Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 284: Does Astana look good in this dress?

  Chapter 284 Does Astana look good in this dress?

  In the afternoon, Chen Ji brought Mu Xiaoxiao back to Earth.

  Before transmigrating, the empress shook off his hand and resumed her arrogant and indifferent appearance, making Chen Ji amused for a while.

   "Ah, Miss Mu is here~."

  After seeing her, Xia Shumin stood up happily, took the initiative to pull Mu Xiaoxiao to sit down, and showed her a stack of materials.

   "Are you decorating the house?"

  Mu Xiaoxiao picked up these drawings and looked at them, and found that they were all information about the house that Chen Ji bought before, and there were also some pictures about decoration.

   "Hmm, Miss Mu, which room do you want? My son asked me to decorate it recently, but I don't know how it should be decorated. I want to ask you..."

  Xia Shumin asked her opinion in a low voice, and her two maids sat on the chairs next to the sofa, watching their young lady "fight" with the two Mrs. Chen.

  Xiao Mu returned the information to her, shook his head and said, "I don't care where I live, as long as the decorator Shumin makes up his mind... Just call me Xiao Xiao from now on."

   "Oh... hee hee, it's Missy."

  Xia Shumin smiled slightly, then glanced at Chen Ji again.

  She already guessed it.

  Young Master went to Jiuyu for a day, and did nothing else, but went to talk to Mu Xiaoxiao.

   Legs crossed, Zhou Wan, who was leaning on the side and watching the phone, also raised her head and glanced at him.

  Chen Ji was slightly embarrassed by the eyes of the two, and hurriedly said: "That's it, Shumin is in charge of the decoration, we just wait to move in!"

   "I can't live."

   Zhou Wan muttered, but it was obvious that even Mu Xiaoxiao didn't believe her words.

   "Then... Sister Wan, Miss."

  Xia Shumin's cheeks were slightly shy, and he said: "Shumin will be in charge of the decoration... Hey, my son, there is one more person!"

  She suddenly thought that when she was at the intersection of the four worlds a few days ago, there was still an indescribable goddess who followed the young master all the time.

   "Astana? Or your sister Wan?"


  Chen Ji's words made Xia Shumin let out a small exclamation. With Miss Xiaowan by her side, she actually forgot another sister Wan who was in the doomsday world.

After thinking about it carefully, Xia Shumin himself forgot one person: "My lord, what about the goddess of starlight, sister Wan, and sister Mayen? Should I call them over and ask which room they want. "

  She called Mayen her younger sister.

   She is not the youngest~.

  Chen Ji summoned Ma Yien and asked her to chat with the little lady.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought of one thing, and asked, "Ma Yien, you said last time that you wanted to find another blind date for Chen Ji... Have you found other worlds? For example, the fiery red world you mentioned last time. "

  She looked at Zhou Wan. Last time, Zhou Wan and Chen Ji went to the Fiery World together, but it was a pity that they came back once.

   Zhou Wan shook her head at her, expressing that there would be no more news from the Flaming World.

  Mayen replied calmly: "I haven't found any other worlds, master, there are things Maien likes in the fiery red world~."

  She looked at Chen Ji and said this sentence, her tone was a little brisk.

  Chen Ji pondered for a moment, and said: "It's okay to find other worlds, but it's fine to have a blind date. It's enough to have you by my side."

  The three looked at him at the same time.

  Mu Xiaoxiao, who had been intimate with him just now and officially became his girlfriend, quickly looked away, a little blush appeared on her cheeks.


  Chen Ji changed the subject: "Mayen, I remember you said that there are things you like on the sun in the doomsday world, right?"

  The slender girl with white hair and red eyes nodded seriously.

   "Could it be that the fiery red world is the sun of the doomsday world?" Zhou Wan guessed.

   "I don't think so."

  Chen Ji said: "Before the fiery red world collapsed, we could breathe on the ground, the gravity was not very strong, and there was still ground to stand on. It was not like the sun at all."

  The Sun is a massive hot plasma star with no solid ground.

   Zhou Wan didn't stick to her guess either, now that Chen Ji can't go to the Flaming World to take a look, it's pointless to discuss it.

   "Then..." Xia Shumin was confused by what was going on in the fiery red world, and she said weakly, "My lord, ask Sister Wan and Astana what they think about the decoration and the room."

  Chen Ji didn't answer, picked up the phone and shook it at her.

  Xia Shumin blinked her big eyes, and after a long while, she suddenly realized, and hurriedly took out her mobile phone, pointed to the chat software, first found the gesture input method awkwardly, and then used her fingers to write characters on the screen.

  Seeing it, Zhou Wan couldn't help laughing, and said, "After finishing the decoration, Shu Min, how about learning pinyin? Ask the teacher to teach you, or go to's a private school."

   "Miss has gone to a private school!" Cuizhu interjected, and then whispered: "And miss will not go to study with male students..."

  She accidentally learned that most schools on Earth are attended by men and women together.

   It's just that the more she said this, the more she whispered. After all, it was my uncle who made the final decision.

   "Is Shumin going to school?"

  Chen Ji asked the little lady for her opinion.

   "I won't go to school."

  Xia Shumin politely refused, and she really didn't want to go to school with male students, so she begged: "Young master, Shumin can learn by himself, and it's not difficult to come up with these letters~."

  She is very confident in her talent.

  Chen Ji smiled and agreed to go to the tutoring market to find a tutor for her later.

after a little while.

   "It's settled like this!"

  Xia Shumin, who got the reply from the two people in the time-space group, was very happy, with a smile on his face, and said to Chen Ji: "Tomorrow, my son will bring the sister of Goddess Astana to the earth, and we will go to the house together~."

   "I'm going to work, so I won't go." Zhou Wan said.

   "Yeah, sister Xiaowan is going to be in charge of the store at home, and I'll tell you when we finish watching at night~"

   "The report is too exaggerated."

   "Hee hee, where's Missy?"

   "I'm not going either, I'll go to the doomsday world, and Da Zhou Wan will clean up the mutated creatures on the ground."

  Mu Xiaoxiao also saw the news in the group, knew what Da Zhou Wan was doing, and now she was eager to fight.

   "Okay, things are settled~"

  Xia Shumin announced that the first Chen family meeting was a complete success!

  With a smile on her face, she stood up quite happily, and walked briskly to the bookshelf by the French window to look for books. While taking out the books, she called out the names and asked Miss Xiaowan what books they were.

  "Introduction to Economics", "International Relations", "Introduction to Patent Law", "Management and Psychology".


  The little lady's eyes widened. She knew most of the words in these books, and she could guess the meaning of those who didn't. But she didn't understand many of the books on Miss Xiaowan's bookshelf.

  Chen Ji and Zhou Wan couldn't help laughing, Mu Xiaoxiao also walked over with a smile, took down a book, and read it with Xia Shumin.

   Zhou Wan remembered that in the doomsday world, this empress also loved reading at night, and often asked Da Zhou questions.

   As a result, four members of the family love to read books, so she had to tell Shumin to reserve a room as a study.

  Lv Zhu and Cui Zhu couldn't help but look at each other.

  Their young lady has the demeanor of a big lady, so there is no need to worry about her being wronged in the future.


   On the second day, in the Moon Garden of Shenen Continent.


   Astana, who had been waiting for a long time, threw herself into Chen Ji's arms excitedly when she saw Chen Ji's appearance, and looked up at him with soft eyes.

  The surrounding elves and An Liya also rushed over, surrounded Chen Ji, surrounded him and sat on the seat of God.

  Warm and fragrant nephrite, beauty in arms.

  Chen Ji's willpower was quickly worn down, and he almost agreed to the proposal of Meredith, the goddess of harvest, to dance for him again.

  As long as he agrees, he won't want to leave within a few hours.

   Too depraved!

  This beautiful moon garden has completely become his paradise, and he can come and enjoy their service anytime and anywhere.


  Chen Ji restrained himself, stopped their movements, and then the elves stopped regretfully, staring at him with pairs of watery eyes.

   "Astana, has the goddess communicated with you?"

  Chen Ji looked at Astana's forehead, where the goddess of light still resided.

  Astana was able to pray to the gods at the bottom of the church for so many years, it should be the remaining power of the goddess who protected her, otherwise she would have been eroded by the power of evil gods and lost her mind.

   "The goddess didn't enlighten me." Astana said regretfully.

  Chen Ji was not surprised either, perhaps an opportunity is needed to revive the goddess of light.

   "Where's Sisi? How are you doing recently?"

   "Everything is fine, Mother God. I have learned a lot, but I always want to see you."

   "Haha, I'm a bit busy this time, let's go down and see her next time."


  Astana softly made a suggestion: "What do you think about letting the Mother Goddess come to see you in the Moon Garden?"

  Chen Ji looked at them subconsciously.

   With these elves around, he watched their dances from time to time. If Sisi came up, wouldn't she teach her badly?

   "No, it's inconvenient."

   "God, there is nothing inconvenient..."

  Astana didn’t dare to say this. The new mother goddess of all things cannot be treated as an ordinary person. She has the authority over all things in the world. If she can feel the power of the Creator, maybe the entire continent will be purified.

  However, she also knew that God would not agree. At most, she would let the Goddess of All Things approach him.

   "Astana, are we going to Earth now?"

  Chen Ji invited her.

   Seeing that God was about to leave, Mina and the others looked pitiful, but they dared not say that they were not qualified to go to the kingdom of God.


Astana knelt at Chen Ji's feet, kissed his hand, with a joyful smile on her soft and holy face, and said: "Astana can be favored by God and be allowed to go to the kingdom of God. A divine favor that Stana will always remember."

  Such divine grace is the true meaning of Divine Grace Continent!

Chen Ji has known Astana for a long time, and he knew that this procedure was included in their **** worship ceremony, so he did not interrupt her chanting. After smiling and saying goodbye, he traveled to the earth with the Goddess of Starlight.

  The set location is Zhou Wan's home.



  The little lady's surprised voice sounded, Chen Ji looked over and saw her stunned appearance, and the two maids beside her also had the same expression.

  Chen Ji lowered his head to take a look, and was almost shaken by the snow-capped mountains at close range.

   Sure enough.

  Although the first time he brought Astana to Earth was not in that grove, the result is the same:

  The clothes from the Divine Continent conflicted with the physical rules of the earth. After Astana traveled to the earth, she lost all her clothes on the spot.


  Beautiful and holy, the tall and elegant Goddess of Starlight Order shyly hugged him tightly and buried her head in his arms, not daring to look up at anyone.

  Unfortunately, Chen Ji couldn't understand her words, so he could only put his arms around her waist and lead her to Zhou Wan's room.


  Xia Shumin's expression changed suddenly, and she hurriedly followed, watching the goddess Astana in sister Xiaowan's cloakroom. Under the young master's solitary gaze, the goddess became a lot calmer and asked something in a low voice.

  It's a pity that she can't understand the words of the star goddess sister.

   Fortunately, Maien can be used as an interpreter. After asking Zhou Wan in the group, Astana, with the help of Chen Ji, looked for clothes that she could wear from the closet.

  Finally, she chose a loose long dress to put on, and walked around in front of Chen Ji happily, leaving Xia Shumin at the door stunned.

   Such a beautiful goddess, no wonder the son likes it.

  In comparison, her body is much worse, neither tall nor big.

  Why does the young master like her?

  For a while, Xia Shumin was worried about gain and loss, Chen Ji took her hand, and she followed her out.

  In the hyperspace group.

  Zhou Wan suppressed a smile and sent a message: "You all come to Earth like this? Shumin, and Xiaoxiao too?"

  Mu Xiaoxiao: "..."

  Beside her, Da Zhouwan looked at her with a strange expression, making Mu Xiaoxiao wish she could go back to Earth and beat that guy up!

   What happened when she came to Earth was finally exposed.

  Zhou Wan said again: "If I knew last night that I can prepare clothes for you Astana, now I can only wait a while, and I will ask people to buy some sets of clothes and send them back. I think your height is 178?"

   There is Maien's translator in the group, which allows them to communicate without barriers.

  Chen Ji sat on the sofa, Astana sat beside him, took the initiative to hug his arm, and stood next to him.

The faces of the two servant girls, Lvzhu and Cuizhu, are still a little red. Astana's figure is far from what they can compare. She is tall and plump, graceful and graceful, and only the young lady can compare with her—although the young lady is a little shorter , but the skin is delicate and smooth, the skin is slender, and the temperament is elegant, no worse than this woman!

   "Mayen, do me a favor."

  Chen Ji called Ma Yien out and asked her to make a mobile phone software that could record and translate what everyone said, so that he could know what the other party said just by looking at the phone.

  The communication problem was finally solved.

   "Astana, sister of the Goddess of Starlight Order?"

  Xia Shumin tried to say something, and Chen Ji showed Astana the phone screen, so that she could see the characters of Shenen Continent inside and understand Xia Shumin's words.

   "Yes, my name is Astana, a faithful believer of God... Your name is Xia Shumin?"

  Astana smiled.

   The two have actually met several times, but they didn't have much time at that time, and now they are sitting down to get to know each other again.

   "Well, my name is Xia Shumin... What do believers mean? Worship the young master as a god?"

   "God is a great god...Are you God's wife?"


  Xia Shumin blushed quickly, glanced shyly at Chen Ji, and nodded shyly.

   "You, like me, are the Queen of God~"

  Astana took the initiative to chat and asked about Zhou Wan.

  During the conversation, Astana, who came to Earth for the first time, was less formal, and began to look at the decorations in the house.

   Seeing this, Xia Shumin took the initiative to drag her around the house, introduced her, and said that she would go to see the house later.

  An hour later, Song Yuzhu, Zhou Wan's secretary, delivered several sets of clothes. After seeing Astana, she was obviously taken aback.

  After noticing that Xia Shumin, a pair of twin girls in Hanfu, was still in the house, I was even more surprised.

  Why are there so many more girls in President Zhou's house...

   And they all surrounded Chen Ji!

  President Zhou's parents didn't know about this?

  Song Yuzhu didn't ask any more questions, and left here after remembering the beauties who surrounded Chen Ji.

   Fifteen minutes later.

Putting on a modern long skirt and a pair of exquisite ladies' shoes, Astana, who looked extremely tall and outstanding, walked out of Zhou Wan's cloakroom a little shyly, and stood in front of Chen Ji with her straight legs together, "God, Astana Does Tana look good in this dress?"

   Graceful and colorful, elegant and holy.

   More than just good-looking.

  Chen Ji even saw a small piece of black stocking on the leg of Goddess Starlight.

   Almost couldn't look away.

  Astana was even more shy, she took the initiative to snuggle up to him, and said coquettishly: "God..."


  Xia Shumin's eyes widened.

   For the first time, she felt a serious sense of crisis!

  Sister Goddess is so good at it!

  She doesn't understand anything, what should I do? Will the son still like her?

  (end of this chapter)

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