Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 249: party in the forest

  Chapter 249 The grand gathering in the forest

   Six hours later.

  Chen Ji and Zhou Wan came to the football country, and there is still no need for inspection when entering the country. After all, there is only one city left in the whole country. Most of the capable people have left here, and the remaining people are living in extreme shortage of supplies.

  Chen Ji didn't meet anyone else along the way. After entering the football country, there were only a few highways leading to the outside world, and he could barely drive.

  They didn't take the main road either, so Huang Yuwen simply activated his ability, making the car turn into water and hit the ground.

  Under such violent driving, even if the car is protected by supernatural powers, the people in the car will be jolted enough.

   When the car bumped into a small town, Chen Ji almost vomited.

   "Get out of the car first, there seems to be someone in front!"

  Chen Ji opened the car door and got out of the car, and helped Zhou Wan down as well, and the two of them leaned on the car to rest together.

   "Hey... No way, my ability can't do things beyond the driving tool, and the car can't change into an airplane."

   "Next time you fly a plane?"

   "It is possible, but there is no airport."

   While the two were chatting, a few figures appeared in the small town in front of them, looking around.

  This is already the edge of the tropical rainforest. A tributary of the Amazon River passes through the town, seventy to eighty kilometers away from the place where Maien was found.

  After entering this country, Chen Ji met no one else along the way. He didn't expect to see traces of people living here, and saw flames emerging from a distance.

   "Could it be related to Lin Zhiyang?"

   Zhou Wan looked cautiously at the small town ahead.

  Lin Zhiyang will not appear here for no reason, most likely he is with people from the Dark Doom Society, but he doesn’t know why they came to the tropical rainforest near the Amazon River.

   "Let's take a look first, just be careful."

  Chen Ji still has confidence in the strength of himself and Zhou Wan. The two of them are enough to deal with most difficulties.

  Others had no objections, Huang Yuwen, Huang Xiao, Kong Xiaomin and others all got out of the car and followed.

  Chen Ji walked ahead, and from a distance, he could see several men in dirty coats standing by the road under the dark red sun. When they approached, one of them shouted loudly:

   "Hey, are you here to pick us up?"

  He speaks English.

  Chen Ji's heart moved, and he replied in poor English: "Are you all here?"

  The rest remained silent.

   Nowadays, there are very few people who can drive in the wild, so it is not surprising that the other party admits their mistake.

  The man on the opposite side breathed a sigh of relief, and said vaguely: "Of course we all have to believe in the great dark god, but our children are too young to participate in the ceremony, so this time they stay, we just go along."

  Chen Ji learned several pieces of information:

  There are still people in the town, and the Dark Doom Society once came here and asked them to participate in some kind of ritual activity. The location seems to be deep in the tropical rainforest.


  Chen Ji pretended to be angry and snorted, making the few people on the opposite side silent. Even after Chen Ji approached, they did not dare to take the initiative to ask questions.

  Although they saw that Chen Ji and the others all had yellow faces, they looked a little strange, so they didn't dare to question it.

  Chen Ji looked at the appearance and attire of these people.

  They should be the indigenous race here, with dark skin and black hair, somewhat similar to the yellow race.

  However, these people seem to have some mixed blood, and their eye sockets are very deep.

  The clothes of several people are very simple, like homeless people, and their bodies are very thin, which is probably the result of not having enough food all year round.

   Chen Ji glanced at them, and these people all lowered their heads.

   "Do you guys still remember the location of the ceremony?"

  Chen Ji asked, "Can you go there by yourself?"

   Several people looked embarrassed, and one of them said: "Sir, there are many mutated creatures in the rainforest. We can't go deep into the rainforest. Can we go with you?"

   Sure enough, I went to the rainforest.

  Chen Ji asked a few more questions, knowing that they had received a promise from an emissary from the Dark Doomsday Society, that they could get what they wanted as long as they participated in one ceremony.

   Food, clothing, fuel, etc.

  As for why they were invited to go, they probably didn't know, and Chen Ji didn't ask directly.

   "Follow me."

  Chen Ji asked these people to use sleds and skateboards to tie them to the back of the car. It was a bit cold, but fortunately they didn't have to walk.

   "Thank you, Messenger!"

   Several people expressed their thanks one after another. The team member Zhu Gao took the opportunity to ask their names. He knew their names were David, Luis, Felipe, etc., and learned that they had been living in the small town.

   "Why do you have so much wood?" Huang Yuwen asked strangely.

   "There are many unmutated trees in the forest, we cut them down and burned them."


  Huang Yuwen patted his head, he was stupid.

David, who appears to be in his forties, explained with a distressed expression: "But recently our food has become less and less, and we have sent a few young people to the capital, but there is no news of them all. There are only more than forty people in the town now... "

  David said a lot, letting Chen Ji know how they lived.

  In the metropolis, post-apocalyptic people burn everything they can.

  But people living near the Amazon forest have enough firewood. As long as they are willing to go deep, they can still cut wood.

  However, there are only more than 40 people left in a town. It can be seen that many things have happened here, and most of the population has been lost.

   "Let's go."

  Chen Ji didn't feel sorry for them, he still let them stand on the skateboard and let the car drag them away.

  David and the others thanked again, stood on the skateboard, and pulled the rope tightly.

  The car started, and when driving past the small town, Chen Ji saw people in several houses and could hear children shouting, but the words were not in English.

   "They were shouting, Daddy, have a good trip, come back early."

   Zhou Wan acted as an interpreter, proving that David and the others should not have lied.

  Chen Ji smiled and said, "Do you know the language here?"

   "I have learned some Portuguese they speak~"

  Zhou Wan proudly showed off that almost everything she learned before the doomsday was useless.


  Chen Ji held her little hand and chatted with her in a low voice.

   Also pay attention to the outside.

  The off-road vehicle drove forward at a speed of 34 per hour. After driving for more than half an hour, the stumps on the ground turned into trees.

  The trees near the town were all cut down. If they want to collect wood, they can only go here.

   Fortunately, only the first four months were extremely cold, and the temperature in the next three years was minus five degrees, which greatly reduced the consumption of wood.

   "I haven't seen the forest for a long time."

   Zhou Wan held Chen Ji's hand, looked out the window, and said with a little emotion.

  She went to the earth, but in her own world, she has not seen the forest for a long time.

  Trees can only be seen in places where the land is sparsely populated.

  However, these trees are dead, and the leaves are blown away by the wind, leaving only the bare branches there, covered with ice and snow, the car lights shining past, and the forest is dark and cold.

   Once the largest forest on earth, known as the lungs of the earth, not only the trees have all withered, but the animals have also died or mutated, leaving only devastation.

  Like the current earth and the current human society.

  Chen Ji comforted her.

   An hour later, when David and the others were shivering from the cold, they finally saw lights ahead.

  The more the car drove forward, the more lights there were, as if a large number of people came from all directions, gathered in the depths of the forest, and held an unprecedented event.


   After seeing it clearly, Chen Ji was sincerely amazed, this is indeed a grand event!

  More than 500 vehicles were parked in a mess around, the forest was cleared out of a vast field, and tens of thousands of people surrounded a dark high platform in the middle.

   This high platform seems to be built with black wood, but the construction method is extremely rough, it is piled up randomly, and only a wooden platform is built on the top.

  On the platform, there was a huge black flower!


  Zhou Wan frowned. According to her understanding of black flowers, if this thing wants to survive, it must parasitize on the dead body.

  The black flowers on the high platform are so huge and bloom so coquettishly, which proves that it should also be parasitic on very large creatures.

   "Wait, Chen Ji, that high platform...!"


  Chen Ji nodded, "It should be a large tree that mutated and was killed."

  Zhou Wan calmed down: "What do they want to do? Just hold a ceremony?"

   "I don't know, let's go, let's take a closer look."

  Chen Ji pulled her out of the car and asked Huang Yuwen to find a random place to park.

Originally, he thought that when he came to the scene, people from the Dark Doomsday Society would come to question him, but he didn't expect that there would be no need at all. Tens of thousands of people gathered around the high platform casually, many of them looked wildly, screamed and chanted worship .

  The scene is messy.

  The gathering of tens of thousands of people, if it was before the end, the intelligence personnel of various countries would have known about it.

   But now it is the end of the day, and the people of the Dark Doomsday Society chose to hold the party in the inaccessible Amazon forest, which caused the matter to never get out.

   It is also possible that the people of the Dark Doom Society have done a lot of actions, and countries no longer want to track them.

  Chen Ji and Zhou Wan got in smoothly.

  Seeing that David and Louis were still following, he said casually, "You can move freely."

   Several people looked at each other, but still chose to follow behind.

  Chen Ji ignored them, and dragged Zhou Wan to walk among the crowd.

In addition to the members of the Dark Doomsday Society, there are many new believers like David. Chen Ji asked a few people and found that they all came here for a certain purpose, or for materials, or to join the group. .

   No one was arrested by force, which surprised Chen Ji:

   "Wu Ruonan also came here for a certain purpose?"

  He didn't see Wu Ruonan, nor Lin Zhiyang, there were too many people.

   "Maybe... let's go over there."

  Zhou Wan pointed to the temporary wooden huts under the high platform, and there were a few people wearing black teaching robes and severely deformed bodies watching outside.

  Chen Ji and her came nearby and observed the crowd carefully.

   There are people in the room, but I don't know if there are Wu Ruonan and Lin Zhiyang.

   "I don't feel well."

   Zhou Wan held his hand, said in a low voice, and looked around, "The environment is not very comfortable."

  Chen Ji hummed, "It seems that because of the presence of this group of people, the atmosphere here is different from that in the forest. If you can't stand it, just tell me, and I'll find another place to kiss you."

   Zhou Wan's face was a little red, it would be better if it was a kiss, but to let him take a picture with the light ball technique.

  The two walked around the site again, and finally confirmed that there is only one high platform and a few wooden houses here, and nothing else.

   "Brother Chen!"

  Huang Yuwen found him, and said in a low voice, "Shall we go to the wooden house to find Wu Ruonan? If she's here, she should know a lot of information."

  Chen Ji thought for a while, "How long will it take for the people from Grandma Luo's company to arrive?"

   "It should be fast, we walked slowly after entering the forest."

   "Wait for them and let them come forward. If you can't wait, call someone."

   "Call directly? Uh, yes, it's impossible to sneak into the cabin."

  Huang Yuwen had to wait patiently.

  Kong Xiaomin beside him was a little nervous. There were at least a thousand people from the Dark Doomsday Society here, and I don't know how many powerful people with supernatural powers were there.

  Chen Ji and Zhou Wan sat down on a tree stump and waited.

   Half an hour later, he saw the president, director, and general manager of Grandma Luo's company, that is, Cao Qing and the others, pushing through the crowd and walking towards the wooden house.

  Huang Yuwen stepped forward and quietly communicated with them.

  The two parties seemed to have reached an agreement. Cao Qing stood not far from the wooden house and called out, "Chairman, are you there?"

   Shouting like this in a noisy crowd is actually not too conspicuous.

   But the response he got was:

   "Get him!"

  A man's angry voice came from the room, and several members of the Dark Doomsday Society acted immediately, and quickly came to Cao Qing, stretching out their twisted palms and grabbing him.

Cao Qing's face darkened, and he didn't dare to get close to this group of severely deformed people. He dodged and dodged, but then, seven or eight people from the Dark Doomsday Society surrounded him, and more people in black robes looked over. .

   There is no escape.

   Unless Cao Qing also has domain-level abilities!

  The leaders of Grandma Luo Co., Ltd. all looked ugly.


  A woman's voice came from the wooden house again, but this time she spoke in Xia Guoyu.


  The ugly expressions of Cao Qing and the others turned into surprise in an instant.

   Their chairman is indeed in the house!

   But what's going on here? Is the chairman going to join the dark doomsday?

  In a wooden house in the middle, several people walked out.

  Headed by a thin man with black branches wrapped around his face, he couldn't see his original appearance. The black branches wrapped around his entire face and neck, revealing only a pair of strange eyes.

   "It's the bishop of the Dark Church!"

  Beside Chen Ji, Huang Yuwen's face also became serious, and explained that there are only four bishops in the Dark Doomsday Society. They are the most powerful people under the Pope, and their strength is unclear. Few people have seen them make a move

  The biggest characteristic of dark bishops is that they must carry black flowers on their bodies, but they will not be too polluted.

  For example, the bishop in front of him, the black flower branches on his face are entwined instead of growing in his body.

   "It looks a bit evil."

  Chen Ji nodded.

   It was Lin Zhiyang who stood beside the dark bishop.

   Black flowers also appeared on his face.

  Different from the dark bishop, the black flowers grew on Lin Zhiyang's body, extending from his neck to his face, and then a jet-black bud emerged from his forehead.


  Chen Ji was thoughtful.

   Lin Zhiyang and the dark bishop are side by side. Behind them is a tall and strong middle-aged woman. Judging from the eyes of Cao Qing and the others, it should be Wu Ruonan.

  In other wooden houses, other important figures from the Dark Doomsday Society, as well as invited experts from all over the world.

  The grand event has finally begun.

  (end of this chapter)

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