On the one hand, the other party wanted to prove his innocence; on the other hand, he also wanted to make up for his previous mistakes, especially towards Ichigo Kurosaki.

Unconsciously, Abarai Renji had already regarded Ichigo Kurosaki as an opponent and friend.

In Uehara Shiroha's opinion, although Abarai Renji and Grimmjow were tough on their lips and said they wanted to catch up with Ichigo Kurosaki, the gap in talent between these two and Buddha Ichigo was the same as that between Krillin and Goku.

They could only talk big.

But good friends are like this, and the friendship between men is understandable.

While thinking, Uehara Shiroha looked at the desert in front of him again.

Some small animal hollows were moving around.

In the distance, a spiritual pressure different from ordinary hollows was sneaking over. It should be the guardian of the white sand that was very alive.

Strictly speaking, hollows are not a necessary part of the soul particle cycle.

After the death of the living life in this world, if it is the end of old age, it will directly enter the reincarnation.

Spirits who died of other reasons have the opportunity to enter the Soul Society and become residents of Rukongai.

Of course, if you have an obsession, you will become a Hollow.

Hollows born in the real world will instinctively devour souls to grow, and when they reach a certain level, they will go to Hueco Mundo to continue evolving.

In the world of the God of Death, the real world is equivalent to the real world, and matter and life are composed of instruments.

Soul Society is the residence of spirits, where the God of Death is located;

Hueco Mundo is the residence of Hollows.

As for Hell, the extremely evil spirits will be imprisoned there to receive punishment.

It's just that without Hollows, the spirits and souls of the world of the God of Death can still achieve circulation.

But Hueco Mundo must exist because it is a necessary part of the balance of the world.

Because the world of the God of Death is composed of the real world, Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and Hell.

The spiritual pressure strength of these four parts, or the strength of the spirits and souls, must maintain a balance of"833" within a certain range.

Simply put, the world of the God of Death is a small balance on a large balance.

The left and right ends of the small balance are Hueco Mundo and Soul Society, the fulcrum is the real world, and the wedge is the Soul King.

Therefore, the number of souls in Hueco Mundo and Soul Society must be equal.

Otherwise, the two worlds will approach and collide, eventually leading to the destruction of the three realms.

At the same time, the present world and the Soul King must exist, otherwise without the support of the fulcrum wedge, the three realms will collapse and merge into one.

The Soul Society, the Hueco Mundo, and the present world as a whole constitute the two ends of a large balance with hell.

The strength of the souls of both sides must be balanced.

Otherwise, the seal of hell will be unlocked, and some very bad things will happen, such as the"ancestors" opening the coffin.

Uehara Baiyu guessed that the reason why the monk did not immediately take action against Aizen and Youhabach was to prevent hell from making trouble.

After all, the spiritual pressure possessed by these two people is the main force to seal hell.

In hell, there are unknown existences that even the Soul King cannot see through.

So at the beginning, the monk only sealed Youhabach's all-knowing and omnipotent eyes.

Balance is the purpose of the god of death and the monk.

Uehara Baiyu is not worried about this"seesaw world" that is a bit subtle and a bit dangerous.

Even if the worst happens, it won't stop him from playing music and dancing, nor will it stop him from continuing to do tasks and become stronger.

As long as he completes the daily tasks, Uehara Hakuha can gain attribute points.

As a result, his spiritual pressure and basic abilities can be improved, and the improvement is based on the percentage of the current strength.

Therefore, the later the attribute points are, the stronger the effect of the improvement will be, and the faster his strength will be improved.

The most important thing is that such an improvement ignores any bottlenecks, and there is no limit at all.

So as long as he lives long enough and completes more tasks, he can even surpass the only true god in the world of death.

At that time, even if the world collapses, he can rebuild the world in a minute and create a more perfect world. What the Soul King can do, he can do, and even better.

While thinking, Uehara Hakuha grabbed the sand in the desert with his hands and released the perfect level of observation Haki.

The ability to see everything is activated.

He immediately locked onto the faint will in the sand.

This will is like the Hueco Mundo in front of him, lifeless, but full of primitive instincts and desires.

If Hueco Mundo is a world of the dead, then this will is the will of the dead, and it is a corpse-like existence.

It seems that the legend is true.

This desert was transformed from the Great Hollow killed by the Soul King in the ancient times.

To be precise, the main body of the desert should be the corpse of the ancient Great Hollow that devoured the world.

The so-called valleys are the remains of high-level souls in the Broken World.

The spiritual pressure of their remaining spirit particles is too strong, so small worlds are formed.

Therefore, it can be inferred that Hueco Mundo is the transformation of spirit particles after the death of the ancient Great Hollow. By the same token, every spirit particle world independent of the real world may have some extremely powerful will and spiritual pressure.

Then what about Soul Society? What about Hell?

Uehara Shiraha sighed secretly:

"Aizen was right about this.

This world is indeed built on corpses.

Every world has a corresponding will secretly controlling it.

This will is the rule by which the world operates.

However, I don’t like this kind of will, this kind of power, and this kind of rule!"

While thinking, Nel thawed.

She gasped and said:

"It was so dangerous, I almost died!

That icy feeling was quite interesting.

It was just too dangerous!"

Death, you……"

"What did you call me?"Uehara Baiyu glanced over.

He just used a little bit of his Stand power.

Otherwise, Nilu would never be thawed in this life.

Noticing Uehara Baiyu's eyes, Nilu immediately admitted her mistake:"I'm sorry, Lord Uehara, I was too loud just now."

As the two were talking, Nilu suddenly discovered that the nearby desert had undergone strange changes.

White gravel scattered, and a huge, terrifying hollow made of sand appeared in front of her.

Looking at the familiar white sand guardian, Nilu was almost scared to death and exclaimed:

"Lord Runuganka has appeared again!"

"Intruder, die!" Runugonka is faithfully completing the task and destroying the invader.

Hollows rely on their bodies to survive.

Their defense and vitality are stronger than those of Shinigami and Quincy of the same strength. This is even more true for Arrancar.

Therefore, after Ichigo Kurosaki's random slashing and Rukia's initial thawing, Runugonka still has the strength to fight.

According to Aizen's order, any stranger who enters the range of the Kyon Palace must die.

A large amount of white sand rolled towards Uehara Baiyu and Nel.

"Again?"Nielu opened her mouth wide and swallowed a mouthful of sand again, her face horrified.

Facing the threat of death once again, the hidden power and memory in her body were stirring.

Her head was itchy, she needed a brain!

""A tiny pearl can also shine!" Facing the sandstorm, Uehara Baiyu snorted coldly, his body standing still.

A spiritual pressure burst out from the air, blasting away the rolling sand waves, and locked onto Runugonka who was controlling the sandstorm.

The Guardian of the White Sand felt that his body was extremely heavy.

His body gradually fell apart, and his mind began to fall into darkness.

He murmured to himself:"Lord Aizen, I'm sorry.……"

The enemy's attack was so horrible that he was completely helpless.

Until the end, he didn't know what happened.

The body made of sand grains was immune to Zangetsu's Crescent Moon Sky Strike, but it couldn't stop the terrifying attack that crushed even sand grains into powder.

As the wind blew, Lunuganka's torn body turned into the purest spirit dust and drifted away with the wind.

Soon, there was no trace of Lunuganka in the world.

This Arrancar died more cleanly and thoroughly than those ancient great hollows.

This was the spiritual pressure shock that belonged to Uehara Baiyu.

The unity of man and sword plus the infinite sword system made his spiritual pressure shock have terrifying power. (To read the violent novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

His spiritual pressure shock can not only deter others from the spiritual level, but also has physical destructive power.

This is a power that ordinary spiritual pressure shocks do not have.

Just like the domineering color domineering is a top talent that only one in a million can cause mental deterrence to the weak and clear the soldiers.

If the realm is higher, it can achieve the entanglement of the king's color, which can cause a double attack on the enemy's spirit and body.

And Uehara Baiyu's"Heroic Haki" seems to have its own entanglement ability. With one impact, the weak fall to the ground, the strong bleed, and the heart is hurt.

This invisible power of killing is very terrible.

Its power is equivalent to the Bankai big move of the ordinary captain of the god of death. How can this combat power not be strong?

Just like Aizen can use spiritual pressure to intimidate Grimmjow, making his consciousness blurred and unable to move.

But if he really wants to kill someone, Aizen still needs to use the slashing technique or ghost way.

Unless the difference in spiritual pressure between the two sides is several dimensions, then the strong can use spiritual pressure to directly annihilate the soul of the weak.

Just like Aizen was sealed in a chair, he could still rely on spiritual pressure to evaporate the body of an ordinary god of death.

But this is only a special case, and the opponent's spiritual pressure does not actually have the effect of physical attack.

And Uehara Baiyu's spiritual pressure is different.

With a spiritual pressure impact, Grimmjow's body and mind will be torn apart.

This attack method is comparable to the black torrent formed by the residual spiritual pressure of the Soul King, and it is very powerful.

There are many ways to be immune to slashing techniques or strange abilities, but there are almost no ways to be immune to spiritual pressure.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is even more like a god-like power.

For example, Nellielu was shocked at the moment.

Although her little brain was sometimes smart and sometimes not

, she also knew how weird and terrifying the scene in front of her was....[]

"Dead!? How is it possible?"Nelliel's expression was so distorted with shock that it almost became a"face art".

The invincible white sand guardian actually fell!

The body of sand that was not afraid of being slashed actually broke into pieces and shattered into dust!?

And in the process, the body of the god of death, Baiyu Uehara, didn't even move.

What is going on?

And putting all this aside, she won't be killed to silence her, right?

It's not surprising that Nelliel has such thoughts.

After all, in her opinion, the Palace of the Night and Aizen are extremely powerful and invincible.

And killing the guardian of the Palace of the Night is a big deal.

More importantly, Baiyu Uehara gave her a feeling that she is not easy to mess with.

Seeing that Nellie's eyes were getting clearer, Baiyu Uehara knew that this little thing was thinking nonsense again.

He said:

"Now that you've discovered it, there's nothing we can do.

How many pieces should I cut it into?"

"No, Nilu is very useful."Noticing the look in Uehara Baiyu's eyes as if he was looking at the pork on the chopping board, Nilu's body trembled and she said quickly:

"My saliva can heal wounds.

I am very good at playing hide and seek."

"Wait a minute!" Uehara Baiyu took out the horse charm and shot it at Nel.

A white light flashed, and all the minor injuries on the opponent's body recovered.

But Nel's body did not grow bigger and return to the royal sister form of the Three Blades period.

Nel looked at the horse charm in Uehara Baiyu's hand with sparkling eyes:"What is this? So comfortable! Just like the legendary sunshine!"

Just now bathing in the white light, she felt warm all over and full of strength.

Her body became swollen.

She instinctively realized that if she let this feeling continue, she might really grow a brain.

But fortunately, she suppressed this feeling with force.

Looking at Nel with a silly face, Uehara Baiyu understood in her heart:

"It's not that the horse charm is not powerful enough.

It's that Nilu is in a normal state now.

At least, that's what she thought.

Maybe deep down, this peace-loving person would rather keep this harmless appearance. He really deceived himself."

However, it doesn't matter if he can't change back for the time being, he is not picky.

It's easier to deceive a younger one.

And considering the other party's real age, he is not exploiting child labor.

"Want to compete?"Seeing Uehara Baiyu staring at her, Nilu thought that he wanted to play the staring game with her.

She stared at Uehara Baiyu without blinking, and her look became more and more silly and cute.

She completely forgot the fear just now.

Uehara Baiyu casually threw a big slap at Nilu, making her lose her balance:"I won!"

"Hateful, despicable……"Nellielu, who was hit on the back of her head for no apparent reason, was in tears and her head was buzzing.

If she hadn't been unable to beat him, she would have pounced on him and bit him to death.

Uehara Shiraha picked up Nellielu with one hand like she was holding a fish, and said casually:

"It just so happens that my base is in need of a gatekeeper.

I see that you have a fine figure and are a natural worker. 4.0

So you come to guard the gate for me!

If you work hard, I will give you a raise at the end of the year."

Aizen's approach at the Palace of the Night is really too kind. He holds a meeting every ten days, never works overtime, and even gives him tea to drink. Is this charity?

No wonder some of the Ten Espadas don't work hard, but just slack off to get seniority. Their slogans are quite loud, and they are all very arrogant, but their records are all zero.

In a fight, they are either stupid, reckless, or soft-hearted.

They are all incapable of taking on the big responsibility, and the strengthening of the Hougyoku is in vain.

The combined effects and records of all the hollows are not as good as those of the brainless Wandaweiss..

At least he defeated Kensei, sealed Ryujin Jakka, dug out Ukitake's heart, and almost stole Urahara A's ass...

This role is great, and it's not too much to give him an MVP.

In comparison, the performance of the other Ten Espadas is a bit unsightly.

No wonder Aizen turned against him in the end and started to clean up the house.

All this must be the fault of the system.

If he were to replace him, he would definitely arrange for clock-in, daily performance, and 996 blessings.

In this way, there is no need to worry that Hueco Mundo will not become bigger and stronger and create greater glory!

"What is a part-time worker?"Thinking she was praised, Nilu grinned and laughed out loud.

She had never enjoyed the blessing before and thought it was some new game, and was eager to try it.

Uehara Baiyu glanced at the little thing that was very proud, and thought to himself:

"Laugh, laugh, there will be a time for you to cry.

I want to see how long you can endure."

Along the way, the two met a few ignorant Arrancars.

These Arrancars rushed over and shouted:

"Kill this Grim Reaper!"

"For Lord Aizen!"

"For Master Jubla!"



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