Time passes little by little.

The summer vacation is halfway through.

Finally, it was time to go to the corpse soul realm.

August 10th.

The departure was originally scheduled for the 7th, but it was postponed by three days.

The reason is related to Ichigo.

For this reason, Natsuki’s exclusive nanny Orihime has been stationed in the Urahara store three days ago, and only Chado is following Natsuki to hold back and cultivate, because he knows that Ichigo will definitely become stronger, and he can only have a chance to catch up and fight together in the future by holding Natsuki’s thigh.

One o’clock in the morning.

Everyone gathered in front of the Urahara store.

As soon as they met, Orihime, Chado, and Ishida, who had a wrong mouth, were taken aback by Ichigo’s appearance.

“Hey, Kurosaki, are you really okay with this? Before going to the Corpse Soul Realm, is it better to go to the hospital first? ”

“…… Ichigo, this time I think what Ishida said makes sense. ”

“What do you mean by ‘this time’? When will I say something unreasonable? ”

“Okay, you two, stop being verbose.”

Ichigo interrupted the two with a wave of his hand, his face pale, and his tone was weak and weak: “Sorry Inoue, has your spiritual pressure been restored?” Can you help me treat it again if I recover? ”

“Huh? Oh! Of course no problem. ”

Orihime hurriedly activated the “Double Heaven Knot Shield”, allowing the orange-yellow enchantment to cover Ichigo’s body.

“Is Inoue still doing this to kill himself and sneak his soul to the corpse soul world?”

Ishida, as always, is unforgiving.

Ichigo sat on the stool in the doorway like this, honestly letting Orihime heal his wounds, and responded smoothly:

“Don’t mention it, it’s all a good thing done by that guy in the clog hat, in the past half a month, he was almost sent to the corpse soul world nearly a hundred times, if it wasn’t really useful, I would definitely split his hat and the whole person into two and then chop it up!”

With a tone full of resentment, combined with his mummy-like appearance wrapped in bandages, anyone with a discerning eye can see what kind of hellish cultivation he has experienced these days.

With Ichigo’s tenacious vitality, it is estimated that he will either die or give up in a few days.

‘But this guy’s spiritual pressure has indeed increased a lot, compared to the last time we met, it is almost like the two of them, is the god of death so outrageous? If so, what about Inoue and Chado? ’

Ishida pushed down his glasses, the surface was silent, but his heart was very unpleasant.

He paid such a big price, gambling on the glory and future career of the Exterminator, in the end, it was no different from the gains of others, and even incomparable, which made him feel that he was too incompetent.

The fighting spirit that wanted to fight for the glory of the Exterminator was strongly hit.

“Yo, is everyone here?”

At this time, Urahara paced in.

With a flirtatious smile, but hidden by the open folding fan.

“No, Natsuki hasn’t come yet, did he accidentally fall asleep?”

Ichigo asked suspiciously as he took off his Death Boss shirt and untied his bandages.

“I think it’s more likely that training forgot the time.”

Chadu, who has been sparring, has the most say.

Orihime also said abruptly: “Yes, Miss Yoruichi said a few days ago that she would teach Xia Jun a very powerful trick, and then it ‘boomed’ all day, the ground was shaking, Miss Yoruichi went to see the situation, and she didn’t have energy all day after coming back.” ”

“It’s like I accidentally got ketchup into a bento box, and my classmates ate it, and then kept praising me and buying me a bread that I liked to eat.”

“Xia Jun didn’t have my help to treat, maybe he was so tired that he fainted!”

“…… So are you happy or unhappy? ”

“I could have understood it, but now I’m worried about that Yoruichi-sama’s mental state.”

“No, Natsuki doesn’t faint from training, but Miss Yoruichi is often so tired that she snores and can’t get out of bed in the morning.”

Everyone was helpless about the way she described her.

At this moment, a figure stepped on the air and fluttered from the sky.

It was like Natsuki who was the subject of discussion, and the black cat lying on his head a little listless.

“Sorry, tangled up with what to bring, tangled for most of the day.”

“I ended up with only a knife.”

Ishida complained while taking a closer look at the person who had shocked him a while ago.

This look, I found some clues.

There’s nothing to say about dressing.

There is a very common sword bag containing bamboo swords and wooden knives on the back, and you don’t need to guess to know that a knife is loaded, after all, you don’t need this thing to hold other things.

Although the clothes are thin, they are dressed in a black sports vest + sports shorts, which are standard in the gym, comfortable and breathable, but also show the considerable muscle contours of the limbs.

Is it an illusion? I always feel that I was not so strong more than half a month ago.

It’s like I haven’t seen it for 170 days.

I don’t know if the posture is straight, the core of the back is developed to hold up the entire skeleton, it seems to have grown two centimeters taller, plus the lean muscles, the whole person has become larger.

The mental outlook is not small compared to the last time we met, giving people an unfathomable feeling, a pair of golden eyes like a tiger and leopard, can show a strong aggression at any time.

The crisp short white hair is also like the mane of a beast, showing strong vitality in the moonlight.

Ishida did not know that this was the credit of the “Saiyan spirit”, but felt that this senior in the school was more mature and reliable than ever.

In addition, although it was not as direct as the indiscriminate overflow of spiritual pressure that brought a sense of oppression to people like Ichigo, the moment he was swept by his gaze, his keen spiritual sense made him tremble involuntarily.

It’s like being detected by some extremely dangerous predator.

Can’t hide, can’t escape, the only hope is that the other party voluntarily gives up hunting.

This kind of helplessness cannot help but be experienced by people, and only Ishida can be fortunate enough to experience it.

Others didn’t react much.

Ichigo was not this piece of material at all, he had not been beaten and now saw that anyone had the guts to carry a knife and cut it, regardless of whether the other party was a mountain old man or a blue dye, it didn’t make a difference to him.

On the contrary, he sighed with a little envy about Xia Shu’s ‘fitness achievements’, and then complained by the way that Urahara had lost several pounds of training, and his blood was almost dry.

And the remaining Orihime and Chado are simply accustomed to it because they have been together for a long time.

“Because Yoruichi said that it is quite troublesome to bring things from the world into the corpse soul world, and again, it is easy to get in the way if there are more things, if you really want to lack anything, just solve it on the spot.”

Xia Shu said casually.

Although it was not explicitly said, everyone heard the voice.

Destination is a new world.

It’s not everything, but it’s not that far off.

Anyway, it’s not for guests, what is lacking, take it directly.

“I feel as if we are planning a criminal operation, so tense and exciting.”

Orihime looked excited.

Look at the corners of the mouths of others.

“If it is a crime, it is true, because whether you save Miss Immortal or not, illegal entry is always bad behavior.”

Urahara teased.

“From the moment I made up my mind to save Rukia, I left all this mess behind.”

Ichigo, who had recovered from his injuries, put on a death suit, stood up with the moon on his back, seemed to be unscrupulous, but in fact said forcefully: “It’s good to commit a crime, let me, a criminal, rescue other criminals, bad people do bad things, it is always more acceptable than good people doing bad things.” ”

“Everyone, let’s go, let’s bring Rukia back.”

After speaking, he took the lead and turned around and stepped into the store.

Ishida was still chanting, ‘I didn’t go to the Corpse Realm to save Immortal Wood,’ while following closely.

Natsuki put his hands in his pockets and walked at the very end of the line.

He was also mentally prepared to not give up if the trip did not achieve its goal.

If you don’t get the power of death, you will give up your body and enter the corpse soul realm as a soul.

Anyway, alone, no worries.

Go back to school? Save it.

He didn’t love learning that much.

(Chapters 24 missed hundreds of words when copying, have already been added, sorry)

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