Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 280: Three thousand no, five for sure

  Chapter 280 There are no three thousand, but there must be five

  Everyone returned to their respective worlds.

  When Chen Ji returned to the main world, he chose to appear in Zhou Wan's large flat instead of his dilapidated rental house.

   "What are you doing here?"

  Zhou Wan just came out of the shower. When she saw him, a smile flashed in her eyes, but she urged him: "Go, go, I'm going to bed and come back, go find your Wanwan."

  Chen Ji called her Wanwan before, but after the little lady called her Xiaowan, the name Wanwan became exclusive to Da Zhouwan.

  She is Xiaowan.

   "Uh, angry?"

  Chen Ji didn't care that she was wearing a pajamas, and stretched out his arms to hug Zhou Wan's graceful white body exuding the fragrance of bathing into his arms.

  Zhou Wan shuddered, her cheeks blushed visible to the naked eye.

   didn't struggle either, and let him hug her, hugging and clinging to each other.

  However, she turned her head aside: "Why am I angry? You did a good job today, Da Zhou is also happy, and told you that you can sleep tonight..."

   "Still angry... No, wait!"

  Chen Ji looked at her in surprise: "When did you know about my agreement with her?"

   Zhou Wan blushed even more and began to push him.

Chen Ji hugged her even tighter, hugged her exquisite body, sat on the sofa, pinched her cheek with his index finger and thumb, threatened the big beauty in his arms and said: "Speak quickly! Is there some kind of relationship between you two? Something I don't know?"

Zhou Wan bit her lips and smiled, and pushed him with her white hands, "Go, go, your family Wanwan is afraid that she has been washed for nothing, and she is just waiting for you to hurt her, hum, she must be very happy today, you go In the end, I'm afraid she will cooperate with everything."

  Chen Ji was shocked by her boldness, and even suspected that she was Da Zhou Wan.

  Kissed her several times, and after arguing with her like a couple, Chen Ji was satisfied: "Then I'm going?"

  He could tell that Zhou Wan agreed with him to go—after all, she would feel the same in her dream, and she could only go on a date with Da Zhou Wan with her consent.

   "...go ahead."

  Zhou Wan covered her messy pajamas, covered herself, lay down on the sofa, and kicked him with her clean feet: "Tomorrow will come back."

  Her face was flushed with embarrassment.

  Chen Ji felt strange ripples in his heart, and almost wanted to bring her to the doomsday world, or bring Da Zhou Wan to the earth, so that the two weeks could lie together, making each other beautiful.

  The first time he dated Da Zhou Wan and his wife, the next morning, Da Zhou Wan urged him to come back and go to Xiao Zhou Wan's house to accompany her.

   This time, it's the same.

"wait me back!"

  Chen Ji bowed his head and kissed her tenderly, then disappeared into this world.

  Leaving Zhou Wan lying on the sofa, immersed in the intimacy with him just now, it took a long time to recover.

  I don't know how to sleep tonight.

   That guy Chen Ji and Da Zhou, I don’t know how long the celebration will be...



   "Xiao Ke! Come back and wipe it clean before going to play!"

  As soon as Chen Ji arrived at Zhou Wan's new dormitory, he heard her desperate and helpless shouts, a slender snow-white figure flashed in front of his eyes, and then he was embraced by a girl with black cat ears.

   "Chen Ji! You're here, meow!"

  The black cat girl, Xiao Ke, rubbed against his chest vigorously, making a cute sound of purring and meowing.

  Chen Ji's head buzzed.

  Xiao Ke obviously just ran out of the bathroom with bare feet, and Zhou Wan chased after her with a towel, which shows what she looks like at the moment.

   In addition, Zhou Wan just took a bath, and she should have taken a bath with Xiao Ke.

  Plus this time he came here because he had already made an appointment with Zhou Wan, under such circumstances, it was even more unbearable to be angry.

   "Chen Ji, you—"

  After seeing him, Zhou Wan was very happy at first, but soon noticed the current situation, and didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only shake the towel in her hand, and walked over to try to pull Xiao Ke away.

   "Xiao Ke, let go of your master!"


   "Hurry up, or I won't let you eat supper tonight!"


   During the tug-of-war, the two sat on the sofa in the living room, but Chen Ji was still forced to hug Xiao Ke and cover her body with a blanket.

   After giving her a ball of light, the naughty and disobedient cat finally calmed down.

   "What about tonight?"

  Chen Ji quietly asked Zhou Wandao.

  The two are like a couple who haven't seen each other for half a month. They want to go to bed early, but the child is still there, so they can only make eye contact.

   After all, it was only the second time for Zhou Wan. She was a little shy, her cheeks were rosy, and she pinched Xiao Ke's face, "Xiao Ke, it's time to sleep. Are you tired today?"

  Her previous dormitory is temporarily unavailable, and now she lives in this three-bedroom apartment in the underground city. Chen Ji and Mu Xiaoxiao each have a room.

  However, both of them seldom come to sleep, and Mu Xiaoxiao hasn't come here for a long time, so the room becomes Xiaoke's.

"Not tired!"

  The black cat girl rubbed against Chen Ji, "I want to sleep with him~"


  Chen Ji looked helpless.

   Zhou Wan had a delicate expression, and asked again: "Xiao Ke, your cat is not too young, you know that the male cat and the female cat are together..."

   "Know, give birth! Give birth to him!"

  The black cat girl answered her proudly in a crisp voice.

  Chen Ji and Zhou Wan were dumbfounded.

  Xiao Ke is a **** cat who either goes out to play around all day, or just lies on the sofa in her cat nest and wags her tail.

  Others, including Chen Ji and Zhou Wan, thought she was stupid and knew very little.

   But in the end, she seemed to have understood it a long time ago.

"…what to do?"

  Chen Ji looked at Zhou Wan, Xiao Ke in his arms raised his head, kissed him on the cheek, showing a big smile.

  Cute and mischievous, with cat ears, her tail is still wagging happily, hitting his thigh from time to time.

  Chen Ji's mouth suddenly became dry, and the anger in his belly burned fiercely.


   Zhou Wan turned her head away, her cheeks blushing: "It's up to you."

   Whatever me?

  Chen Ji was not polite, stretched out his hands, put his arms around her waist, one in each hand, and hugged her and Xiao Ke together.

  The blanket fell down, as if she knew what was going to happen next, the black cat girl's fair and cute little face turned red, as if she was drunk, she took the initiative to rub her face against Chen Ji's.

   One in each hand.

  Chen Ji led them into the bedroom and closed the door.

   I won't sleep tonight.

   All night.



  The second day.


  Zhou Wanyou woke up slowly, looked at Chen Ji with tired eyes, and then looked at Xiao Ke who was sleeping between her and Chen Ji, a feeling of warmth and happiness swept towards her.

  She didn't expect to be so crazy last night, especially Xiao Ke.

   "Greedy cat, don't want to get up today, take a good rest."

   Zhou Wan lovingly stroked the black cat girl's cheek, and after a while, she gently pushed Chen Ji awake.

   "Get up quickly."

   Zhou Wan hid under the quilt and smiled at him, "If you don't get up again, the one who didn't sleep well all night will wake up."

  She refers to...Little Zhou Wan?

  Chen Ji finally woke up, took a look at his phone, and found that it was only half past nine.

   And he and Zhou Wan had just slept together for less than five hours.

  If he didn’t have to look for little Zhou Wan, he could have accompanied big Zhou Wan until noon and then got up for lunch, but now he has to run around two worlds to comfort big Zhou Wan and hug little Zhou.

   "No hurry, just wait."

  Chen Ji stretched out his arms to hug her, and Xiao Ke was caught in the middle, and then turned around and continued to sleep.

   "...Okay, let's go."

  A moment later, Zhou Wan urged him again.

   "What is Wanwan going to do today?"

   "What else can I do, I was...tired by you last night, I will go out in the afternoon and help them clean up the tunnel. If I need me for some construction, I will try my best to help."

  Zhou Wan looked at him, "What do you want to say?"

  Chen Ji would not ask her such a question for no reason.


Chen Ji held her hand, looked at the ceiling while lying on his back, "Did you also dream about it last time? I bought a suite with Xiaowan, Miss, and Mu Xiaoxiao. It's pretty good. It's big. Lots of room."

  He made an exaggerated gesture.

   "There are a lot of rooms... and then what? Hey, you call Shumin a little lady?"

  Zhou Wan looked at him with a smile, and finally realized what Chen Ji called Xia Shumin in his heart!

  Chen Ji laughed.

   "Is it because there are not enough girls, and you want to drag me to live there?" She asked again.


  Chen Ji turned to look at her.

   Nearly four years have passed in the doomsday world. People have gotten used to this kind of life, and all necessary organizations have been established, and now they have controllable nuclear fusion.

  The rest is nothing more than finding a way to go to space and unlock the secrets of the sun step by step.

   Zhou Wan's spatial ability is still useful, but it can only be icing on the cake, not a timely gift.

  So, Chen Ji plans to take her to live on the earth, and the doomsday world will come back, and even let her come every day, just like going to work.

"What do you think?"

   Chen Ji asked her with a smile.

  Zhou Wan's eyes flashed with emotion, and she said softly: "How do you want me to answer? I don't want to thank you, but..."

  She leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

  Chen Ji raised his eyebrows, "It means, yes?"

   "Woo meow~"

  Xiao Ke who was pushed down made a protest sound.

Zhou Wan hurriedly retreated, put her arms around her to comfort her, and smiled at Chen Ji: "I agree...but I have to finish these things first, your house hasn't been renovated yet, right? Let Shumin renovate the garden, and when it's done, , let’s hold a check-in banquet~, let’s move in together!”

   Live in together!

   These five words are simply Chen Ji's final fantasy!

   Big and small Zhou Wan, little lady, Astana, maybe the Empress, or Meredith and Mina, and by the way, Xiao Ke and the little lady's maids.

   Living together in Chen Ji's new big house, just thinking about it makes people laugh.


  Chen Ji made a decision, and when the decoration is completed, they will live in together.

   It can be seen from his expression that he is looking forward to it. Zhou Wan chuckled and pushed him again: "Okay, your dream is here, go and coax Xiao Zhou!"

  Chen Ji's dream is three thousand beauties in the harem, Zhou Wan already knew it.

   There may not be three thousand, but there must be five.


   After bidding farewell to Da Zhouwan and watching her fall asleep again, Chen Ji returned to the earth again.

   He still returned to his penthouse duplex room in Xiao Zhouwan, and opened the door to the living room.

  She is not up yet.

   However, the door was not closed.

  Chen Ji gently opened the door, walked in, and saw Zhou Wan who had woken up on the bed and was watching with her mobile phone.

   The two looked at each other.

   Zhou Wan looked indifferent, and with a strong contempt, squinted at him under the quilt, gritted her teeth, and popped out two words from between her teeth: "Pervert!"

   "What pervert? How can there be pervert?"

"just you!"

  She was too embarrassed to say it, and even shy when recalling last night's dream.

  But this guy is full of

   "Me? Impossible, this must be a dream."

  Chen Ji rushed forward and hugged her together with the blanket.

   "Release quickly!"

   Zhou Wan punched and kicked him, making her messy hair even more messy, and was soon scratched by Chen Ji until she couldn't help laughing.

   Then, she was kissed.

   Half an hour later.

  Zhou Wan emptied her head, closed her eyes and panted lightly for a rest.

   "How is it? Are you feeling better?"

  Chen Ji hugged her, feeling the beauty that was different from Da Zhou Wan and belonged to her alone.

   "You're such a's been such a long time last night."

  Zhou Wan changed her pretentious indifference before, her cheeks were rosy, shy and coquettish: "Don't you have... cooling time?"

  Cooldown is a good word!

  Chen Ji laughed out loud, and said, "Don't you know that after traveling through the world repeatedly, my physical fitness can already beat ten?"

   "How much?!" Zhou Wan grasped the key words of the words.

   She clearly saw and felt the process of his one-on-one fight last night. Does he want more?

   "Well, I'm just a metaphor."

  Chen Ji quickly changed the subject: "By the way, I chatted with Wanwan just now, and she agreed to move in together after our house is decorated."

   "You let her leave the doomsday world?"

   "No, she can go back at any time, but come to live with us on Earth."

   "Well, that's fine."

A faint smile appeared on Zhou Wan's beautiful face: "She suffered a lot in the doomsday world, and her parents were also killed. I don't have many friends, and other relatives are not related. She doesn't have much to worry about when she stays in the doomsday world." , why not come and live with us."

  Living with us proves that she is also willing to live in it.

   Their growth experiences are very similar, so Zhou Wan used "I" in this sentence.

   "Xiao Wan." Chen Ji hugged her.

   "I'll find a time for her to meet my parents."


   "My parents will also be her parents."

Zhou Wan rubbed her arms in his arms, and continued: "I can recognize her as my sister... There is another advantage of recognizing her, that is, it can solve the problem that my parents don't recognize you, but you have to think about it, how to prove it to them?" Can you travel across the world?"


   Zhou Wan's topic jumped a lot. Chen Ji thought for a while before trying to understand the meaning of her words.

  Recognition refers to telling her parents that Da Zhou Wan comes from a parallel world.

   After getting to know each other, Chen Ji's ability to lead people across the world proves that he has the power to transcend the world, and the ethics and morals on the earth no longer restrict him too much.

   Moreover, Chen Ji has such power, he is completely worthy of the three thousand beauties in the harem.

   "It's easy to prove, the big deal is to perform a big transformation in front of father-in-law and mother-in-law."

  Chen Ji stroked Zhou Wan's face in his arms, and said softly: "In this way, my Xiao Wan will officially become my girlfriend, right?"

  Zhou Wan's cheeks were hot, "Let's talk about it after you have settled these matters... Since you are going to move in, shouldn't Shumin's renovation be put on the agenda?"

  Chen Ji was moved in his heart, and said with a smile: "You all leave the decoration to Shumin?"

   "I let my sister, can't I?"

   "Okay, of course, the big let the small, and the small also respect the big, that's good."

   "Hmph, where are you thinking?"

   "Whatever comes to mind, I just want to talk about it, not referring to the family atmosphere when we stay in the future."

   "The more you think about it, the more beautiful you become!"

   "Hahaha, my Xiaowan is more beautiful!"

   "Hey, what a love story."

  The two of them were as tired as a couple, Zhou Wan said that she couldn't sleep anymore, she got up and went to work, and she didn't need Chen Ji to accompany her, let him continue to accompany Da Zhou.

   After all, he just messed around with that black cat girl last night.

  (end of this chapter)

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