Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 224: Shan Hai Jing

  Chapter 224 The Classic of Mountains and Seas

  The real dragon hides in the sea.

  Chen Ji put his arms around Xia Shumin's slender waist, and under the envious eyes of Lu Huai and others, he walked against the wind and flew towards the southwest.

   Not long after, I saw a big island, densely covered with forests, with strange mountains, thousands of feet high, snow-covered peaks, waterfalls flying down, forming a deep pool with the valley.

   "Young master, look, what a blessed land of immortals!"

Xia Shumin, who was holding Chen Ji in his arms, saw the islands and peaks in the vast ocean from the air, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help praising him in a poem: "The snow on the peak hangs thousands of feet, and the apes and cranes in the mountains are still surprised. Under the silver flowers Scatter the water tables, and the chaos cuts through the mountains."

Chen Ji couldn't help laughing, looked down at her excited little face, and said with a smile: "I remember you asked, what kind of poultry is social animal, and whether it comes from "Shan Hai Jing", what did you say at that time? The monsters from Shan Hai Jing appeared on overseas islands?"

   While speaking, he hugged Xia Shumin and landed on a rock in the middle of the island, looking down at the deep pool not far away.

  The water in the pool was very deep, and there was a faint cold air, which made the surrounding leaves frost. There seemed to be very few animals on the island, at least Chen Ji didn't hear any birds or beasts.


  The little lady blushed, and said in a low voice: "Shu Min was just thinking wildly. The Shan Hai Jing strange beasts might still exist in the overseas islands. The records of the ancients are true."

  She said angrily again: "Young master, you can't always blame me. Maybe this island has existed for a long time. For example, there are fairy islands recorded in ancient books such as Penglai, Pengqiu, and Abbot on the sea not far from Zhao State!"

   "Is there a Penglai fairy island overseas?!"

  Chen Ji was a little surprised, this was the first time he had heard of this.

"Yes, it has always been there. My mother-in-law went to see it. It was full of victims who escaped by boat during the war in the Central Plains. They also inherited the clothes of the Han and Tang Dynasties. Now there is also a sea trade route with Zhao, and large ships often come and go. .”

   "Has she been there?"

  Chen Ji felt more and more strange about the composition of this world.

  It is similar to some myths and legends of the Xia Kingdom in the middle of the earth, but there are no immortals. When he traveled to this world, the place with a picture scroll seemed to be the "immortal world".

  From the words of the little lady, it can be confirmed that there is a certain will of heaven and earth in this world, which can also be called the way of heaven. Is the little lady the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth?


  Suddenly, there was a strange cry from the deep pool, and accompanied by the sound of rushing water, a strange beast with a strange shape emerged from the pool.

  Xia Shumin was startled, and hurriedly looked, and saw a person's face growing on a giant snake, with a sad expression on his face, but its eyes were curious, staring at her and the young master.

   "Gong, gong, gongzi!"

  Xia Shumin was terrified, and retracted into Chen Ji's arms.

   "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

  Chen Ji narrowed his eyes, looking at the giant snake with a human face in the pool, waiting for its further movements.


The giant snake with a sad face made a strange cry, which made the pool water ripple, and the sound spread far away on the island. After a while, seven or eight monsters rushed over, on the trees, in the air, and on the mountainside, Staring at Chen Ji and Xia Shumin from all directions.

   "What kind of monsters are these?"

  Chen Ji had a strange expression on his face.

   These monsters are like tigers, apes, cats, and fish, but they all have strange shapes. For example, fish have wings, bright red bodies, and smooth and long tail fins.

  They surrounded, but did not take the initiative to attack.

   On the contrary, it seems to be watching him and the little lady?


Xia Shumin looked up tremblingly, and was immediately attracted by these strange-looking monsters, and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, that fish is like the squid mentioned in the Shan Hai Jing. Like Zhu Yan?!"

  As she spoke, she became excited. She didn't know whether it was the joy of seeing these rare birds and animals, or the pride of her extensive knowledge.

   "Win the fish? Cuttlefish?"

  Ashamed, among the strange beasts she mentioned, Chen Ji had heard of Zhu Yan.

   "Yeah, according to ancient books, the winning fish has a fish body and a bird's wings, and its sound is like a mandarin duck. When you see it, it will cause floods...Young master, we saw it, will it cause floods?!"

   "I think it's better for Shumin to keep her mouth shut."


  Xia Shumin covered her mouth and stopped talking.

  Chen Ji smiled, and after confirming that these rare birds and beasts similar to Shan Hai Jing would not take the initiative to attack and did not have much strength, he turned around and took Xia Shumin away first.

  According to the inferences he saw, these alien beasts are not strong, but they are very spiritual, smarter than ordinary birds and beasts, and seem to have a sense of identity with each other, and they will call friends.

  The world is moving more and more toward cultivating immortals, and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.


  Back to Prince Lu Huai's camp, Chen Ji told them the news.

   "A strange beast recorded in ancient books?"

   Lu Huai's heart moved, and he looked at the two of them: "Brother Chen, I don't know if eating them will live to eight hundred years, clear ears and eyesight, and will not be attacked by a hundred poisons as stated in the book."

  Xia Shumin glanced at him.

  Chen Ji said casually, "I guess not."

   After finishing speaking, he said goodbye to Xia Shumin and left, looking for the nearest space rift, preparing to go to the intersection of the four worlds.

   "Young master."

  Xia Shumin, who was in Chen Ji's arms, called out to him.

"What's wrong?"

   "Well, it's nothing, I just want to tell you, that cousin Shu Min, I'm afraid he has a lot of ambition."


  Chen Ji and her flew in the cold arctic wind, surrounded by thick ice and snow, but Chen Ji's immortal power was enough to block the cold, making the little lady in his arms as cute as a hamster.

  The topics that the two of them talked about seemed to be what a husband and wife would only say behind closed doors.

Xia Shumin looked in the direction of that cousin's camp from a distance, and whispered, "He has a lot of thoughts. He brought back the spirit grass earlier, and sent wood to the trapped people not long ago. In addition to what he said just now, it seems to be provocative." meaning."

  Chen Ji thought about it for a while, and indeed, those people in the rivers and lakes at the intersection of the four worlds expressed their gratitude to the prince for sending the wood. From the point of winning people's hearts, the prince has done a better job than his emperor's father.

   "Whatever he does."

  Chen Ji shrugged and said with a smile, "As long as my wife is not disturbed."

  The little lady blushed and leaned into his arms: "With the young master here, Shu Min naturally doesn't need to worry."

  Chen Ji kissed her white and tender forehead, and led her to a rift in space, and entered it smoothly.

  The darkness struck again, accompanied by howling wind, which made Chen Ji react immediately:

  The place he crossed this time is not the basement of Zhou Wan's house.

   "Young Master, it's so windy outside!"

  Xia Shumin took the initiative to leave his embrace, stood firm, took out the Qingming Immortal Sword from his sleeve, and held it tightly in his hand.

  She also asked Chen Ji not to protect her with immortal power, so as not to run out of power.

  After the protection of Xianli disappeared, she immediately felt the ubiquitous strong wind, which made her cheeks hurt. Xia Shumin was so frightened that she hurriedly wrapped her face with a thick towel, only showing a pair of clear eyes to look around.

   "Be careful."

  Chen Ji used light and heat abilities to light up the surroundings.

   The two of them saw their surroundings clearly.

  It was on a high-rise building, the glass outside the window was almost completely broken, and the high-rise wind poured in, blowing the items in the building into a mess.


  Xia Shumin looked back and forth, "My lord, we seem to be at Sister Wan's house?"

  She saw the stairs and the second floor. There was still a bare iron rod hanging from the roof. The very beautiful chandelier at Sister Wan’s house was gone, and there were faintly shining broken lamp pieces on the ground.

   "Go up and have a look!"

  Chen Ji took her little hand, and together they went up the spiral staircase to the second floor.

   Sure enough, the layout here is almost the same as Zhou Wan's penthouse. There are rooms on the left and right of the living room on the second floor, and the open-air garden on the roof above.

   "Sister Wan's house has become really miserable."

  Xia Shumin, who was tightly wrapped, stood in the living room where the three of them played cards together and watched the night before yesterday, feeling a lot of emotion for a while.

  The night before yesterday, the three of them were chatting in a warm and comfortable high-rise building, sitting on a soft sofa, and the lively night scene was outside the window.

   As a result, when she came to this world, Sister Wan's house became so miserable.

  Chen Ji asked her: "Shu Min, do you like this place?"

   "Of course I like it, Sister Wan is very nice!"

   "Then when you traveled here, did you think about this place in your mind?"

  Chen Ji wanted to study the principle of this random traversal.

  The last time he and Zhou Wan came, this small world created an entire underground doomsday base.

  Come again this time, he and the little lady suddenly came here again.

   Too much randomness!

  Xia Shumin recalled it seriously, and shook her head: "At that time, Shumin had a thought, whether the young master and I would come to Sister Wan again, no, the basement of another Sister Wan's home."

   As a result, it came to the top floor duplex?

  Chen Ji couldn't figure it out for the time being, so he could only look around the house with her, and then went down the stairs to see other rooms downstairs.

   Finally only confirmed one thing:

  The structure of the building is very complete, and there is no confusion.

   "Gong, son."

  Suddenly, Xia Shumin's voice trembled slightly, she pulled him with her little hand, pointed to the ground outside the window, and said, "It seems that someone..."

   "Is there someone? Is Wang Shaodang Liu San looking after them?"

  Chen Ji held her hand, approached the window and looked at the ground.

  The sky was dimly lit, and the ground was pitch black. In the cold, snowy streets, there was a faint beam of light flickering on and off.

   "It is indeed a person, it should be Wang Shaodang. They came to the restaurant building with a flashlight to explore."

  Chen Ji asked Wang Shaodang and others to keep an eye on that building. According to Haicheng, the distance between Touching Love Restaurant and Zhou Wan's top-floor duplex is only two or three kilometers, very close.

   "I'll call them out."

  Chen Ji smiled lightly, staring at the place where the light was shining, two rays of light burst out from his eyes, pierced the darkness, and shot towards there.

   "Young Master, can you still use the magic spell?"

  Xia Shumin laughed.

   "I know a lot, and I will show you one by one when I have time!"

  Chen Ji teased the little lady beside him.

  Unfortunately, the untrained Miss Qianjin didn't even think about being wrong, and instead hugged his arm happily.



   Chen Ji, who had been paying attention to the outside, noticed something was wrong. After calling Xia Shumin to stop, he fixed his eyes on the light on the ground in the distance.

  It was shaking violently, and was moving away quickly, fleeing towards the west.

   It proves that the person holding the light was frightened by his sun's rays while fleeing from the place where Chen Ji was.

   "Isn't he Wang Shao when they are?!"

  Chen Ji immediately made a judgment.

  Wang Shaodang and others have seen his light and heat ability, even if they haven't seen the Ultraman ray move, they should infer that it is him.

  In addition, even if you can't guess it is him, the direction of escape should not be west, but south.

   "Young Master, who is he? It seems that he is fleeing somewhere."

   "He's going to that building! Come on, let's follow!"

  Chen Ji put his arms around Xia Shumin's waist, flew out of the window, and chased after the man.

  The opponent is also very fast.

   Moreover, the opponent seemed to sense his pursuit, and continued to speed up.

   Chased and escaped, and soon came to the building where the Touch of Love restaurant is located.

  The lights went out.

  The figure fled into the building, turned off the beam of light in his hand, and hid himself.

  Chen Ji didn't act immediately, but watched from a distance.

   "Young master, is he a monster?"

  Xia Shumin asked softly.

  She was deeply impressed by the monster last time, and she also had a deep memory of this building that will be restored. It is not surprising that anything happened here.

   "I'm not sure, why don't you say something?"

  Chen Ji wants to try the little lady's ability to follow her words.

  Xia Shumin was not stingy with his "ability" at this time, and immediately said: "I hope the young master goes well and find the trace of that person!"

  Chen Ji: "..."

   Forget it, it’s too embarrassing for the little lady.

  Chen Ji took her up to the floor where the Touch of Love Restaurant is located, and returned here for the first time.

  The last time he met the centaur Kerim here.

  This time...

  Three minutes later, Chen Ji, who was waiting silently with Xia Shumin in the restaurant, bumped into a masked black figure.

  As soon as he entered the dining room, he was relieved and turned on the light.

  For a split second, the two sides looked at each other, and Xia Shumin, who was frightened, subconsciously asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

  The black shadow monster didn't say a word, and when the lights were turned off, his body suddenly disappeared.

  Chen Ji had been staring at him all the time, stretched out his hand to grab, stabbed, and tore off the black cloth on his body.

   But the man has disappeared.

  Chen Ji kept the lights on, and went to the restaurant kitchen with Xia Shumin to take a look, and there was nothing unusual.

   Waited patiently for a while, and confirmed that the other party had disappeared without a trace.


  Chen Ji pondered.

   This black shadow seems to have mastered the way to come here, and it is a very secret way. He doesn't want to tell people, and he doesn't want to communicate with people. He runs away as soon as he sees people.

  Prove that there is a ghost in his heart.

   But how on earth did he leave? Is it a kind of ability, temporarily hidden, or left this small world?

   "Young master, what guesses?"

  Xia Shumin was as confused as he was.

  Chen Ji smiled and said: "There is no guesswork. The other party fled without saying a word, leaving only a rag behind, and there is no information at all. Let's wait for him to appear."

   After finishing speaking, he didn't get entangled anymore, and used his light and heat ability to dry the black cloth on the ground, and picked it up after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it.

  The black cloth is an ordinary cloth, it should be put on on purpose by him to cover up his identity, not his original attire.

  Chen Ji doesn't know which world he is from, maybe there is such a dressing style in a certain world, and he doesn't know whether he is holding a flashlight or some other light-emitting tool.

  Everything is a mystery, only the clue of Heibu.

   "It doesn't look like the tailoring techniques of Yongkang County and Beijing."

  Xia Shumin held the black cloth and said decisively.

  She can embroider, and some clues can be seen from the trend of the thread.

  (end of this chapter)

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