Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 287: leave the doomsday world

  Chapter 287 Leaving the Doomsday World

  Chen Ji went to the doomsday world again.

  In the underground city dormitory, Zhou Wan and Mu Xiaoxiao were already waiting for him, and there was another cat. After seeing him appear, it couldn't wait to rush over, hugged his neck and kissed his face fiercely.

   "Okay, Xiao Ke."

  Chen Ji comforted the black cat girl.

  After making kittens with her and Zhou Wan a few days ago, she seems to have become more clingy?

  Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at Xiao Ke, and had already guessed the truth. No wonder the cat always asked when the owner would show up these two days. When Chen Ji didn't come, she would lie lazily on the sofa in the cat nest.

   Several people sat down and chatted.

  Chen Ji learned that post-disaster reconstruction work is progressing steadily, and most of the ground has been cleared.

   "Come on, let's go out and have a look."

  Chen Ji turned Xiao Ke into a kitten and lay on his shoulders, and went out with Zhou Wan and Mu Xiaoxiao.

  In fact, you can see the changes from the balcony just now. The underground doomsday city has become bright again, and every household has also used electricity. The Internet, TV, radio, and maglev trains have all started to operate.

   Looking at the street again, Chen Ji found that there were several times fewer pedestrians than when he came to conduct nuclear fusion experiments last time. However, their faces were full of vitality, which was far from the despair and pessimism before.

   "Mr. Chen!?"

  Someone saw Chen Ji, and immediately shouted excitedly, causing the surrounding people to look sideways, and after confirming that it was him, they all rushed over.

   "Mr. Chen, have you come from another world?"

   "Thank you Mr. Chen Ji for bringing nuclear fusion to our world!"

  The news that Chen Ji came from another world has been officially confirmed by the official and spread widely, making Chen Ji the focus again.

   "Come on everyone!"

  Chen Ji hastened to get out of the way, otherwise the crowd would get bigger and bigger, and he would be more famous than a big star now.

  Zhou Wan brought a few people to the train platform and boarded the train to the ground.

  When Chen Ji passed the tunnel, he saw that many sections were still under renovation, but fortunately, traffic has resumed.

  Going up to the ground, the hazy sun shone down. Chen Ji looked up, and the sun in the sky seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, and the original evil feeling was much less.

   “A lot of people don’t want to be underground these days.”

Zhou Wan pointed to the front, "Look, there are many people building houses and opening up fields. It is estimated that more than half of the people will live on the ground in the future, but we will not give up on the underground. Before the end of the world is solved, the underground will not Obsolete."

  Chen Ji looked along her fingers, and found that many people were indeed busy working to rebuild their homes on the ground.

  With nuclear fusion, even if the sun goes out at this moment, human beings can survive.

  Chen Ji spent a day with them.

In the morning, I went to clear up the monsters. Mu Xiaoxiao drew his sword and came out to kill them randomly. He felt bored. At noon, he visited the space base and had lunch. He learned that the lunar combat plan was already being implemented, and the first ship is expected to be launched within half a year. Nuclear fusion-powered spaceships serve as combat bases in space. In the future, a steady stream of supplies will be delivered to the space base to fight monsters from the moon.

  Humanity will also take a firm step towards space.

  In the afternoon, Chen Ji returned to the dormitory with them.

   "Wan Wan, Xiao Ke."

  Chen Ji didn't sit on the sofa, nor did he leave, but turned to look at them.

  The black cat girl Xiaoke didn't know what he wanted to say. After turning back into a human form, she just wanted to curl up in his arms and watch TV. She even wanted Chen Ji to sit on the sofa, meowing and calling him master.

   Zhou Wan understood what Chen Ji meant.

  She hesitated and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao.

   "What are you looking at me for? You decide for yourself, whether to go to Earth or not."

  Mu Xiaoxiao snorted and glanced at Chen Ji with a smile in his eyes: "I won't live here often in the future, except for Xiao Ke, you are the only one in this world."

   "You will live in Chen Ji's villa anyway, right?"

   Zhou Wan said something that shocked Mu Xiaoxiao, and subconsciously asked, "How did you know?"

  Zhou Wan covered her mouth and laughed, her eyebrows and eyes curved: "I guessed it~"

  Mu Xiaoxiao returned to the doomsday world this time. Although she didn't say anything, Zhou Wan still felt different when she got along with her.

  For example, Mu Xiaoxiao has become more fond of makeup. Every morning when she wakes up, she will look in the mirror and tie her hair. After the battle, she will also pay attention to her appearance, which is completely different from before.

   In addition, every time Chen Ji was mentioned, she would seem to be particularly concerned.

   Isn't this the performance of something special happened with him?


  Chen Ji hugged the empress's petite body in his arms, and smiled at Zhou Wan: "Xiaoxiao will live with us in the future, so you too, Wanwan... hiss!"

  The empress pinched his waist again, blushing and dodging away.

   “…are you having a baby tonight?”

  Xiao Ke tilted his head to look at it for a long time, and then came out of his mouth: "Live together!"

  Zhou Wan and Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her together, dumbfounded.

   "Cough cough cough."

  Chen Ji quickly changed the subject: "Wanwan, follow me to my world!"

   The two looked at each other.

  Zhou Wan suddenly felt very nervous, and subconsciously looked at Xiao Ke: "What about her?"

   "Xiao Ke is also here, I can take her to the earth!"

Chen Ji picked up Xiao Ke who was acting like a baby in his arms, and smiled at her: "Xiao Ke, we are going to another world, do you want to go with us? Let me tell you first, after going to other worlds, you can't change Back to the kitten, it has always been in human form, so you have to learn to read, write, and put on clothes quickly!"

"don't want!"

  When the black cat girl heard that she wanted to read and write, she rejected it with a look of disgust.

  Chen Ji smiled again: "Then we will all be gone, just like before, disappearing for two or three years."

  The black cat girl suddenly opened her eyes wide.

  She recalled that the two had disappeared for a long time before, and she didn't even know that she could change human form.

   "Want to go?"

   "I want to go, I want to go too!"

  Xiao Ke hugged Chen Ji's waist tightly, expressing that she would also go to Earth.

  Chen Ji rubbed Xiao Ke's head, and looked at Zhou Wan.

  Mu Xiaoxiao also looked at her.

   Just wait for her to make a decision.

   After a long while, Zhou Wan laughed: "I was persuaded by you...Okay, I will go to the earth with you in the future—to live in your world."

  Chen Ji heaved a sigh of relief.

  The doomsday world has entered a period of steady development. Zhou Wan's stay in this world is no longer useful. It's time to take her away.

   "Shall we go now?"

  Chen Ji blinked at her.

   "Why are you in such a hurry? Things haven't been packed yet, this time I'm going..."

   Zhou Wan didn't know how to continue.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed out loud: "What else are you packing? He is very rich on Earth, and there has not been a doomsday there. There are far more supplies than here. Zhou Wan, you live in the past and ask him to give you a few hundred million first to buy a house." Let’s talk about buying a car~.”

  Chen Ji looked at the Empress, and said thoughtfully, "So little, how many millions do you want me to give you?"

  Mu Xiaoxiao blushed and found an excuse: "I'll be your bodyguard, but you won't pay me?!"

   Both Chen Ji and Zhou Wan laughed.

   "Okay, okay, after I go to Earth later, I will ask Ma Yien to apply for ID cards for you, and I will transfer a few billion flowers to you."

  Chen Ji doesn't know how much money he has in his card now, but it should be enough.

   "Don't mess around."

   Zhou Wan vetoed his proposal of hundreds of millions, she couldn't spend that much money.

   However, there is really nothing to clean up.

  She is in this world, except for Xiao Ke, there are not many other things worthy of nostalgia-of course, this does not mean that she does not want to return to this world, this is her hometown after all.

   "Then... go?"

  Zhou Wan looked at Chen Ji, her hands empty.

   There is no need to talk to the leaders. After all, she disappears from time to time, and the leaders are used to it. Besides, she will come back in a few days, not completely disappeared.


  Chen Ji smiled and said: "It's not that I can't come back in the future, I can go back anytime I want, even if you go to work, I don't mind the trouble."

   "Hmm..." Zhou Wan took his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder, the uneasiness in her heart gradually subsided.

  Chen Ji can give her the strongest sense of security.

  When she was hiding in the wine room at home, it was Chen Ji who saved her.

  Now she wants to follow Chen Ji to live in his world. Although she is a stranger, Zhou Wan is willing to go with him if he is with him.

  Going to Earth this time is completely different from exchanging time and space with Xiao Zhou Wan before.

   This time, she is equivalent to "marrying" into Chen Ji's house.


  Chen Ji stretched out his hand to Mu Xiaoxiao. The empress looked a little awkward and shy, but she still reached out to hold him.

  Chen Ji hugged the black cat girl Xiao Ke's waist again, and led them out of this world.


  By the Yellow River, Binjiang Emperor View Daping.

  Zhou Wan returned to this familiar house again. Although it was not hers, the location, floors, and some furnishings were all too similar to the large flat that her mother gave her.

  Outside the large floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see Haicheng, an international metropolis. There are many ships on the Yellow River, and the streets are full of traffic.

  She came from the flattened and dilapidated sea city to the sea city in the parallel world.

  In the future, she will live here with Chen Ji, and the doomsday world is just a hometown in need of help for her.


  Xiao Ke turned her head left and right to look around, the cat ears on her head were shaking back and forth, listening to all the sounds around her, her expression became a little nervous.

   This is a world that is completely unfamiliar to her. She no longer remembers what the world before the end was like. For her, the end is normal.

   "We will live in such a house in the future, do you like it?"

  Chen Ji smiled, and pushed her so that she could have a stroll around. This cat likes to sneak out and play around.


  Xiao Ke meowed at Chen Ji and hugged him tightly, not daring to walk away.


  Zhou Wan finally realized something was wrong, touched Xiao Ke's head, and looked at Chen Ji in surprise: "Why does Xiao Ke have cat ears?"

  Chen Ji realized that, indeed, after coming to Earth, even the empress and goddess lost their strength, let alone a mere cat.

  But the current Xiao Ke not only has cat ears, but also a cat tail, which is fluffy and can move. When Chen Ji went to touch her tail, she even slapped his palm twice mischievously.


  Ma Yien emerged from her body and explained to Chen Ji: "Her genes are basically the same as human beings, except that she has cat ears and tails, so she can have kittens with her master."

  Chen Ji: "..."

  Mu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes at him again, and pulled Xiao Ke away from him.

   Zhou Wan covered her mouth and laughed straight away, her mood relaxed a lot.

  She took out her mobile phone, asked Chen Ji for Xiao Zhouwan's number, and called her.

"Guess who I am?"


  Little Zhou Wan was silent for a while, "Are you willing to come and live here?"

  Zhou Wan chuckled lightly, at the age of 24, she was indeed much colder.

   "You and Chen Ji come to pick me up, and after dinner at night, go shopping." Xiao Zhouwan said.

   "Go to your company?"

   "It's yours too."

   "Well, I don't mind, but are you really sure that it will be okay for two Zhou Wan to appear together?"

   "I said it's okay, but you still can't guess what I want to do?"

   Zhou Wan laughed again.

  The two know the basics, and the conversation is very interesting.

   Zhou Wan solemnly thanked Xiao Zhou Wan, because she knew the decision she had to make.

  The two Zhou Wan appeared together in the company, and then appeared together in front of Xiao Zhou Wan's parents, allowing her to recognize her parents and truly integrate into this world.

  When going out, after the car drove out of the car, Xiao Ke lay on the car window, staring out of the window, Zhou Wan had to put her arms around her waist to prevent Xiao Ke from running out of the car suddenly.

   She can do this in the doomsday world, but on Earth, this is a fatal act.

   "Zhou Wan... There are so many people here, and so many cars!" Xiao Ke stared out the window, and she finally realized that this is a strange and novel place.

   "So you have to be obedient, do you hear me?"


   "Don't meow, say you heard!"


   Come to the company.

  When the 28-year-old Zhou Wan appeared in front of the employees of Siwei Chaoshui Technology, the group of people didn't respond. At most, when they called the chairman, they also called the president hello.


  Secretary Song Yuzhu, who had just come out of the president's office to report work, suddenly froze, staring straight at the 28-year-old Zhou Wan.

   Immediately afterwards, she quickly opened the door and took another look inside the office.

   "Still, the president is still in the office...but why is there a president outside?!"

  Song Yuzhu muttered to herself in shock.

  The two Zhou Wanbi are more similar than twins. After all, twins will have differences in appearance when they grow up, but the two presidents inside and outside the office have only very slight differences, almost exactly the same!

   Of course, the temperament is definitely different.

   Waiting for Zhou Wan in the office to also come out, and after standing together with Zhou Wan outside, the two of them have a graceful figure of more than 1.7 meters, which makes everyone in the company stare blankly.

   "I, Cao, two presidents?!"

   "What's the situation? The president actually has a twin sister?"

   "Hiss, this sister seems to have a relationship with the chairman..."

  People in the company became a sensation.

  Xiao Zhou Wan wanted this effect.

  She didn't explain too much, and after talking to the secretary, she left with Chen Ji and the others.

   Just wait for things to ferment slowly, another incident of her appearance will sooner or later reach the ears of her parents.

  Now she just needs to make arrangements for the big week and let her stay.


  Going shopping, buying clothes, buying jewelry, and changing mobile phones, Zhou Wan even bought a BMW for Da Zhou. The salesman will deliver it to her home after a while, so she will use her car now.

   "Repay me when you have money, and you will continue to invest in the future?"

  After buying the car, Xiao Zhouwan asked her.

   "It's not impossible. I do investment and acquisitions. I am very familiar with this. You can help Chen Ji continue to manage his company."

   "Okay, let Chen Ji give you some shares, and you come to the board of directors."

   "No problem~"

  Chen Ji and Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't get in the conversation.

  Both Zhou Wan are top-notch business elites. The younger Zhou Wan’s experience is a little immature, but she has already gotten acquainted with Chen Ji’s Four-Dimensional Hyperspace Company, and she will continue to be in charge of this work in the future—Chen Ji will continue to be the hands-off shopkeeper.

   And Da Zhouwan didn't meet Chen Ji before the end of the day. She worked step by step, turning her hands into clouds and rain in the investment field. If she wants to make money in this world, continuing to invest is the fastest.

  The funds come from Xiao Zhou Wan and Chen Ji, so she can do it freely.

  With the ID card, and the future job is confirmed, Da Zhouwan has integrated into this world more.

  In the evening, Chen Ji watched TV with them in the living room.

  Xiao Ke finally became lively and started to wander around, very satisfied with this new home.

  Xiao Zhou Wan saw her for the first time, and liked her very much. She accompanied the cat up and down the stairs, and played around for a long time. When she pinched her tail, Xiao Ke laughed and avoided it.

  Mu Xiaoxiao ran to get a book from the bookshelf by the floor-to-ceiling window, and lay comfortably on the sofa to read.

   Zhou Wan snuggled up to Chen Ji, watching TV with him quietly.

  At this moment, she was extremely happy.

  She can finally fall in love with Chen Ji in the normal world. In the future, she will go on dates with him in many places. Everything she wanted to do before can now be done with him.

  Chen Ji is also enjoying the current atmosphere.

  Take out the mobile phone, facing Xiao Zhou Wan and Xiao Ke who are playing around on the stairs, press the video button, take a short video in a circle, and send it to the group.

   You can see it when the little lady wakes up tomorrow.

  As for Astana, she quickly saw and responded, looking forward to coming to Earth next time.

  At night, Zhou Wan had the most peaceful sleep since the end of the world.

  She lived on the earth for three days, and after getting used to the life here, she decided to go back to the doomsday world to take a look.

   She worried that after losing contact, the doomsday world would pass for a long time.

  (end of this chapter)

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