As for Ichigo Kurosaki, Shiraha Uehara still had the leisure to give some advice.

If it were Prince Naruto and Luffy, they would not be treated like this.

One of these two people seemed to be hit by"Kotoamatsukami" and could not listen to anyone's words; the other could not read a single word and could not understand anyone's words at all.

Compared with these two people, Ichigo Kurosaki is much cuter, very polite, and soft-hearted.

Even if Ichigo Kurosaki did not understand Shiraha Uehara's good advice for the time being, he would remember it in his heart.

This is a teachable talent.

In other words, as long as you exert a little influence, you can use this kid to make trouble, a top-notch bull.

Over there, Orihime Inoue was looking at Shiraha Uehara thoughtfully, with gratitude, admiration, and surprise in her eyes...

She understood what Ichigo Kurosaki did not understand, and thought about it more deeply.

However, she did not want Ichigo to understand.

Although she was very grateful to Shiraha Uehara"987" and could feel the amazing charm of the other party.

However, she was very self-aware.

Like Aizen, Uehara Shiraha is a"beautiful", powerful and deadly existence.

She and Kurosaki Ichigo simply cannot beat him.

So, in addition to being grateful, she also has the idea of keeping a distance from him.

"She's quite perceptive!" Uehara Shiroha saw through Inoue Orihime's thoughts at a glance.

There are still good women in the world of death, the kind that you will never lose out if you marry them home.

For example, the perceptually sharp and pragmatic Inoue Orihime and his several confidantes.

But the protagonist, Kurosaki Ichigo, has no"summoning core" spirit at all, too cowardly!

This won't do.

Thinking of this, Uehara said to Kurosaki Ichigo in a tone of regret:

"I heard that you have good grades?

It's already this late, and you're still doing useless work?

What a waste of talent!

Is studying something you should consider?

Kurosaki Ichigo, you are different from others, don't let studying hold you back."

He was not fooling Ichigo Kurosaki.

Ichigo Kurosaki, who was of four clans, was indeed different from others, and his bloodline was even more outrageous than that of the Soul King.

In this world where power is everything, studying is not a waste of time for Ichigo Kurosaki.

Although this kid was not conscious enough, Shiroha Uehara saw it very clearly.

Don't talk about pursuing a peaceful life, that is the privilege of the strong.

If Ichigo Kurosaki didn't have a"bloodline", his family would have been gone the first time they were attacked by the Hollow.

In a supernatural world like the God of Death, only the strong can dominate everything, and the weak don't even have the qualifications to survive.

This is the essence of this world.

Of course, after seeing the essence of the world, it is not a bad thing to still love life and insist on being yourself.

However, Shiroha Uehara doesn't like this because it is not competitive enough and there is too little fun.

Compared to his own efforts, he would rather see others carrying the burden for him.

Hearing what Shiroha Uehara said, Ichigo Kurosaki, who wanted to be an ordinary person, could only laugh dryly and change the subject:

"Ahaha, actually it's okay...

By the way, Mr. Uehara, aren't you worried about the Espada and Aizen at all?"

He didn't have any opinion on the fact that Uehara Shiroha killed Nnoitra.

Kurosaki Ichigo just couldn't do it himself, but it wasn't that he didn't know right from wrong. Nnoitra deserved to die, there was no doubt about that.

He just didn't want to involve Uehara Shiroha in the vortex of war because of himself.

After all, the man in front of him seemed to have never wanted to be an enemy of Aizen and had always wanted to stay out of it.

"Who do you think I am? I, Shiroha Uehara, will never reconcile with the Espada and Aizen!" Shiroha Uehara's face was filled with justice and determination:

"Even if it means sacrificing your life and the life of the Gotei 13, I will completely defeat Aizen!"

Ichigo Kurosaki is still too young and thinks too shallowly.

Not to mention the death of Nnoitra, even if all the Ten Espadas were killed by him, Aizen would not be angry.

It is precisely because he has demonstrated his strength that the two future"prison masters" Aizen and Youhabach dare not drag him into the vortex.

If you want to escape the fate of becoming a pawn, you must first prove that you have the capital to"turn the table", and then you are qualified to share the cake.

In this world, being strong means you can do whatever you want!

""Ah?" Hearing Uehara Baiyu's resolute words, Kurosaki Ichigo broke out in a cold sweat.

He seemed to be having a hard time accepting this. He felt that Mr. Uehara did not take the upcoming war seriously.

The war between the God of Death and Aizen and Hueco Mundo determined the fate of the entire world.

But to Mr. Uehara, it seemed like just a game, and it didn't matter who won or lost.

"Here it comes!" Uehara Baiyu looked up at the white sand rising in the distance and said jokingly:

"Is your Zangetsu a real Zanpakutō?

Why are all the Hollows and Shinigami you've chopped so persistent? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Is your sword drugged? Don't you think so, Grimmjow?"

Look at Abarai Renji, Kuchiki Byakuya, Grimmjow and the upcoming"Old Eight" Kenpachi Zaraki, they are all full of gay feelings for Kurosaki Ichigo.....

""The Pick-up Girl" Kamijou Touma beats people to collect his harem, and Kurosaki Ichigo slashes people to collect his gay friends, with a clear division of labor.

However, Uehara Shiroha knew that this time Kenpachi Zaraki was coming for him.

On the one hand, Kurosaki Ichigo's injuries had not healed yet, and his strength had not fully recovered, so it was not fun to fight him; on the other hand, he was stronger than Kurosaki Ichigo and more challenging.

At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo and others also noticed the extremely terrifying and powerful spiritual pressure in the distance, which was like a ferocious beast.

They hurriedly looked up.

In the rolling white sand, a red-gold figure rushed over like a runaway locomotive.

The violent momentum and the powerful spiritual pressure containing boundless evil spirits made several people They were all hallucinating.

For a moment, they felt cold all over, as if they fell into an ice cave, and their bodies seemed to be pierced by a sharp and cold blade.

This person's spiritual pressure is not only full of murderous aura, but also seems to have condensed into a real blade. It is really terrifying.

When their minds were shaken, Ichigo Kurosaki and Orihime Inoue vaguely felt that this spiritual pressure was a little familiar.

So strong!

Ichigo Kurosaki, Orihime Inoue, Nellielu, and Grimmjow who had just woken up all stared at the beast-like figure with wide eyes.

Soon, a tall man came to them in the white sand.

The man was 4.4 like a violent beast, with an astonishing murderous aura all over his body.

"It's him, Kenpachi Zaraki!" After seeing the appearance of the person clearly, Ichigo Kurosaki's face changed.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was lifted again.

It's good that the person coming is not an enemy.

But this captain of the 11th Division will kill the enemy when there are enemies, and he will even kill his own people when there are no enemies.

Ichigo Kurosaki has a deep understanding of this.

Orihime Inoue looked at Kenpachi Zaraki with a worried look, while trying to treat Ichigo Kurosaki.

She also knew Kenpachi Zaraki and knew that he was not a"serious captain".

When he went crazy, he would kill anyone, and he especially liked to spar with Ichigo Kurosaki.

What's more terrifying is that the other party thought that the sparring was actually a fight with his life at stake.

Who can withstand this?

When he saw Kenpachi Zaraki, Grimmjow was also startled:"There are still masters?!"

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