Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 228: Forest of Elves (Part 1)

  Chapter 228 Forest of Elves (Part 1)

  Chen Ji held it in his hand.

  Warm and slender.

  He was not in a hurry to contact Zhou Wan, and looked at Shenen Continent again.

One of the reasons why he came back so early was because Astana and the others couldn’t let go of him if he was there, and the reunion of the twin princesses, Mina Nina, would revolve around her, the reunion of sisters and friends Joy is covered up.

Astana is a god-descendant saint with a strong will. After the evil **** came, she did everything she could do, and she did the best. In the eyes of believers, she is the most perfect goddess. faithful believers.

   But Chen Ji believes that, like Zhou Wan, she also has a vulnerable side, but she usually doesn't show it, let alone tell him.

   Only in front of good friends, maybe Astana would say these things from her heart.

  So, Chen Ji came back earlier and wanted to take a sneak peek from the earth to see what Astana and An Liya would talk about tonight.

  Princess Anlia of Loman is one of her few friends and the only friend among the survivors.

   Nothing more.

  The first time Chen Ji's eyes fell on the temple, he was embarrassed.

  After he left, Anlia was invited to the back of the temple. In the bath exclusively for Astana and the elves, she took off her clothes and belts with them, and soaked in the pool water sprinkled with a few flower petals and leaves.

  In the steaming bath, nine beauties with their own characteristics are bathing.

  Chen Ji didn't know who to look at.


   After the reunion, the two little princesses played together, the bath water kept splashing, and the two of them laughed happily everywhere.

  An Liya, who came to the holy city for the first time, was still in shock, her plump body was soaked in the water, and her eyes were a little confused.

  Chen Ji took a few glances, then looked away, and landed on the centaur clan near the foot of the mountain.

  The Holy City allocated more than a dozen houses to them and gave them enough daily necessities. The group of centaurs kept kneeling on the top of the Holy City and chanting praises.

  Chen Ji saw Enos's cheeks with tears remaining, knelt on the ground and prayed toward the top of the mountain with his hands clasped. He didn't know how long it would take him to stand up.

   "Enos, stand up."

  Chen Ji passed her a will, Enos suddenly opened his eyes, and stood up in fear, looking for something.

  Chen Ji laughed, and glanced at Astana and the others in the bath, then looked away.

   Ready to go downstairs to have dinner with Zhou Wan.

   "Mayen, are you going to have dinner with me?"

  Before moving away her slender calf on the knee, Chen Ji asked her. The girl with white hair and red eyes was lying on the sofa, and she seemed to be enjoying herself.


  The girl asked him in a puzzled tone.

   It seems that she doesn't quite understand what it means to have dinner together.

  Chen Ji didn't forcefully take her with him, rubbed her head and went downstairs, and taught her other things when her thinking logic came up.


  In the evening, after having dinner with Zhou Wan, Chen Ji once again looked at Shenen Continent.

  Astana was praying in the church, a church that was closed to the public and only for her and the seven elves to pray.

  She would come here to pray almost every morning and evening, and nothing in the city would affect her. It is estimated that in her heart, even if the holy city is destroyed, she cannot miss her daily prayer homework.


Tonight, there was An Liya beside her. After the duchess finished her bath, she changed into a white and holy priestly attire that looked extraordinarily noble. Kneeling behind her, her harvest-like buttocks oppressed the priestly attire. It was tense, with obvious marks, and Chen Ji couldn't help but recall the time when he was in the magic carriage.

  The elves have left, and they are the only ones left in the temple.

  Chen Ji admired it for a while, and the two finally finished their prayers, supported each other to stand up, walked out of the temple together, and came to the garden outside.

  The bright moonlight shines down, and the flowers bloom brilliantly.

  Two tall, graceful, dignified and elegant goddesses and princess ladies strolled together in the garden under the moonlight. This scene alone made Chen Ji feel worth it.


  Astana smiled at her, "After experiencing the kingdom of God, you will also be a believer of God in the future... Well, don't worry, God likes you very much."

   "Astana, I'm ashamed!"

  An Liya blushed and lowered her head: "When I walked with the gods, I behaved too badly, and I was always in a coma. Maybe I'm not a good servant of the gods, Astana, I..."

  Looking at them, Chen Ji was embarrassed.

  An Liya was 80% responsible for his stun.

"Will not."

  Astana held her hands and comforted her: "God is merciful. Mina and the others often fell into a coma because they couldn't bear God's favor at the beginning. Now they are much better, and you will do the same in the future."

   "Will God still care for me?"

  This plump princess and lady is not very confident, and she speaks more and more softly.

   "Of course! When God comes next time, I will take you to the Moon Garden, just like walking with God."


  An Liya blushed, and after a while, she asked in a low voice: "Astana, will we give birth to a descendant? Together..."

  She stretched out both hands, and gestured towards Astana and her abdomen.

  Seeing this scene, Chen Ji was furious, but at the same time found it very interesting.

   Is that how she would chat with Astana like this?

  It's like a girlfriend discussing when to get pregnant and have a baby.

  The goddess of starlight and the princess and lady, two tall and dignified beauties strolling in the garden, conceived the son of God together.

  Just thinking about it makes people imagine.

   "God is too powerful."

   Astana blushed slightly and said regretfully.

Her friend nodded vigorously like a girl, lifted her skirt, and walked happily towards the flowerbed, bent down to sniff the blooming flowers, showed an intoxicated expression, opened her hands again, and circled in the flowerbed, the skirt of the priest's dress While flying, look up at the moon in the sky:

   "Great God, An Liya likes this place so much, may your brilliance always take care of An Lia, and An Lia is willing to dedicate everything to you!"

  Astana smiled softly, followed her and said to her: "God has bestowed on us too much, Anlia, do you know that? The first time I received God's response, I was almost so excited that I couldn't sleep."

  An Liya looked at her, approached her, and held her hands: "What happened next?"

   "Later, God..."

  They chatted a lot, Chen Ji watched for a while, and confirmed that Astana, who had found a friend, was indeed different from before.

  He turned his attention to the two little elf princesses after the reunion.

  I found that they were also chatting on the bed, wearing the same light pajamas, and their slender bodies were exceptionally slim under the moonlight.

   "Sister, you have become so strong now... Has God always favored you?"

   "Of course, God likes me."

   "Nina is so envious of her sister... Sister, how did God take care of you? How do you serve God? Nina also wants to learn."

   "Hmm... mostly forgotten, so?"

   "It seems very powerful ~, sister continue!"

  Chen Ji had no face to watch it anymore.

  He knows the situation in the magic carriage. Mina is teaching her sister badly. If the sisters work together in the future, he may not be able to stand it even more.

  Alice, who has just become the goddess of spring, chooses to sleep with Meredith, and the two exchange things after becoming a god.

  In the moonlight, Xinghui Holy City seemed to be covered with a silver blanket, making everyone fall asleep.


  The next day, Chen Ji went to work.

  Before ten o'clock in the morning, Astana reported to him that the team for the Forest of Elves was ready and was about to set off.

high speed.

On the one hand, it was Chen Ji's order to go on, and on the other hand, it was the journey to the northern snow mountain and Luoman King's capital, which accumulated a lot of experience for everyone, so that they knew the current situation on the mainland and how to deal with the evil **** sons.

   "Huang Hao, you continue to prepare for the move, I have something to deal with."

  Chen Ji said to Huang Hao, returned to his seat, and prepared to see the situation on Astana's side.

  After the contract was signed and the company was about to move, Zhou Wan also told him to let him move to the financial center and rent a house or live in her penthouse.

  Chen Ji originally wanted to rent a house.

  But Zhou Wan seems to want him to live in the penthouse with her, but she usually lives in the villa.

   Starlight Holy City.

   "God is watching us!"

As soon as Chen Ji's eyes fell, he heard Astana make a holy announcement to the team that set out this time: "We will go to the forest of elves this time to find an entrance to the dark kingdom, God will not Follow us, but when we reach the forest of elves, the shadow of the gods will come again, and join us to defeat the endless evil treants in the forest of elves!"

   In front of her, a group of elves lined up in full dress, with complicated expressions and a bit of sadness.

  Chen Ji saw Imory, the oldest elf king. He had just gone to the northern snow-capped mountains, and this time he came back to rest for a while.


  This time, he is going to the forest of elves, the hometown of elves, and he will follow no matter what.

The queen of the elf kingdom, Esther, whom Mina and Nina called the queen sister, also put on a tight-fitting military uniform. The silver-white armor set off her light figure, and her gentle temperament was a little more fierce. .

  She also followed the team, leading an elf kingdom guard of up to a thousand people, and returned to the elf forest again.

   "Sister Queen!"

  Mina ran over, holding a branch of the Starlight World Tree in her hand, and solemnly handed it to Estelle.

  She didn't say anything, but all the elves saw what the little princess meant:

  Bring back the branch of the Starlight World Tree, let it return to its former hometown again, even if it is just for a glance.

   "Let the light of God illuminate the forest of elves!"

  Astana made an announcement, and the team set off quickly without any delay.

  Chen Ji noticed that in this operation, in addition to the 1,000 elf kingdom guards, there were more than 3,000 soldiers of various ethnic groups, and the team was much smaller than the previous one.

  No more configuration, no less.

  In order to fulfill the order given by God, Astana embarked on a journey again. She alone is worth thousands of troops.

  In addition, Nina, the younger sister of the twin princesses, sat in the carriage and waved goodbye to her sister with tears in her eyes.

  In addition, Pamela, who came from the forest of elves and has the same soft personality as the king of elves, also followed suit.

  Interestingly, Chen Ji saw that the person driving Astana turned into a noble lady who was far plump and taller than Deloris.

  Dragon Tess.

  This tall and plump, but not fat Queen of the Dragon Clan, wearing luxurious clothes and jewelry, sat in front of the magic carriage, and drove the carriage forward lazily.

   The driver is still a giant dragon.

  Chen Ji also noticed another thing. Before the team left, the unicorn named Sassy was recognized and forced to emerge from the ordinary horses. Mina pulled it back.

  Chen Ji did not follow. Through the last experiment, he found that he could come to her side at any time through Astana.

  Although life in the magic carriage is quite enjoyable.



   Two days later.

  Chen Ji once again came to the Divine Grace Continent.


As soon as he appeared, Nina jumped into his arms excitedly, rubbed against his chest, and said, "God, Nina misses you so much, sister Goddess said you will come, Nina has been waiting for you for a long time Already~~”

   "God." Pamela knelt down beside him docilely, summoned up the courage to crawl down, and kissed his belly.

   This is to express one's closeness to God and to pray for God's favor.

   It seems that Alice taught her.


Tess, who had been driving the car casually, looked very lazy. After hearing the movement in the car, her plump body trembled suddenly. The mountains became more and more amazing.

   "It's almost to the forest of elves, so here I am."

  Chen Ji hugged the little princess in his arms, and smiled at Astana.

  Astana snuggled up to his side, her face was very red, and she exhaled like a ranch: "God, there is still some time, do you want to be with take care of us?"

  Nina in her arms raised her head shyly.

  Pamela, who was kneeling beside her, was also very shy.

  Chen Ji didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and took a picture of Astana somewhere: "In your eyes, that's why I came here?"

  The Goddess of Starlight Order panicked, "God, I'm sorry, Astana..."

   "Okay, I was just joking."

  Chen Ji rubbed her head.

  The three knelt and sat down obediently.

  Chen Ji asked them: "What happened to the forest of elves? Tell me in detail."

  Nina looked at Pamela, who whispered, "God, do you need Pamela to call the elf queen?"

   Now she is not only an elf, but also a believer in God, so she changed her title to the queen to the elf queen.

  Very small difference.

  Chen Ji nodded: "It's good to call me, she knows better."

  Pamela did not get out of the carriage, and opened the curtain to tell the dragon Tess that the elf queen will be here soon.

   and knelt down in front of Chen Ji, her lithe body showing beautiful curves.

   "I remember your name is Estelle?"

   Chen Ji looked at the elf queen and found that she looked like a human woman in her thirties in appearance, her face was slightly vicissitudes, and she had a mature charm belonging to this age.

  However, the elf's light figure makes her look much more beautiful than a human woman in her thirties.

  (end of this chapter)

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