (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After losing that half-baked power, you actually became so embarrassed!

Is this the power you are looking for?"

Ignoring his father's ridicule, Ishida Uryu said in a daze:

"Didn't you give up the Quincy? How could you still have such power?

Don't you hate Quincy?

And you said that kind of thing!"

At this moment, he really felt that the power of the Quincy was not worth it, just like when he was a child.

When he was very young, he found that his father had failed his grandfather's expectations and refused to inherit the family bloodline and become a Quincy.

He was puzzled and asked the other party why he did this, but the other party replied with cold and ruthless words:"Because Quincy doesn't make money!"

Because of this ridiculous reason, his grandfather was repeatedly disappointed, and finally died tragically in an isolated battle.

Ishida Uryu, who had a deep relationship with his grandfather, could not understand or forgive him.

Since his grandfather's death, he has called his father by his name.

"I've said it before, I have no interest and you have no talent." Ishida Ryugen's expression was exactly the same as before, calm and cold:

"I am the last pure-blooded Quincy in this world, and I have inherited all the abilities and techniques of this title.

My power is unique and beyond your imagination.

This is the truth!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Uehara Baiyu raised his lips and thought to himself:

"Ishida Ryugen, you look very cool when you pretend to be cool.

But I think you don't even understand your own son.

Ishida Uryu has been a special child since he was young."[]

During the Thousand Year Blood War, Ishida Uryu awakened the Holy Word ability of the same level as the final boss Yhwach.

Both of them have Holy Word A abilities.

Holy Word is ineffective against Ishida Uryu.

Yhwach's all-seeing and all-powerful eyes can see through and change all futures.

But he can't see through the future of the Soul King and Ishida Uryu.

This is bigger than the protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo to some extent.

Saying that the future Holy Word A and the heir of the Invisible Empire have no talent is really a bit presumptuous.

While thinking, Uehara Shiraha used his observation Haki to observe Ishida Uryu's condition.

Sure enough, in the case of close combat with Hollows, this guy is not hurt at all.

Why do Quincies always use Holy Arrows to kill Hollows from a distance?

The answer is simple, because everything about Hollows is a deadly poison to Quincies, and this is Hollow Poison.

Because of this, when Yhwach started the war against the Soul Society and the Soul King Palace, the first thing he did was to personally go out and raise the Hueco Mundo first.

By the way, he also tied up the king of Hueco Mundo, Harribel, for a"bondage play".

Hueco Mundo and Arrancar are not innocent victims.

Because the Hollows, especially the Arrancar, are a great threat to the Quincy.

Both the Sternknights and the Royal Guards will be restrained by the Hollow poison.

The Holy Letter J, which opened the Perfect Body, absorbed the spirit of the Beast God, and the Perfect Body was contaminated.

However, Ishida Uryu is not afraid of the power of the Hollow.

He has no problem fighting with the Hollow at close range.

Such a physique is indeed interesting.

However, Ishida Uryu, who did not open the Holy Letter, is not powerful and is in a"blank state".

Uehara Shiraha is not very interested in this kind of existence for the time being.

As for the so-called omniscience and omnipotence, he does not take it seriously.

What kind of omniscience and omnipotence that can be affected by mirror flowers and water moons is omniscience and omnipotence?

The omniscience and omnipotence of the Soul King still has some weight, and the omniscience and omnipotence of Yhwach can only be regarded as a more powerful space-time ability.

In front of Dankong, all the power of time and space is just illusion


On the other hand, Ichigo Kurosaki resolutely rejected Hirako Mako's recruitment:

"I am the god of death, not one of you!

I will not join you."What he identified with was not the power or identity of the god of death, but the responsibility and experience.

To him, the god of death represented protection.

Just like Batman never walked out of that alley in his life, a part of Ichigo Kurosaki's heart will always stay on the day when he failed to successfully protect his mother.

"This brat is really troublesome."Looking at Ichigo Kurosaki who left in an instant, Mako Hirako complained.

However, he didn't really take the other party's refusal to heart.

He understood the other party.

No matter what, this kid would have to compromise in the end.

Moreover, the two sides have a common enemy and a basis for cooperation.

After sensing Ichigo Kurosaki's spiritual pressure, Isshin Kurosaki also said goodbye to Kisuke Urahara and returned home.

He didn't want his son to know his identity for the time being.

Shiraha Uehara also heard the conversation between Isshin Kurosaki and Kisuke Urahara.

After seeing the strength of the new Arrancar, the"senior group" was full of fear of Aizen and the Arrancar.

If things continue to develop like this, the existence of the Arrancar may really affect the world situation and may even destroy the real world.

After all, the real world is too fragile to resist the invasion of the Arrancar Corps and Aizen.

And we have to consider the possible troublemakers.

Shiraha Uehara doesn't have so many concerns.

He is not the same kind of person as these two people.

The thinking of some people in the world of death, It really cannot be measured by common sense.

For example, Isshin Kurosaki watched his son being fooled by Urahara Kisuke and others into life and death.

To put it bluntly, the collapse of the Three Realms into the original world is a disaster for ordinary people.

But for a top spiritual power owner like Ichigo Kurosaki, it doesn't matter at all, and it can even be said to be a good thing.

Moreover, knowing that the power of the hollow will be passed on, the couple insisted on having children, and gave birth to three.

They really treat the hollow as a family heirloom and want to pass it down.

Moreover,"it is passed on to males but not females", and the more it is passed, the more powerful it becomes.

If Ichigo was not the protagonist, the couple would have ruined their children. What if the offspring loses control and completely becomes a hollow, who should be blamed?

But in a sense, the couple is a perfect match, and they are both very thick-skinned.

They do these things and make such choices, which is in line with their personality.

However, Hakuha Uehara is not so hot-blooded.

He takes it when there is benefit, and spends it when there is no benefit.

Being able to enjoy yourself while mastering the overall situation is the real skill


The next day, in the eastern woods of Karakura Town, a round crater suddenly appeared on the ground with a loud bang.

This scene looked like the Saiyans in Dragon Ball coming to Earth in a spaceship.

At this time, two Arrancars, one large and one small, walked out of the crater.

The two Arrancars wore high-collared, long-sleeved windbreaker-like jackets with white tops and black bottoms and black edges. They wore white kimono pants skirts and were tied with a wide black waist.

This is the standard uniform of the Ten Espada, which is based on the haori of the captain of the Shinigami and the Death Hegemony.

In addition, a long sword was hung on each of their waistbands.

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