Just as Xia Shu was about to mend the knife, a black projectile exploded in front of his eyes, producing a huge smoke screen, not counting the obstruction of vision, but also had the effect of interfering with spiritual sense.

By the time he got out of the smokescreen, Algara had been rescued.

There are quite a few rescuers.

Groups of three or five, cleverly positioned.

Obviously, the exterminator side also came to his senses and knew that he could not be led by the nose.

In particular, high-end combat power cannot be easily damaged.

Otherwise, no matter how many people there are, it is just meat on a chopping board, slaughtered by anyone.

“It’s really full of talent.”

Xia Shu’s gaze swept and found that these people were not weak, and they must also be members of the [Star Cross Knights].

In order to complete the battle, Youhabach really took great pains.

The talents in the exterminator group were wiped out.

Perhaps the combat technology is not as advanced as the times in the bloody battle, but the heritage of an entire race is here, and the overall strength is not necessarily much weaker than the members of the future group of knights.

It doesn’t matter if you are weak, you can make up for it by the difference in quantity.

More than a dozen extermination divisions that are stronger than the vice captain and weaker than the captain level add up, and the combat power that bursts out is extremely impressive!

If it weren’t for a ‘special case’ like him, where would the average captain be their opponent?

It is no wonder that after this fight, only a handful of the original captains survived.

After all, they didn’t have the restraint that Xia Shu had against the Exterminator Division.

Only ruthless and ruthless.

And this ruthlessness also left a deep impression on Youhabach, making it unforgettable after a thousand years.

To put it in one word, it’s ‘PTSD’.

Xia Shu’s debut is still short, and his murderous energy accumulation is insufficient, but he is also not soft when he kills people.

The intensity skyrocketed.

The situation has come to a fever pitch.

Under such pressure, the two sides of the war were red-eyed.

Hiding strength at this time is tantamount to a crime.

More than twenty captain-level powerhouses fighting under the same sky is a man-made natural disaster, not to mention being confined to the same war zone for dogfighting.

The night sky cracked and the earth sank.

Every ounce of spirit in the air smelled of blood.

What a terrifying destructive power this is!

As strong as Yamamoto Motoyanagisai, he must go all out to suppress it in the face of the aftermath caused by the life and death struggle between the two sides, but he can’t free his hand at all.

So, it didn’t take long.

The sea of fire in the forbidden battlefield has collapsed by half.

People can no longer be prevented from entering and leaving.

Both sides fought and died in the sea of fire, and the fire did not stop, and the surrounding streets were playing out a tragic scene.

Youhabach gathered only the members of the Guards and the Knights and the senior cadres who commanded the Holy Soldiers, and a large number of Saint Soldiers, senior combatants, etc. were fighting with the Grim Reaper.

However, they also knew that the battle situation on this side was the most important, so they fought and all moved closer to the central area.

Bee Lianhua obeyed Xia Shu’s order and collected the remnants of the defeated soldiers everywhere, regardless of whether it belonged to the second team or not, as long as there was still the strength of the first battle, he would not let go.

In this way, a team of hundreds of people was pulled up and rushed to the central theater.

Activities in the surrounding area to intercept and destroy reinforcements of the division.

At the beginning, the results were remarkable, but as time went on, more and more holy soldiers and gods of death poured in, and the degree of tragedy and chaos was proportional.

Within a few hundred meters of the outer perimeter of the fire, there is a meat grinder, and those who step into it have to scrape two pieces of meat, and it is more difficult to keep a whole corpse than to ascend to the sky.

“Keep the formation! Don’t leave an order! Close the distance with the help of obstacles! ”

Bee Lianhua looks very petite, but she is old enough to be Xia Shu’s grandmother, worthy of a word of good knowledge, courage and resourcefulness, and the remnants of the soldiers are willing to let her command.

Of course, the main thing is that there are too few officials who survived.

The biggest losses so far are the officers of the various teams.

Most of them did not understand the difference between war and battle, and they were the first to lead as before, but their strength was not strong enough to be a thousand horses, and they were eventually killed one by one by the extermination division using long-range fire gathering tactics.

Bee Lotus was also one of the witnesses.

She learned the lesson of failure, pulled this group of guys who wanted to become death squads like a rein, treated them as commandos, relied on cooperation and excellent combat literacy, bravely and rationally tore open one line of defense.

Once the other party is in chaos, then the others can safely charge.

Bee Lianhua can’t command everyone.

Neither that prestige nor that ability.

And it doesn’t always work.

Behind the impressive results is a casualty rate of up to 50 percent.

Maybe a few more times, without waiting for the other party to make a move, you will lose the ability to fight, and then wait for death in place.

Contrary to Xia Shu’s restraint of the Exterminator Division, the Shinigami side was faintly restrained by the Exterminator Division.

Because one side is still using cold weapons, and the other side is carrying guns, no matter how bad it is also long-range weapons such as crossbows, close combat is not impossible to fight, the Holy Soldier Legion is specially equipped with pikemen, shield guards, etc., which have proven their value on the battlefield.

Everyone who has seen the Grim Reaper knows that the Grim Reaper sometimes fights very ordinary, and the degree of damage to the surrounding environment is extremely limited, just like the competition techniques of two ancient swordsmen, and there are not so many bells and whistles.

After all, the ghost path is not so easy to practice.

Therefore, for the majority of the lower-level gods of death, the slashing, punching, and walking guns and spirit bows they mainly rely on to face the extermination division really can’t grab any advantages, and they can not be unilaterally crushed thanks to their strong strength.

Compared with them, the thirteen teams of the thirteen court guards after a thousand years are a group of bastards except for the captain level and individual officers.

There are three seats in the eight-stage team, and there is a veteran captain sitting in the town, but he was punched by Chadu, who has not practiced for a few days, which is to be seen by the current first generation of glasses girls, and it is strange that he is beheaded on the spot.

After patiently crawling forward.

Once again, Bee Lianhua led the team to successfully take down an artillery detachment.

But her physical strength was also almost exhausted.

Retreat is not possible.

Standing at the forefront, you can walk wherever you want.

The enemy will soon divide his forces to block it.

This situation has been seen too many times, before I was able to run away because the big guy still had physical strength, but now, it’s enough to choke.

It is better to turn attack into defense, nail it in place like a nail, and wait for the opponent to attack, so that the companions can come, attack back and forth, annihilate the enemy, and you and others can survive.

There is no problem with the girl’s judgment, in other words, Natsuki will do the same.

But she was out of luck.

Encountered a hard stubble.

The caller’s name was Bazby.

Hasward’s hair, a core member of the [Knights of Star Cross] after a thousand years.

Although he is still very young now, he has only joined the group for a few years, but the strength he has gained by desperately cultivating with Hasward as the goal is not to be underestimated.

For some personal reason, Bazby ran farther away, and by the time he arrived, the sea of fire had cut off the battlefield, so he took someone else to vent his anger.

It doesn’t matter if you destroy the master or the Grim Reaper.

are the objects of his venting.

Anyway…… What use can a waste that can be killed by oneself come in?

However, the former will be slightly more tolerant, provided that there is enough respect for him, and the second must be brave enough.

If it is the latter, courage has become its biggest cause of death.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Basby will set his sights on Bee Lotus and his group.

“Finally I found you! Can you really run, dressed in black in order to adapt to the dark like a mouse? ”

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