Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 233: dating with zhou wan

  Chapter 233 Date with Zhou Wan

  Haicheng, Nanxiang Road.

  This is the subway entrance of the bustling Incity shopping mall. The 300,000-square-meter shopping mall covers shopping, catering, entertainment, family parenting, etc. It has become the choice of many young people for dating, entertainment, and gathering with friends.

  After the rise of short videos, the young people in Yincheng Pedestrian Street, who are dressed in fashionable clothes, have won the attention and likes of many people, making this place more famous. Every day, a large number of young men and women come here to take pictures and go shopping.

   It can be said that there are not many beautiful and handsome men in the pedestrian street here, and there are even many handsome men and women on the Nanxiang Road subway leading to Yincheng.

   But today.

  At Exit B of the Nanxiang Road Subway, a girl dressed in ordinary clothes attracted the attention of the passing crowd.

  She was wearing a khaki windbreaker jacket with a floral dress, and a pair of simple cloth shoes, revealing her graceful ankles. She was wearing a black mask, and her facial features could not be seen clearly.

   You can't see her figure or facial features, but people passing by are amazed by her.

   "Who is this girl? She's so beautiful!"

  People who came in and out of the subway entrance were all attracted by this girl, slowed down their pace, and looked at her from top to bottom with their eyes, feeling more and more amazed.

The windbreaker + floral dress made her more than 1.7 meters taller and taller. Her long hair hung down to her waist. She was dignified and beautiful. On her face wearing a black mask, a pair of clear and bright eyes were particularly eye-catching .

   It's a pity that most of these eyes are staring at her mobile phone, typing from time to time, as if waiting for someone to come.

   "This girl...I'm sure she must be very beautiful!"

  There were two tall, handsome, retro-dressed boys who stopped at the subway entrance, and one of them became more and more tempted the more he watched.

   "Nonsense, look at how tall she is, at least 173, commonly known as the height of a goddess... Girls of this height no longer need to wear clothes to show their figure, just standing there, they stand out from the crowd."

  The girl looking at the phone has an extremely tall figure, and wears a long windbreaker to cover her figure tightly.

  But everyone passing by can feel her excellent body proportions.

  And from her exposed eyes, one can see her cool and beautiful face and temperament.

   "Hello beauty, can, can you add a WeChat?"

  Finally, a boy couldn't bear the restlessness in his heart, took his mobile phone, opened the WeChat interface, and went forward to ask for the beauty's WeChat with an embarrassing and expectant expression on his face.

   "Ah! Let this guy get ahead."

  The boys who were secretly paying attention to the tall beauties regretted it very much. Why didn't they have the courage to strike up a conversation?

  The girl in the khaki trench coat glanced at him, then shook her head coldly.

  The boy was even more embarrassed and could only retreat.

   "Beauty, I think you are very beautiful, can I meet you?"

   With a precedent, the retro-dressed boy also bravely stepped out and asked the beauty for a WeChat message. Whether it succeeds or not, at least he will not regret it in the future.

  The girl who looked down at the phone turned around.

   "The beauty sweeps here... eh?"

  Just when the boy showed a surprised expression and thought he had succeeded, he saw her eyes passing him and looking at the subway entrance.

   "Zhou Wan, I'm here, where are you?"

A man's joyful voice sounded. The boy turned his head and saw a young man who looked less than twenty-five years old coming out. He was slightly taller than him by 1.8 meters, but his figure was more solid and well-proportioned, and his temperament was sunny. Free and easy, with long legs in ordinary jeans walking like the wind, he quickly walked out of the escalator and came to the subway entrance.

   "Zhou Wan?"

  He yelled again, obviously trying to find his date in the crowd.

  The boy suddenly noticed that the tall girl quickly turned her head away, deliberately not looking at this sunny young man.

   "What's the situation?" The boy couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

   "Zhou Wan?!"

  The young man shouted again, and his eyes gradually fell on the tall girl.

  The girl did not respond.

   But he had already walked over, first glanced at her, then walked up to her, and looked down into her eyes.

  The tall girl lowered her eyes and turned away in "disgust".

  However, he had confirmed it, and opened his hands very confidently, gave her a big hug, even put his arms around her waist, hugged her vigorously, and turned her around.


  The tall girl who was hugged by him let out a cry of surprise.

   A group of men stared wide-eyed, is this okay? !

   "Pfft... hee hee~ Don't, don't spin."

  The tall girl who was hugged by him, after being turned around three times by the young man, finally let out a pleasant laugh begging for mercy, her exposed eyes turned into crescent moons, and her smiling face made her even more eye-catching.

   "You...why do you hug me as soon as you come? You still spin around hard!"

   In the voice of this tall girl named Zhou Wan, there was a bit of shy reproach, and the slender hands pushed him.

  But everyone around can see that this is just a fight between girlfriend and boyfriend, and she is indeed waiting for her boyfriend to come.

   "Have a boyfriend?"

  The boy who approached her just now had a lonely expression on his face, but he was reluctant to leave. He reluctantly stood in the distance and watched her with his companion.

   "Because we're on a first date... you said you didn't want to drive on the first date, so I'm not allowed to find you and give you a hug?"

   "What logic?"

   Zhou Wan blamed.

   "It's the logic that you deliberately turned your back on me just now!"

  Chen Ji put her down, stretched out his hand, and pulled off the black mask on her face.

  In an instant, an alluring face appeared, with a smile on the eyebrows, and a bit of blushing on the face, so that everyone who entered and exited the subway could see the true face of the goddess.

  For a moment, the subway entrance, where people were coming and going, suddenly became quiet. Several people collided with each other, but they still turned their heads and stared straight at the goddess whose mask was taken off by Chen Ji.

"let's go!"

  Chen Ji noticed the surrounding situation, and pulled her away from the subway entrance.

The two held hands and crossed their fingers. Zhou Wan followed him closely, with a shy expression on her face. She first lowered her head to follow Chen Ji's pace, then quickly raised her eyes to stare at his face, pursed her lips and smiled .

  She is in a particularly good mood today.

   No, it should be said that since Chen Ji "made you have a dream about a date" yesterday, she has been in a good mood.

   so as to make many childish actions.


   "How did you come up with the idea of ​​taking the subway for a date?"

  Chen Ji held Zhou Wan's soft little hand and asked her with a smile.

   Zhou Wan's hands are soft and delicate, holding them can give people a sweet feeling, which makes the corners of Chen Ji's mouth rise a bit.

  Last night, she suddenly sent a message, saying that instead of going to her house to pick her up, she agreed to meet at the subway entrance, and also said that it is better to wear ordinary clothes instead of too fancy clothes.

  Chen Ji couldn't laugh or cry.

  Big and small Zhou Wan is indeed a person in a different time and space, both of them were very strange before dating:

  Da Zhou Wan didn't let him go last night, and asked him to prepare well for today's date.

   "Can't you?"

   Zhou Wan, who was holding hands with him, blushed slightly, stretched out her hand to fiddle with her hair, and said quietly: "If you come by car, wouldn't it be the same as usual?"

  Indeed, since the two met, Chen Ji and her had eaten countless meals, visited the shopping mall many times, and even held hands in the intersection of the four worlds, and they were embarrassed to continue after they came back.

   "You mean we were dating before?"

  Chen Ji smiled and looked at her.

   Zhou Wan's fair and delicate face blushed even more, her voice trembled slightly, and she emphasized: "Even today, we are not dating... I replaced your Zhou Wan to date you..."

   "Yeah, I get it...but."

  Chen Ji moved closer to her, his eyes were almost close to hers, his noses touched each other slightly, and both of them could feel each other's breath.


  It's heart-pounding.

   "But what?"

   "That is to say, you are my girlfriend now, aren't you?"

  Chen Ji looked at her.

   Zhou Wan's heart beat fast.

  Obviously she is not his girlfriend, she just came to date him instead of Da Zhou, holding hands is just a matter of chance, she hasn't decided yet...

"Then what?"

  Zhou Wan forced herself to calm down, so as not to burn her cheeks.

   "You haven't answered me yet!"

   "Even if it is... you still want to do bad things?"

   "What is a bad thing, it's simply—" Chen Ji stepped forward, and kissed her flimsy face with his lips.

   Originally, he wanted to leave with a kiss, and then finish talking about molesting her.


   After kissing Zhou Wan's face, Chen Ji was reluctant to leave. Her face was perfect, with a straight nose bridge and beautifully shaped mouth, which made him forget to part with her for a moment.

  The kiss lasted for five or six seconds.

   Zhou Wan was stunned by the kiss.

  The moisture on her face turned into boiling heat, and soon spread throughout her whole body, making her feel the joy of being soaked in warmth and happiness, and stared fixedly into his eyes.

  Chen Ji also looked at her.

   After a while, she left in embarrassment, and wiped her face with the palm of her hand, her movements were gentle and pampering.


  The two of them didn't speak for a while, Chen Ji took her hand and entered the mall, wandering aimlessly.

Before he went out, he had already thought about what to do with her, but after kissing her, he suddenly felt that anything would be fine, as long as he was dragging Zhou Wan around the mall, looking at other couples passing by, watching There are all major mid-to-high-end brand stores in the mall, and everything is good.

  As long as you hold her small hand like fat white jade, today's date will be very happy.

   Neither of them spoke.

   Zhou Wan was held by Chen Ji, and followed him around. She didn't feel tired after walking for half an hour. She didn't say a word during this period, but there was an indescribable sense of tacit understanding, and no one felt embarrassed.


  Zhou Wan stopped in front of a claw machine in a shopping mall, and took another look at the cute puppets in the claw machine.

   "Want to play?"

  Chen Ji asked her with a chuckle.

  I have been to the mall with her many times before, but I have never played with this thing. It seems very naive, but in fact, besides children, the claw machine is also used by boyfriends and girlfriends on dates.

   "I won't...have you ever played?"

   Zhou Wan brushed her hair with her fingers, feeling a little embarrassed.

  She's only seen it on TV, never played it herself.

   "Play casually, no one can do it all at once."

  Chen Ji dragged her to the claw machine, scanned the QR code to buy ten coins, threw one of them in, and raised her chin towards Zhou Wan.

   "Then... I'm on it?"

  Zhou Wan was quite eager to try, she stretched out her hand to try to grab the joystick, shook it, and the claws of the claw machine also shook.

  She couldn't help but smile, pushed the rocker, carefully let her paw come over a puppet, and then pressed the lower paw button on her right hand.

   The claws accurately grasped the puppet.


   Chen Ji laughed.

  Zhou Wan smiled and was about to say something, when the doll caught by her claws reached the highest point, she suddenly let go.

   The puppet returned to its original position precisely!


   Zhou Wan has black lines all over her hair. Chen Ji laughed, voted for her again, and said, "Let me come and watch my operation!"

   "I'll do it again!"

   Zhou Wan occupies the claw machine.

   It's still the same again.

  Chen Ji cast coins for her six times, and she caught short six times, causing her entire pretty face to turn black. When the last coin was cast, she reluctantly gave up the seat to him.

   "This thing probably has internal settings!"

  She saw through the tricks of the claw machine at a glance, and tried to save some face.

   "They have routines, and we also have skills." Chen Ji said confidently: "What do you want? I'll catch you!"

"can you?"

   Zhou Wan squinted at him.

   "Little Zhou Wan, what kind of doll do you like?" Chen Ji spoke to her in the tone of a kindergarten teacher.

   Zhou Wan felt numb for a while, but couldn't help laughing on her face, and bumped him with her head: "Let's talk about it after the braggart is caught."

   "Look good!"

  Chen Ji bought ten more coins without further ado.

   Zhou Wan laughed out loud.


  Three minutes later, Chen Ji bent down, took out a panda doll that was clipped out, and put it in her arms.


   Zhou Wan hugged the panda doll, looked into the claw machine, and understood the operation of this guy:

  Pile up a few dolls near the entrance of the hole, pile them up, and let the last doll roll into the entrance of the hole.

  This method must be one of the preparations he made for this date, which he learned in advance.

   "Do you want more?"

   Chen Ji laughed.

   Zhou Wan shook her head, handed the doll to him, turned and walked forward.

   "You don't want it?"

   "Hold it for me, stupid."

  Zhou Wan turned her head and showed him a bright smile, reached out her hand to him, held it and pulled her forward: "Come."

  Chen Ji followed her.

   The two came to a watch shop. Chen Ji went in with her and took a look. He didn't know what brand it was, but the prices were all upwards of 100,000.


  For him and Zhou Wan's financial resources, even a million-dollar watch is no problem.

   Zhou Wan chose a watch for him, asked the clerk to take out various styles, and put them on for Chen Ji one by one. Finally, she fell in love with a mechanical watch and bought it for him.

   Then, Chen Ji was dragged by her to the men's clothing store, and Zhou Wan personally chose a few sets of clothes for him, and asked him to go to the dressing room to change, come out to show her, and buy again when he is satisfied.

   Coming out of the clothing store and suit shop, Chen Ji already had seven or eight extra bags in his hands.

   Thought it was over, Zhou Wan dragged him to the jewelry store again.

   "I didn't buy it for myself, I bought some jewelry for Shu Min and Da Zhou by the way~ After all, you are here to date her, not me."

   She explained that her delicate face was a little red.

Chen Ji laughed so hard not to poke her, this time it was his turn to be the main force in the selection, let Zhou Wan wear whichever piece of jewelry he chose, let this cold beauty act as his jewelry display cabinet, and put on all kinds of jewelry. Show him jewelry.

   "I want to buy them all, what should I do?" Chen Ji was amazed. Zhou Wan was a natural beauty, and these precious jewelry were set off by her, and their value increased gradually.


  The clerk's eyes lit up, and he quickly said that there was a discount in the store, and you could get 5% off if you bought ten pieces, which was already a rare discount for luxury goods.

   Zhou Wan glared at him, as if to say how many beauties do you want to give?

  Chen Ji looked innocent, watching her choose three pieces of jewelry that he was satisfied with just now.

   "I also bought the others, and gave them to Da Zhou, Shu Min, can give them to that goddess believer."

Zhou Wan paused, hesitated for a moment, then picked up a diamond necklace that the clerk said was suitable for young girls, looked at Chen Ji and said, "I have never met Mu Xiaoxiao, but since she is related to you, Give her one if you have time."

  Chen Ji nodded and took the diamond necklace, and handed it to the clerk to signal her to pack it together.

   Zhou Wan snorted, as if she could see something from his thoughtless action, and asked him to pay.

  Buying a lot of things, Chen Ji simply sent the clerk to his home, holding only the panda doll he made by himself.


  The two went to have lunch, and spent half a day at the top of the moon on the top floor of the shopping mall in the afternoon.

  After dinner at night, they held hands and went shopping together, walking aimlessly and wandering around.

  It's nine o'clock in the evening.

  Chen Ji dragged Zhou Wan to the theater on the fifth floor of the shopping mall, holding her khaki trench coat and panda doll in her hand.

   "What do you want to see?"

  Chen Ji and her stood in front of the board, looked at a series of movies listed, and added: "It's best to have an opening within half an hour."

   After shopping for a day, Zhou Wan was a little tired, but she still watched the above movies seriously, and finally selected one with her fingers:

  《Ten years later, we meet again》

  Chen Ji glanced at it, it was a romance movie.

   Well, it suits today's atmosphere very well, that's all.

  Buying tickets, popcorn and coke, and within five minutes, the two entered the theater together.

   Entering the playing room, it was pitch black, and there were advertisements on the screen. Chen Ji sat with her on the left, relatively back, and sat down to wait for the movie to start.

  Today is a working day, and there are not many people watching movies, only four or five couples and a few young girls.

  The theater is very quiet.

  After walking for a day, Zhou Wan quickly relaxed her body and sat lazily on the chair.

  Chen Ji next to him was eating popcorn.

  The men and women in the theater are in love.

  She walked around with Chen Ji all day, as if she had done nothing, and she didn't recall anything.

  But at this moment, Zhou Wan was extremely happy, opened her mouth, and said "ah" to Chen Ji who was eating popcorn.


  Chen Ji looked at her, and by the light, saw Zhou Wan's open little mouth, the small cherry mouth with full lips turned into a round shape, waiting for something lazily, looking at him with a smile in his eyes.

  Chen Ji understood in seconds, and put his...

   No, she picked up a small handful of popcorn, stuffed it into her small mouth, and was bitten by her.

   "The taste is not bad~"

   Zhou Wan bit the popcorn and said vaguely.

  Chen Ji picked up her cup with a smile, poked the straw in, and handed it to her mouth. After she took a sip, she put it back on the armrest of the chair.

  Zhou Wan looked at him with a smile, stretched her waist, stretched her slender and straight legs straight, and stretched them in a straight line from toes to knees.

  Chen Ji took a few more glances at her legs.

  It's really long.

  The long floral dress couldn't hide the shape of her legs, and Zhou Wan, who was lying down, had both the liveliness of a girl and the charm of a woman. Chen Ji was afraid to look at her.


  Zhou Wan raised her left foot and placed it on his lap.

  Chen Ji was startled, and quickly looked around, but luckily no one could notice this place.


   Zhou Wan lowered her voice, giggled, and said angrily, "What are you thinking? Look left and right..."

  Chen Ji also lowered his voice: "It was you who made the sudden attack."

   As he spoke, he raised his right hand for a moment of hesitation, quickly made up his mind, and landed on Zhou Wan's lap.

   "It's your imagination, you looked down at my legs seven or eight times a day..."

   Zhou Wan muttered, her face flushed, she turned her head away, "I'm tired from walking all day, please give me a massage."

   "Don't mess around!"

   She added.

  Chen Ji took a deep breath, suppressing the restless fire in his heart.

  After a day of dating, Zhou Wan seemed to have changed a lot, and dared to do such a thing.

  Chen Ji also changed.

  When the love is deep, everything happens naturally.

  Chen Ji gave Zhou Wan a massage seriously.

  From here to there, the floral dress is very light.

  The movie starts soon.

   "Ten years ago, I had a very good tablemate. We used to have a good time together, but unfortunately, I lost her."

  The narration begins.

  Chen Ji turned his attention to the movie, and pressed her calf leisurely.

   Zhou Wan is also watching a movie.

  The other long leg was handed over to him, and he leaned lazily on the seat.

  A couple who arrived at the theater late, originally sat not far from her and Chen Ji, but after taking a look at her, they sat on the other side so as not to disturb them.

   Zhou Wan felt like dating.

  I just think that Chen Ji is her boyfriend, she can relax and do anything with him, no matter it is childish, ambiguous or embarrassing, she no longer minds doing it with Chen Ji.

   Like now.

  She asked Chen Ji to massage her legs.

   "In the dictionary she gave me, there was her chat number. I didn't find out until ten years later."

   Zhou Wan watched the movie.

  She could see that the hero and the heroine were a very special pair of childhood sweethearts. They separated ten years ago and only reunited ten years later.

  The movie was actually very ordinary, but the moment the two met again, Zhou Wan's heart was touched, and she turned to look at Chen Ji who was giving her a massage.

   "It's a good movie."

  Chen Ji smiled slightly, pinching her calf.


  Zhou Wan responded lightly, continued to watch movies, and continued to let him massage.

  My heart and body are numb and soft, and I feel the same sweetness as in the movie.

  The plot of the movie is advancing a little bit.

  The content is not brilliant, and there are not many emotional entanglements, but it is sweet and warm. When the hero and heroine hug each other for the first time in the movie, the girls who came together in the theater exclaimed a little.

  They turned their heads to see that several couples in the theater were also getting intimate together, and they burst into giggles.

  Couples don’t care about these single dogs, they stick their heads close to each other for a kiss.

  Chen Ji was moved, and turned to look at Zhou Wan.

  Seeing her watching the movie without blinking her eyes, she didn't seem to see anything about the couples.

   Feeling disappointed.

  The next moment, her voice sounded:

   "Since it's a date, then...well, I promise you, give Da Zhou a complete experience..."

  Chen Ji put his arms around her waist and asked her to lean over.

   Zhou Wan looked into his eyes.

  After a while, those bright eyes slowly closed on the blushing cheeks.

  Chen Ji kissed her.

   Gently once.

   lasted for a long time.


   It's been a long time again.

   "Watch the movie first..."

   Zhou Wan covered her mouth, and after a while, was blocked by Chen Ji again.

   She seems to have lost track of time.

  In the dark cinema, doing what first love should do, feeling the throbbing that first love should have.

  She didn't remember the plot behind the movie either, she skipped all the plot for more than half an hour.

  By the time she came to her senses, the movie had already ended. Auntie came in to pack her things. It was Chen Ji who stood up with her arms around her waist, put on a windbreaker for her, and walked out of the movie theater with her.


  Zhou Wan didn't dare to raise her head, she walked out of the theater with Chen Ji, and then left the shopping mall with her head down.

   "It's so sweet."

   The two stood on the street, and Chen Ji whispered to her.

  Zhou Wan pursed her lips, her cheeks were hot, she turned her head to look to the other side, but held his hand tightly.

  Silence at this time is worth a thousand words.

   "I'll take you back."

  Chen Ji smiled lightly.


   Zhou Wan stroked the hair beside her ear that was blown tousled by the evening wind.

  Chen Ji explained again: "Who told you not to drive for a date? If you don't go, there will be no subway...Do you want to take the subway or a taxi?"

  Generally speaking, Chen Ji doesn’t like to take a taxi because it’s expensive and slow, and the subway is more comfortable than a taxi.


   "OK, let's go, I'll take you to the subway!"

  Chen Ji took her to the subway entrance and sent her back home.

  However, after entering her house, Chen Ji hugged her for half an hour in the garden of her villa.

   I have had enough of the sweet taste.

  Tonight, Zhou Wan in the doomsday world should be able to experience all of it, right?

  (end of this chapter)

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