Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 247: changes on the moon

  Chapter 247 Changes on the Moon

The last time Mu Xiaoxiao came to the doomsday world, the supernatural power crystallization had changed. At that time, Chen Ji wanted her to cooperate with him to do an experiment, but after he went to the Nine Regions, Zhou Wan traveled to the earth, causing the time here All of a sudden three months forward.


  Gao Liqun agreed without any hesitation: "You can invite Miss Mu over now!"

  Chen Ji looked at him in surprise: "If she comes, I'm afraid it will change the power crystal again."

   "It doesn't matter, anyway, the mutated mycelium in the city is extinct, and all other derivatives related to the crystallization of abilities are invalid."

  Wei Hong smiled helplessly: "Not only the power generation center, but also our transmission base doesn't work. The oil and coal brought back from abroad can only be transported by train."

  Chen Ji looked at the others, and found that they all acquiesced to Wei Hong's statement.

  After thinking for a moment, Chen Ji nodded: "Okay, please inform others to prepare others. I will contact Mu Xiaoxiao."

  Gao Liqun immediately started to make arrangements.

  Chen Ji and Zhou Wan came to a small conference room in the power generation center, and were about to contact Mu Xiaoxiao. The little Ke on his shoulder probably felt bored, so he jumped down a few times and ran away.

  Chen Ji didn't bother with her, and sent a message to Mu Xiaoxiao.

   "Going to Jiuyu? No problem, you invite me to go."

   Located on the other side of the Nine Regions, Mu Xiaoxiao, who is near the Emperor's Tomb, readily agreed to him.

  She also wanted to come to the doomsday world to take another look.

   Ten minutes later, everything is ready.

  People in the city have been notified that there may be a change. In addition, the news has also been reported to let people in other bases have a psychological preparation.

  In the apocalyptic period, people respond to disasters very quickly.

  Chen Ji in the conference room clicked the button to invite Mu Xiaoxiao to travel.

  Accompanied by a flash of white light, the Empress of the Nine Regions reappeared in this world. Her expression was still full of aloofness and arrogance. Her petite body seemed to contain infinite power. Wearing the battle attire with the characteristics of the Nine Regions, she rushed towards her with a heroic and heroic appearance.

  I don't know what's going on outside, but the Fragments of Destiny on Chen Ji and Zhou Wan's bodies are emitting a faint light, as if echoing the arrival of the empress.


   Zhou Wan hugged her with a smile, she came too hastily last time, she didn't have time to talk to Mu Xiaoxiao.

   "Zhou Wan...I saw another you!"

  Mu Xiaoxiao's cold and arrogant expression became a little awkward, and after holding back for a long time, a sentence came out of his mouth.

  Zhou Wan couldn't help laughing: "Yes, I already know her existence, it's very interesting... She's actually a very nice person, just like me~"

  She and Mu Xiaoxiao are friends, so I also want to make her relationship with Xiao Zhouwan better, Xiao Zhouwan is like another her.


  Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at Chen Ji, then looked outside the door: "It doesn't seem to have changed?"

  Her perception is more than ten meters away, and she knows that there is nothing abnormal outside.

  Chen Ji opened the door and went out, seeing Wei Hong and other researchers discussing around the glass pillar, with a somewhat regretful expression.

  In the glass pillar, the flesh of the mutated rat king remained motionless, and there was no change in the surrounding area.

  At the same time, Gao Liqun did not receive an alarm call, which proved that there were no abnormalities in the city.

   “…it seems.”

  Wei Hong's tone was extremely regrettable, he kept shaking his head and sighed: "Sure enough, the power crystal has lost its power, everything in the future still depends on us!"

  Everyone was silent.

  Humanity loses the sun, and the energy problem really does not know how to solve it. The consumption rate of oil and coal cannot be maintained for a long time. Even if crops can grow by relying on the heat of the residual sun, it is still not enough.

   "The only thing that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun is nuclear fusion!"

  Chen Ji looked at Wei Hong: "I don't know how the current nuclear fusion research is doing?"

  Wei Hong said helplessly: "The theory and technology have been thoroughly understood, but the practical application is still a little bit, just a little bit, but the things obtained are very different.

  The good news is that with the help of Maien artificial intelligence, we have analyzed a lot of experimental data and have designed no less than a thousand improvement plans. We are currently experimenting and improving. "

  Artificial intelligence can quickly process a large amount of experimental data, and is a very important part of the experiment.

   Chen Ji nodded and said: "If you lack computing power, I can help you solve it, and there is nothing else I can do."

   "Thank you very much, there is no shortage of computing power for now, we..."


  The phones of Wei Hong and Gao Liqun rang almost at the same time.

  They looked at Chen Ji apologetically, and chose to answer the phone first.

   His complexion changed immediately.

   "What? The teleportation base is suddenly available?"

   "The sun has changed?!"

  The news the two received was quite astonishing, causing the researchers present to discuss it.


  Mu Xiaoxiao's expression changed, and he pulled Chen Ji and said, "Let's go outside and have a look!"

  Chen Ji couldn't laugh or cry: "We are now a thousand meters deep underground."

   "I'll take you up there!"

   Zhou Wan smiled lightly and held the hands of the two, and came to area C in one flash. After flashing again, the three of them had already stood on the ground.

  As soon as I raised my head, I saw the sun rising several times in the sky.

  The dark red halo emanating from the corona occupies almost half of the sky, and is extremely oppressive. The sun seems to be falling little by little, and the earth is about to be swallowed by a huge star.

  Chen Ji raised his head and stared at the sun, a feeling of rapid heartbeat, nausea and dizziness surged up immediately, and the dizziness disappeared after being purified with light and heat abilities.

   Around, the soldiers guarding the exit of the underground city also raised their heads to look at the sun. After staring for a while, many people were forced to cover their eyes, and tears kept streaming down.

  The huge dark red sun hangs high above the earth.

  The horror scene of doomsday is vividly interpreted at this moment.

   "Don't look at the sun for too long!"

  Chen Ji shouted to the surroundings, and patted Zhou Wan and Mu Xiaoxiao's shoulders to dispel their discomfort.

  The dark red sun is still expanding a little bit.

  The speed of growth could not be seen with the naked eye, but when they came back to their senses, everyone was horrified to find that the dark red halo of the sun had almost occupied the entire sky!

  People looked up, but they didn't feel the glare of the light.

  The dark red light is like a weak candle flickering in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time!


  Globally, people are becoming more and more frightened. Even though the sun can only give humans very little heat today, it is not even enough to melt the ice and snow covering the surface of the earth, but it is still extremely important!

  They still vividly remember the bone-deep cold three years ago.

  The weather of minus five degrees is very important to human beings!

   "Chen Ji, we..."

  Zhou Wan was very worried, she turned her head to look at Chen Ji, and saw him staring at the sun fixedly.

   Maien appeared again.

  She also looked up at the sun, listening to a special wave coming from above.

   After a long time.

  Chen Ji withdrew his gaze, and the dark red halo that filled the sky gradually shrank. After shrinking to a certain range, the moon slowly appeared.

  A huge flower bud appeared from the moon, and its twisted flower branches rose high, like a poisonous snake with its head raised, threatening the humans on the earth with coldness.


  Countless people lost their minds at this moment.

  They were shocked, but not too surprised.

  The black flowers grew on the sun at the beginning, and the seeds and petals it erupted spread to the entire solar system, and human beings found many traces of them on the earth.

   Black flowers appearing on the moon, it is very normal!

   It's just that it has been growing on the earth before, and it didn't stretch out its huge flower branches until this moment, and was exposed to the sight of humans on earth.

   Broke the fluke in the hearts of countless people!

   "This... Shadow of Chaos!"

  Zhou Wan took a deep breath, suppressed the trembling in her heart, and looked at Chen Ji again.

  He has the power to kill black flowers, and the empress Mu Xiaoxiao from the Nine Realms is also here.

  However, just beheading is useless.

   Need to solve it from the root cause!

   "Mr. Chen, Ms. Zhou!"

  The soldiers around looked over, their eyes full of anticipation.

  Chen Ji pondered for a while, then smiled and said: "It seems that our journey is indeed a sea of ​​stars. We must create a spaceship to carry warriors with supernatural abilities to fight on the moon and the sun!"


   Everyone was speechless at first, but couldn't help laughing.

  Thinking about it carefully, indeed, the current supernatural beings are already strong enough to survive in the space environment for a long time, and it is not impossible to land on the moon to fight.

  When human beings really wipe out the black flowers in the entire solar system, human beings will be able to walk out of the earth with their heads held high and step into the interstellar era!

  The key is, can humans build enough and good enough spacecraft?


  The riot at the doomsday base in Haishi lasted less than half an hour.

  After confirming that the black flowers on the sun and the moon have no further mutations, people quickly calmed down and continued to do their own things.

  Gao Liqun called Chen Ji and asked him his opinion on this change.

   "Spaceship? We have been researching this, and there are spaceships that can be launched at any time in the warehouse."

   "Forced to show up? That's right, the black flowers on the moon were originally hidden, but this time they showed up."

   "We will organize an operation to fly to the moon, but not so fast, discuss and study first, and then make plans!"

   "At present, Lin Zhiyang still needs to be caught immediately, he must be caught!"

   "Okay, you can ask for anything you need!"

  After the two parties hung up the phone, Chen Ji said to them: "We are not going back underground, we are going to look for a space crack, and see if we can catch Lin Zhiyang by the way."

  Lin Zhiyang probably knows where the space rift to other worlds is, and catching him is the fastest way.

   But this person is very cunning, there is no way to catch it at will, and he has to find space rifts in other ways.


  Zhou Wan looked at Mu Xiaoxiao: "You probably don't have time to act with us, do you?"

  Her Nine Domains also has a lot of things to deal with, and now is not the time when she wanted to cultivate.

  Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "Call me when you find someone. He has a Fragment of Destiny on him, and I can take it back."

  The Fragment of Destiny in this world has already sensed her, as long as she gets close, she can feel it.

  Chen Ji sent her back, and Ma Yien also returned to her body. When Chen Ji has a way to go to the sun in the future, he will go to see what attracts her on the sun.

  The two waited in the exit fortress. Soon after, Huang Yuwen and others went up to the ground. After some camouflage, two off-road vehicles quietly drove out of Haishi.

   "Brother Chen, what the **** is going on? This is really frightening!"

   Huang Yuwen, who was driving, said with lingering fear.

  Kong Xiaomin, the co-driver, glanced at him.

  Chen Ji in the back row smiled and said, "I told you before, you can't run away from the rocket pilot position!"

   "Hiss! To the moon?"

  Huang Yuwen gasped.

   "What do you think?"

   "MD really is! I knew it when I saw that thing, I am Cao, it is exciting to think about it, go to the moon to fight...Brother Chen, you and the captain must not go, right? It's too dangerous."

   "That's right. I told you not long ago that I would let you fly a rocket, but you firmly refused."

   "Uh, Brother Chen, it was not long ago for you and the captain, but for us, it was already three years ago. Hehe, we are also awesome, aren't we? Although we are still not as good as Brother Chen."

   "You are really good at bragging, and you still go to the moon."

  Kong Xiaomin gave him a supercilious look.

  Huang Yuwen patted his chest and said, with his current abilities, wouldn’t it be almost enough to fly a rocket? Go to the moon in the morning and come back in the afternoon.

  The couple flirts in the front row.

  Chen Ji held Zhou Wan's soft hand in the back row, and said softly to her, "Are you worried?"

   Zhou Wan clenched his hand tightly: "There are worries, but I believe that there will always be a solution to things, and human beings will not sit still."

  Chen Ji let out a "hmm" and sat quietly with her in the back row.

  The off-road vehicle drove all the way, and after going to a place where there was no one in the wild, it accelerated again. It ran more than a thousand kilometers in less than half an hour.

  Huang Yuwen's driving ability is really easy to use!

  Chen Ji and his party came to West City.

  Before the doomsday, this was one of the first-tier big cities in Xia, and its bustle and bustle was only slightly inferior to that of Haishi.

  After the doomsday, a doomsday base was also built here, but it was not located in the west city, but in a mountain not far away, under a hot spring. The base has been excavated to more than 2,000 meters underground and has a lot of geothermal resources.

  However, this time Chen Ji did not come to the West City to soak in the hot springs, nor did he go to the Doomsday Base.

   But it is in the west city.

   "Should we go directly to that company?"

   Chen Ji asked, lowering his head and flipping through the information in the phone.

   It is also magical.

  He found the information of those items from the North Pole of the martial arts world, and after sending them to Zhou Wan for people to inquire, there was no result.

  After all, even if the administrators and employees of the original production company of these items are present, they don't remember what was produced three years ago, let alone where to send the goods.

  But coincidentally, most of the data of these companies’ original warehouse items are stored on the cloud, that is, stored in the database of large companies.

  The database of a big company is placed in a mountain not far from Xicheng.

   At first, I still had no hope, but after checking, the database, hard disk, computer and other things of that big company were all poached by a person three years ago in advance, and they were preserved and put in an underground warehouse.

  Chen Ji came this time to find that person, named Wu Ruonan, who is a female wind-type supernatural power!

  (end of this chapter)

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