Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 182: "Travel to the Dark Underworld" by Xia Shumin

  Chapter 182 Xia Shumin's "Travel to the Dark Underworld"

  The Qingming Immortal Sword returned to Chen Ji's palm and turned into a small sword again.

   "I'll take it first, and I'll give it to you when I go back."

  Chen Ji smiled at the little lady. After the sword was refined, it could not be brought back to the earth because of its spirituality, so it stayed with her all the time.

  Chen Ji almost forgot about it. Fortunately, the little lady remembered to bring it this time, otherwise it would take a lot of effort to defeat the monster in the building.

in addition.

  The Qingming Immortal Sword is completely useless in the rivers and lakes. There is a thousand miles of sword light in the sky, but there is no enemy worthy of it.

   Instead, it came here, and it truly showed the power of the world's first fairy sword.

   One sword cut off the body of a demon ancestor of the Nine Realms!

   "My lord, the Qingming Immortal Sword is so powerful!"

  Xia Shumin's small face was full of surprises, and she couldn't help but glance at the man who claimed to have lived for tens of thousands of years.

  She doesn't need to speak, and she doesn't need to show other expressions, Qianyuan Yaozu understands what this little girl means:

  Look, my son killed your demon body with a flying sword, thanks to the fact that you have practiced for so many years!

  Just thinking about it, Yaozu Qianyuan felt hot on his face.

  Who opened up this ghostly place? !

   "The Immortal Sword of Qingming?"

  The surrounding Jianghu people came back to their senses at this time, Gongsun Ming was a little surprised: "Mr. Chen, this sword was not refined by you to your master... Oh, you are temporarily using it! Temporarily using it!"

  He had a strange expression, apparently guessing something and changing his words.

  Just now Chen Ji said to give the sword to Miss Xia, so it can be seen that this sword is not from the old land gods, but he gave it to Miss Xia for her to use on a daily basis.

   From this, one can guess that the so-called old land **** is actually...

   "The flying sword made by Mr. Chen is really extraordinary!"

  People in the surrounding rivers and lakes admired it one after another.

  Not a single sentence mentions the topic that Gongsun Sword God mentioned just now.

  Chen Ji smiled, but didn't try to explain or cover up too much.

  When he was in Yongkang County, he put on a vest because the status of a land fairy was too high, and it was inconvenient for him to go shopping in the city with the little lady.

  The situation is different now. There is an iceberg in the North Pole, and this group of Jianghu people have also traveled to this small world. If they can go back, it will become a topic of discussion among others, and the status of land gods will not be conspicuous.

   "Let's treat the wounded first."

  Chen Ji told them that there were still some people lying on the ground who were not dead.

  Under his command, the wounded were treated quickly. With the power of celestial power and light and heat, they can be rescued as long as they have a breath.

  But if you can’t even take a breath, there is really nothing you can do.

  Among the people who crossed through the space rift from the North Pole this time, eight died, all of whom were masters above the innate realm.

  The people of Jianghu are used to life and death, but Xia Shumin was a little sad, and said to them apologetically, "Did the tree demon wake up and attack you after a light appeared in the sky?"

  The reason why the light appeared was because she spoke, causing her to blame herself now.

   "That's not true."

Gongsun Ming shook his head and said: "When we came to this dark place, we smelled a **** smell. The roots of the tree demon were hidden in the surrounding houses. We could only rely on flint and steel to illuminate them, and we gathered together with our voices. .

  After the light appeared, the tree demon's roots retracted for a long time, but it's a pity that we were not familiar with this place, and we were caught up again after we couldn't go far. "

  Xia Shumin felt better now.

  Her teacher, Wenxian old man sighed: "My old friend may have been eaten by the tree demon. Fortunately, my nephew took action, otherwise he would die in hell, and he wouldn't even know who killed him."

His old friend Li Changhao has been missing for more than half a month. He presumably was eaten by this huge tree demon in this dark place. He certainly didn't know that the tree demon was not underground, but hidden in a tall building In the pavilion, he was beheaded by Chen Ji with a sword.

   "Master, my condolences."

  Xia Shumin comforted softly.

  She stood beside the young master, looked at the corpses lying on the cold ground, and couldn't help but think:

  Does the underworld really exist?

  Young master came from the earth and came to the country of Zhao through the gate of heaven. He only saw a scroll of picturesque rivers and mountains inside the gate of heaven.

   Immortals are gone, so where is the underworld?

  If there is, it is probably here too. Unfortunately, they died here. Can their souls enter reincarnation and reincarnate back to Zhao?

   "I'll go over and have a look."

  Chen Ji naturally didn't know what was going on in her heart, he just thought that it was the first time she saw a dead person and she was a little shocked.

  So he took her hand and flew to the building that lacked ten floors.

  Yaozu Qianyuan ran away without saying a word.

  He can't use the power of the law now, and he doesn't have the original force on his body. He can only rely on the power of his body to jump to the roof of the building by stepping on the window of the building.

  The same is true for Liu Sangu, Chu Nantian, Wang Shaodang and others. Considering that Li Changhao might be dragged to the building by the tree demon, and he might be able to leave behind some relics, the old man Wenxian also jumped to the top of the building with light work.

  Come to the top of the building to have a look, where are there any relics?

  The whole solid and tall building, made of unknown stone, was cut off by Mr. Chen with a sword, leaving behind a chilling strong sword intent.

  Many Jianghu people were both excited and fearful, carefully feeling the unparalleled sword intent of the Qingming Immortal Sword.

   "What kind of power is this?"

  Yaozu Qianyuan frowned.

  It's a pity that he couldn't see his demon body, and he didn't have any strength, so he couldn't see many details clearly.

   "Young master, what are you looking for?"

  Xia Shumin saw the young master looking for it on the roof. This was originally a room in the building, and there were a lot of sundries. The broken windows were blown into chaos by the cold wind.

   "Find a special kind of shard."

  Chen Ji glanced at Qianyuan Demon Ancestor, and explained: "The tree demon can use the space law of the Nine Realms, which proves that there are remnants of the power of the Nine Realms here. It is something called Destiny Fragments, or Law Fragments."

   Qianyuan Yaozu's eyes lit up.

  He didn't know anything about how those Jianghu people in Zhao State cultivated. He didn't know anything about the eight meridians and the two governors. He only learned martial arts with them these days.

   Was hanged and beaten.

   That's right, Qianyuan Yaozu can't beat these quacks.

  He has never practiced martial arts at all. He can only rely on the vision he has lived for so many years to avoid a miserable defeat.


  Chen Ji mentioned destiny and laws, these are things he is very familiar with!

  When I hear it, I feel like I am coming home!

  He hurriedly searched carefully on the roof of the building, and relying on some vague induction, he actually found it!

   "The power of the law of space?"

   Qianyuan Yaozu carefully picked up a crystal shard in a wastebasket, and held it between his fingers.

  A powerful force was inspired by him.

  The surrounding space became stagnant again, and there was an aura stronger than the tree demon, emanating from this Qianyuan demon ancestor from the Nine Realms.

  Many Jianghu people were taken aback.

  This self-proclaimed Demon Ancestor, but not very strong man, is so strong? !

   "No, this is not a Fragment of Space Law, this is a Fragment of Destiny!"

  Holding the Destiny Fragment, Qianyuan Yaozu stretched out his aura again, comparable to Chen Ji's sword, as if a single punch could turn the entire building into dust.

  Xia Shumin leaned close to Chen Ji, a little nervous.

  Chen Ji also quietly pinched the Qingming Immortal Sword.

  He learned from Mu Xiaoxiao that the Nine Realms Monster Race and the Human Race have always been hostile. The Qianyuan Monster Ancestor had a good attitude before, but there is no guarantee that he will still be kind to them after recovering a certain amount of strength.

   "Hahaha, have fun!"

   Feeling the power of the law again, Qianyuan Yaozu burst out laughing.

  Wang Shaodang, who has a good relationship with him, said with a smile: "Senior, I wonder how much power you have recovered now?"

   These days, every time Qianyuan Yaozu loses a martial arts contest, he will always say that this small space is weird, and if he recovers his strength, he can easily break it with one move.

  Many Jianghu people laughed out loud, not believing it at all.

  Wang Shaodang was dubious.

   "My current strength?"

The Qianyuan Demon Ancestor grasped the Destiny Fragment tightly, looked up at the sky, his eyes showed fighting intent, and shouted: "Although it is less than half of it, it is enough to tear up this space and let that sneaky guy get out! "

   As he spoke, his tall figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived in the sky, exuding an even more astonishing aura from his body, and rays of light condensed on him, surrounding him like laws, distorting the surrounding space.

  The Jianghu people on the ground looked up, their faces full of surprise.

   Staring for a moment, Qianyuan Yaozu grabbed somewhere outside the sky.

  His palms against the dark firmament.

  The law of space affects the entire city, and the sky seems to be torn apart, becoming distorted and hazy.

  The incomplete Sun Temple reappeared.

  The dim light shone down, and the abnormal distortion brought about by the law of space collapsed inch by inch.

  The world returns to normal.

   Qianyuan Yaozu lost his strength almost instantly, fell straight down, and shouted in horror:

   "Master Chen, save me!"


  No one wants to die if they can live, and Yaozu is no exception.

  Chen Ji supported him with his celestial power, threw the still-shocked Qianyuan Demon Ancestor onto the floor, and rolled around a few times.


  Many Jianghu people looked at each other in blank dismay.

  The power of the Qianyuan Demon Ancestor just now is really amazing, comparable to a blow from the Qingming Immortal Sword.

   But why did they lose in the blink of an eye?

   Can't even maintain basic decency, falling straight from the sky, it's too embarrassing!

   "That's not right!"

Qianyuan Yaozu got up from the ground, his face flushed with shame: "I went up to the sky, just about to tear apart the space, to see what is beyond the sky... The Destiny Fragment suddenly lost its power! What's going on? ?”

  Fighting in the Nine Domains, I never lost the power of the law.

   "Give me the Fragment of Destiny."

  Chen Ji said to him.

  Yaozu Qianyuan was a little unwilling, but he could only hand him this hard-won piece of destiny.

   This thing was originally obtained by Chen Ji after beheading the monster.

   "My lord, it seems wrong!"

  Xia Shumin looked around again, with a panicked voice: "This building seems to be recovering, and the walls are... growing!?"

   "The walls grow?"

   Everyone was stunned, and turned their heads to look around.

Under the light of the flashlights they were holding, they could indeed see that the walls of the building that had been cut off by Chen Ji grew a little bit taller. After a while, this floor returned to its original appearance, and the roof of the upper floor began to appear. , about to cover them.


  Chen Ji put his arms around Xia Shumin's waist and flew out of the window.

  The little lady in her arms hugged him tightly

  The rest scrambled and jumped from the window together.

  Standing downstairs, everyone looked up at the roof.

  This building is indeed recovering a little bit.

  Like a living monster, flesh and blood slowly grew out again.

  Five minutes later, the building returned to its original state.

  Chen Ji asked Xia Shumin to stay downstairs, and he flew up to investigate.

   Focus on the floor where the restaurant is located.

   No monsters.

   But this place has become the same as when Chen Ji and Zhou Wan came here last time and found the mutated rat king Lin Zhiqiang. It was full of traces of human slaughter, and the restaurant was also blocked by debris.

   "What about in the restaurant?"

  Chen Ji shook the sundries away with a wave of his hand, first threw a ball of light into it, and walked in after confirming that there was no reaction inside.

  The traces of Lin Zhiqiang, the mouse king, imitating human life are still there, and there are still a few quilts in the kitchen, but there are no people, and neither are mice.

   Only dead things, no living things.

   "This small world of intersection is really... the more you look at it, the weirder it is!"

  Chen Ji gave up. He really couldn't find anything abnormal, and he couldn't feel the weak point of the space, so he could only observe it a few times in the future.

   "Young Master, there are no monsters up there, right?"

  Chen Ji went down to the ground, and the little lady immediately hugged his arm nervously and looked at him.

   "No, nothing."

  Chen Ji shook his head.

  Everything here is weird. Before he understands the rules, he should not provoke the incomplete Sun Temple in the sky.

  The remnant temple seems to be connected with this small world, and when it reaches the sky, it will have a strong suppression force, causing the Destiny fragments from the Nine Realms to lose their power.

   "Mr. Chen."

  Yaozu Qianyuan took out a few black shards of the fairy gate, and said shamelessly: "This thing is useless in my hands, so I will give it to Mr. Chen."

   "Thank you."

  Chen Ji is not too polite, Mu Xiaoxiao attaches great importance to the fragments of the fairy gate, and it would be good to give them to her.

   Qianyuan Yaozu probably saw that he knew the Nine Realms, so he gave him the fragments of the fairy gate.

  Chen Ji held the shard of Xianmen in his hand.

  At the same time, the Fragment of Destiny was also in his hand, held together by him.

  The moment the two came into contact, a wisp of fluctuation was stimulated.

   Qianyuan Yaozu was stunned for a moment, frowned and said: "This seems to be the Nine Regions?"

   Lost power again, his senses gone again.

   "Nine Domains?"

   "I vaguely feel the law, and I'm not sure."

  Chen Ji thoughtfully put these pieces into his pocket.

   Next, Chen Ji stayed here for a long time, went to that restaurant many times to check, but still found nothing.

   After the little lady woke up from a nap in the car, he decided to leave here.

  The corpses of the dead were carried back to the villa area by the Jianghu people. Although they were all in foreign countries, it was better to be buried near the villa area than here.

   When he was about to leave, Chen Ji gave Wang Shaodang some more supplies through Da Zhouwan. The electricity was enough for them to use for several months, and there was also a lot of rice, flour, grain and oil.

  Although Da Zhouwan is in the doomsday, these few supplies are still available.

   "Brother Chen!"

  Wang Shaodang, who had been trapped here for many days, hesitated to speak.

The rest of the Jianghu people who came here by accident also looked at Chen Ji. Some people who traveled with Wenxian old man and Gongsun Ming this time, after seeing this weird and depressing world, they already faintly regret coming here up.

   There is really nothing in this ghostly place, except cold and dark, so that the appearance of those mutated creatures is refreshing.

   "If there is a way, I will take you back!"

  Chen Ji patted his shoulder.

  Wang Shaodang nodded moved with tears in his eyes.

  The rest of the people expressed their thanks one after another. Their survival here is almost entirely dependent on the flashlights and coal sent by Mr. Chen.

   "Let's go, pay attention, be careful when you go to that building to check, remember to use a gun."

  Chen Ji told them again, Da Zhou Wan also sent some guns and ammunition for their convenience.

   "Yes, we will, Brother Chen, don't worry!"

   "Okay, see you next time."

  Chen Ji nodded, held Xia Shumin's hand, and was about to leave.

   "Brother Chen!"

  Liu Sangu shouted: "When you come back next time, can you bring some pots of wine?"

  Among the dazzling array of supplies, only the favorite wine of the Jianghu people is missing.

  Xia Shumin covered her mouth and laughed.

  Chen Ji also smiled and said: "Okay, next time I come, I will definitely bring you a large box of Moutai Jiannanchun, I guarantee you can drink enough!"

  The Zhao Guo Jianghu people laughed together, shouting thank you Mr. Chen.

  The noisy voice spread in this dark and cold world, bringing a bit of life here.

  This small world is quietly changing.


  Chen Ji and Xia Shumin returned to the Arctic Iceberg Continent in the martial arts world.

   It is still under the snow mountain, but it is farther away from the ice layer where the space crack that the two entered is located.

  Chen Ji touched his pocket and confirmed that the Destiny Fragment and the Immortal Gate Fragment were still there.

   "Let's go back."

  He put his arms around Xia Shumin and took her to the space rift to take a look.

   Originally, I wanted to see if Lu Huai and the others who hadn't entered were still there, but unexpectedly, in the ice layer sunk into a big pit by Chen Ji's step, the space rift disappeared.


  Xia Shumin got his little head out of his arms, and said in surprise, "Master, it's gone?"

  Chen Ji frowned, "It's a bit bad. If these spatial rifts are transferred everywhere, once they appear in villages and cities, the consequences will be disastrous."


  Xia Shumin exclaimed a little.

  She also doesn't like this kind of space rift that can **** people into other worlds.

   "Is there a way, my lord?"

  She turned her head to look at Chen Ji.

   "I don't know if Xianli can annihilate them... go back first."

  Chen Ji took her back to the place where everyone camped on the coast, and learned from Prince Lu Huai what happened after he and Xia Shumin left.


  The little lady exclaimed again, her eyes widened: "It was Shumin who smashed the space rift?"

  Lu Huai nodded and said: "From what we have seen, it is my cousin who broke that thing..."

  He used the word burst.

  Because when other people enter the space rift, they shrink and are sucked in, just like falling into a vortex in water.

   Only Xia Shumin crashed straight in, didn't he just burst the space gap?


  Xia Shumin looked at Chen Ji pitifully.

   She has no idea why.

  Chen Ji smiled and rubbed her little face that was a little red from the cold, and said, "Let's try again."

  But after trying it, it makes people feel even more confused.

  In another space gap, Chen Ji couldn't annihilate it with his immortal power, and the dragon and phoenix called out by him didn't even dare to approach it.

  But Xia Shumin just tried to get closer, and the space rift disappeared.

  After repeated attempts to eliminate several space cracks, Chen Ji came to a conclusion:

  Xia Shumin's power is particularly effective in dealing with space rifts. She can destroy the space rift with a single word, and she is truly able to follow her words.

   "Is the little lady extraordinarily powerful against foreign objects that endanger this world?"

  Chen Ji thought of the black flower that appeared next to Xia Shumin, which was suspected to have the power of the evil **** of the Shenen Continent.

  There are too few examples to draw conclusions.

  Chen Ji left a few remote spatial rifts, and took her back to Zhao Guoyongkang County on a real dragon.

   "Young Master, we are back!"

  After seeing Yongkang City and Hongye Mountain from the sky, Xia Shumin was very happy. After landing, the dragon and the phoenix returned to their respective places. She dragged Chen Ji to run around the back of the Xia Mansion, and shouted happily: "I'm back!"

  The girl's crisp voice spread, attracting the attention of the maids.


   "Miss and uncle are back from the Arctic iceberg!"

   "Hee hee hee, Miss is wearing very thick clothes."

   "Miss, Uncle ~"

  The twin maidservants walked over quickly, their little faces were full of surprises, and Cui Zhu couldn't help but threw herself into the young lady's arms, hugging her excitedly.

  The little lady also hugged her, her eyebrows bent into the first moon.

  Chen Ji smiled slightly.

  Xia Shumin who returned to the Xia Mansion was the real lady of the family. A group of maids chatted around her. After entering the room and changing into light dresses, her graceful and elegant temperament was fully displayed.

   It is completely different from the previous appearance in the intersection small world, tightly wrapped up, clinging to Chen Ji and not daring to leave.

  Back to Xia Mansion, the reserved daughter of Xia Mansion will not be easily hugged by Chen Ji.

  It was getting late, so Chen Ji simply stayed in Xia Mansion for one night, had a meal with his uncle and aunt, went to the garden with the little lady for a few laps, and listened to her playing the piano under the gazebo.

  Chen Ji can't tell if the piano skill is good or bad, but judging from the shy appearance of a young lady, she is not good at it.

  Interestingly, after Chen Ji and her entered the study room, the little lady found out her recent novels and tore them up!


  The twin maids were astonished.

Xia Shumin threw the torn paper into the bamboo basket, patted her little hands, and said solemnly to them: "I took it for granted before. In a city that is really empty, those simple, empty, and moaning words can't be written at all." ! I've decided, rewrite!"


  The two maids were in a daze. They still don't quite know what the lady has experienced in the past two days. They have to wait until they go to bed at night before they can ask the lady.

   "Master, don't laugh at the little girl."

  Xia Shumin sat shyly on his chair in the study, and blinked at Chen Ji: "How about studying ink for Shumin?"

   "There is no word please? There was a lady who always said something like 'please respect yourself, sir'."


  Chen Ji sat next to her in satisfaction, and while simply grinding ink for her, he watched her use a brush, with one hand folded up her wide sleeve, and write down what she had seen and heard in the past two days on the paper in delicate handwriting.

   "Travel to the Dark Underworld".

  Xia Shumin used a compromise name to name that small world of intersection.

   Nothing more.

  Her little face that was looked at by Chen Ji, a blush slowly appeared, and she was quite shy.

   When the two maids entered the study room with hot tea in their hands, they saw the uncle holding the young lady in his arms and holding her hand... No, it was the young lady holding the uncle's hand and teaching him to write with a brush.

   The two looked at each other.

  In the future, after the young lady marries the uncle, I am afraid you will see this scene often, right?

  (end of this chapter)

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