Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 179: Little ladies have big power!

  Chapter 179 A little lady has great power!

   "Young master, what do you mean by 2025 and 1011?"

  The little lady poked her head over and asked him in a low voice.

  Chen Ji taught her this number, so she can recognize it.

   "2025 is the year, followed by October 11th."

   "Oh~~ Merchants on the earth still mark the year and month, son, what about this? It looks like Western Region characters."

   "This is a URL, it's a little troublesome to explain, I'll tell you later."


  Xia Shumin nodded repeatedly.

   In order to marry into the Chen family in the future, she still has a lot to learn, otherwise she will not understand anything when she goes to the earth, and she will not be a good housewife of the Chen family.

  Lu Huai and Eunuch Liu were in a state of confusion.

  They can recognize some words on the bottle, but they can't understand it at all when combined.

   For example, polydimethylsiloxane, superoxide dismutase and so on.

   It's like reading a book from heaven.

  I can only recognize that some kind of bottle is for mountain spring water, and something is for sauce.

  Eunuch Liu praised: "Mr. Chen is really a scholar of heaven and man. Although the miscellaneous family has lived for a hundred years, they are just illiterate."

  The little lady on the side covered her mouth and laughed.

  Chen Ji said helplessly: "You don't want to flatter me. It's getting late, and it seems that we can only go here today. When we get up tomorrow morning, we will go to see the space crack under the ice layer."

  Lu Huai ordered people to have a dinner, and said that he had ordered people to prepare the tent for Min, so that he could rest after returning.

  Chen Ji did not refuse. After eating a meal in the tent and drinking two cups of hot wine, he and Xia Shumin went to a tent arranged by Lu Huai to prepare for a rest.

   ", here."

  After entering the tent, Xia Shumin blushed slightly, and took a quick look at Chen Ji.

  It was already night outside, and the icy and snowy wind was howling, and the tent was very warm. Inside, there were two beds covered with fur and quilts, but the two beds were very close to each other, and they would slip into each other's arms if they moved a little.

  The quilt has been washed, in order to avoid suspicion, her quilt should belong to the court ladies.

   "The conditions are limited, this is the only way to go."

  Chen Ji didn't have any ideas. Although his immortal energy could insulate the cold, the environment in this icy and snowy place was too harsh after all, so it was impossible for him to have anything to do with her in the tent.

  It's so boring here.

Xia Shumin bit her lips, turned her back to Chen Ji, untied the cloak and outer clothes with her small hands, and took off a thick padded jacket. After sitting on the bed and taking off the snow shoes with great difficulty, she wanted to wear socks. Get into the bedding and hide.


  Chen Ji called her to stop.

   "Sir, please respect yourself!"

  The little lady lay on the mattress and said in a muffled voice, her slender body turned her back to Chen Ji, she didn't get in, but she was too ashamed to see anyone.

   "What do you think?"

  Chen Ji walked over with a smile, knelt down and held her slightly cold feet in his hands.


  Xia Shumin softened.

   But nothing happened that made her afraid and shy. A heat came from Chen Ji's palm, which warmed her somewhat cold feet. This warmth quickly spread from her feet to her body, making her whole body warm.

"feel better now?"

   Chen Ji asked her.

  The little lady's feet are very slender and soft, and she holds them in her palms.

  Although she is wearing snow shoes today, she has no taste.

   On the contrary, it has a strong girly fragrance.

  The toes are curled up in the socks, showing the restlessness of the owner.


  Xia Shumin's voice was like a mosquito. After Chen Ji let go of the hand holding her jade feet, she obediently got into the quilt, pulled the quilt to her nose, and looked at Chen Ji with only a pair of big shining eyes.

  She watched the son unbutton his coat and take off his shoes beside her, and couldn't help but think that as a wife at this time, she should actually step forward to help her husband...

  Chen Ji also got into the quilt and lay side by side with her.

   Before he could speak, the little lady beside him hid under the quilt, too ashamed to show her head.

  Chen Ji couldn't laugh or cry, stretched out his hand and patted her on the head: "Don't be bored."


  The little lady came forward, but she still didn't dare to look at Chen Ji, and lay there with her eyes closed, very nervous.

  Chen Ji seemed to see the wedding night in the bridal chamber. She must have closed her eyes and waited like she is now, right?

   Quiet inside the tent.


  Chen Ji didn't speak, but Xia Shumin couldn't help but whispered.


   "Did Shumin slow down your son's pace?"

  Xia Shumin was a little embarrassed.

   Without her, the young master would be able to go to the space crack to find out what happened when he came here, but now in order to take care of her, he has to stay at the North Pole for one night.

   "Then why don't you reward me?" Chen Ji teased her.

   It was originally a joke in the tent, but the little lady took it seriously.

   "Young master, please, please close your eyes."


  In the faint moonlight, Chen Ji saw Xia Shumin's face approaching him, kissed him carelessly, then quickly retracted into the quilt, covering his head again.

  Chen Ji didn't feel anything!

  Oh, forget it, it’s impossible to pull out the shy little lady and kiss her hard, let’s save it for the next time, and get back the interest by the way.


   After a long time.

  Xia Shumin exposed her head and looked sideways at him.

  The cold wind howled outside, but it was warm inside the tent.

  Although she couldn't see clearly, she looked at Chen Ji for a long time before closing her eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

  Dreams are sweet.


  The second day.

   "The underworld?!"

  After listening to Chen Ji's words, many people in Jianghu looked at each other in blank dismay. They never thought that those missing people entered the dark "underworld" and encountered many monsters.

   "It is similar to the underworld."

Chen Ji didn't care how they understood it, and continued: "If you want to enter it, you must think carefully, there is no sun, no moon, stars, and even grass and trees are hard to see. I can’t even see clearly, I can only listen to the sound and feel around with my hands.”

   A group of Jianghu people looked at each other even more in dismay.

  What the **** is this place? Why does it feel scarier than the underworld!

   "And I don't know if I can go back to Zhao!"

   Chen Ji added.

  The talk has already reached this point, no one would dare to approach the space crack that can **** people in, right?

   Sure enough, people from all corners of the world shook their heads one after another, looking back at the dark place.

Only Wenxian old man had no fear in his eyes, he looked at Chen Ji and asked, "Nephew, is that place Shumin's closed door for death? Facing a desperate situation in the darkness, life and death are tied by a thread...and entering that world Coming out again is to show a little inspiration for the world!"

  The people around Jianghu were taken aback.

  Thinking about it carefully, the passage that allows people to enter a world similar to the underworld, how similar is it to the Tianmen that can ascend to the fairy world?

"Could it be that—" Sword God Gongsun Ming's eyes shined brightly, "First enter the underworld, encounter monsters in the dark, and face the situation of death and life, can you realize your true self and open the gate of heaven with a sword? Only then can you return to the world from the underworld? !"

   Jianghu people have shortness of breath.

  The more I think about it, the more reasonable it seems.

  Enter a dark world, with countless monsters lurking around, life and death are hanging by a thread, and the spirit is stretched to the extreme.

  And only after understanding the method of opening the gate of heaven with the sword can he return to the world from the underworld.

  Is there a more difficult "death pass" than this in the world?

   "Mr. Chen." Eunuch Liu thought of a deeper level, "You are so familiar with that world, did the old land gods also come back from there?"

  The eyes of the Jianghu people shine.

  They felt that they had guessed the truth!

  Chen Ji: "..."

  For this group of martial arts practitioners who are eager to break through to a new level, the more he explains, the more it doesn't make sense.

   "Entering the underworld, narrowly escaped death."

  He simply stopped talking, and let the group of people decide for themselves.

  Xia Shumin looked at the old man Wenxian: "Master, do you want to enter the dark underworld?"

  Beside the old man Wenxian, Li Yingqing has been silently following, as if wherever the master goes, she will go there.


  Wen Xian old man smiled calmly and nodded, "During this time, I also ate some spiritual herbs. Although it can prolong my life, it is not very useful for the growth of skills and changes in martial arts. The opportunity to open the gate of heaven is not here."

   "Master, if you go there, you won't be able to come back!"

   "What's the matter if you don't come back?"

  Old man Wenxian laughed, "Your master has lived enough, and you have never been afraid of these things. I am afraid that you will never find a way in your life and grow old aggrieved."

   "Besides, my old friend is also missing, and I'm afraid he went to the underworld!"

  He laughed again, not at all afraid of going to the so-called underworld.

  Xia Shumin stopped persuading him.

  People in the surrounding rivers and lakes have different expressions.

  Chen Ji said to Lu Huai: "Then let's go, let's go and see what the space rift looks like."

  Lu Huai nodded and ordered someone to lead the way.

  A large group of people followed, instead of looking for spiritual herbs, they went directly to the crack in space that could **** people in.

   Three hours later, in the thick ice under a snow mountain, everyone saw the goal of the trip.

   I can’t say I saw it either.

  Nadong XZ is under the ice layer, exuding white light, and the suction can only be felt when standing on the ice.

   "This is the safer one."

   Lu Huai said: "There is no cover in the rest of the place, and if you get close to it, you will be sucked away involuntarily, which is very scary."

  Xia Shumin looked there, then turned to look at Chen Ji, waiting for him to make a decision.

  The rest of the people did not dare to approach.

   "I'll go and have a look, you stay here."

  Chen Ji is not afraid of space rifts, this thing is to bring people into a small intersecting space, not to tear people apart.

  In addition, he can return to the earth at any time from the converging small space, and his safety is guaranteed.

   "Young Master, be careful!"

  Xia Shumin exhorted nervously.

  Chen Ji shook her little hand, and after letting go, his figure flew up, traveled a distance of tens of feet, and landed lightly on the ice layer.

   Below the ice layer, there was a hole with faint light coming out, which surprised Chen Ji.

  In his concept, things like space entrances and space cracks should be fleeting and difficult to exist stably, similar to the transmission channel opened up by Maien and the small space entrance created by the collision of Mu Xiaoxiao's fairy gate fragments.

  But in the world of martial arts, this kind of space rift that can pass through the world exists very stably.

   "There are at least five space rifts in the North Pole alone. Will this world collapse because of this?"

   Chen Ji is most worried about this.

  There are too many space rifts, if the world collapses like a mouse drilling a dam, it will be bad.

  The good news at the moment is that this kind of space rift is one-way, and no creatures have yet passed through it, only some modern items.

   With a wave of Chen Ji's hand, the thick layer of ice was separated, and a large amount of crushed ice splashed into the distance. The ice layer broke through a hole hundreds of feet wide, revealing a glowing, twisting and transforming fuzzy thing inside.

   It's hard to tell what it is. There is light emitting from it, but the middle is gray, as if there is a layer of fog covering it.

   "Young Master, be careful!"

  Xia Shumin shouted, very nervous.

  The surrounding Jianghu people were shocked by Chen Ji's hand, and they were speechless for a while.

  The ice layer, which was hundreds of feet wide and several feet thick, was pushed aside with a palm, as easily as shaking the surface of water. The thick ice layer couldn't stop Mr. Chen's immortal power at all!

  Old man Wenxian couldn't bear it any longer, and slowly stepped into the ice cave that Chen Ji had just broken open, and walked towards the gray entrance step by step.

  Chen Ji ignored him, standing in the crack of space, but didn't feel the suction force that Wang Shaodang and others said.

  It seems that this is a fake space rift.


"This is?"

  Old man Wenxian approached within ten feet, and suddenly felt a pulling force on his body.

  The closer you get, the stronger the force.

  Five feet away, he was already forced to stop.

  Going forward, he felt that he would be sucked in. No matter how much he used his true energy and stabbed his sword into the ground, he couldn't resist this pulling force.

  Seeing the old man Wenxian's appearance, Chen Ji raised his eyebrows.

  Why can't he feel it?

   "Nephew, I'm going first!"

  Old Man Wenxian showed a smile, took a step forward, and his body immediately flew up, crashing towards the gray space crack.

  Everyone saw in amazement that his body was rapidly shrinking, and it melted into it like a drop of water!


  Li Yingqing performed lightness kung fu and soon followed her master.

   "Young Master, Shu Min is here~."

  Xia Shumin couldn't stand anymore, and followed her down the ice layer, walking towards Chen Ji with her unskilled lightness kung fu.

  Chen Ji went over and put his arms around her waist, and led her to the space rift.

  Since we decided to take her across to meet the small space, let's be more straightforward.

   Nothing more.

   "Shu Min, you didn't feel its suction either?"

  Chen Ji pointed to the space crack.

  Xia Shumin shook his head and stood firmly in place, not affected by the so-called suction at all.

   "Master Chen, here..."

  Sword God Gongsun Ming came and was about to say something when the suction force sucked him into the crack.

   "Master!" "Master!"

  His disciples and grandchildren were taken aback, and they also stepped into the space rift.

   Many Jianghu people gritted their teeth. Since the sword gods have gone to the dark underworld, they have no reason not to go. Those who can come to the North Pole are not cowardly.

  So, many people jumped into the space rift and walked towards the unknown world.

  Lu Huai was thinking about whether to go in, when he saw Chen Ji and his cousin standing in front of the space rift, neither of them was sucked in, they stood steadily.

  The remaining Jianghu people are not too surprised, but they yearn for Xianli more and more.

   "Song Laosan, do you dare to go?"

   "Let's go, I'm still afraid?"

  More people decided to go to that dark underworld, not to open the gate of heaven, not to return to Zhao country!


   "Let's go too!"

  Chen Ji pulled her and entered it actively. When he came into contact with the gray space fissure, his body finally felt a slight suction.

  A ray of light suddenly appeared on Xia Shumin's body, and she had no time to be surprised, the light on her body overwhelmed it, extinguishing the space gap, causing it to explode like fireworks.

  The light burst out suddenly, turning into light spots and disappearing.

  After she and Chen Ji disappeared in this world, the rift also disappeared, completely gone.


  Lu Huai, Eunuch Liu, and others looked at each other.

  They were still thinking about whether to go to the dark underworld, why did they disappear?

   "It looks like my cousin broke the crack just now?"

  Lu Huai was surprised.

   It wasn't Chen Ji who was a land **** who wiped out the crack, but his cousin Xia Shumin, who emitted a light from his body and wiped out the crack.

  Everyone became smaller and then was sucked into the crack, except his cousin Xia Shumin, who crashed straight into it.

  His cousin is so big and powerful?

   Squeeze and explode the space cracks...

  (end of this chapter)

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