While Ryan tried his best to fit into his newly won role of a captain, albeit one of a small crew, news of high first bounties of two individuals made their way around the world. Eventually it even reached the ears of influential people, since a bounty of such scale is still rather rare, especially as an initial one. Not to speak of the east blue, it even seldom happened in the New World.

Most of the people who stood at the apex of this world dismissed it, be it due to their pride or not putting them into their eyes at all. But there was a certain red haired individual, whose insight might or might not surpass the other two muscle heads and that candy-loving lunatic of a witch.

"Hey Boss, are you interested in them? Their bounties and strength seem to be at a high level for their age. Should I go and invite them into the crew?" a loyal crew mate asked his captain, himself harboring some interest in the two individuals.

A sharp light crossed through the red haired captains eyes before his facial features cracked into a grin, and he began chuckling. "No need. They don't seem like they would join us. From time to time it's more interesting to enjoy the show and something tells me we are going to see them soon enough." after making his statement he took a big gulp from the bottle at his side.

His crew mate just shrugged and staggered of getting himself something to drink.

In other places new pirates wanting to make a name for themselves had myriads of different reactions. Some looked gloomy, some jealous, some fearful, but a few special individuals enjoyed the news, got pumped for a fight or had stars inside their eyes.

Some distance away still in the East Blue on a certain island one could see a young woman standing in the corner of the newly posted Wanted Posters, closely listening to the surrounding discussions. Compared to women on earth one would describe her at rather tall with her 1,75m. She wore a red-black kimono leaving a bit room to move, showing her long white legs and bare feet inside a pair of sandals, resembling Japanese Geta with a rather modern design. Still, her appearance was nowhere cheap or too revealing.

In her left hand she was carrying a sheathed katana clearly showing exquisite craftsmanship all around the sheath. She was emitting a soothing aura, calming the people around her. Contrasting to the calming aspect of her aura it still had a sharp tinge to it, resembling that of a seasoned warrior who became one with his weapon and unconsciously preventing people from approaching her.

She had long nearly white hair all the way down to her waist, close to resembling Ryans own hair color and beautiful facial features. But the most eye-catching feature was the red blindfold she was wearing. But even if she couldn't see, there didn't seem to be a problem for her taking in her surroundings.

After listening for a while longer she muttered in a low voice. "Interesting" while flashing a little, nearly unnoticeable smile, and she disappeared into the direction of the harbor.

Time flew by and it was getting hotter, nearing the peak of summer.

While they were getting more attention, than even they would have guessed, Ryan and Anne were closing in to the next island after a few weeks. Both of them were standing on the deck covered in sweat. These last weeks, other than getting closer to each other and trashing small-time pirates that wanted to rob them, they did mock battles each day.

Ryan had few techniques to rely on and no control over his strength to speak of, which had a sharp increase after gaining his traits as a vampire. Anne on the other hand, albeit weaker than Ryan, still had gained formidable strength. Coupled with her dagger techniques and combat experience, which was clearly richer than Ryan's, she managed to win against him at the beginning. But after a few weeks of travel Ryan improved a lot and could now control nearly all of his strength and his movements became a lot better. Not surprising Anne rarely managed to win against him afterwards. Their Haki had slight improvements, but were still not at an usable level.

Anne had a slightly pouting expression on her face, only glimpsing at Ryan through the corner of her eyes before sighing. She approached him giving him a slight kiss.

"I'm going to take a shower Ryan, you should probably do the same later." she said sniffing her nose and disappeared into the ship.

Ryan looked at her with a smile and began thinking about the plans he made. Their crew was still far from being big enough, and they needed at least some more members to run the ship properly. But who would he be, letting every scoundrel into his crew.

Inside his mind he could already envision himself like some true ancestor of the vampire race leading his stylish crew with the disposition of an otherworldly being, disregarding the fact he was nowhere near the age of an ancestor. True, he could be called otherworldly, but it was still a bit off his fantasy.

After a few minutes Anne got back onto the deck slightly shaking her head and laughing lightly. These past few weeks she got to know him better and got used to his random actions and unique traits. She got back to the steering wheel correcting the course towards the new island.

After about two hours their destination finally came into view causing both of them happy feelings for different reasons. Ryan wanted to find people for his crew while Anne wanted to enjoy the comfortable life of a city for a few days. Aside from that they had to restock some of their necessities.

Docking their ship at the harbor Ryan took a step off the ship onto the second island in his new life.
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