Blind Date In Time and Space

Chapter 289: sun disaster

  Chapter 289 Sun Disaster

   "The fiery red world is the sun?"

  When Chen Ji and Zhou Wanmayen boarded the spacecraft, he sent relevant information to the hyperspace group. Mu Xiaoxiao and Xiao Zhou Wan who were on the earth were immediately attracted by this information.

   "Yes, Chen Ji and I are now going to board the spaceship. This ship is very exaggerated. Let me show you the [picture] [picture]."

  Before boarding the Kuafu, Zhou Wan picked up her mobile phone and took two pictures of the spacecraft.

  Soldiers in space suits around looked at her more, as if they wanted to stop her, but their captain enthusiastically introduced her, and they had nothing to say.

   "Spaceship? Or a spaceship that landed on the sun?"

  On the earth, little Zhou Wan's curiosity was aroused, and she raised her eyes to look at Mu Xiaoxiao.

   "Xiao Xiao, shall we go together?"

   "Okay, but you have to ask him first."

  Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't want to admit that she really wants to take a look and see what the spaceships in science fiction on Earth look like.

  If it’s cheap, she can find a way to get one and drive it herself, or ask Maien to drive her to space to see.

  Xiao Zhouwan seemed to see through her mind, smiled narrowly, picked up her mobile phone to send messages in the group.

   "You and Xiaoxiao are coming?"

  On the sun, Chen Ji thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Alright, come here now, just let Xiaoxiao see the masterpiece she made with one sword!"

   After Maien gained more energy, traveling now has become very simple.

   Following the appearance of two white lights that seemed to distort space, Xiao Zhou Wan and the Empress appeared in the doomsday world, standing in front of Chen Ji.


  A group of young soldiers were startled, and the guns in their hands were aimed at them.

   "What are you doing? Put away your weapons!"

Huang Yuwen quickly stopped, and boasted about Chen Ji and others, and solemnly introduced with his hands: "The five people standing in front of you are the saviors who saved the world back then. The tree, and all the technologies and materials related to nuclear fusion, are all from Brother Chen, the two Miss Zhou Wan, Ma Yien, and Mu Xiaoxiao!"

  The soldiers around showed stunned expressions. They were generally not more than thirty years old, and they didn't know much about what happened 25 years ago.

  However, they know the existence of the savior Chen Ji and others!

   It's just that they didn't expect the savior to be so young and suddenly appear on the sun.

   "Well, it's not that exaggerated."

  Chen Ji was modest, and was about to continue to say something, suddenly.


  A huge vibration came from the ground, and the sky suddenly burst into a dark red light, like the aurora at the north and south poles of the earth, which was unpredictable and filled the entire sky.

   "No, Chen Ji! Let's leave!"

  Little Zhou Wan, who had experienced it once, immediately recalled the horrible disaster when she and Chen Ji were trapped in the fiery red world, that is, the sun.

   "Huang Yuwen, hurry up! Get your people on board and get out of here immediately!"

  Chen Ji shouted at him.

  Now Chen Ji can take Zhou Wan and the others away, but this huge spaceship and the soldiers on board cannot be taken away.

  Actually, it is safest to let the spaceship rush into the small canyon of Muxiao, which is where she stood out with a sword, and the canyon is calm and calm.

  But Chen Ji didn't think of it because of the huge spaceship in front of him, and Xiao Zhou Wan didn't think of it either.

   "Understood, everyone returns to Kuafu immediately!"

  With a wave of Huang Yuwen's arm, everyone was enveloped by a white light, and they were involuntarily brought onto the spaceship by a force.

  After Zhou Wan reacted, she used her spatial ability to bring Chen Ji and the others to the door of the spaceship. After taking another look at the structure inside the spaceship, she continued to flash into a hall to make room for the people behind.

   "Warning, warning, an unknown power fluctuation has been detected, it is recommended to open the protective cover immediately to resist the coming impact."

   "Warning, following the captain's order, the spaceship is about to enter overspeed mode, everyone pay attention to protection."

  Alarms sounded from all over the spaceship. In less than thirty seconds, the huge spaceship was lifted into the air, and a large amount of flames spewed out from the bottom, scorching the ground, making the sun somewhat original.

   But it was too late.

  The red surface began to crack, and black and dark red airflows spewed out, soaring into the sky, knocking the spaceship into constant shaking.

  The soldiers around were well-trained, but they were still pale with fright when they saw this scene.

   Before such a disaster, they can hardly do anything!

   "Full power up!"

  Huang Yuwen let out a roar, with bulging veins on his neck, and a powerful supernatural ability emanating from his body, manipulating the Kuafu to ascend.

  But the disaster outside is getting more and more terrifying.

  A large amount of black-red airflow is ejected from the inside of the sun, the sky is full of high-speed turbulence, and gravel and sand hit the spacecraft.

  If it was the technology of the earth 25 years ago, the spaceship would not be able to hold on for a second before it was blown by the strong wind and fell to the ground.

  But even with the current technology, coupled with the support of Huang Yuwen's driving proficiency, the Kuafu is still crumbling.


  Mu Xiaoxiao took the initiative to shake her head, expressing that her ability could not help the current situation. She looked at Chen Ji: "Unless you open the space channel for me and let me borrow the power of the Nine Domains."

   "Is the Fragment of Destiny still there?"

   "Yes, I have it!"

  Zhou Wan always takes them with her, even when she goes to the earth. According to the physical laws of the earth's universe, the fragments of destiny can't exert any power on the earth.


  The disaster did not stop because of the conversation between Chen Ji and the others. The main control computer of the spaceship issued a harsh alarm sound again, indicating that part of the spaceship was severely damaged, and the energy of the protective cover was reduced to 35.6%.

"Oh shit!"

  Cold sweat broke out on Huang Yuwen's forehead, and the soldiers around him were also very nervous. Some people started to take out their recording equipment and leave their last words to their families.


   Maien, who has always been quiet, suddenly said: "I can control the spaceship, and there is a certain probability to get out of the current predicament. Do you want to execute it?"

   "Okay, Maien, you control the spaceship!" Before Chen Ji could speak, Huang Yuwen at the side immediately agreed.

  He is one of the few people who knows what happened back then, and he has also been to the intersection of the four worlds. He also knows that the artificial intelligence currently used by humans is still created by Mayen, without any iterations.


  Seeing that Huang Yuwen, the captain, agreed, Chen Ji allowed Ma Yien to operate.

next moment.

   "Warning, the spaceship has encountered information intrusion... The verification has passed, and the highest authority of the spaceship has been successfully replaced. The current highest authority is Chen Ji. All units are requested to obey the orders of Captain Chen Ji."

  On the Kuafu, a large number of staff members looked at each other in blank dismay.

  They didn't know what happened at all. While waiting for Captain Huang Yuwen's order at their respective posts, the highest authority of the spaceship was suddenly seized.

   "Chen Ji?!"

  Some scientific researchers in their forties and fifties showed doubts on their faces.

   They all remembered the name.

  Twenty-five years ago, it was Chen Ji who brought controllable nuclear fusion to Haishi and to the whole world, allowing human beings to get rid of their dependence on the sun, and almost return to their pre-apocalyptic life, or even better.

   "Mayen." The storm outside the spaceship was still going on, Chen Ji ordered in a deep voice: "Do as you imagined!"

   "It's the master."

   Maien spoke lightly, and immediately took over everything on the spaceship.

  Huang Yuwen subconsciously said: "Can I help you? Can you operate a spaceship?"

  He was in a hurry to go to the doctor just now, but now that Ma Yien really controls the spaceship, he can't help but get nervous again.

  There are hundreds of crew members on board, and Kuafu is the only star-class spaceship, which can almost be said to be built for him, and only he can drive it.

   "Where's Captain and Brother Chen?!"

  A few people came running from the entrance of the hall, and Zhou Wan vaguely recognized them as members of her team, Kong Xiaomin, Zhu Gao, and Guo Pengkai. They also followed Huang Yuwen to participate in this sun-exploring operation.

   "Get ready, everyone hold on tight."

   Maien issued a warning to everyone on the spaceship through the radio in a calm tone.



  The engine vibrated tremendously, and the Kuafu exploded with powerful force, fighting against the surrounding storm, soaring into the sky!

  In less than a minute, the spaceship escaped from the most violent storm and debris attack range on the ground, and went up to the sky.

  Huang Yuwen, as well as the members of Zhou Wan's team, finally felt relieved.

  Mayen can’t create something she doesn’t understand out of thin air, but if this thing has already been created, her learning ability is quite amazing. After entering the spaceship’s main control computer, she quickly mastered the various functions of the spaceship.

   "It has to be Brother Chen!"

   Huang Yuwen, who has reached middle age, heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Of course, Miss Mayen, and the captain, you are also very helpful!"

   Zhou Wan smiled, but didn't say anything.

  She has already noticed the changes brought about by the change of time. Although her team still recognizes her as the captain, there is a huge difference in appearance and age between her and Kong Xiaomin and others, and she can no longer get along as good friends as before.

  Chen Ji took the initiative to ask Huang Yuwen: "I see from your previous performance, have you ever seen such a disaster on the sun?"

  As the captain, Huang Yuwen actually docked the large spacecraft on the ground, which shows that he did not realize that there would be a disaster.

   "No, never seen!"

Huang Yuwen smiled wryly, "We have launched solar satellites a long time ago to observe the changes on the sun, but in the past 20 years, except for a few sunspot-like activities, we have never seen anything like this... simply It's like the sun is going to nuclear fusion again!"

  Chen Ji nodded, he had too many questions to ask, let's see what the doomsday world has experienced in the past 25 years.

  But there are too many questions, but I don’t know where to ask them.

   "Chen Ji."

  Xiao Zhouwan looked at him, "I wonder if it was me or our arrival that caused this disaster, why don't I go back with Xiaoxiao first?"

  The Kuafu is still climbing, and it can be seen through the external camera that the earth-shattering on the surface of the sun is still going on, the bottom is chaotic, and the surface is full of dust and gravel.

   "You go back first, and if it doesn't work, I will go back." Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at Chen Ji and said, "If you are in danger, go back first."

  She cared about him.


  Chen Ji agreed and sent Xiao Zhou Wan back first.

   Half a minute later.

   "The storm is gradually subsiding!"

   A staff member who was staring at the screen in the hall shouted, making everyone look at Chen Ji and the others.

   Now there is no doubt, it is precisely because of the arrival of people like Chen Ji that the sun has changed.

   Is it good, or bad?

   "Brother Chen."

Huang Yuwen held his chest with one hand, and touched his chin with the other hand, "Do you think that the disaster just now was deliberately aimed at us and wanted to kill us... That is to say, what we guessed back then was behind the scenes on the sun Black Hand, it's possible that he sensed Brother Chen's arrival!"

  Chen Ji had a weird face, "This guess is okay, it seems that you have grown a lot these years."

   "Hahaha, people will grow up!"

  Huang Yuwen smiled heartily.

   "Behind the scenes..."

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, came to the screen, looked at the image captured by the external camera, and said: "According to my understanding of the stars in the earth's universe, if the sun is underneath, then the laws here, or some physical rules have been altered to produce solid ground, oxygen, and a low-gravity environment."


Huang Yuwen gave her a thumbs up, "Miss Mu, your few words are equivalent to our ten years of research... When we saw the sun so weird on the solar satellite, we couldn't believe it. Later, we studied it for a long time and launched a large number of The sun-climbing probe finally confirmed one thing:

  The world on the sun is different from the world on the earth! "

   "Different?" Chen Ji looked at him.

"Yes, to put it simply, the sun has been dragged into an unknown space. In the space, it does not undergo nuclear fusion, but we can see sunlight on the earth, and the sun has become a habitable planet. different."

  Chen Ji and Zhou Wan felt dizzy after hearing this.

  This is simply incredible.

  Mu Xiaoxiao is very calm: "I guess it is a certain existence on the sun that transformed the sun into this way, find it, kill it, and the problem is solved."

   Zhou Wan smiled, it seemed that this doomsday had finally seen the dawn of the end.

   "I disagree with your opinion!"

   Someone stood up and said indifferently: "Now human technology has been deeply related to this doomsday. Once the doomsday is over, human society is likely to fall into great chaos. Therefore, we must be cautious about everything on the sun."


  Chen Ji and Zhou Wan looked at him in astonishment, and Mu Xiaoxiao also frowned, squinting at him.

what's the situation?

  Chen Ji couldn't understand that people in the doomsday world dreamed of ending this doomsday, returning to their previous life, going up to the ground again, and seeing the warm sunshine.

   But after twenty-five years, there are people who are openly opposed to ending the end times?

   "Qiu Liang, shut up the fuck!"

Huang Yuwen shouted angrily: "I allow you people from the Supernatural People's Association to board my boat. I don't want you to kick my nose in the face. Your Supernatural People's Association counts as a ball. Dare to be in Brother Chen, the captain and Ms. Mu?" Talking like this in front of you? Do you know that the ability you used was brought by the three of you?!"

  Qiu Liang from the Abyss Association sneered, turned and left.

   "The captain is back, yet the Association of Supernatural Beings still dare to be arrogant!"

Kong Xiaomin, who was already married, walked up to Zhou Wan and carefully looked at her, the captain whom she hadn't seen for 25 years. The events of that year flooded into her mind, and she didn't know what to say for a while, so she just called out "Captain" again. .

   Zhou Wan smiled at her, then looked at Chen Ji.

  It seems that the doomsday world has undergone tremendous changes in the past 25 years.

   "Let's go, Brother Chen, let's go to the conference room to talk again. I have reported the matter to the headquarters and asked them to go to the association of supernatural beings!"

  Huang Yuwen warmly invited.

  Although Chen Ji has actually become the highest authority of this ship, he knows that Brother Chen doesn't care about a spaceship at all, and he doesn't even want to give it to Brother Chen for nothing.


  Chen Ji stopped, looked at Huang Yuwen, and pointed to the ship: "Huang Yuwen, is it difficult to build your Kuafu? Can our previous merit points still be used?"


  Huang Yuwen was stunned.

   "I want one!"

  Chen Ji smiled heartily, and glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao.

  The empress blushed, remained silent, did not object, and looked forward to it.

  She also wants spaceships.

  Chen Ji obviously remembered how she looked up at the starry sky and circling with emotion when she first came to Earth, that's why she wanted a spaceship.

   This is a gift Chen Ji wants to give her.

   "Merit points?"

  Kong Xiaomin and the others looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

   This was more than twenty years ago, and it is no longer used.

  Of course, no one can take away the contributions made by Brother Chen, the captain, and Mu Xiaoxiao. The three of them have the highest merit points in the world, and it is more than enough to change a spaceship.

   It seems that Yang has recovered. I breathe hot air, my head is dizzy, and my feet are cold. Go to bed early tonight and see if I can recover tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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