Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 118: stranger? Mutated rat?

  Chapter 118 Ability user? Mutated rat?

  Nineteenth floor.

   Towering on the doomsday building in the cold wind, there was a killing that no one knew what happened.

  A large number of corpses fell on the 19th floor in various ways. They were shot, hacked to death, stabbed to death due to excessive blood loss, beaten to the back of the head with steel rods, **** and frozen to death, etc.

   All prove that there was indeed a violent conflict here, and everyone was fighting for their lives.

   "Judging from the condition of the corpse, at least two killings took place here."

  The command center and several experienced fighters at the scene all made the same inference.

  Unfortunately, because the weather is too cold, many information cannot be accurately preserved.

  For example, how long have these people been dead, and how did they come to this tall building?

  The only thing that is certain is that this is not normal!


  A soldier trotted back and reported to Qiu Chengguo: "I found a restaurant with its door closed, and there were a lot of messy goods piled up inside, and there seemed to be personal garbage left!"

  Qiu Chengguo lifted his spirits, "Okay, let's go over and see if there are any survivors from this killing."

  The so-called survivors are actually the final winners.

  Using the saying of the game circle, it is eating chicken.

  Chen Ji, Zhou Wan and Mu Xiaoxiao also came to this restaurant.

  After approaching, Chen Ji looked around, and it was still a mess. The signboard of the restaurant and the glass on both sides of the gate were all smashed, and there were many miscellaneous goods inside, which looked like a waste recycling bin.

  Mu Xiaoxiao didn't talk nonsense. After they finished taking pictures, they cut open the chain on the door with one sword, kicked it open again, and shouted softly, "The people inside come out!"

  More than a dozen guns were pointed inside, and the light of the flashlight shone into the restaurant. Anyone inside would definitely be alarmed.

   "There is a smell in it."

  Zhu Gao, a person with enhanced sense of smell and hearing, spoke.

   Everyone looked at him, and he said emphatically, "I mean, there are traces of someone's activities, such as household garbage or excrement... It stinks anyway."

   He was disgusting to recognize.

   "Go in and have a look."

  Mu Xiaoxiao walked in with a sword, and Chen Ji gave her a small ball of light to restore her flexibility in her hands and feet.

  Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at him, hooked the corner of his mouth, and slashed forward with his sword.


  Some kind of mechanism was triggered, and a large number of debris fell from the 20th floor above the head, making the situation in this restaurant even more chaotic. Various tables, chairs, pans, refrigerators and ovens completely blocked the road!

   "Is it a trap?"

   "There is indeed someone inside!"

   "Who is he watching out for? Does he know someone else will come? Or guess?"

   "Are there any supplies inside?"

   Seeing that it was a trap, everyone became excited, which can explain many things.

  Standing at the door of the restaurant, Chen Ji turned his head and glanced behind him. Zhou Wan kept paying attention to him, and asked after seeing him, "What's wrong?"

   "It's kind of familiar here."

   "Familiar? Have you been here to eat? Is there a restaurant like mine over there?"

  Zhou Wan chuckled.


  Chen Ji looked at her in surprise.

   "It's my friend's, I have invested in it, but later I felt that she was unreliable, so I withdrew."

  Looking at the restaurant, Zhou Wan's expression was a little emotional.

  Chen Ji's face became more and more strange: "Is this restaurant called Touch Love Restaurant?"

   Zhou Wan looked into his eyes, feeling his surprise, and after thinking about it carefully, she shook her head: "I remember it was my friend who named it LoveForever."

   Fortunately, it wasn't called Touch Love, otherwise Chen Ji's face would be filled with disbelief.

   Even so, this restaurant, Zhou Wan, the locator on the mutated white mouse, and the strange fight, these four together with Chen Ji himself, are already intricate enough.

   "The people inside hear it, please answer!"

Qiu Chengguo shouted into the blocked restaurant: "We are from the rescue team. We have a general understanding of the situation outside. It is a pity to see that so many people died in this doomsday, but please rest assured that we will not pursue the situation here. What happened, just want to figure out what happened here?"

  After the apocalypse, there are too many crimes outside the settlements. It’s not that they are ignored, but that there is a lack of manpower to manage them.

   If you don’t investigate, you will not be held accountable by default.

  Unfortunately, there is still no response.

  It seems that the trap was just left before, and the person is no longer in the restaurant.

   "Start clearing the field!"

  Qiu Chengguo stopped talking nonsense, and ordered to clean up the debris in the restaurant, and deployed manpower on the 20th floor to prevent anyone from escaping from above.

  It was too cold, and there was no time to communicate step by step with the people inside.

  Huang Yuwen finally came in handy. His cart turned into a large truck, violently pulling mountains of sundries.

"wait wait wait!"

  The person inside finally spoke out, shouting in a hoarse and ugly voice.

   Sure enough, there are people!

  The spirits of the people have been lifted a lot, and the action of clearing the road has not stopped, but has eased a lot.

   Both parties start a dialogue.

   "What's your name?" Qiu Chengguo asked.

   "Lin Zhiqiang."

   "How did you get here? And why is there a fight here?"

   "Driving, driving, we heard that there are a lot of supplies here, but after arriving, we found that many people have died here!"


   Chen Ji, who had driven in the field, immediately asked, "Why don't you go to the settlement if you can drive?"

  Lin Zhiqiang inside fell silent.

   Everyone looked at each other.

   "For many reasons, I don't want to say it."

   "Then what's your situation now?"

   "I'm fine now, there are supplies in the restaurant, I can share some with you, don't come in again."

   "There are still supplies? How long have you been here?"

   "One, one month."

   "You've been here for a month?!"

  Everyone looked at each other again. Even though the windows of the building were still intact, the wind was strong on the upper floors, and the temperature was much lower than that on the ground floor.

   Unless Lin Zhiqiang has a lot of heating equipment, such as a lot of diesel, which generates electricity continuously, he will not be able to sustain it at all.

   Not to mention how much you need to eat in a month.

   Unless he goes to eat those corpses...

   "Your answer does not convince us."

   Zhou Wan looked inside, "After we go in later, I hope you stay quiet and don't resist."

  Lin Zhiqiang fell silent.

   Roads are cleared.

  Chen Ji walked in, looked at this restaurant, and found that it was somewhat similar to Touch Love, but not exactly the same.

   "Lin Zhiqiang?"

  Qiu Chengguo shouted to the back kitchen in the restaurant that there are no windows in the back kitchen to reduce the cold wind.

   "Come in, I'm too cold."

   A hoarse voice came from the kitchen.

  Mu Xiaoxiao walked inside with a cold face, holding a sword, followed by two soldiers holding explosion-proof shields.

  Chen Ji gave the empress another ball of light to restore her body again.

  Mu Xiaoxiao walked into the kitchen.

   I saw a pile of thick quilts on the floor inside, and a person was lying inside.

  It's too cold here, the quilt is frozen stiff, it's hard to imagine that anyone can live here for a month.

   Moreover, Chen Ji, who was standing at the door, did not find many supplies.

"stand up."

  Mu Xiaoxiao said coldly.

  Zhou Wan stood beside Chen Ji.

  The members of the combat team pointed their black guns at the quilt on the ground, and there were also people guarding the restaurant. There were also people on the 20th floor, and there was a reinforcement team downstairs.

  Haishi Command Center is also paying close attention here.

   It can be said that the net has been laid.

   "I'm too cold."

   A hoarse voice came from inside the frozen quilt, "I can't move my hands and feet, come in."

   "Zhou Wan." Mu Xiaoxiao called her.


  Zhou Wan, who is a space power user, stretched out her hand and slapped it in the air, and a pile of quilts on the kitchen floor was lifted, revealing a thin and stiff man lying on the quilt in thick clothes.

   "Are you really a human?"

  Qiu Chengguo was a little surprised. He thought there was some kind of monster mouse in the quilt, but it turned out to be a human.

   Several gunmen also breathed a sigh of relief. The atmosphere just now was extremely weird and depressing.

"stand up!"

  Mu Xiaoxiao continued to speak in an indifferent tone, but still did not enter the door.

   "I, I'm too cold."

  Lin Zhiqiang lay on several quilts, his hands and feet were stiff, he raised his head, his eyes were blank, and he tried hard to look at the people at the door.

   "Cold? That's easy."

  Chen Ji summoned a ball of light and threw it at him.

   Lin Zhiqiang, who was lying stiffly on the ground, was stunned. He was hit by the light ball on his chest and abdomen. His eyes were still blank, looking a little dull.

  But his body, hands, feet, face, and neck are changing rapidly.

  The palms are twisted, the thighs become stronger, the nose protrudes, the hair grows on the face, the ears grow bigger rapidly, and the whole face, no, the whole person... turns into a mouse!

   It's the rat man!

  He was wearing clothes, his hands, feet, waist and abdomen changed into a human-like torso, and the mouse's face also approached that of a human, still with a dull expression.

  "Lin Zhiqiang" even stretched out his fluffy hand and touched the lower abdomen. The mouse looked at Chen Ji in shock and asked:

"What's this?"

  Everyone's hair stood on end.

  A mouseman was actually lying in the kitchen on the 19th floor of the building, covered with a quilt and wearing clothes, luring them into the kitchen to help him, no, it got up.

   Such a mutated mouse, after being hit by a ball of light from Chen Ji and revealed itself, actually asked what it was?

  Using the weird face of the mouse, questioning humans with human voices.

   "You don't want to say, you are a supernatural person?"

  Chen Ji gathered a light at his fingertips, staring at it: "Touch your own face, and see who you are."

"who I am?"

   "I am Lin Zhiqiang."

   "I'm not Lin Zhiqiang, who else can I be?"

   He muttered to himself, stretched out his fluffy hand to touch his face, and touched the weird mouse face.

  He couldn't believe it, sat up suddenly, and touched his face with both hands.

   Touch your own hand again and look at your feet.

  Everyone was shocked by this scene.

   "Are you really Lin Zhiqiang?"

  The light of Chen Ji's fingers became more and more intense, Mu Xiaoxiao clenched the sword tightly, and four or five sharp daggers were floating in front of Zhou Wan, spinning around.

   "I am Lin Zhiqiang!!"

   He screamed.

   What is it like to speak human language with a mouse tone?

   Now Chen Ji heard it, it was very weird, it was even thinner than Eunuch Liu, it made people's ears hurt.

   "Then why do you look like a mouse?"

  Chen Ji threw a large ball of light at him.

   This time, Lin Zhiqiang avoided it.

  The mouse's body leapt up, jumped onto the kitchen stove, landed on all fours, wearing thick clothes, staring at Chen Ji with a vicious and angry mouse face.

   A small ball of light still hit him, making him tremble all over.

  A black mouse tail grows out quickly, the teeth become sharp, and the body bulges, about to become bigger.


   Zhou Wanqing shouted, and the dagger flew out at a high speed, and plunged deeply into his body.

  Lin Zhiqiang suddenly turned his gaze, stared at her firmly, and let out a sharp cry.


   Qiu Chengguo finally gave the order.

   Regardless of whether Lin Zhiqiang is a mouse or a supernatural being, his appearance at the moment and his behavior of avoiding Chen Ji's light ball prove that he is probably evil and has eaten people, so he is afraid of the light ball.

  The submachine gun began to shoot the kitchen.

  Mu Xiaoxiao stood at the door, watching the bullets pouring down, and the weird mouseman was jumping left and right in the kitchen.

next moment.

  His body disappeared out of thin air, and in the next second he appeared in front of Zhou Wan, opened his mouth and bit her.

  Chen Ji was shocked, subconsciously raised his hand to condense the ball of light and wanted to shoot at the mouse.

  Zhou Wan's pupils contracted suddenly, the supernatural power subconsciously activated, and the surrounding space froze. In her eyes, time slowed down for everyone, but the speed of the mouse only slowed down a little.

   "Just waiting for you to come over!"

  The light of the sword flashed, and the tip of the sword accurately pierced Lin Zhiqiang's eyes, and with another slash, his eyes were smashed.


  Lin Zhiqiang let out a sharper scream, fell to the ground, and slammed into Mu Xiaoxiao.

   But Mu Xiaoxiao, who is the empress, had already dodged, and cut off his clothes with another sword strike. The tip of the sword cut a long opening on the mouse's fluffy body, exposing the flesh and blood inside.

  Zhou Wan took a few steps back, with a terrified scowl on her face, she stared at the bloodied mouse, stretched out her hands, activated a powerful supernatural ability, and forced it to stay in place.

  Pinching it harder, the whole mouse was crushed into a ball of flesh and blood by her.

   This is her most brutal move, using space compression to squeeze the enemy to death.

   "Are you okay?"

   Chen Ji asked her, Zhou Wan's beating heart slowly calmed down, and she shook her head: "I didn't expect it to have spatial abilities, I was careless."

  Her combat experience is still not enough, in fact, when Lin Zhiqiang teleports, she can also teleport to increase the distance.

   Blink to Blink is fine.

   "It's not over yet!"

  Mu Xiaoxiao held the blood-dripping long sword and stared at the lump of flesh and blood.

  Everyone was taken aback and looked at the past together.

   Sure enough, the mass of flesh and blood was squirming, and it looked even weirder after it was mixed with human clothes.


  Qiu Chengguo's voice was trembling.

  Is this mutant white mouse, or Lin Zhiqiang? The shock to him was too strong, how could the flesh and blood ball in front of him still escape?

  After a while of panic, the combat team changed the magazines, poured ammunition at the fleshy mass, and even threw a few grenades, but it still couldn't kill it.

   This group of flesh and blood rampaged in the restaurant debris, the flesh and blood were flying, and quickly wriggled towards it and continued to condense.

  Chen Ji threw out several **** of light, but it dodged them all.

   "I'll stop it, come here, Chen Ji."

  Zhou Wan stretched out her hands again to control the surrounding space and hinder the wriggling of the flesh and blood mass on the ground.

  Chen Ji nodded, raised his right hand, and condensed a larger light cluster.

   "Encountered enemies upstairs?"

   On the ground, Kong Xiaomin and others looked up to the nineteenth floor, where gunshots kept coming.

  Duan Zhengyan has already received the news and led two combat teams to drive here.

   "Be careful downstairs, dodge, dodge immediately!"

  As soon as he arrived, Qiu Chengguo's eager voice came from the walkie-talkie.

  Duan Zhengyan looked up, and saw a mass of flesh and blood that weighed a ton, crashed through a window on the nineteenth floor, and smashed towards the ground.

  The mass of flesh and blood was constantly twisting, emitting warm and bright light from all over the body, like a falling meteor.

   "It's Chen Ji's Sunlight Ball!"

  (end of this chapter)

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