Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 207: Zhou Wan: Am I fat?

  Chapter 207 Zhou Wan: Am I fat?

the next day.

  Chen Ji drove to Jiangbin Dijing, parked the car in the underground garage of a nearby shopping mall, and then entered the community, preparing to meet Zhou Wan.

  Jiangbin Dijing is close to the Huangjiang River in Haicheng, and is located in the most prosperous financial CBD center. Standing at the gate of the community and looking up, you can see high-rise buildings with house prices starting at 200,000.

  The Riverside Royal View that Chen Ji is about to enter is also positioned as a large-level luxury house. Each unit is 400 to 700 square meters, and the total price can be imagined.

   But such an expensive house was only bought by Zhou Wan’s mother, Qu Qin, as a gift for her going to college. It cost 200 million yuan to buy it, and it was left idle for several years before Zhou Wan came back from abroad before she moved in.

  It is said to be a stay, but it is actually the place where Zhou Wan comes to work for a lunch break, or to sleep overnight after working overtime too late.

   "Ding Dong."

  Entered the community, went up to the top floor of Building 4, Chen Ji rang the doorbell.

  Last night, he and Zhou Wan bought a lot of things, and he couldn't fit them in his old, dilapidated rental house, so they put them here.

  Last night, Zhou Wan didn't go back to her villa, but stayed here. She also invited him to live in the guest room, but Chen Ji didn't feel embarrassed, so he drove back, lest the aunt who was cooking tell her parents about the matter.

   "Mr. Chen, you are here."

After the doorbell rang three times, Auntie Liu, who lived in this flat floor all year round and was in charge of cleaning and cooking, opened the door for Chen Ji with a smile, and warmly greeted him to come in, saying that Miss Zhou hadn't woken up yet, and asked him to wait for a while .

"Still in bed?"

Chen Ji smiled, and walked in with a bag of clothes. He saw the 100-square-meter living room with a height of seven meters, which he had seen once last night, and the exaggerated floor-to-ceiling windows. Outside the window was still the familiar sea. In the financial center of the city, the river view in the early morning has a different experience.

  This is a penthouse duplex, 700 square meters, with a usable area of ​​more than 1,500. There is a garden and swimming pool on the roof, an open-air barbecue, a bar and so on.

  Last night, Chen Ji was dragged by Zhou Wan for a little tour, and he was greatly shocked:

  The enjoyment of the rich is really different.

  In the summer, I can be with Zhou Wan, Shu Min and the others in the swimming pool on the rooftop garden, and see their fair and beautiful bodies in swimsuits...

This is not Chen Ji's wild imagination, but last night when Zhou Wan dragged him up to the garden on the roof, she casually said that if he wanted to swim in the future, he could come to her place, and he could invite little ladies, empresses, etc. people.

   Chen Ji was shocked at the time, but Zhou Wan was very calm, as if it was just a gathering between ordinary friends, which was irresistible.

   After all, it’s a party with friends.

   "Mr. Chen."

  Aunt Liu took the initiative to ask again: "Have you had breakfast? In the kitchen, I made some crystal shrimp dumplings, mung bean porridge, and eggs. I knew you would come over in the morning, so I prepared an extra serving for one person."

  Last night, she knew from Zhou Wan that this man would come in the morning, and she understood very clearly what this meant:

  The man in front of me is likely to be the male owner of the top-floor duplex in the future.

   "No, I've already eaten, thank you, auntie."

  Chen Ji smiled at her, then suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "But Auntie, don't rush to deal with breakfast, Miss Zhou's appetite will be very good today, she may have two breakfasts!"


  Aunt Liu was very surprised, and her voice was a little louder: "Why do you eat two breakfasts?"

   "Auntie leave him alone!"

A cold and resentful voice came from upstairs, Chen Ji raised his head and saw Zhou Wan who was only wearing a white silk pajamas, her hair was disheveled, and she had a sleepy and lazy expression on her face. Standing by the railing on the second floor, looking at him.

   "He eats a lot, he should eat two meals!"

  Zhou Wan glared at him, turned around and walked towards the room lightly, leaving only one sentence for Chen Ji: "Come up!"

  Chen Ji laughed, and after making a look at Aunt Liu, he ran up the spiral staircase to the second floor.

  Penthouse duplex is truly luxurious.

   There are a total of six rooms upstairs and downstairs, not counting the study room, gym, audio-visual room, etc., and various other facilities are available.

   And there will be no noise annoyance from the neighbors on the roof. Except for the uncomfortable living of people with fear of heights, this house is perfect-two elevators for one household, and there is basically no trouble of waiting for the elevator.

When he went upstairs, Chen Ji saw a large pile of supplies that he and Zhou Wan bought last night in the living room on the second floor. Zhou Wan, who was wearing pajamas, hid at the door and said something when she saw him coming up. "Sit down first, wait for me to change clothes." Then he closed the door.

  Chen Ji was also calm, sitting by the floor-to-ceiling window, chatting with Da Zhouwan on his mobile phone, and told her that breakfast can be had here.

   Fifteen minutes later, Zhou Wan went downstairs to have breakfast. Chen Ji was dragged by her, and followed her to the restaurant to taste the crystal shrimp dumplings. The taste was good, and Aunt Liu's cooking skills were very high.

  Going up to the second floor and resting for a while, Zhou Wan entered the room again. When she came out again, she had already put on thick winter clothes, gloves, scarf, and windbreaker, wrapping herself tightly.

  In this kind of weather, you will be sweating in less than three minutes.

"let's go!"

  Chen Ji didn't talk nonsense, he also changed his clothes, reached out his hand to Zhou Wan, and held her hand together.

   Everything was prepared last night. Chen Ji and she each carried a bag of things, left the rest in the living room, and disappeared into this world.

   At the same time, Zhou Wan reappeared in a white light.

   It's just that she changed into another outfit, long-sleeved trousers and a coat, simple and light.

   "Well, I saw the sun again!"

  After Zhou Wan appeared, her eyes subconsciously turned to the floor-to-ceiling windows. After seeing the warm sunlight coming in from the window, she couldn't help but walk over, and pulled the curtains wide, so that her body was completely exposed to the sunlight.

   She hasn't seen the sun for a long time.

   Looking back, Zhou Wan saw the supplies in the living room, as well as the mobile phone and some documents left by "her" on the table, and couldn't help laughing.

  She took out her mobile phone, exchanged messages with Chen Ji, then came to the railing, and shouted downstairs: "Auntie, do you still have breakfast?"


  Aunt Liu was stunned. It was really the same as what Mr. Chen said. Ms. Zhou wants to eat breakfast twice?

   Fortunately, she took Mr. Chen's words seriously, and the breakfast was still hot.

   "Yes, come down and eat!"

  She yelled upstairs, she usually doesn't go to the second floor, and she only does cleaning when Miss Zhou is not at home.

  By the time Zhou Wan went downstairs briskly, Aunt Liu had already brought breakfast to the table again, and smiled at her: "Miss, you have a good appetite today."

   "Well, I'm really in a good mood~, the weather outside is also very good, the sun is very comfortable."

  Zhou Wan pursed her lips and smiled.

  Aunt Liu took another look at her.

  I always feel that Ms. Zhou who has changed her clothes is a bit strange. Her appearance has also changed a little, and her demeanor and temperament have also changed. In the past, Ms. Zhou was very cold and never said that the weather is good.

  Could it be because of becoming boyfriend and girlfriend with Mr. Chen?

   "Miss, is Mr. Chen still upstairs?" Aunt Liu asked one more question.


   Zhou Wan laughed again, "He is with another beautiful woman... Forget it, let's not talk about him."

  Aunt Liu was stunned.

  The mobile phone rang just in time, and she noticed that Miss Zhou was holding two mobile phones, one of which was for daily use, and the other was a bit weird, covered with a thick and strong shell, as if afraid of being broken?


   Zhou Wan was talking to the secretary while eating crystal shrimp dumplings with chopsticks.

  The expression is calm, as if she is the 24-year-old Zhou Wan.

   "Mr. Zhou, are you really not going to the investor meeting today?"

  Song Yuzhu still couldn't help calling!

  Mr. Zhou made it clear last night that she will not attend today's investor meeting, nor will Chen Ji.

   This is outrageous. Neither the chairman nor the president attended such an important meeting. What is this? !

  So, she called again this morning to ask the president for his opinion.


Zhou Wan swallowed the crystal shrimp dumpling, held the mobile phone in her hand, and said in a cold voice that belonged to the president: "Come and pick me up now, let's go to the company first, and prepare the contract documents for me, I will go over them again, Both on the road and in the company.”

   On the way to the company, if there is no time for a paper contract, prepare an electronic version, and you must read the paper version when you go to the company.

  As the boss of the company, Zhou Wan only told the secretary what she wanted, and she tried to solve the rest.

   "Yes, President, I'll do it right away!"

  Song Yuzhu cheered up, the company is finally on the right track, instead of messing around like a fool, this is the right way!

  Hung up the phone, Zhou Wan finished her breakfast and went up to the second floor.

  This house is a little different from her original one.

  However, Zhou Wan can tell which room is hers according to her own living habits. When she walks in and takes a look, it really is.

   Entering the dressing room, Zhou Wan took out a women's suit from the closet, rubbed it in her hands.

  She hasn't worn workplace attire for a long time. Although it's only half a year, it seems like half a lifetime.

   "Let me help you today."

  Zhou Wan thought to herself, untied her cheap clothes, and changed into the high-end custom-made suit Zhou Wan wore four years ago.

   But awkward.

  I almost couldn't wear it.

  After barely putting it on, Zhou Wan turned around in front of the dressing mirror, twisted her waist left and right, and looked at her buttocks.

  The pants are narrow.

  The jacket is also narrow.

  After putting it on, the women's suit is stretched very tightly, revealing the shape of the buttocks, and the top looks like it is about to unbutton, bulging, and many people will pay attention to her if she is forced to wear it.

   "Was I ever this skinny?"

  Before the changing mirror, Zhou Wan felt a little regretful. She couldn't wear her work clothes, so she had to take them off, and then she found a set of spring and summer clothes in her closet.

  After changing her clothes, Zhou Wan noticed her single ponytail hairstyle, sat in front of the dressing table again, and carefully combed her previous hairstyle.

   Immediately looked younger.


   "I went out, and you told her that the contract could be negotiated with me."

  Zhou Wan sent a message to Chen Ji. Coincidentally, Chen Ji also sent her a photo with relevant text, which surprised her very much.

   Has changed again?


  Four realms small space.

   After traveling again, Chen Ji felt the cold, but what he saw before his eyes was still darkness.

   Fortunately, he still held Zhou Wan's hand tightly and said, "We're here, turn on your phone."

  Chen Ji asked her to do these things in order to get used to this darkness, so that she would not fall into the darkness and panic and make mistakes in the future.


   Zhou Wan answered him, let go of his hand, took off the gloves, fumbled for a small flashlight from the pocket of a piece of clothing inside, lit it, and put the gloves back on.

  Her gloves are too thick.


  The lights came on, and the two of them immediately felt something was wrong.

  The surrounding area is not the wine storage room of Zhou Wan's villa, nor is it the basement, but a very ordinary living room, to be exact, three bedrooms and one living room, with a kitchen, balcony, sofa refrigerator and other furniture.

  The light from a small flashlight is not enough, I can barely see the living room clearly, but I can't see what's going on outside, it's all dark around.

   But from the balcony and complete furniture, it can be inferred that this is not Zhou Wan's house, it should be outside.

   "Something is wrong, it has changed again!"

  Chen Ji said, "The last time I came here with Shu Min, I told you that she lit up the world after she spoke, but now it has turned into darkness again."

   "What should I do?" Zhou Wan was already nervous, and approached him actively, and the flashlight illuminated the surroundings according to his fingers.

   "Let there be light!"

  Chen Ji said with a smile that he used his light and heat ability to fill the surroundings with light.

  When the warm light appeared, he also noticed that there was another power in his body that could be used:


Chen Ji was a little surprised, and then stretched out his finger to draw a small flame, and said with a strange expression: "Sure enough, it is Xianli, but this time I didn't travel from Shumin's world, but followed you... No, Xianli seems to be It was last time, only a part is left!"

  Zhou Wan calmed down a lot, took out another set of daggers from her pocket, and tried to use her time ability in this world, and it really worked.

   "My abilities seem to be full."

  She looked at Chen Ji with a smile in her eyes.

  After coming to this world, she, like Da Zhouwan, Chen Ji, and Xia Shumin, all possessed her abilities.

  The daughter of the martial arts world, who can say what she wants, can easily change the world.

  Although she can't be that powerful, at least she can use her own power.

   "It's really amazing."

  Chen Ji withdrew his ability with a smile, and just relied on the flashlight for illumination.

   "There are still many secrets in this space, but now I have the ability of celestial power plus light and heat, plus your time ability, at least self-protection is no problem."

   "Hmm... where is this?"

   Zhou Wan's nervousness eased a lot. After obtaining Chen Ji's consent, she increased the light of the flashlight and illuminated the three-bedroom house.

   "Strange." Chen Ji was a little puzzled, "Isn't the house in the small space of the Four Realms already dilapidated?"

  The sea city here is almost the same as the sea city in the doomsday world. It is a replica of the original version, and it is the sea city after the end of the world after being ravaged by strong winds, ice and snow.

   But looking at this house, it looks like it was before the end!

   "Somewhat familiar."

   Zhou Wan said suddenly, and pulled him towards the door, looking at the house from the door: "This... looks like a doomsday base in Haishi!"

   "Doomsday Base?" Chen Ji frowned.

   "Yes, it is the room where you and her stayed in the underground city for one night last time!"

   "...So it's here?!"

   After looking at it a few more times, Chen Ji finally connected this house with the underground city suite where he and Da Zhou Wan lived.

  He turned and opened the door, Zhou Wan shone the flashlight on the corridor inside the building, it was dark and empty.

  Chen Ji dragged her to the balcony again, without his order, Zhou Wan had already illuminated the surroundings with a flashlight.

  Up, down, left, and right, in all directions, it was pitch black.

  The densely packed residential buildings stand in the dark and deep underground. There are no lights on the top walls. Not far away, the sky railroad tracks are densely criss-crossed, but there is no light at all, and there is no floating train running on it.

  The entire doomsday base is intact, but empty!

   "Chen Ji... here, it's a bit scary."

  With a trembling voice, Zhou Wan approached him again and held his hand.

  The last time she came here, what she saw was the doomsday sea city covered by a lot of ice and snow. Although it was shocking, it seemed natural.

  And this time, the doomsday base located underground is obviously intact. The window glass, aerial tracks, and even the furniture in the house are all in a brand new state, as if inhabited.

  However, this underground city was empty, revealing a strange dead atmosphere.

   "Don't be afraid."

  Chen Ji comforted her, looking at the dense residential buildings around him: "I already guessed the reason."

   "Huh? Why?"

   "It's very simple, because you appeared, so this underground doomsday base also appeared, and it just appeared, it's so amazing!"

   "Did cities just emerge?"

  Zhou Wan was very surprised. After turning her head to look at the furnishings in the living room, she suddenly realized.

   Indeed, it is so cold here, but the sofa furniture is not frozen, which already proves something.

   But why did the city appear after she appeared?


   This small world where the four worlds meet, indeed has many unsolved mysteries, which seem to be related to her and Xia Shumin.

  (end of this chapter)

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