Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 142: The Heroes Bi Zhixian Pinghui (ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a full order)

  Chapter 142 The Heroes Bizhi Xianping Club

   Before the news spread completely, Liu Sangu left the city and came to a restaurant by the Qunfang River. After looking up downstairs, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   Tapping the ground with his toes, he jumped up to the third floor of the restaurant like a light bird, entered through the open window, and appeared in front of many guests with a smile on his face.

   "Who is this?"

  People who were drinking all looked over.

  This lightness skill is quite good, and people can't help but guess where he came from. He jumped directly to the restaurant to seek revenge, or to drink with old friends.

   Many people secretly held the weapons beside them.

  Although they don't know this person, there is no reason to say that there is no reason to fight in the rivers and lakes.

  Liu Sangu looked around, and finally set his sights on a man in his forties who was drinking alone at a table by the window.

  The man was wearing dark green clothes, his face was swollen, he glanced at Liu Sangu coldly, then picked up the wine glass again, and drank it down in one gulp.

   There is a big knife on his left hand, the handle is exposed, the scabbard is gone, the blade is only wrapped in black cloth, it seems to be convenient for drawing the knife at any time.

   "Brother Chu, I've been looking for you for a long time!"

  Liu Sangu approached enthusiastically, and said in his mouth: "The head of the door asked me to ask you, did you get the invitation from the Fairy Ping Club? The head of the door is waiting for you in Sanchunzhuang outside the city, come with me!"

  The man surnamed Chu frowned slightly, as if he was wondering who this person was and why he said this in public.

  His left hand is raised, and is about to place it on the hilt of the knife to speak to the man again.

  Suddenly, a strong wind blew.

  A figure came first in the gust of wind, and slapped him with a palm.

   It was Liu Sangu who jumped up to the restaurant with light work!

   "The junior is looking for death!"

  The man surnamed Chu was furious, his true energy circulated, and he threw the chopsticks in his right hand like two sharp arrows, making a sharp sound of piercing the air.

  Liu Sangu dodged lightly, and shot out a hidden weapon, hitting the knife on his table. The big knife flew up in response, and the black cloth wrapped in it fell off, revealing a gleaming golden ring machete.

   "Although a good knife is tacky, I want it too!"

  Liu Sangu approached the man first, stretched out his hand, took the knife in his hand, and then stepped on the floor of the restaurant. With a bang, his body had already rushed out of the restaurant and landed on a theater on the side of the street.

When the man surnamed Chu performed his lightness kungfu and chased him away, Liu Sangu had already fled away lightly, and his lightness kung fu was so superb that he could only stay where he was and roar angrily: "Which unnamed junior came to steal my weapon?! "

  He has lived for more than forty years, and he has seen people kill people when they disagree with each other, but he has never seen someone who steals weapons when they meet!

   "Hahaha, I'm ashamed and ashamed. Liu once visited the palace three times, but now he is a robber... But it can be regarded as doing justice for the heavens. You, the elder of the Demon Sword Sect, has a wrong source of weapons. I should take them."

   "Three visits to the palace? Three visits to steal the holy willow?!"

  Elder Chu of the Demon Sword Gate changed his mind suddenly.

  Thieves Saint Liu Sangu is both righteous and evil, acts erratically, plays games in the world of mortals, happily haunts brothels and theaters, but has never confronted a big faction or a master, let alone snatched someone's weapon.

  Why did you suddenly make a move today?

  In the restaurant, many people who watched the theater were also a little confused.

  It wasn't until a message came from the city that they suddenly realized:

   "The gods on the land want to use the black iron from the sky to create a fairy sword!"

  People in the Jianghu couldn't sit still anymore, they threw down their money and left the restaurant one after another, each with their own plans in mind.

  Elder Chu of the Demon Sword Sect received a message from the head of the sect master half an hour later, asking him to return to Sanchun Village immediately with the Golden Ring Saber.

   But where is the Golden Ring Knife in his hand?

   "Damn Liu Sangu, don't let me meet you again!"

   After Elder Chu of the Demon Sword Sect was furious, he hurried to find the weapon with Tianwai Xuantie.

  After searching around, I found that everyone was empty-handed. When I asked, they all said that they had sold their weapons to powerful gangs such as the Jia Family Chamber of Commerce, Zhu Jiange, and the Heavenly Sword Society, as well as aristocratic families.

Another hour later, Elder Chu of the Modaomen heard the news that the Modaomen located in Sanchunzhuang was suppressed by the Zhenbei Spear King with a group of bodyguards. Leaving behind the famous weapon Blood Demon Knife.

  A group of elders and hall masters of the Demon Sword Sect also dropped weapons all over the floor, and were either killed or fled like the sect masters.

  Elder Chu of the Demon Sword Gate stood empty-handed, standing by the river, looking at the river, unable to do anything.

  In Yongkang City at this moment, a mere magic knife gate was destroyed in a blink of an eye, and it was impossible to find some waves.


  Chen Ji guessed that after he released the news, it would cause a lot of trouble. From the imperial court to the rivers and lakes, all sects and factions, the family of the chamber of commerce, would try to find a way to get in touch with the land gods through the Tianwai Xuantie.

   But he didn't expect to be so exaggerated.

   Chatted with Jia Youcai for half an hour. After coming out of Jia's Wanbing Tower, Chen Ji, Xia Shumin and his master and servant went to Zhujiange's weapon shop in Yongkang City.

  In the furnace of the weapon shop, Chen Ji tried the effect of refining a sword with immortal power.

   Not bad, at least it is enough to fool people in the world at the Fairy Fairy Fair.

  The owner of Zhujian Pavilion, Nangong Fu, who is over 70 years old, came here after hearing the news. A sword made by Chen Ji had already taken shape. He only saw the stunned expressions of the blacksmiths in the shop.

   It seems that he has seen an unprecedented way of casting swords.

Nangong Fu was invited by the Fairy Pinghui, and when he knew that Chen Ji was going to practice swords at the Fairy Pinghui, he immediately said that he would provide it to a big furnace, and half of the mysterious iron hidden in the Jianjian Pavilion could be given to the land Immortals are used as sword embryo materials.

   He didn't ask for anything in return, he just wanted to be able to watch Chen Ji's sword refining process.

  Chen Ji did not refuse, and asked him to change the furnace to a pill furnace, and gave him the sword he had just made.

  Although this sword is not a good material, but with a trace of his immortal power, its strength is definitely no less than any treasured sword.

  After leaving Zhujiange, Chen Ji heard a lot of amazing news in the city.

   "Zhenbei Spear King destroys the Demon Sword Gate."

   "Chu Nantian, the guild leader of the Heavenly Sword Society, fought against the immortal old Yin Mo. The two sides were tied. In the end, Chu Nantian successfully cut off the old Yin Mo's weapon with the power of the world's sword!"

   "The Qian Family Chamber of Commerce offered a high price of one tael of black iron and one hundred taels of gold."

   "General Zhao's dark iron spear weighing fifty-eight catties and six taels was stolen, and it is suspected that the thief Saint Liu Sangu made another move!"

   "It is said that there is Tianwai Xuantie in the lake in Anyang County. Jin Yiwei is dispatched on horseback, intending to go into the lake to find out."

  A series of news makes people overwhelmed.

  Things all revolved around Tianwai Xuantie.

  Everyone in Yongkang City is in danger, the people of the Jianghu are optimistic about their weapons, and the wealthy children in the city also hurriedly hide the swords they usually flaunt, and dare not show them to others.


Because of the relationship between Chen Ji and the daughter of the county sheriff, the police in the city trembled because of this. When they went to arrest people or maintain law and order, no unscrupulous Jiang Hu would dare to offend them. They either ran away quickly or showed their faces. Smile to make amends.

  Chen Ji began to have a headache about what to exchange with them for so many black irons, he didn't want to owe favors.

  Mu Xiaoxiao's "Nine Elements Spiritual Method"?

  It is not yet known whether this exercise is true or not.

   Or show them fencing again?

   Can't realize anything.

   "Young master, how can Xianpinghui not have fairy fruit?"

  Xia Shumin gave him a suggestion.

  Chen Ji suddenly realized: "It's like a flat peach will have a fairy peach... OK, when the time comes, take out a big apple to share!"

  Xia Shumin covered her mouth and smirked.

  She has eaten a lot of fairy apples recently, and she has already reached the innate state, and it seems useless to eat any more. There are more than ten fruits left, and she will leave a few for her maids to eat, so that they can also enter the innate state.

  Because of the turmoil in Yongkang City, Chen Ji regretted not being able to visit the little lady, so he could only send her back to Hongye Mountain.

   After a few days.

   While going to work, Chen Ji paid attention to the affairs of Yongkang City through the little lady.

  On the second day, the commotion of the Tianwai Xuantie spread in Zhao Guozhong, and anyone who had one or two Xuantie in his hand would be missed.

  Let Chen Ji personally understand the meaning of the saying that what is good at the top is not good at the bottom.

  He doesn't need to be emperor.

   Zhao Guo regarded his words as imperial edicts.

  Chen Ji estimated that Emperor Qiande in the palace would be furious again because of this.

  He let the county guard's mansion spread the news that Xuantie was enough, and then slowly stopped the commotion in Zhao Guo.

  However, a large number of Tianwai Xuantie in Zhao's country gathered in Yongkang City, resulting in the shortage of Xuantie. Many people had to go to the Western Regions, Nanyang, and Fusang to bring their Xuantie back to the Central Plains.

  Chen Ji can't control so much about these things.

   Three days later, the Fairy Pinghui was officially held.

  There have been countless conferences in Jianghu Wulin, but they have never been as grand as the Fairy Pinghui.

  Heroes from all over the world gather in Yongkang County, and heroes from ten places in Kyushu gather in Hongye Mountain!

  There are only fifty invitations.

But the people who came were crowded up and down Hongye Mountain, which stretched for more than ten miles. People from all walks of life came under banners, lamas from the Western Regions, Taoists from the Tianshan Mountains, missionaries from the West, and warriors from Fusang. In the martial arts forest in the middle of the country, good and evil come together, crowding each other.

  There used to be many manors on Hongye Mountain, which were the summer resorts for rich people in Yongkang City.

   But now, the manor was forced to open, and a group of people from all walks of life jumped up to the top of the manor pavilion, looking up at the venue of the Fairy Pinghui on the top of the mountain.

  So many Jianghu people, and so many overseas people.

   Just looking at it is amazing.

   "Your Majesty."

  In a villa somewhere in Hongye Mountain, a rich-looking **** pointed at the noisy Jianghu people outside, and cursed at the current son Lu Heng, gnashing his teeth:

   "There is no king's law in this one, what audacity!"

   Roaring together in mountains and forests has always been feared by the imperial court.

   What's more, Hongye Mountain now includes almost all the great sects of Zhao State, and many families who are officials in the court have also sent people to watch the immortal disciples on the ground refining the immortal sword.

  If the person sitting on the top of the mountain issued an order, I am afraid that this group of people would immediately pick up their swords and attack the capital.

  Which emperor would be able to hold back after seeing this scene?

  Eunuch De scolded, then carefully looked at the emperor's face, seeing the emperor's gloomy face, without saying a word, he hastily lowered his head again.

   This time, His Majesty came to Yongkang County secretly from the capital, and not many people were brought with him.

   If it is known, there are so many people from the rivers and lakes here, I am afraid that His Majesty will not even think about returning to the capital.

  The manor was noisy and restless.

   After a long time.

  Eunuch De heard His Majesty talking to himself:

   "Where the hearts of the people want, the luck of the dynasty will continue, and the country will last forever. If you don't respect the real dragon, you will not worship the gods... Ha ha ha."

  Eunuch De heard His Majesty sneer.

   "It's nice to say, people's hearts are unpredictable, and there are tricky and arrogant people from the rivers and lakes obstructing it, tell me, how can I get what people want?!"

  Eunuch De could see His Majesty's distorted face without looking up.

   This is the reason why His Majesty has been burning with anger after hearing the memorial of the Crown Prince and Eunuch Liu these days.

  People's hearts.

   Can this thing fool anyone?

  In ancient times, there were sages who said that the people can learn from it, but not know it.

   "Where are the crown prince and Liu Xian?"

  Lu Heng asked in a cold voice.

  Eunuch De quickly replied: "The prince has brought people up the mountain!"

   "What is he doing up the mountain? Didn't he not receive the invitation?"

   "I heard that I bought one..."

  Lu Heng was furious: "It's embarrassing, let him come back!"

  Eunuch De didn't dare to say anything, and was about to turn around and tell his subordinates, when Lu Heng suddenly asked, "Where's Liu Xian?"

   "Liu Xian... No, Eunuch Liu has an invitation card."

   "He has an invitation card?"

  Your Majesty seemed a little unbelievable, and Eunuch De quickly said, "Probably because Eunuch Liu is the supreme master..."

  Lu Heng's eyes moved slightly.

I'm afraid not.

   It's because of Lu Rui.

  He has almost forgotten what kind of imperial girl she looks like.


   "Chen Ji, the disciple of the land god, and Xia Qianjin, the county guard, are here!"

  At the gate of the Xia Mansion, a man from Jiang Hu shouted loudly, and the news quickly spread across tens of miles.

  The crowd became violent again.

  Everyone craned their necks to look.

  The little lady hid behind Chen Ji in fright, and followed him up the Red Leaf Mountain step by step.

  The two twin maidservants behind them bowed their heads, their hearts pounding with excitement. There are so many people, and only the young master can have such a big face. The emperor's tour of the south of the Yangtze River can't compare.

   After seeing so many people, Chen Ji realized that he had lost his mind.

  In the martial arts novels and movies on the earth, when the martial arts conference is held, only the invited heroes come, at most their disciples and disciples.

But in Zhao Guo, a place with a strong atmosphere of martial arts, the real situation is that people who were not invited crowded in in disorder, just like a big star holding a concert, many people listened outside the stadium without buying tickets, and followed their feelings atmosphere.

  The same is true for this large group of rivers and lakes.

   Do not seek to see.

   I just want to hear it.

   No wonder Lu Rui set the location on the top of the mountain.

   Forget it, hurry up and finish the Xianping meeting, and don't show up in the future.

  Chen Ji took Xia Shumin, master and servant, and walked up the mountain step by step along the original viewing mountain road. There were countless people watching on the road, but fortunately no one dared to move.

  Up to the temple on the top of the mountain, there is a large square in front of the gate, and there are many people standing in the square, all of whom got invitations this time.

  In addition to the person holding the invitation card, their proud disciples, children, or wives and husbands also came to see the world. This is the default rule of the martial arts conference. Lu Rui did not arrange seats for the younger generation.

  After Chen Ji arrived, everyone looked at him together.

   "Young master."

  Xia Shumin was very nervous. If it wasn't for Chen Ji's presence, her legs would be so weak that she wouldn't be able to walk.

   "Don't worry, little scene."

  Chen Ji shook her silky little hand.

  Compared to the scene where Astana came out of the church, reciting hymns, step by step, and creating the scene where the sun defeated evil, the martial arts conference in front of me was indeed a small scene.

  As for the empress of the Nine Regions, Chen Ji didn't see it clearly enough, so I won't talk about it for now.

   "Nephew, come and sit here."

  Lu Rui greeted with a smile, Xia Yongcheng is more watching at the moment, he is the imperial order after all.

  Chen Ji nodded, brought Xia Shumin and the two servant girls to the position, turned to face the fifty heroes, and said loudly:

   "Everyone, please sit down!"

   "Mr. Chen, please!"

  The heroes of the rivers and lakes did not call him Shaoxia, but Mr. Chen.

  (end of this chapter)

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