Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 210: Centaur

  Chapter 210 Centaurs

The monster has a centaur body, tall and strong, nearly three meters high, its head almost touches the roof of the building, a spear and a shield are tightly held in its strong hands, the person has no clothes on his body, his skin is rotten and swollen, and emits evil The stench, the horse is covered with armor, and the four hooves are wearing iron shoes, making a heavy sound when stepping on the ground.

  It has a strong black aura on its body, and it neighs continuously in a low voice. The four horseshoes slowly stepped out of the kitchen, forcing everyone to retreat.

  The scene quieted down.

  Chen Ji looked at it, and also looked into the kitchen, seeing that the black aura had slowly disappeared, and the restaurant kitchen had returned to its original state.

   And the centaur monster with a black aura all over his body in front of him looks like he came from the Divine Grace Continent.

   "What kind of monster is this?!"

   A Jianghu person couldn't help but screamed.


The sound aroused the reaction of the centaur monster on the opposite side. It roared, and swung the spear tightly in its hand violently. A strong black breath rushed towards its face, mixed with terrifying power, and swept away thousands of troops with one move, flying A group of Jianghu people more than ten meters away.

  Chen Ji put his arms around Zhou Wan's waist, and led her back. The Jianghu people jumped out of the window like dumplings, and Chen Ji followed suit. It was too bad to fight such a big monster in a narrow place.


  The centaur monster continued to roar a sentence of unknown meaning, stepped on the horse's hooves, brandished a long spear and charged, jumped out of the window, chasing and killing the group of Jianghu people.


  Its huge body hit the ground, shaking all around.


  Chen Ji and Zhou Wan stood where they were, and soon realized that something was wrong.

  He originally wanted to stand on the front line with Zhou Wan and face this evil monster that was suspected to be from the Divine Grace Continent.

  Unexpectedly, it passed him and Zhou Wan directly, and chased and killed the group of Jianghu people. In addition to shouting "Pazola", it also mixed some confused words.

  Dozens of Jianghu people in the Grandmaster realm were chased and beaten by a monster with a black aura all over their bodies.

   "Stop first!"

Chen Ji circulated the immortal power in his body, slapped the centaur monster to its knees, and pressed down the palm to hold it down, but it still neighed and roared and waved the spear, showing a crazy fighting spirit, which made Zhao People in the Jianghu country felt their scalps go numb.

   It wasn't until Chen Ji threw a ball of light the size of a basketball and hit it that things changed.

  The light collided with the black aura on its body, and the two continuously burst into air waves. The monster with a centaur body let out a trembling roar. It had already stood up, but its four hooves trembled and fell to the ground.

   "Something came out!"

Zhou Wan noticed the changes in its body. After being affected by Chen Ji's light and heat abilities, the black aura surged and twisted continuously, and finally, weird jet-black auras grew out of it—including the human body and the horse body. vine.

   Immediately afterwards, one after another black flowers grew from the vines and rushed towards all directions.

  Chen Ji's pupils shrank, the evil god, the chaotic shadow, this ghost thing actually came to the small space of the Four Realms!

   "A tree demon again? No, this is a flower demon?!"

  The group of Jianghu people were taken aback, and took up their swords to kill the black flowers that came.

   "Be careful, don't get entangled in flowers!"

Chen Ji knew the difficulty of black flowers, and based on the idea of ​​a quick battle, he opened his hand towards the twisted and dancing black flowers in the distance, and a lot of light bloomed in his palm, drowning the monster and the writhing creature in an instant. Black flowering branches.

  The black flowers withered one after another, and the petals began to fall off. The flower branches growing from the centaur monster also drooped weakly and retracted into his body.

  Warmness envelops everyone and purifies the little black breath hidden in their bodies.

  The centaur monster fell to the ground, lying down like a horse, with heaving chest, which proved that it was still breathing.

   "Is he an intelligent life?"

   Zhou Wan could tell that although this monster was crazy just now, judging from his appearance with a spear in his hand, armor on his horse, and ability to talk, he was probably wise.

   "It's hard to say, maybe I'm crazy, maybe I still have a little sense."

  Chen Ji didn't get close to it, and used the light to shine on him first, purifying most of the black aura entangled in his body, revealing his original face.

  Everyone can see more clearly.

  He, or rather she, looks very strange.

  The upper body is human, to be precise, a man, with a strong chest and well-developed abdominal muscles.

  But the lower body is covered with armor, and there are bulges on the hind feet, which looks like a mare.

   "Mr. Chen, what monster is this?"

  Gong Sunming asked in surprise, "Male head and female body, half human and half horse...It looks like an ancient monster, as recorded in the Shan Hai Jing."

   "The Classic of Mountains and Seas? Indeed!"

   "Hiss, it looks quite tall and strong, charging like an elephant on the battlefield!"

   "Fortunately, Mr. Chen's immortal method can restrain it!"

  Everyone talked a lot.

  Chen Ji was not sure what it was, so he decisively took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Astana.

   "Pazola? I haven't heard that name."

In God's Grace Continent, Astana in the church recalled it carefully, and said uncertainly: "God, you seem to be talking about centaurs. They live at the junction of green grasslands and snow-capped mountains. And keep migrating.”

   "After the evil **** came, there was no more news about the centaurs, and no one paid attention to what happened to them. Maybe like many other races, their residences fell and they were all extinct."

  Astana's voice was a bit sad.

   Those who can escape to the original city are all lucky and powerful. More races in the Divine Grace Continent have disappeared in the ravages of evil gods.

  Chen Ji saw millions of people of various races from the perspective of the Creator, including only a small part of the races in the Divine Grace Continent.


Astana's tone cheered up, "I used to live in the northern snow mountain. Alice said that Pazola is a valley located behind the Church of the God of the Sky. There are abundant water and grass, and there are many prey. It is one of the holy places in the hearts of the centaurs." One, they often go to Pazola to pray to the church of the God of the Sky in the snowy mountains in the distance, and Alice has seen them."

   "It really is a centaur from Shenen Continent!"

  At this time, Chen Ji was sure that the man with the head of a horse in front of him was a centaur. He fell into chaos and madness after being polluted by the breath of evil gods. He fell into a space rift somewhere and came here.

"God!" Astana continued: "Alice praises you and hopes to dance for you again. She also said that before she left the snow mountain, she heard the news that a group of centaurs hid in Pazola's In a cave, there is no news after that.”

  Before answering the question of the Great Creator, the elves usually praise him, and then say some words of worship.

   "OK, I see!"

  Chen Ji nodded and asked her, "Are you going to head to the Goddess Church in Kanas King City?"

   "Yes, God!"

  Astana became excited, saying that she and the elves were finally ready, formed the Knights of the Temple, taught them to use the power of the Creator, the priests could borrow the power of starlight, the armor was finished, the food was sufficient, and so on.

  Chen Ji quickly stopped her: "Okay, send me a message when you are going, and I will follow!"

   "God, you are merciful, and it is the greatest honor for Astana and the elves to walk with you!"

  Astana was obviously very happy.

   Before she could say a lot of compliments, Chen Ji hurriedly hung up, and we'll talk about it next time we meet.

   Zhou Wan witnessed all this.

  Chen Ji coughed, and said to a group of Jianghu people: "He is a centaur from the Shenen Continent. What is the specific situation? Let's talk about it when he wakes up...if he can still wake up."

  He is still not sure whether the centaur can regain his sanity. The centaur still has a distorted tumor on his body, and the black flowers are also tightening in his body, and the light and heat abilities cannot be completely removed.

   "The power of light and heat is different from my power in Shenen Continent."

  Chen Ji said to Zhou Wan, "Perhaps I have to find a way to travel from the Continent of God's Grace to obtain the power of creation."

  The power of creation is stronger than the power of light and heat. The elves can use this power to directly purify the huge brood monsters. Astana can even use divine magic to purify most of the black petals that fly from the sun to the earth.

  The light and heat ability is enough in the doomsday world, but it is much weaker against the evil gods from the Divine Grace Continent.

   "Gathering the power of the four worlds again?"

  Zhou Wan thought of the scene in her dream, that is, Chen Ji held the hands of Da Zhou Wan and Mu Xiaoxiao, so that Ma Yien opened the time and space channel.


  Chen Ji did have this idea, and traveled to the small space of the Four Realms from the Continent of God and the Nine Realms respectively, to see what would happen after he gathered the power of the four realms.

   "God's Grace Continent..." Zhou Wan murmured, and looked sideways at him: "Can I go?"

   "Do you want to go? Not yet, I can't even take you to the doomsday world." Chen Ji spread his hands, expressing that he was powerless for the time being.

   "Also... shall we go to the restaurant again?"

   Zhou Wan suggested again.

  Chen Ji took her hand and flew upstairs, checked the touch restaurant again, went to the kitchen, and found nothing except that the damaged kitchen was restored to its original state.

  Back to the ground, the centaur has woken up.

  He didn't understand the language of the Jianghu people, so he stood silently, holding the spear tightly in his hand, and looked blankly at the strange street.

   "Are you a centaur? Live in Pazola?"

  Chen Ji asked him.

   "You, are you human? Where is this?"

  The centaur got excited all of a sudden, stepped on the street with four iron hooves, and rushed to Chen Ji.

   "Don't worry, I believe you have also seen that this place is completely different from Shenen Continent..."

   Chen Ji communicated with him, Zhou Wan heard that he was still speaking Chinese, but it seemed to be different when it was heard by the centaur.

   After some exchanges, the centaur named Kelim became more and more disappointed: "It means that I can't go back to the God's Grace Continent, and I can't find help... I, my people, they, them!"

  Kelim choked up and shed tears. His three-meter-tall figure made his tears even more moving.

  The centaur is still hiding in the cave of Pazola.

  But it is close to the limit, the old and weak can no longer leave the cave, so they can only send people to ask for help from the outside world.

  Kelim is not the strongest in the clan, but the least polluted, so he shoulders the arduous task of seeking rescue soldiers, running thousands of miles to find possible rescue soldiers.

   "I know this is a mission without much hope. Even if we find someone, no one will rescue us."

   "But, my mother, my sister... As a sister, my clansman, I..."

"I can't watch them die. Even if there is no hope, I still walk out of the cave and run on the grasslands and roads...but I only see endless monsters trying to kill me, and the same as us centaurs, suffering from the evil gods Seriously polluted, so fragile that they could die at any time. I can only give them some food and continue to search for rescue..."

  Centaur Kerim galloped on the Divine Grace Continent, and witnessed many ruined countries, dead people, evil **** monsters, and weak survivors. He passed by and saw countless places.

  But there was no hope of saving the centaur.

   She is actually a female centaur, the older sister of a younger sister.

"…rest assured!"

  Chen Ji raised his hand, intending to pat her on the shoulder, but the centaur's shoulder was more than two meters high, so he had to give up.

   "The original city has changed!"

  Chen Ji said to Kerim: "The Goddess of Starlight Order will lead the Knights of the Temple and the priests of the Temple to guide you out of the predicament under the illumination of the stars!"

  Zhou Wan looked at Chen Ji with weird eyes. His words brought a kind of religious comfort. Was it influenced by the holy goddess in Shenen Continent?

   "Your Excellency, the Goddess of Starlight Order is that great god?"

  Krim showed a confused expression: "Is it the goddess of the moon?"

  In the Divine Grace Continent, Starlight is a flower planted in the Garden of the Moon Goddess.

   "No, she is the goddess of starlight order." Chen Ji smiled slightly, "She is called Astana, and she was originally a descendant of the goddess of light. Later, under the guidance of a creator, she created the sun and took charge of the order of the stars."

  Kelim shook his head, she couldn't understand.

  She knew about Astana, the saint of divine descent, but she couldn't imagine what her kingdom of God would look like.

   "...Let's go back first!"

  Chen Ji greeted everyone.

   As the meeting point of time and space, there will be no changes for the time being. It should be when something is transmitted from the space rift in other worlds that there will be changes.

  Chen Ji and Zhou Wan got into the BMW again and returned the same way.

  As a centaur who is good at running, Kelim has a fast pace and doesn't have any running movements. He simply walks and keeps up with the car.

  However, she seemed preoccupied, and looked around silently on the road. When mutant creatures appeared, she was usually the first to run out, angrily brandishing a spear to kill them.

   But she was very weak and hadn't eaten for a long time. Chen Ji stopped the car and asked Xia Shumin to bring some meat. After Ke Lim ate it, she said she had regained some strength.

  The centaurs of God's Grace Continent can eat grass and vegetables, but they usually hunt and grow food, which is similar to what other races eat.

  "My dear mother." Someone from the Jianghu exclaimed in a low voice, "This guy is so strong when he is not full. If he returns to his prime, wouldn't he be able to stab through a hundred thousand troops with a single charge?"

  Centaurs are half horses, Zhao people can't help but compare Kelim to the battlefield.

   "It runs like lightning and is as fast as flying. If this centaur has a thousand people, combined with armored knights, it will be enough to sweep the world!"

  Chu Nan of the Heavenly Sword Society has bright eyes and is very interested in centaurs.

   Fortunately, Kerim did not understand him.

  Because Chen Ji saw in the detailed information about centaurs sent by Astana, they all hate having humans or dwarves riding on their backs, and the same goes for elves.


  Back to Zhou Wan's villa in the community, the people from the rivers and lakes who stayed behind came out to greet him. When they saw Ke Limu, who was nearly three meters high, they were all startled.

  Chen Ji didn't explain too much, and sat down with Zhou Wan in the living room.

  Everyone looked at him.


Chen Ji looked around and said, "As I said before, this is a place where people from the four worlds come here. The Zhao Kingdom, the Nine Regions, and the God's Grace Continent make the situation here even more complicated! "

   Zhou Wan suddenly thought, has no one come to the end of the world yet? Although this is a mirage replica of the doomsday world.

   "The specific reasons are difficult to explain."

  Chen Ji looked at the old man Wenxian, and said with a smile: "But there is good news, senior Li Changhao is still alive."

  Everyone was surprised.

   "Really? That old friend of mine is still alive?" Asked the old man Xian with a slightly haggard look on his face, "Where did Mr. Chen meet him?"

   "He is in the Nine Regions, and he has worshiped an Emperor of Destiny as his teacher."

   "The Mandate of Heaven?"

   "Just treat you as one of the five heavenly emperors."

  The news brought by Chen Ji cheered everyone up. Li Changhao was actually the one who came to the front of them and worshiped the Immortal Emperor as his teacher?

   "The Nine Realms with the full Nine Heavens is the Immortal Realm?"

   "Billions of miles, countless demons and ghosts, flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, it must be a fairyland!"

   "Sure enough, Mr. Chen has walked in front of his master, and has found the way to immortality!"

   "Strange, why didn't Mr. Chen become a disciple of the Immortal Emperor?"

  A group of Jianghu people guessed what the Nine Regions looked like from the information that Chen Ji simply said, and eagerly wanted to go to the Nine Regions to cultivate immortals.

  Only Qianyuan Yaozu's expression was a little funny, but he didn't explain too much.


Chen Ji stopped them: "In the future, there will be changes in this world, especially that building. You need to unite together and keep an eye on the movements in the city. and the chance to leave."

  Everyone nodded to express their understanding.

  Chen Ji smiled and said: "I won't say much about the rest, I'm treating guests tonight, everyone have a good drink!"

   A group of Jianghu people applauded loudly, stretched their necks and looked at Chen Ji, waiting for the food and wine to be delivered.

  They waited for an hour before the good wine, food and other supplies were delivered. A lot of things filled the entire yard and left them for follow-up processing.

  There is firewood and vegetables, they found the pot in the city themselves, and the wine was also delivered. Isn't this banquet complete?

  Many Jiang Hu people are happy, busy preparing tonight's food and drink.


  Wang Shaodang picked up a can of wine, opened the lid and sniffed it vigorously, and said in great surprise: "It's actually the daughter red made by the Song Family Winery in Yongkang City!"

  He looked at Chen Ji: "Brother Chen, did Miss Xia send it here?"


   Chen Ji smiled and nodded.

   This time, not only Da Zhou Wan sent modern materials over, but Xia Shumin also asked people to prepare some special dishes in the city and sent them over after Xia Shumin knew about it.

  Alcohol is of course indispensable.

  Drinking the wine from Zhao Guoyongkang County, this group of Jianghu people in a foreign land drank more and more happily, clinking glasses with Chen Ji again and again.

  There is wine today, drunk today.

   Let's talk about other things after drinking!

  (end of this chapter)

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