The inner awakening made Ichigo Kurosaki's wavering spiritual pressure temporarily stable.

He defeated Grimmjow who activated his ultimate move.

However, Grimmjow was very unwilling to accept his defeat. Even though he was forced to exit the Reborn state due to his serious injuries, he still struggled to fight.

Ichigo Kurosaki looked at Grimmjow who had difficulty even walking, and said seriously:

"I know you want to be the king.

But being a lonely king is not fun at all."

He felt the same way.

He didn't want to dominate anyone. This was not what he pursued.

However, the power in his body didn't seem to think so.

Whenever he used the power of the Hollow, Ichigo Kurosaki could feel the urge in his heart.

It was an instinctive desire, a desire to fight, a desire to kill, a desire to destroy.

Grimmjow and the other Arrancars were like a mirror, reflecting this desire and the tragedy of obeying instinct.

Although these Arrancars were all powerful Espadas, they were not happy and even lived a very empty life.

Kurosaki Ichigo felt this way. Ichigo Kurosaki already knew it from their spiritual pressure.

So no matter what, he didn't want to become a monster dominated by instinct.

Grimmjow didn't care about that, and continued to"punch" weakly on Ichigo Kurosaki's chest with his"little fists".

Just as the two were pulling and tugging, Nnoitra, who was COSing as the Grim Reaper with a scythe, appeared. Without saying a word, he first knocked Grimmjow down with a scythe, and then attacked the seriously injured Ichigo Kurosaki. Grimmjow, who was already dying, fell to the ground without saying a word, and fainted neatly.

When he saw Orihime Inoue next to him, Nnoitra shouted:"Dessler! Catch her!"

This Ulquiorra is so arrogant, but it's useless.

He can't even keep an eye on a woman, what a waste.

At the critical moment, he has to take action.

The Five Blades subordinate officer Desler, like Nnoitra, wears an eye patch.

Two one-eyed dragons, one wearing a white eye patch and the other wearing a black eye patch.

And one on the left and one on the right, very symmetrical, those who don't know would think they are couples. After receiving the order, Desler did not hesitate, and immediately activated the ring to control Inoue Orihime, and threatened:

"Don't move!

Although your Shield Shun Rikka has strong defense, it is very fragile as a carrier of power.

At this distance, I can break your hairpin before you activate your power.

Because of the order of Lord Aizen, as long as you don't resist, 943 will be fine."

"Who are you? Let her go, come at me if you dare!" Seeing Inoue Orihime being held by the enemy with a weapon, Kurosaki Ichigo was a little anxious.

Nnoitra was not convinced:

"You said that as if you let her go, you can beat me.

Death, what is your name?"

"Kurosaki Ichigo!"Kurosaki Ichigo clenched Zangetsu.

His spiritual pressure and physical strength were greatly depleted, and he was seriously injured.

Moreover, the Arrancar in front of him put a lot of pressure on him.

The situation was extremely unfavorable to him.

However, no matter how powerful the enemy was, it could not stop him from rescuing his companions.

Nnoitra laughed wildly:

"You are quite strong.

But unfortunately, I saw your fight just now.

I already know your fighting characteristics and all your weaknesses.

So I will only remember your name for a short time.

Because the dead have no names."

At this point, he stuck out his tongue to reveal the number"5" on it, and said confidently:

"If you see, the loser that you fought with all your might until you were covered in wounds to defeat is just number six.

And I am number five, the strongest of the ten espadrilles.

I am much stronger than you.

So, you will never be able to defeat me.

You are dead!"

After saying that, Nnoitra pursued Ichigo Kurosaki, who was in extremely poor condition, without giving him a chance to breathe.

He is different from Grimmjow. He likes fighting, but he likes winning even more.

In order to win, he can do whatever it takes and will never pursue fair fighting like Grimmjow.

In his opinion, picking up a head is victory.

So, facing the injured Ichigo Kurosaki and Grimmjow, he chose to punch hard without hesitation.

After a few rounds, Ichigo Kurosaki was already overwhelmed and could be seriously injured or even killed at any time.

Orihime Inoue was very anxious beside him.

But now she is controlled by others, and the ability of Shield Shun Rikka is completely out of her control, so she can only worry.

Ichigo Kurosaki roared repeatedly, but he could only be furious.

In his mind, Xu Bai continued to laugh:

"It's really useless!

You tried your best to suppress me and prove yourself.

In the end, this?

Give up, let me do it!

If you go on like this, you will die, that girl will die, and your companions will die!"

To be honest, Xu Bai didn't want to scare Kurosaki Ichigo.

It was because this kid was too unreasonable.

He kept emphasizing that he was Zangetsu and wanted Kurosaki Ichigo to recognize him.

In the end, he was guarded and rejected.


I originally wanted to turn my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch!" I wanted to get along with you as a Zanpakutō and a guardian, but what I got in return was suspicion and suppression.

In this case, Kyobaku will not pretend anymore. He will show his cards, I am a hollow!

Of course, even so, Kyobaku still wants to help Kurosaki Ichigo.

And it is not up to him.

After all, he is just a knife.

The only one who can make decisions is the person holding the knife.

All he can do is kill and fight.

As before, Kurosaki Ichigo ignored Kyobaku and chose to continue fighting.

However, the opponent's defense was so amazing that his Tensa Zangetsu after his Bankai could not break the defense.

The opponent suppressed him with his invulnerable body.

"The so-called battle is���"Noitra said disdainfully:

"Without strength, no matter how strong the momentum is, it is useless.

Your fighting philosophy is too weak and too naive.

Fighting is for victory, for taking the enemy's life.

This is the meaning of our existence!

And I'm afraid you don't know, my steel skin is invincible.

Even if I stand there and let you hit me, you can't hurt me."

In his opinion, the battle between Kurosaki Ichigo and Grimmjow is like playing house, which has no meaning.

Fighting is that the winner takes the life of the loser.

This is the law of nature and the rule of Hueco Mundo, which must be followed.

That Nelliel gave up executing him because she was too weak.

As a result, he ambushed her and now she is dead in some corner.

What a stupid woman!

Such a weak and incompetent guy is destined to be eliminated.

His fighting belief is correct.

Facing a strong enemy, Kurosaki Ichigo still gritted his teeth and persisted, without any retreat or fear.

At this moment, a very casual and indifferent voice came:

""The strongest steel skin of the Ten Blades, it seems that there is nothing great about it!"

Hearing this voice, everyone looked up in a hurry, and saw a man with white clothes as white as snow and sword-like eyebrows suddenly appeared.

At the same time, a little girl behind him was peeking out furtively. The little girl was wearing a green skirt, and she was hugging the thigh of the man in white timidly, looking at them with curious eyes.

After seeing the appearance of the person coming, Nnoitra frowned and asked in confusion:"Who are you?"

The battle with Ichigo Kurosaki was not even a warm-up for him.

Therefore, he was alert to the outside world.

His exploration nerves have been paying attention to external threats.

It's just that the man in front of him appeared silently.

From beginning to end, he didn't see how this person appeared.

The key is that in his perception, this person did not have any spiritual pressure.

The other party was not wearing a death suit, and there was no mask or hollow on his body. He didn't look like an empty car or a god of death.

There was an inexplicable weird feeling in his temperament and momentum.

It's very strange!

"Enemies?" At this time, Daisile also reacted and asked Inoue Orihime:

"Is this your helper?

There is no such person in the data.

However, it doesn't matter who he is.

Master Nnoitra is invincible!"

"Mr. Uehara!"At this time, Ichigo Kurosaki and Orihime Inoue exclaimed. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The people who came were Shiroha Uehara and Nellielu.

Because the Shadow Clone Technique surpassed the Perfect Level, Shiroha Uehara decided to celebrate a little and increase the strength of these Arrancars to let them see what a big scene is.

He became the focus of the audience as soon as he appeared.

Because his temperament was so transcendent and eye-catching, everyone ignored Nellielu who was full of curiosity.

Hearing the exclamations of Ichigo Kurosaki and Orihime Inoue, Nnoitra was shocked:

"Uehara Baiyu?

It was him!"

He clenched his Zanpakutō tightly, but immediately laughed wildly:

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to come to Hueco Mundo.

That's great!

Together with your head, it is enough to prove that I am the strongest of the Espada.

Use your lives to fulfill my reputation as the strongest!"

It just so happened that he felt that a seriously injured and dying Kurosaki Ichigo was not enough.

He had also heard of the reputation of Uehara Baiyu.

As long as he killed him, he would be the strongest of the Espada! []

Daisler looked at Uehara Baiyu with a look of doubt:

"Is this the legendary white devil?

Why can't I feel any spiritual pressure or murderous aura?

But there is a strange oppressive force.

What a strange person.

Although Lord Nnoitra's strength is impeccable.

But we can't be careless."

He is ready to wait for an opportunity to help Nnoitra and quickly deal with Uehara Hakuba.

Even if he is reprimanded and punished by Nnoitra, he will not hesitate.

After all, the opponent is the famous Uehara Hakuba in the Hueco Mundo, and he can't take risks.

For Dessler, protecting Nnoitra is his only mission.

Uehara Hakuba didn't take Nnoitra and Dessler seriously.

For him, a provocation from a five-blade has no strength at all, and he is not even qualified to care about it.

He just glanced at the extremely embarrassed Kurosaki Ichigo, nodded and said:

"You finally look like someone you are.

Although you realized it a little late, it's better than nothing."

Compared to those natural born warriors, Kurosaki Ichigo is just like the"Nine Bags" Sawada Tsunayoshi in the tutor, the most approachable type.

These two people are born with unparalleled talents, but their personalities and mentalities are more ordinary than ordinary people.

Such a personality has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that the two of them will never become"Fatherlanders", which makes people feel relieved; the disadvantage is that the two of them will not be able to achieve anything big.

Lack of motivation is their biggest problem.

Therefore, they are all forced to move forward, forced to fight, and forced to become stronger.

""Heroes are made by the times" is what they are talking about.

Of course, Uehara Shiroha didn't care whether they were passive or active, willing or unwilling.

He only knew that these two were the best tools.

Otherwise, a group of old silver coins would not have used Kurosaki Ichigo to work for free one after another.

It is for this reason that Uehara Shiroha persuaded Kurosaki Ichigo kindly.

As for these clamoring Arrancar in Hueco Mundo, they are naturally ready to die.

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't know what to say for a while about Uehara Shiroha's praise.

It must be a good thing to be praised by this person, but too many things have happened recently, and his reaction is a bit slow.

And the other party is too mysterious, and he really can't grasp the other party's thoughts.

Looking at Uehara Shiroha, who was acting as if no one was around and didn't take him seriously at all, Nnoitra's face turned cold and he smiled evilly:

"I was totally underestimated!

Uehara Shiraha, I have heard of your name.

I don't know if you are really that powerful, but you are indeed our enemy.

And enemies should be eliminated!"

He knew that the man in front of him was definitely not weak.

The name of the White Devil came from the countless bloody corpses of the Great Hollow, representing a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

Even though Nnoitra thought he was invincible, he did not act rashly for a while.

He was just like this.

Otherwise, he would not have waited for Ichigo Kurosaki and Grimmjow to finish fighting before coming out to take advantage.

Of course, there was a more important point, which he was unwilling to admit.

He felt that there was always an inexplicable pressure on Uehara Baiyu.

This made him a little uneasy.

It was like walking in the dark, but coming to a cliff of thousands of feet. As long as he took a step forward, he would be crushed to pieces.

Nnoitra felt this way now.

He was very incompetent and furious about this.

For people like him, fear in the heart is equal to failure and death.

He should make others feel fear and uneasiness, not fear and uneasiness himself.

Therefore, Nnoitra didn't want to face the fear in his heart.

Over there, Daisler said to Uehara Baiyu:

"You are here to save Inoue Orihime, right?

But now she is in our hands, what are you going to do?"

In fact, strictly speaking, his actions violated Aizen's orders.

After all, Aizen had ordered that unless Inoue Orihime betrayed him, he could not attack her, especially he could not destroy the carrier of Shield Shun Rikka.

However, he was truly loyal to only Nnoitra.

So before, Dessler would block Chad Taisho's full-force counterattack for Nnoitra.

At this time, he also felt the strange oppressive force, so he wanted to test Uehara Shiraha.

He knew that Aizen and Nnoitra would not allow him to do this.

But he still did it.

This is loyalty!

Seeing that his subordinate officer acted on his own again, Nnoitra glared at Dessler fiercely:

""Dai Si Le, what do you mean?

Do you think I will lose?"

He didn't mind using hostages to threaten Uehara Bai Yu.

But Dai Si Le spoke for him, which meant that he was afraid of Uehara Bai Yu.

Even if the opponent was a white devil, even if this guy was a little weird, Noitra didn't think he would lose.

"You don't think you can threaten me like this, do you?" Uehara Baiyu said with a bored look:

"I don't even care about the life and death of Seireitei, let alone a mere human and a substitute Shinigami.

What on earth are you thinking?"

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