Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 147: Doomsday Human United Front

  Chapter 147 Doomsday Human United Front

  Chen Ji pinched the back of its neck, held the little black cat on his shoulder, and looked at it carefully.

   This big cat was originally bigger than a leopard, but now it has become a little smaller than a domestic cat. It can be said to be exquisite and small, and it just fits on a human shoulder.

   "Meow meow~~!"

  The little black cat kicked its four legs and flicked its tail back and forth, as if dissatisfied with being picked up.

  Ordinary cats are honest when they are held by the back of the neck, but the mutated creatures obviously cannot be viewed with common sense.

  Chen Ji found it interesting, and after teasing it a few times, he let it go.

   As soon as its four feet landed, the little black cat jumped onto his shoulders again, rubbing its head against him, more enthusiastic than a dog that hasn't seen its owner for a long time.

Zhou Wan rubbed it amusedly, and said to Chen Ji: "When I went out, it stayed on my shoulder before, but now seeing you coming, it immediately abandons me as the master who feeds it, what a little white-eyed wolf. "

  Chen Ji laughed, deliberately not giving it light, and walked out of the gate with Zhou Wan.

  The commercial vehicle outside the door was ready, and Huang Yuwen, a proficient driver, was still in charge of driving. There were several members of Zhou Wan's team of superhumans sitting in the car, followed by two armored vehicles acting together.

  The rocket launch base of the Ascension to Sun Project was built near Haicheng, and not far from this settlement.

  Although from the perspective of aerospace, launching a rocket in Haicheng is not a suitable place, the rocket needs to fly farther to enter orbit smoothly.

  But in the current doomsday period, transportation, defense, and personnel transfer are all problems.

After comprehensive consideration, Wei Hong, the leader of the Ascension Project command post, decided to rebuild a simple launch tower, which was built in the outskirts not far from the settlement where Zhou Wan, Chen Ji, and Mu Xiaoxiao lived, to facilitate the experiment. .

  Haicheng has the most abilities. If their abilities are useful for the Sun Ascension Plan, they can come to the launch base to verify their abilities as soon as possible.

   "Looking back now, this decision was very correct."

  In the back seat of the car, Zhou Wan said seriously to Chen Ji, "If the rocket and experts are transported to the original satellite launch base in the Northwest, it is very likely that we will not be able to hold it."

  Chen Ji nodded and asked, "Is the launch base still under siege by mutant creatures?"

  He grabbed Xiao Ke, who was coming over again, back into Zhou Wan's arms.

  The little black cat has not been nourished by the light ball, and now is the time to meow restlessly.

  Kong Xiaomin and the others in the car have gotten used to Xiao Ke's existence. After it can become smaller, it seems to become much smarter.

  Chen Ji let go of his hand, and the little black cat jumped over again. Chen Ji grabbed it again, put it on Zhou Wan's lap, and held it down.

  Meow meow~.

   "There was still last night, and it lasted for more than three hours."

Zhou Wan didn't care about Xiao Ke and Chen Ji's hands on their legs, and said: "The Haicheng command center sent many teams of supernatural beings to cooperate with professional search personnel and soldiers to search repeatedly, but they still couldn't find the source of the abnormality. .”

  She stretched out her hand, held Chen Ji's hand, and stroked the naughty little Kemiao together with him.

  Chen Ji sorted out the context of this matter in his mind.

  After confirming the landing plan and launch location, the rocket and launch tower began to be transported to Haicheng.

   But from then on things don't feel right.

The mutated creatures are extremely aggressive towards everything involved in the Ascension Plan. Not only were the vehicles transporting the rockets attacked by a large number of mutated creatures on the road, but even after the launch base was erected and a large number of soldiers and supernatural beings stationed for defense, they still remained Crazy attack.

  Once a sufficient number are gathered, the mutated creatures will group up and besiege.

  The ammunition reserves at the launch base are being consumed at an alarming rate.

  Due to fear of mutated creatures attacking underground, the engineer had to harden the entire underground.

   "Go there and talk!"

  Chen Ji's hands shone with light, and the little black cat lying on Zhou Wan's lap finally calmed down and stopped meowing. He squinted his eyes to enjoy the light ball, and the cat's tail wagged happily.

   "If there is another king-level mutant creature, wouldn't it be able to change its size like Xiao Ke?"

  Chen Ji guessed.

  The mouse king Lin Zhiqiang, who was able to control a group of mice last time, was designated as a king-level mutant creature.

  The characteristic is that it is very smart and has the ability to control.

   "How to explain the attack on the transport vehicle on the road?" Zhou Wan looked at him.


  Chen Ji nodded.

  Ten minutes later, three vehicles arrived at the launch base of the Ascension Plan.


   Waiting Director Wei Hong and a group of aerospace experts greeted him, and Chen Ji could clearly feel their enthusiasm.

  However, to Chen Ji's surprise, there were actually seven or eight foreigners, and they didn't wear suits anymore. They were all wrapped in thick coats, shivering in the cold wind.

  Chen Ji met them, and these foreigners were very interested in him and Zhou Wan, and they kept watching.

  After shaking hands, Wei Hong couldn't wait to ask:

   "Mr. Chen, didn't Miss Mayen come with you this time?"

  The existence of Maien, who has the ability to be the "God of the Internet", has always been a mystery.

  But the Maien Type I artificial intelligence she created is so important.

  This artificial intelligence has now been applied to Xia Guo, and even the construction of doomsday bases around the world, and has also exchanged a lot of materials and technologies for Xia Guo.

  For example, Ameiken was exchanged for aerospace technology and high-precision machine tools, and a large amount of crude oil was exchanged from oil countries, and it was agreed that if they could no longer mine, Xia Guohui would send people to help mine, etc.

  In the apocalyptic period, this kind of transaction is very fast. After all, no matter how late it is, people will die. What's the point of keeping technology?

  Because of the importance of Maien, the scientific researchers in Haicheng are very concerned about her. The image of white hair and red pupils also makes her be noticed whenever she appears.

   But so far, she has only appeared once.

   "She is the **** of the Internet." Chen Ji shook his phone and smiled: "So she is always there."


  Wei Hong and the others stopped asking, and made a gesture of invitation, inviting Chen Ji to enter the underground room.

  Chen Ji let them go in first, after all it was too cold outside.

  He glanced around.

The foundation of the launch tower has already been laid, and the 100-meter-high launch tower has basically been completed. It stands in the dark and cold sky, illuminated by strong lights, and the tower tip points directly at the starry sky of the universe. 150 million kilometers away sun.

   Not far away, there should be a heavy rocket in a huge steel shed, which is also brightly lit, and many engineers are working in the cold.

   At least 20,000 soldiers and thousands of supernatural beings are stationed around the launch base.

  They are defending in shifts, and they will return to the settlement for a rest in two days.

   "The smell of blood is strong here."

   Zhou Wan who was standing beside him said.

   "After all, too many mutant creatures died, let's go, let's go in."

  Chen Ji dragged her into the basement, but the little black cat didn't follow, it jumped off Chen Ji's shoulder, and the light figure ran a few times before disappearing into the darkness.

  Chen Ji watched it leave.

   Director Wei Hong did not enter the basement either. After seeing this scene, he said with emotion:

   "Zhou Wan, your pet is getting more and more powerful. It proves that mutant creatures can become bigger and smaller in the future, and they are very smart. If more than a dozen mutant creatures like Xiao Ke attack, we will definitely suffer heavy losses."

  Humanity currently has three advantages, civilization organization, modern weapons, and wisdom.

  But a mutated creature like Xiaoke, after changing its size and hiding in the darkness, is very fast, and can easily break through the human defense.

  This has been confirmed in the simulated attack and defense between the settlement and Xiaoke.

  The little black cat has been able to understand the concept of "simulated attack and defense" that Zhou Wan taught it, and has also learned to blend in with the human team and enter the settlement without making a sound.

   "There is not much time left for humans."

  A foreigner professor on the side spoke in English after hearing what the translator said.

  He looked at Chen Ji, probably knowing that light and heat abilities can purify mutant creatures that have never killed anyone.

  Chen Ji remembered that his name was Smith, he was from Ameiken, and he was a very talented aerospace expert. He used to hold an important position in Ameiken.

  There are more than one hundred foreign experts who came this time.

   Not only Ameiken, experts from Xiongguo, Daying, Oumengzhou and other places arrived on special flights to form an unprecedented aerospace team with Xiaguo's aerospace department.

   From this, it can be seen that shortly after the implementation of Ameiken Country's plan to go to the sun, it has been unable to withstand it and declared bankruptcy. This group of experts can only come to Xia Country to contribute to the future of mankind.

  Chen Ji entered the basement with them.

  Here is the future launch command center, large computers, generators, and the working place of researchers are all here.

   More importantly, there is heating.

  Hundreds of scientific researchers are crowded in a small office, working overtime for research and analysis, and from time to time they have to brave the cold to go outdoors for experiments.

   Fortunately, artificial intelligence is used as an experimental data analysis tool, and their progress is very fast.

  In the meeting room.

   "Let me first introduce the current situation to Mr. Chen Ji."

  After everyone sat down, Wei Hong, the commander-in-chief of the Ascension to the Sun Project, spoke.

  More than a dozen foreigners all looked at Chen Ji.

  They don't quite understand why the people who participated in this meeting don't understand the situation of the Ascension Project.

   Wei Hong didn't care what they thought, first talked about the current progress, and then praised some of the wonderful uses of Mayen I artificial intelligence in the Ascension to the Sun Project.

   "With the artificial intelligence created by Mayen, I can say with certainty that human beings can rush out of the earth within 20 years and build scientific research and tourism bases on alien planets!"

   "It's a pity that we don't have much time."

  Wei Hong's passionate voice turned solemn, looked around everyone, and said: "It is basically certain that there is a behind-the-scenes black hand behind this doomsday disaster, which consciously destroys human beings and prevents them from approaching the starry sky!"

   There was a commotion in the meeting room.

  Although they all made similar judgments, they would still be shocked when they heard it again.

   Zhou Wan looked at Chen Ji, and she remembered the first time she received a message from him on her mobile phone.

  Chen Ji didn't speak, but Wei Hong took the initiative to ask his opinion.

   "Then let me explain my understanding."

Chen Ji said: "The most important thing to human civilization is the earth, followed by the sun without a doubt. Behind the scenes, the black hand extinguished the sun, made creatures mutate before humans, and then let the stars disappear, and the current plan to prevent the sun. Although it is Speculation, but there is also some logic."

   “Among them, there are two points worth pondering.

  One is why the mastermind behind the scenes didn’t directly destroy human beings. With the power that can extinguish the sun, it should be able to easily destroy the earth. "

  Chen Ji's voice fell, and there were more discussions in the conference room.

   "Alien prank?"

   "The man behind the scenes is only interested in the sun? But there are so many stars in the universe, why come to the sun?"

   "The alien civilization is trying to trick us! Damn it!"

   "It's definitely not a prank, nor is it a joke, that guy just wants to destroy us humans! Destroy the earth!"

   "Chen Ji, what do you think?"

  After the discussion became quieter, Wei Hong asked him.

Chen Ji looked at Zhou Wan, "I think that there is a power on the earth that stopped the mastermind behind the scenes. A less direct evidence is that after Zhou Wan, I, and Mu Xiaoxiao obtained supernatural powers, humans all over the world also started Possess supernatural powers."

  In Mu Xiaoxiao's words, the formation that sealed off the world was broken.

   "A force on Earth? Life? Or a nuclear bomb? Or the Earth itself?"

  Wei Hong pondered for a moment, then looked at Chen Ji and asked him: "What about the second point?"

   "Second, why are the masterminds behind the scenes afraid of the Sun Ascension Project?"

  Chen Ji said: "My guess is that it will also take time."

  Once human beings determine what is happening on the sun, they will definitely find a solution, such as gathering forces and launching a large number of nuclear bombs into space.

Wei Hong said: "We are indeed racing against the apocalypse. We are getting stronger, and mutant creatures are also getting stronger. We can no longer wait for supernatural beings, artificial intelligence, and black iron alloys to work. We must hurry up before the research results are achieved. Time for the Ascension Plan!"

  This is the unanimous understanding made by the leaders at the meeting, and the information was sent to various countries, which gained the support of many countries.

  Now, there is no shortage of manpower and material resources for the Sun Ascension Project. As long as you want to get them, you can easily exchange the materials for Ameiken's rocket and Xiongguo's space engine.

  Unprecedented cooperation around the world to let the rocket lift off as soon as possible.

   "I just don't know...Mr. Chen Ji, how much black iron alloy do you have?"

   Wei Hong's tone became cautious, asking with respect.

  He didn't even dare to say what materials and conditions to exchange.

  It can’t be exchanged.

   "Is it black iron?"

  Chen Ji thought for a while, and said: "There are really not many of these things, and you can't imitate them now. How much is the gap to be used in the plan to go to the sun?"

   "It's about fifty catties... Adding black iron to ordinary materials can produce many wonderful effects. Replacing the key parts of the rocket with black iron alloy will greatly improve the stability."

   "Okay, I will give you seventy catties, and the merit points will be temporarily recorded in Zhou Wan's name."

  Chen Ji smiled.

  He is a criminal, and he hasn't gotten a merit point account yet.

  Wei Hong was overjoyed and thanked again and again. Just as he was about to say something, there was a commotion on the ground.

   Gunshots, cannon sounds, and roars of mutant creatures all mixed together.

   "Are they attacking again?"

  Wei Hong and the others have gotten used to it, and they didn't stand up, and the scientific researchers in the office next door continued to bury their heads in their work.

  Chen Ji couldn't sit still any longer. After talking to them, he and Zhou Wan stood up and went up to the ground.

  He wanted to see how the mastermind behind the scenes controlled the mutated creatures to attack the Ascension Plan?

  (end of this chapter)

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