Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 243: Hug left and right

  Chapter 243 Hugging left and right

  The Temple of the Sun released a dim light.

   It amazed the two Nine Regions powerhouses who saw this kind of sun for the first time, and only after asking did they learn that it was a sun from a world of gods.

  Chen Ji stood by the window where the wind was howling, looking into the city, but did not see any changes.

  Mu Xiaoxiao has come to this world.

  But the world hasn't changed much. It's not like when Xia Shumin came, the sky lit up because of her words; nor is it like Astana, who can make the starry sky appear.

   "The sun in the sky..."

  The empress narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the temple hanging high in the sky, "There are chaotic shadows on it? And you still can't get close?"

  She had heard from Chen Ji before that she knew that the sun of the temple could not be approached.


  Chen Ji nodded.

   "Give me all the fragments of destiny on your body!"

  Mu Xiaoxiao stretched out her tender little hand towards him.

   It attracted Xia Shumin and Zhou Wan to look at her together.

   Perhaps after noticing their eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao's aura of wanting to fight to the sky eased a lot, and asked them: "Are you...another Zhou Wan?"

  She is friends with Zhou Wan from the doomsday world.

  But this little Zhou Wan in front of me is meeting him for the first time.

   "Yes, my name is also Zhou Wan."

   Zhou Wan announced her name, "I am from the same world as Chen Ji. Your name is Mu Xiaoxiao? I heard Chen Ji mentioned you."

  Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at Chen Ji.

Xia Shumin was a little bit worried, and opened her mouth to speak, but the empress had already obtained the Fragment of Destiny, and a powerful wave of power immediately erupted from her petite body, which was actually awe-inspiring. After knocking down the temple", it soared into the sky.

  The slender and slender girl's body seemed like a shooting star breaking through the sky, causing a ripple in the sky in an instant.

  The Temple of the Sun vibrated, emitting a lot of black aura, and everyone below could vaguely see the figure of the Empress crisscrossing the sky, attacking the temple many times.

   "The Fragment of Destiny can restore us a certain amount of strength here?"

   Lin Yuan said in surprise.

  Chen Ji didn't answer him, but looked at the sky. After a while, he shook his head and said, "It still doesn't work."

   Sure enough, not long after his words fell, Mu Xiaoxiao was forced to return to the ground, and the Sun Temple in the sky was imprisoned by a powerful force, making it impossible for people to approach.

  Chen Ji and the others went down to the ground, and saw the empress with a depressed expression on her face.

   "I'll talk about it after I've done my research."

  Chen Ji asked for the Fragment of Destiny in her hand back, this thing is still useful in the doomsday world.

"It can only be the."

  Mu Xiaoxiao was frustrated again, but she got used to it.

  Any existence related to the origin of the world cannot be shaken by her. When attacking the Temple of the Sun, she felt that the origin of the world was guarding it. She seemed to be very close to the temple, but the distance was far away.

  In this world, it seems that the power of the Fragment of Destiny does not come from the Nine Realms, but the power of this small world.

  The small world is also a world, and her entry here is also greatly restricted!

   These words will be said to Chen Ji alone later.


Chen Ji looked at Lin Yuan and Yu Shu, and said, "I didn't expect you two to follow me. I didn't make it clear to you before that I can go back and forth between worlds, and I can take Mu Xiaoxiao and the others away, but I can't. Bring you with me, unless you also try to use the power of the black flower, and then leave with the Fragment of Destiny."

  What are the consequences of implanting black flowers directly into the body?

   No one knows, but there are definitely hidden dangers.

   "No problem."

  Sacred Patriarch Yushu smiled slightly: "I have adapted to this world, so staying here for a while to see a world different from the Nine Regions is worth a visit."

  Lin Yuan agreed.

  Chen Ji thought for a while, "Well, I'll take you back to the villa first, where there are people who can take care of each other."

   They are all fine.

   A group of people left the building, leaving a few people to guard, and the rest drove towards Zhou Wan's villa complex - Da Zhou Wan had already sent two cars, enough for daily use.

   Along the way, Lin Yuan and Yu Shu kept looking out of the window, expressing curiosity about the architecture of the cities on Earth, and speculating on what a city inhabited would look like.

  Chen Ji gave them a brief explanation, the car boosted its horsepower, and quickly returned to the community.

   "Master Chen is back?"

   "Bring back two people?"

   "I heard it's from the Nine Regions, and it's the same world as Brother Qianyuan!"

  In the house, Qianyuan Yaozu, who was meditating and resting, couldn't sit still immediately after hearing the discussion outside, stood up and strode out.

   "It's you!"

  His expression turned cold, and he saw the two great emperors of the human race at a glance!

  One of them is still his old acquaintance—he and the holy ancestor Yushu had been hostile for tens of thousands of years, but unfortunately lost.

   "Qianyuan Yaozu?"

  The two emperors of the human race took their time, they lost their strength, and this monster king must also be extremely weak, otherwise he would not be able to stay with a group of people from the Jianghu.

  Mu Xiaoxiao calmly got out of the car.

   "...the empress of the world!"

  Yaozu Qianyuan clenched his fists tightly, but he didn't dare to send out a punch.

  His words aroused the shock of the Jianghu people, and they all looked at Mu Xiaoxiao in surprise:

  Her, the empress?

   "Her Majesty..."

  Xia Shumin, who was following Chen Ji, covered his mouth with his small gloved hand, opened his eyes wide, and took a peek at Mu Xiaoxiao.

  During the ten thousand years of dynasties, only three empresses appeared, and all of them were ruthless and powerful.

   "I am the emperor in charge of the destiny of the Nine Regions."

  Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at her.

  Xia Shumin hastily performed a blessing ceremony as an apology.

   Unfortunately, now is not the time to chat.

   "Everyone please be quiet! Listen to me say a few words!"

  Chen Ji yelled at this group of people from different worlds, and everyone gave him face. Even the demon and human races who were at war stopped and confronted him.

   "We come from different worlds, meeting is fate, don't hurt your friendship."

  Chen Ji first set the tone and said: "Everyone came to this world on their own initiative, or fell here by accident. Until you find a reliable way to leave, please get along with each other in harmony and work together to deal with the problem!"

  "No matter what the reason is, you should never draw your sword against each other."

  Chen Ji looked around at everyone.

  Of course no one objected, Qianyuan Yaozu was the weakest, he could see that the empress had a very good relationship with Chen Ji.

Chen Ji nodded with satisfaction, and said: "At present, this world is still changing, and there may be major changes in the near future. Please wait patiently. I will go to another world to find the entrance, please stay Here, continue to guard the building."

   Everyone agreed without thinking.

  Chen Ji said to Qianyuan Yaozu and the two great emperors of the human race: "The most important issue in the Nine Regions at present is to solve the broken destiny, not the struggle between the human race and the demon race."

  Yu Shu nodded slightly, expressing that this is indeed the case, and the mutation on the other side needs to be resolved.

   Qianyuan Yaozu frowned, but nodded in agreement.

  Things are finally settled.

  Liu Sangu and the others immediately invited Chen Ji to have a drink, but Chen Ji didn't have time, so he dragged the three blind dates aside and formally introduced them to each other.

  The opportunity is rare, and the next time the three of them will meet is still unknown.

   "My name is Mu Xiaoxiao, I am from the Nine Regions, and I am the emperor in charge of the destiny."

  Mu Xiaoxiao didn't put on airs, and introduced her background to the two.

  Chen Ji laughed and said, "Why didn't you say you lived a hundred thousand..."

  The last word "Nian" was forced back by the empress with murderous eyes.

Xia Shumin blinked, snickered, and made another ladylike salute to Mu Xiaoxiao, introducing herself with a crisp voice: "Miss Mu, I am from Zhao Guoyongkang County, my surname is Xia and my name is Shumin, and I am about sixteen... Eighteen years old."

  Hearing that she was only ten or six years old, Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at Chen Ji with a strange expression.

  Although it is not illegal to fall in love with a sixteen-year-old girl, this guy Chen really a pervert!

   "My name is Zhou Wan, and I am four years younger than the Zhou Wan you know."

   Zhou Wan also introduced herself and said that she didn't say that she had seen Mu Xiaoxiao in her dream, and she didn't want to tell anyone else about her dream with Da Zhou Wan except Chen Ji.

   "In addition." Zhou Wan said again: "Although I am also Chen Ji's...blind date partner, I cannot directly contact him, which is different from you."

  Mu Xiaoxiao saw the difference between Zhou Wan in front of her and her friend Zhou Wan.

  Her friend Zhou Wan has a gentler personality, while Zhou Wan in front of her is somewhat cold, which should be due to the different circumstances of the two.

  The three finally got to know each other.

  Chen Ji didn't expect them to establish a good relationship all at once, they just met each other today.

  Unfortunately, they did not produce any special chemical reaction when they got together, and they failed to make the four worlds meet to vibrate, which seemed flat.

   "Are you going back?"

  Chen Ji asked them, "If you want to go back, I will take you back. There is not much to do here."

   "Are we going back to the North Pole?" Zhou Wan asked, she learned from Shu Min.


   "Then there is no hurry to go back. We will talk about it tomorrow. It is already eight o'clock in the evening. Let's go back after a night of rest."

   "I listen to Sister Wan~"

  The little lady said briskly, expressing that she was not tired and was not bored of continuing to stay here.

   "What about you little one?"

  Chen Ji asked the Empress.

   "I just came here, it's okay to stay for one night."

  Mu Xiaoxiao looked out at the city, "I'm very curious about this place, and I want to take a stroll."

  Although it is eight o'clock in the evening, there is no day or night in this world, so it won't be strange to go out now.

   "Then let's go together."

   Zhou Wan said that Xia Shumin also had no objection.

  Mu Xiaoxiao nodded.

  Although Zhou Wan is aloof, like her friend Zhou Wan, she is actually a very nice person.

  The three of them agreed, and Chen Ji also had no objection, so he drove the three of them to the city in a car.

  Xia Shumin sat in the co-pilot, Zhou Wan and the Empress sat in the back row.

  Interestingly, seeing that he was going to the city, Lin Yuan and Yu Shu also chose to follow, saying that they wanted to learn more about this world.

  Neither of the two human emperors knew how to drive, and the rest of them were not familiar with them, nor would they know how to drive them.

   Therefore, the two great emperors could only run behind the car, and with their much weaker physiques, they could still keep up.

  Yaozu Qianyuan watched them leave, and returned to the villa to meditate.

  He was not at peace.

   Losing his strength and being forced to stay with the two great emperors of the human race, it is impossible not to feel complicated.


   "Is there a grave here?"

  Just out of the community, Mu Xiaoxiao took a flashlight to shine around her, and saw four or five graves standing in front of the gate of the villa complex, which made her look at the tomb of Emperor Youming a few more times.

   "It is the grave of the Jianghu people who came here before."

  Zhou Wan answered Mu Xiaoxiao, she also noticed these tombs when she came with Chen Ji last time, they were located at the entrance of the community, which seemed a bit strange.

  But considering that there is no grass in this world, and only here are people, it is not surprising.

  The tomb is convenient for offering sacrifices here.

  Mu Xiaoxiao hummed, and said: "If you die here, your soul body will not be able to enter the ghost domain. If you die, you will die. There will be no reincarnation."

   "Ghost Domain?"

   Zhou Wan asked her some questions about the Nine Domains.

  Chen Ji drove the car forward.

  Xia Shumin, who was in the co-pilot's seat, turned his head and stared at the graves for a long time, thoughtfully, and whispered something, but Chen Ji didn't hear clearly.

   The four of them walked around the city, and Chen Ji brought Mu Xiaoxiao to the edge of this small world, thinking that she would give it a try, but she didn't expect that she had no intention of making a move at all.

   It should be that he knew from the Temple of the Sun that his strength was not enough to break the world barrier, so he gave up directly.

   Instead, the two human emperors who followed behind tested the dark barrier a few times, and gave up after seeing that it could not be shaken.

  Turning around the city a few times, at eleven o'clock in the evening, Chen Ji returned to the villa settlement.

  While in the car, Da Zhouwan had already delivered the food. After returning home, she used hot water boiled in a large pot, simply wiped her body and fell asleep.

   There are less than a hundred people here, and they can actually fit in Huang Yuwen's house if they squeeze together. However, they also sorted out two other villas and moved in separately, forming corners of each other for safety.

  Chen Ji was not separated from them, and lived in a room specially reserved for him on the second floor of Huang Yuwen's house. The two beds were put together, enough for four people to sleep together.

  Conditions were limited, even the most conservative Xia Shumin didn't say much. After shyly taking off her thick coat, her petite body was covered with only a few light clothes, and got into the warm bed.

  —Chen Ji warmed the quilt up with light balls.

   "Hug left and right, now someone can be happy."

  Mu Xiaoxiao took off two pieces of clothes, she seemed a little shy, and used words to cover it up.

   "What hug left and right?"

  Chen Ji closed the door, this action made the three girls in the room look at him again.

  As if looking at some pervert.

  Chen Jidun stayed where he was, raised his hand and said, "I didn't do anything!"

   "Is it okay when you start doing it?"

  Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but said: "Just like those elves take off their clothes and dance for you, when you start thinking about it, then it's okay?"

  Chen Ji: "..."


  The little lady who heard about this for the first time was very surprised, and looked over in shock with a pair of black eyes that popped out from under the quilt.

  Zhou Wan held back her laughter, feeling sour again.

   "It's a misunderstanding, just like when you first came to Earth, you were naked..."


  It was Zhou Wan and the little lady's turn to be surprised this time.

  Mu Xiaoxiao gave him a hard look, took off her shoes, jumped onto the bed, and got into her bed, "That's why I say you are a demon!"

  Since it was exposed, then scold him severely again!


  The little lady looked at him full of resentment, and said in a sobbing voice: "I guess it's because Shu Min, the fiancée, didn't do a good enough job to make the young master do such...indecent things."

   "Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding! Sleep!"

   "Crying, the son despises the little girl~."


   "Are you engaged? What about Zhou Wan in the doomsday world? And you."

  You mean Xiao Zhou Wan.


  The three of them were silent together.

  In the darkness, the little lady said naively: "Shumin is a little girl, Sister Wan and Miss are big, Shumin is a concubine, and Sister Wan and Miss are big wives... Hmmm."

   "Skunk Shumin, shut up!"

   "I'm not, this guy..."


In the darkness, the three people who were talking nonsense finally fell silent. Chen Ji slept on the outermost side, listening to their slight breathing. After being an empress, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear the drowsiness after coming to this world, and her breathing became even. .

   "Hug left and right."

   There was a smile on the corner of Chen Ji's mouth.

  If he really hugged left and right, he should be sleeping in their quilt now. On the left is the petite empress with a round face, and on the right is the tall and graceful Zhou Wan, and the little lady is obediently lying in his arms.

  This is the hug of a winner in life!

  In the villa, Chen Ji slowly fell asleep.

  The group of people outside were still drinking, and Lin Yuan accidentally revealed that he was Li Changhao's master, which surprised the old man Wenxian and Gongsun Ming, and a group of people hurriedly asked him about his origin.

  Amidst the noise, the time slowly passed twelve o'clock in the evening.

  A faint white phantom floated into the villa, as strange as a ghost.

   Recommend a book, the female video world is very interesting.



  (end of this chapter)

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