For the dead subordinates, Shubert did not take a single look.

His attention was all on Natsuki.

“I knew that deliberately letting go of a little mouse and whipping her with fear would allow her to take me to find more mice and reap more military merits.”

As if satisfied with his own greed and vision, Thubert deliberately extended his tongue to lick the blood beads that flowed down.

Xia Shu could see that there was a murderous heart behind his seemingly calm and rational commander demeanor.

“Do you think I didn’t know you guys caught up?”

Bee Lianhua looked resentful.

A group of people on the other side swaggered here, which only means that the Grim Reaper who tried to hinder them was dead.

She didn’t feel that she was too weak to wait for others.

The thirteen teams of the Guardian Court, which had just transformed from the killer group, had a close relationship with each other, had extremely high cohesion, and had a tenacious will to fight, and were an ironclad force.

Although the other party is not weak, the main thing is that there is one more strong person to press the formation.

High-end combat power is unbalanced, how can there be a reason for undefeated.

If the captain had been there, it would definitely have been another result.

Therefore, after knowing that the other party caught up, Bee Lianhua was not worried at all, because she believed that as long as she found the captain, she would be able to clean up this group of enemy troops.

“Captain, it is this person who led the team to attack the team building, the weapons he uses are swords and bows, he likes to launch strong attacks from the front, and then sneak attacks with a bow at close range, in addition to strong wrist strength, defense, and fast speed, the vice captain has used ghost road attacks to also be cracked, suspected of having the ability to target ghost paths…”

Bee Lotus Chinese speaks quickly.

Balabala said a lot.

From combat means to capabilities, to stylistic characteristics.

These are all intelligence that comrades-in-arms took the initiative to exchange their lives for when they knew that they were invincible.

Even the main purpose of her own life is only to ‘convey intelligence’.

“I see, you take those people away and find a safe place to hide.”

Natsuki nodded, this information was useful.

He knew the Exterminator very well, but the Exterminator a thousand years ago was using some ‘backward technology’ that he did not understand, and if he made a mistake in judgment, the consequences might be much more serious than being caught off guard.

Bee Lianhua immediately carried out the order.

Shubert sneered and raised his chin, and the subordinates around him caught up.

“Who allowed you to leave my sight?”

Natsuki’s voice was colder than the night breeze.

And his gaze is hotter than the fires of war.

The ruby beam of light tore through the night, sweeping away the exterminators who dared to step forward.

It’s like shooting ants with a laser.

There is no escape, there is no escape.

There is no second way to do so other than to go to dust.

The explosion stained half of the sky red, illuminating the faces of Natsuki and Hubert.

The former is calm, the latter gloomy.

The heat from the surroundings was frozen by the murderous aura they released.

“Good, you are qualified to let me report my name.”

Xiubert slowly drew the saber at his waist, and the spiritual pressure rose, easily crossing the minimum threshold of the captain’s cultivation.

“I am the deputy commander of the first ace force [Knights of the Star Cross] under His Majesty Youhabach, Xiubert.”

“A little impressed.”

If I remember correctly, he was also summoned by the old man of the mountain as a soldier, in addition to living in the memory of others.

Xia Shu wrote lightly: “What a coincidence, you are the deputy regiment leader, I am the captain of the second team, we are all second-in-command.” ”


Shubert’s expression became even more ugly.

Second in command?

He is indeed the second-in-command of the [Knights of the Star Cross].

The status is lofty and admired by thousands of people.

But if he could, he would prefer to become His Majesty Youhabach’s deputy and the head of the [Knights of the Star Cross].

Kick that smelly hairy boy from the position of regiment leader!

This crusade against the Corpse Soul Realm is an opportunity.

No matter how much His Majesty favors that hairy boy, as long as he fights more brilliantly than the other party, he can justifiably ask His Majesty for the position of regiment leader.

So no matter whether the other party provokes himself or not, he will not let go of the big fish in front of him.

“I will cut off your head and present it to His Majesty Yuhabach in a haori package from the team to which you belong!”

Swing a knife.

Half a second ago, it was still ‘waving’.

Half a second later, the blade almost hit Xia Shu’s throat.

“Is this ‘Fei Lian Foot’, it is indeed fast enough, not only fast, but also very silky, the reason why Ishida can’t look at the instantaneous step I understand now.”


There was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

A materialized golden light appeared on Xia Shu’s neck, and the blade slashed up and even splashed sparks.


Shubert was shocked.

In addition to being able to turn into a flowing arrow, can this golden light also be used for defense?

But even if this is the case, it won’t make him use the “Blood Suit”, right?

At this time, Xia Shu’s whip leg wrapped around the golden light was right in the abdomen of Xiu Belt.

Although Xiubert also switched to “Static Blood Suit” to reduce damage at the first time, he was still wrapped up by this unimaginable brute force and flew out upside down, smashing on the dirt slope at the edge of the pit like a cannonball, turning over several times and flying out of the pit.

It was difficult to stop his figure in mid-air, but Natsuki appeared behind Xiubert at a faster speed.

The blade is approaching.

But it came to an abrupt end.

Xia Shu grabbed his wrist, his five fingers were hard, and he gripped it firmly like an eagle’s claw, if it weren’t for the “Static Blood Suit” still open, Xiubert’s wrist joint would have been crushed alive.

I don’t care at all about the unusual angle, and the light arrow that hits the door.

Natsuki grabbed the hand that was holding the knife and threw it away again.


Ground tremors.

Like sandbags falling to the ground, splashing dust more than ten meters high.

Xia Shu has not been able to open the “Eye of Annihilation” for a long time, but his basic physical strength is not low, coupled with environmental factors and the spirit son ‘sent’ by Xiubert, with the “Golden Light Spell”.

Usually spending tens of minutes in the present world to absorb the atmospheric spirit is also this effect.

Don’t wait for the smoke to clear.

Hundreds of light arrows were violent, as if they swept in with anger.

Natsuki smiled, and didn’t seem to be smiling.

A continuous rain of light engulfed his figure.

Thubert on the ground was bleeding from his head, panting and embarrassed.

I was about to say a few words of ridicule, but I saw the light rain collapse, turning into countless black and white spirit sons, light and shadow intertwined, and merged into Xia Shu’s eyes.

“…… Reiko suck? ”

Shubert’s expression became very exciting.

For the Exterminator who packaged Reiko into a weapon, there was nothing more of a headache than this ability.

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